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Everything posted by RicoTranzrig

  1. [COLOR=darkblue]Siren: I hate it when you guys talk telepathically...I wanna know what you're talking about... Chole: Don't worry, you're not missing much. Iris: Everyone is battle capable except maybe for Roux and Rena... Chole: We can work on Rena...but I don't know about Roux...he's seriously ill and Selen doesn't realize that... [i]Chole looks into the campfire...[/i] Iris: WhatCHA thinking about Chole? Chole: Where we're going...why all of this is happening...why we're all here... Iris: We could escape the burdens and live our lives in peace. Chole: But that would be betraying our own kind. We have to go back for them. Iris: Not now though... Siren: *Gets up* Ahem...Rena...let's get you a nice spot to sleep. Rena: Okay... Siren: I'll leave you two alone to chat. Chole: Okay...night... Night: Huh? Chole: Nothing...just saying goodnight... Night: :sleep: Iris: Ha... Chole: What? Iris: You're kinda funny...in a wacky sort of way. Chole: :therock: Iris: I'm gonna miss Meteo City... Chole: We'll be back...someday. Iris: *Looks at Chole and then into the moon.* I wonder what the future will hold for all of us...[/COLOR]
  2. I think 2 was easiest since it still ran on the PSone and you can pop manuals and chain them to boost your scores like crazy. Yeah, THPS1 was the hardest since you couldn't do much besides specials and rail combos for high scoring points. THPS3 was sorta in the middle since you could pull off manuals and inverts but it went really, really fast...
  3. [COLOR=darkblue][i]Chole stands on top of a building overlooking the great and magnificent techological city of Solhara...he sits, holding his rifle in one hand and his shoes in another. It's been a long night of pillaging and stealing. He was a theif...no doubt about that. Only preying on unsupecting rich men and women.[/i] Chole: Time to go home... [i]Chole puts on his shoes and concentrates for a little while. He puts on his helmet set down beside him and activates his body suit. 4 inline wheels materialize at the base of his shoes and take full form. He breathes in and skates down the slope of the building. He jumps and turns sideways, slowing him down just enough to safetly land on the city streets. He conceals his rifle via a cloaking device and blades back home near the center of Solhara...[/i][/COLOR]
  4. [COLOR=darkblue]Lupos: Hey, who's Sion? Siren: ... Lupos: Shaky past? Siren: You could say that...but I don't wanna talk about it. [i]Neil sits down on the couch of Siren's old living space.[/i] Espa: Are you going to confront him? Siren: Our buisness is settled... Lupos: Then why are you still pissed off... Espa: Yeah, and now I'm getting pissed off...[/COLOR]
  5. [COLOR=darkblue]Chole: Give it here... [i]Siren tosses the file...[/i] Siren: It's lengthy... Chole: I'm done. Siren: okay... Chole: It's just the testimony of a woman hybrid named Siren a while back. Siren: Yeah, I said that already. Chole: Well, it explains further why the kidnappings were taking place. She says... [i]"I guess they wanted to play God..."[/i] Liam: Just out of curiosity...[/COLOR]
  6. [COLOR=darkblue][i]Chole takes out his blade and starts walking around...torches line the tunnels and a nice smell is coming from a distance. A good smell to Chole anyway...[/i] :confuse2: Chole: Hello!? [i]He hears whispers and rattling of feet nearby[/i] *Gulp!* *SLAM* Chole: :sleep: [/COLOR]
  7. [COLOR=darkblue]OOC: You think I should hold a special session on creative writing for people with writer's block? ~~~~~~~~~~~~ [i]As Chole advances towards Selen...she trips on a piece of scrap metal and collapses to the floor...[/i] Chole: :eek: *Runs over and catches Roux* [i]Siren and Iris run over to Selen...[/i] Iris: Are you alright? Siren: She's not...*Checks her body before lifting her up* Iris: Night! [i]Night and Liam peek through the ledge...[/i] Night: *Jumps down and spreads his wings* Liam: You found her! Pi: *Takes out a cigarrete and lights it* [i]He looks around at the damage...[/i] Pi: It feels like it's happening all over again... Mike: What's happening? Pi: An ancient war...hybrids versus humans. Mike: ...Save storytime for later... [i]Mike points out to another wave of sand hover cycles approaching.[/i] Pi: From the cloud they make I'd say it won't be long until they reach us and reignite the place again. Liam: You guys! We have to get outta here! Pronto! [i]Night, carrying Selen, jumps up and flies off into the sunset sky...[/i] Pi: Here! *Throws three anchored ropes* [i]Chole, holding Roux, Siren, and Iris climb out of the small chasm and look at the approaching cloud of sand dust.[/i] Chole: Just in time to get out... [i]He looks up at Night and starts to follow him.[/i] Lynd: He always ends up carrying that girl huh... Iris: That way she won't escape... [i]The group makes a run for it before the Hunters scour Zophar and "clean" the place for a second time. Destination unknown...heading north... