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Everything posted by RicoTranzrig
[COLOR=darkblue]Chole: I don't mind...Sere, here...use my bed... Sere: Oh no, Chole, you don't have to do that... Kool: Yes, you do...you want that bed... Chole: *Opens the sheets for her* Sere: Thank you... Liam: Youre gonna find another room, Chole? Chole: Yeah...I guess so...[/COLOR]
[COLOR=darkblue][i]Lupos charges out of the SUV and walks inside quickly.[/i] Liam: you better not break anything inside! Lupos: I wont...I'm not like that... [i]Lupos disappears...[/i] Zack: Geez, what happened? Siren: Zack...I'll explain on the way home... Liam: We'll meet up later, okay? Zack: Sure thing *closes door* Siren: *Hops on SUV* Later! [i]They drive away...[/i] Liam: That was good work...now...*looks inside his house* *sigh* looks like trouble...[/COLOR]
[COLOR=darkblue]Sere: So...were do we start looking, Chole...? Chole: *Looks out into the desert* I don't know...it's vast...and we can't do much but keep heading towards Zophar and hope they're there... Sere: I see... Night: Hey!!! Chole: Night! You're okay! Night: I was looking for you...luckly you always come back to familiar locations. Chole: *shrug* :) Sere: Your friend? Night: Yeah...the town seems normal now... Chole: Hardly... Night: What? Sere: Long story...I see you have wings... Night: *Looks behind him* Oh yeah, they grew back! Chole: Mind if you take us...? Night: Sure...just where though? Chole: To look for the rest of the group... Night: *Transforms and Spreads wings* Okay... [i]Sere and Chole hop on...after a few seconds of warming up...Night launches off...[/i][/COLOR]
[COLOR=darkblue]Chole: M-man...that was loud... [i]Tears start falling...[/i] Liam: Err...now that we're all here...*thinks of Woody* now that we're all here...let's make the best of it... Kool: One thing though...we had this room first so Rex and Sere better find some space... Sere: I'd feel better if I were in a room with my own kind... Rex: OWN KIND? :flaming:[/COLOR]
so what, you wanna hang out on the cruise ship? ~~~~~~~~~~~ Kool: *Wakes up* huh? What was that? Chole: mmm...*eyes open* [i]Sere stands by the door way of the ship, drenched in water...[/i] Sere: I am not staying on that island... Chole: *Gets up and hands over a towel..* How'd you find us? Sere: I'm a very capable woman...
Also, its your responsibility to keep your character alive so I don't mess up like this...:(
OOC: Sorry, I didn't know that...but how was I supposed to know that...
[COLOR=darkblue][i]Sere and Chole go inside the lab...[/i] Sere: Stick out your arm... Chole: Sere...how do you know all of this? Sere: I'm an insider...a hacker if you may. I'm going to show you why... Chole: *Sticks out arm* Sere: *Sticks a needle into his arm* Chole: Ouch... Sere: *Draws a mass amout of blood...* Chole: Is that much neccesary, I'm getting a little dizzy. Sere: *Pulls it out and puts it into the analyzer...* Chole: Okay, so it can see my DNA...what about it? Sere: *Works on the computer* Here! Chole: What? Sere: Your sequencing is changing as we speak... Chole: Oh...? But why? Sere: Hybrid numbers are dropping...and it knows... Chole: So it's adapting to something I dont even know. Sere: True...its strange though...your not falling for your instincs... Chole: Beats me... Sere: C'mon... Chole: Where now? Sere: We are going to look for your friends...[/COLOR]
[COLOR=darkblue][i]Sere orders the Taxi to stop at the city limits and they both get out...[/i] Chole: What did you take me here for? Sere: This is your choice...either go, escape to freedom...or face your destiny... Chole: What? Sere: Meteo City...it never sleeps...or at least it should never sleep. Chole: The hybrids... Sere: Yes...something awry is going on as a result of the destruction of our own kind. Chole: I don't really notice anything... Sere: It's in our blood... *Points* Your lab is still up...but it's abandoned...I'll show you. [i]As they walk towards the lab...Chole stops.[/i] Sere: SOmething wrong? Chole: Iris was here... Sere: Who's she? Chole: A girl I just met... Sere: Was? Chole: Nevermind...[/COLOR]
[COLOR=darkblue][i]Lupos looks away and stares out into the open road...[/i] Lupos: .... Liam: Man...are you alright.. Lupos: I'll be fine...*Closes eyes* Siren: *Looks forward* Zack: Siren? Siren: Not now...[/COLOR]
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The movies are really funny and cool...especially Chad Muska's...
It is done... ~~~~~~~~ [COLOR=darkblue][i]Chole looks out to the city land scape as they decend...[/i] Chole: It's so calm... Sere: Don't be fooled...the Purging is taking place as we speak... Chole: What? Sere: The hybrds whom were gathered up in your labratory are being brutally executed...murdered...their records are being destroyed...their existence...erased... Chole: That can't be! So sudden... [i]They land on the steps of Meteo City Centeral...[/i] Sere: Believe it...there are a few remaning survivors...police wouldn't dare touch them without proper reason... Chole: What are we going to do now? Sere: Follow me... [i]Sere waves for a Taxi...they hop in and speed away from the complex before police could arrive...[/i][/COLOR]
[COLOR=darkblue]Lupos: So you regret me embracing you... Liam: *looks back* Siren: Lupos...no... Lupos: *closes his eyes*[i] Ugh...it was a mistake...[/i] Siren: [i]Man, don't say that...[/i] Lupos: [i]Oh? There were plenty of other options...but I had to make her in my image...[/i] Siren: [i]She would have become a Tristae...[/i] Lupos: ...I don't know... [/COLOR]
This week is "Dead Week" next week is finals...so I'm going to study for the next few days...and being the rusher I am...I'm probably going to finish early, being less prepared...