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Sunfall...Night sets down after a few hours of flying...the rest finally catch up with him in a nearby oasis filled with palm trees and set camp.[/i] Chole: *Sits down and holds Roux...* Liam: He's finally starting to come to... [i]He lays down[/i] Liam: How far did we run? Pi: *Takes out his GPS...* This place is unmapped territory...but I'd say 40 miles... Siren: That's hybrid vigor for you... Mike: What did you say? Siren: Hybrid vigor...what? Never heard of the term? Mike: No... Chole: When hybrids fall on their natural instincts... Iris: Interesting... Rena: *Sits on Iris' lap and listens quietly* Pi: Siren...you're a lot older than most of us... Liam: Does it have to do with the ancent war? Siren: A little...well, actually, more than you would expect...*takes a deep breath* [i]"It all started with a husband and a wife, given orders by a great woman hybrid to ensure the survival of our kind. They were both hybrids but with one significant difference from the rest of us...they hand the ability to call upon their natural hybrid instincs at will and with such power and grace it was practically unstoppable. But the power they housed in them did not come from within. A man by the name of Charles introuduced an artifact that housed the power to restore peace to the world. He accidently introduced it to the husband and wife that were to be at the end. The artifact broke during a firefight and the powers within were released.[/i] Liam: Wait...wait...wait...so what does this have to do with us? Pi: If the worst is yet to come...the story she's telling now might be the only way to save our kind. Night: *holding Selen* ... Siren: Let's continue... [i]The powers of this artifact known as the Cristal was intended to have only one carrier. One strong enough to withstand the powers of the Cristal. If you're wondering what it does. It theoretically alters our DNA structure, enabling us to possess mass amounts of powers at the expense of our own sanity and control. It intensifies our powers and releases our true natural instincts. Thus Hybrid Vigor...but the powers of the Cristal were housed within two bodies. How could this be? As time passed on, the war escalated and they were fighting with a group of humans and hybrids. They were backed up to a corner with almost no escape. And the powers of the Cristal never seemed to show itself since it was divided into two. All hope seemed lost...until the husband and wife had a child by the name of Miluska. It all changed from then on. They raised her the best they could with the circumstance of war revolving around them. But they succeeded...the powers of the Cristal converged into Miluska, into a worthy host who was able to control her hybrid vigor and retake Meteo City with the help of her parents, hybrid and human partners alike, and a demi gods that seemed to appear out of nowhere. The threat was over...for 300 years." "But now...the expirements are happening again...but for a different cause...Chole and his partner Ten happened to liberate some of you I suppose. But did you get any info on what you were doing?"[/i] Chole: I...I don't know...we were told to alter the DNA's in different sequences for each hybrid...we didn't know what we were doing in a sense that we were creating the perfect Hunter. Iris: Soldier? Lynd: ... Liam: How come you never told us this before? Chole: I never put it together until after Siren's story...about how the Cristal alters a person's DNA and relases mass power... Siren: But why...it makes no sense to toy with something that's already fixed... Mike: So we were being hunted, kidnapped, expiremented on by our own people in Meteo City...and we fled. And the others there are left to suffer. Siren: Perhaps we may be the only hybrids left if they are successful...for whatever reason. Chole: We gotta do something... Iris: I know...but what? Siren: Let's keep travelling north, we might find something...someone that can help us...for now... All: :sleep: [/COLOR]
  8. What the manager did was illegal...what you did was fine. Some manager that was...so where do you plan on working now?
  9. [COLOR=darkblue][i]Siren takes off her pack and crouches over the edge.[/i] Siren: Chole might not be able to get out...*jumps down* Chole: Sere...it's okay, you'll be better off with us. Sere: ... Siren: Chole, who are you talking to? Chole: Sere...she want's out... Siren: *Stares at the blurry figure in front of Chole.* Sere: ... Siren: How's the kid? Sere: ...*sniff* Gah...such a sickly child... Chole: We're not leaving without you. Sere: No! Siren: Listen to him! Chole: What are you gonna do after we leave? Sere: I don't know... Siren: How are you two going to stay alive without our help? Sere: I don't know! Chole: Then why break from us? Sere: 'cause...you just don't understand... Siren: Understand what?[/COLOR]
  10. [url]http://www.jlhs.nhusd.k12.ca.us[/url] See for yourself...but don't be fooled, it's hell over here...
  11. Well...there's already a topic like this a few threads down please post there...so I'll close this now. Concerning Golden Sun...it's considered one of the best RPG's of 2001. Sports one of the best grapics on the GBA with high quality gameplay and a worthy storyline.
  12. [COLOR=darkblue]And if you guys are wondering...the GameCube is HDTV compatible if you're one of those lucky people who have a Composite input on your TV or reciever you can buy a special 5-prong output cable (L/R Audio and Y/G/B inputs). The image quality is amazing compared to S-Video and regular A/V. Plus, not only is the image quality one of the best, but it'll finally display in 480p mode...which means that a full 60fps picture is shone instead of your regular 30fps. Every game for the GCN is required to output at digital/high definition before it comes out.[/COLOR]
  13. [COLOR=darkblue][i]They all get off the boat and feel the warm sand under their feet...[/i] Chole: *Jumps up and down* This is great! Liam: That kid... Chole: *Runs to the nearby patch of trees and climbs up one of them* Kool: *Runs after him* What are you doing?! Get down from there! Chole: *Peeks through leaves* It's okay...they're not here yet... Kool: And how do you know this? Chole: Don't see them anywhere? Kool: :rolleyes: Liam: Help us with unpacking...they'll be here sometime... [i]Chole jumps down and walks back to the boat with the others...they each carry their own personal item chest and set it down on the sand...[/i][/COLOR]
  14. [COLOR=darkblue]Chole: (Whew...good thing they don't notice how kid-like I am...) Iris: What is that Chole? Chole: Nothing... Siren: Over here! [i]Siren uncovers a small patch of rubble and uses a psychic blast to uncover it.[/i] Rena: Is she in there? Liam: *Peers in* Hard to tell... Pi: Hold on...*takes out a photonic flashlight* [i]Pi shines it at the deep crater in the ground...revealing a blurry figure...[/i] Pi: Cloaked? Hey... Chole: *Jumps down* Sere? [i]The cloaked figure stands up...[/i] Sere: Don't come any closer... Chole: Why? It's just us... Sere: I don't want to get myself involved with you...it's too dangerous for me. Chole: And what are you going to do...? Sere: ... Iris: Chole...is everything alright? Chole: *Looks up* C'mon Sere... [i]Sere steps back as Chole advances forward...leaving a trail of blood...[/i] Chole: You're hurt...we can help...please... Siren: I wonder what they're doing? Rev: I dunno...whoever he's talking to...it doesn't look like Chole's scared or anything... Rena: It might be Sere...[/COLOR]
  15. [COLOR=darkblue]Lemme join...please?...I'll be... Name: Chole Species: Metropod Weapon: MAG-Rifle Prime Ability: Mug Secondary Ability: Desperation (Uses pent up rage to attack enemies with complete recklessness and desregard for a focus target). Descrip: With the complete armament of a regular Metropod, Chole equips himself with his prized magnetic arm grafted rifle which attaches to his arm like a bracelet. His armament includes a Sensory helmet, complete CyberKinetic lightweight vest, and his personal SharpBlade inline skates. In addition to Chole's gun...he can engage in hand-to-hand combat.[/COLOR]
  16. [COLOR=darkblue][i]The elevator opens to an executive office lobby...[/i] Lupos: The key? Siren: *Seaches inside her pockets and pulls out a card* [i]She swipes the card through the reader and unlocks the door. The group goes inside to find a room with a large centeral pillar and smaller adjacent rooms all styled in an emerald green motif.[/i] Espa: Strange place... Lupos: These are Siren's old chambers... Zack: Hey, how come I never knew this...? Siren: This is my private domain when I was still an active member...now that I'm old...I can do whatever I want. Zack: ... Liam: The ceremony will end tomorrow...until then...well, make yourselves comfortable. Craig: Do you know who the new member of the council is? Lupos: We can only guess at this point...[/COLOR]
  17. [COLOR=darkblue]OOC: I'm back lol...are you flaming me Raiha? ~~~~~~~~~~~ [i]After a few hours of bouncing up and down in the boat at high speed. They finally clear the thick fog of the morning and see the outline of Darwin island...[/i] Liam: Looks nice... Chole: *Wakes up* Iris: Yeah, wake up... Kool: Does anyone know anything about this island? Sere: Nope... Rex: It's much like the island that we were in...except that we have to be careful since there's another tribe here. Liam: What kinda tribe? Rex: Well...if I tell you...would it change your guys' minds of heading there? Chole: Just spit it...I don't really care...I want to sleep on land! Iris: And my lap isn't good enough? Chole: It is...*blush* it's just cold and all on the boat...that's all. Rex: Umm...*gulp* okay...it's a tribe of cannibals... Kool: ...:eek: Liam: Do we really have a choice? [i]Liam looks around at everyone...[/i] Liam: Guys? Liam: :eek: Kool: I'm setting course for the island... [/COLOR]