I fixed up your post...hope you don't mind... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [COLOR=darkblue][i]Sere takes out a pistol and aims it at Ten...[/i] Chole: No! What are you doing!?!?! Sere: Ending her life...what does it look like?! Chole: Why?! Sere: She has no life left...didn't you notice? [i]Chole walks up to Ten and touches her forehead. Nothing...[/i] Sere: See what I mean? Chole: This can't be... Sere: She was the first...they wiped her mind completely...the others awoke and killed themselves...their hybrid instinct took over. [i]They hear an elevator...[/i] Chole: Oh Ten!!! :bawl: [i]Chole falls to the ground, in front of Sere's foot...she kneels down.[/i] Sere: What's your name? Chole: *sniff* Chole... Sere: Chole...I dont' know how much she meant to you...but, You have my condolences... Chole: Don't kill her... Sere: Fine...but she poseses mass power...it would be a shame if we didn't execute the threat now... Chole: Don't say that! How can you be so cruel! Sere: I'm being compassionate...globally... Chole: Widespread or not...she's still a life! Sere: We should leave...quickly...it would be wise... [i]They look down from the top of the skyscraper...they notice a building not too far off...[/i] Chole: It's jumpable... Sere: Yeah, but we'll run into a few broken bones, what good would that do us? Chole: *Jumps up* I still have my Blades... Sere: Interesting... Chole: We can grapple down...*takes off his shoes* Sere: *Takes one* Where's the rope? Chole: *Pulls his shoe strings* It's 1000 FT...in there...tie it to something sturdy... [i]Chole breaks the window and they both tie the strings onto the supporting pillar.[/i] Sere: This is it...get ready... Chole: * Looks at Ten* I'm sorry... [i]They begin their decent to the streets below...[/i] Chole: [/COLOR]
[COLOR=darkblue]Lupos: Pick one... Matt: How bout that chick over there... Siren: Matt!? Matt: What? We're hungry... [i]Lupos switches seats with Siren and rolls down the window[/i] Zack: Are you crazy?! Lupos: The sun isn't shining directly on me... Girl: What do you want? Lupos: Can you help me with something... Girl: What? Lupos: You got jumper cables ...it doesn't look like our SUV's starting up... Girl: Oh, sure thing... Lupos: Liam, pop the hood... [i]The hood pops open Lupos gets out of the SUV and helps the lady open her trunk[/i] Girl: What do jumper cables look like? Lupos: *Slam!* Girl: *Drop* Craig: One hit... [i]Lupos grabs the girl and throws her into the the SUV.[/i] Matt: Hand her over... Lupos: Here! Matt: Yes...*starts feasting* Espa: ...*looks at Lupos* Lupos: *Looks down*[/COLOR]
Ah, I miss playing that game...I usually just collect and paint the figures and put them up for display in my room. You can get really creative painting their features...
So all you got is a handgun? Any exploding barrels nearby?
[COLOR=darkblue]Liam: Hey, cut it out... Lupos: ... :) Siren: Yeah, being a couple hundred years old...you kinda get tired of that same stuff... Lupos: I'm only what...85...and I'm stuck at 20 somthing... Craig: The rest of us are pretty young...I'm 40 something...so is Matt Neil: I'm really around 20... Espa: And I'm just 17...haven't aged a bit yet... Lupos: obviously...you guys hungry?[/COLOR]
[COLOR=darkblue]Lupos: Don't give up now... Matt: I know that... Lupos: Everything's confusing right now...but we can work everything out. Liam: A few more miles... Siren: Thank you...finally going back to my own bed... Zack: Hey, it's my bed too... Siren: Don't mention it... :blueshift:[/COLOR]
[COLOR=darkblue]The transmission coding is different...so you can't really get a clear signal. James post pretty much explains it all.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=darkblue]Lupos: But in someways... Siren: Yeah...our mission was a failure, in some ways... Neil: How so? Lupos: The colony there...soon Vegas will have no balance...and who knows what'll happen. Craig: But the Trisaes...they're slowly going to die right? Liam: Yes...but they'll eventually stop once they find out... Lupos: We're just putting a dent in their population.... Siren: But now we know that this can happen, we'll have to think of something else...[/COLOR]
[COLOR=darkblue][i]Chole, Sere, and Ten all wait inside the large room...[/i] Chole: Gotta think of a way out... Sere: *Looks around* Chole: She's still out of it... Sere: She's been out for quite a while. Chole: But she's still breathing... [i]Chole looks around and sees the doorway he came in. He tries the knob, nothing...he looks around and finds a control box a few feet away.[/i] Chole: Sere! Sere: What is it? Chole: *Pushes switch* [i]The huge shutters across the room open, revealing the entire city...Chole and Sere look out[/i] Sere: Yeah, just as I expected... Chole: Nothings...wrong with it...it's still the same... Sere: Shall we? Chole: Shall we what? Sere: Get out of here... Chole: *Looks back* Not without Ten... [/COLOR]
[COLOR=darkblue]Zack: Well, luckily we had control and all... Siren: *Smacks Zack's head* Yeah right...you were a complete nervous wreck! Lupos: ... Liam: Why so quiet? Lupos: It's dawn... [i]Everyone looks outside to see the sun coming up...[/i] Craig: Good thing the tints work.... Espa: So what do we do now? Lupos: We go home...[/COLOR]