  18. [COLOR=darkblue]OOC: Hey, she's half right... ~~~~~~~~~~ Lupos: Well...we head to the council then... [i]At the chambers in downtown L.A. a noisy hearing is going on underground...[/i] Guard: Lupos...you better not bother them right now... Lupos: Well, why? Guard: They're undergoing some kinda ritual...ya know...a new council member. Siren: How long? Guard: A couple hours already.... Liam: *Sigh* Espa: What is it? Siren: The ceremony takes a few days...we won't be able to speak to them. Matt: What takes place down there anyway? Lupos: They grant the new Nosferatu with the dark arts...some kind of seal is broken inside him and they can use their full potential. But only inside this building. Other places...our magics are useless. Espa: So that's why it's so important that we secure this place with our lives. Siren: Well...I only use this place to uncover my true self...kind of a place to unwind and everything. Zack: True form...? Siren: you of all people should know... Lupos: Maybe we should give you a [i]demon[/i]stration [i]The group walks into the skyrise building and they enter the elevator heading up...[/i][/COLOR]
  19. [COLOR=darkblue]OOC: I'm really sorry...final's week caught up with me and I haven't been able to check back for a while but now I'm back...thanks for everyone who kept the story alive :D ~~~~~~~~ IC: [i]Chole skates up behind Pi and gives him a pat on the back[/i] Chole: Whew! Looks like we made it out alive! Pi: Uh yeah... Iris: *Stops and breathes heavily* Liam: *Jumps off* Chole: Is everyone okay? Siren: Someone's missing... Iris: *Looks around* Sere... Mike: Where'd she go? Chole: I hope she's okay... Lynd: Now the hard task...figuring out where to go after we find her. Rena: You make it sound like she's fine and safe... Chole: She's nearby...so is the kid she's taking care of. Night: Well, we can't go back to Meteo City... Chole: If we press on forward...it's unmapped territory. Iris: Exciting... Mike: Let's go look for Sere... [i]From the top of the hill, they make their way back down and split up into the rubble...[/i] Night: *Jumps into the sky* Stay sharp... [/COLOR]
  20. Well, this board does have a reputation to keep...it's been through a lot and we're not about to let that all go. Yes, in the big picture it doesn't seem like much...but if we were not strict like this, chances are it won't be really fun if all a person does is annoy the heck out of people. This fourm is unique because it let's people play out their imaginations...there's no real purpose for innane chatter. It taints the fourm and it's just stupid if you even hint that you're just here to raise your post count. I mean, what's the point? If you break 500 you get your custom avatar and that's it...The bottom line? We're really easy going here...but you better know what you're doing before you do it. I have much respect for the fic/story writers and the people who support them and I would hate to have others mess around with my stories and I think that others wouldn't be too happy if people spammed in their threads.
  21. wait...Chrono's a silent protagonist...lol...it would sorta fit Shyguy...all he'd have to post is actions, no diolouge...but since it's Zero's game...hmm...a guy playing a woman...couldn't hurt to try...
  22. [COLOR=darkblue]I think if they did take out most of the violence, it'd turn out to be another "Driver" game...it's a violent game yeah...the guy at the store even asked for my ID when I bought it...even though I do look 17+...I dunno what the big deal is though...there have been worse games that slip by.[/COLOR]
  23. I think we're missing a Marle and Lucca...
  24. [COLOR=darkblue]Lupos: Well, you're the one who's driving so where do we go? Zack: We'll try the shop... Lupos: Okay... [i]Zack steps on the gas pedal and speeds over towards Fong's herbal shop...it looks abandoned and wooden boards cover the windows and doors.[/i] Liam: Just as I thought... Siren: Any ideas? Lupos: He probably went into hiding... Espa: I think I know where he might be... Lupos: *Looks at his watch* Maybe we should do this later...the council is waiting...[/COLOR]
  25. [COLOR=darkblue]Chole: You wouldn't think his mind is also like... Iris: Don't even say it... Chole: Okay...*looks down* Liam: Ahhh, I'm so cold... Kool: I think all of us are...did we bring anything to keep us warm? Chole: *Looks inside compartment by the seats* Blankets... Kool: Gimme one... [i]Chole passes out the sheets, one per person and sits down, trying to keep himself warm...[/i] Chole: *Shiver*[/COLOR]
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