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Everything posted by RicoTranzrig
[COLOR=darkblue]Chole: Well, you could give it a try...but he just won't respond... Iris: I see...*puts her hand to his forehead* Chole: Umm...do you know what your doing? Iris: Sorta...it couldn't be too hard, could it... Chole: Just kidding...do whatever... Faye: Chole! Chole: What!? Faye: That was rude... Iris: ...*shakes her head and closes her eyes* Rav: Good luck Iris... Chole: And I thought you guys were supposed to be with the others... Rav: *Shrugs* [i]"So I sat down and watched Iris 'try' to reach Night's mind...it was amusing to see her concentrate so hard. Just like in the movies...not that I watched any good ones lately. I could feel Night's mind pushing back, but slowly giving up...whelp, she'd done it...except that when he opens up his 'shell' all hell might break loose in his mind...but, only time can tell..."[/i][/COLOR]
[COLOR=darkblue][i]The group makes their way out of Gameworks and onto the Strip of vegas, never stopping..[/i] Espa: Do you think we lost 'em? Lupos: Maybe...I wonder how Neil's doing... Craig: He told us to meet him on the south point of Gameworks... Lupos: Too late for that...all we can hope for now is to find his aura...look... [i]They all turn around and see a magnificent flash of white, followed by the implosion and explosion of the entire Gameworks complex...[/i] Matt: Some fireworks... Lupos: Let's get out of here...we've got someone to look for... Espa: Make that two groups to look for... [i]They turn around, battle scarred and make a slow walk towards Luxor hotel...their mission was a success, but Neil was missing...they still had to press on...[/i][/COLOR]
[COLOR=darkblue][i]Chole runs down to Night and pulls back his hair...[/i] Iris: Who's that? Chole: A friend... [i]Chole touched his forehead for a second...taking in his memories from the past few days...[/i] Lynd: Is he okay? Chole: He's poisoned...or rather his mind is... Faye: I'll go call in a transport...all of you wait at the edge... Rev: Okay... Chole: I'm going with Night... Faye: Fine... [i]Chole takes his cellular phone and calls in a transport while the others depart for the entrance...[/i] Chole: Don't worry, you're going to be okay... Night: Chole... Faye: ....*looks at Chole* [i]The transport finally comes in and picks up the three. It launches and takes them to Celes infrmary...[/i][/COLOR]
[COLOR=darkblue][i]Liam walks behind Chole...[/i] Liam: Whadaya doing? I thought you said those were poison... Chole: Call it a 6th sense...this food I pick is safe... Liam: *Pops a chip in his mouth* Let's hope your right... Chole: One thing I worry about... Kool: What's that? Chole: What if the crates drop on the houses? Iris: To the caves... Chole: But what if... Iris: Enough of that...let's just go![/COLOR]
[COLOR=darkblue]Faye: Oh, hi Chole... Chole: Hi...umm, I've been wondering...have you heard of what's been going on in Meteo City lately? Faye: no...why? Chole: Long story...but that's why we're here... Faye: Vacation? Chole: No...insurrection... Faye: But...why? Meteo City is a respectable town... Chole: Or so everyone thought... Faye: I see...*Looks out window* Chole: I still have good friends there...they might need my help... Faye: I wish I could help you...but we can't risk anything with anyone...it's too dangerous for Celes... Chole: Do you know anyone who might be able to help us? Faye: Mercenaries come around here everyday...bound to find some info... Chole: Yeah... Faye: Tell you what...I'll make a few V-mails...you go gather your friends and tell them to get their gear ready tomorrow... Chole: You're kicking us out? Faye: I'm sorry...your fugitives...and Meteo City's military forces are extremely well, compared to Celes...we leave at day break...get some rest... Chole: We? Faye: ;) [i]Chole runs back upstairs and knocks on everyone's door...[/i][/COLOR]
Rico Tranzrig? It's my main character in an ongoing story I've been writing ever since my Freshmen year of High School...
Well...you're going to need a USB keyboard if you're gonna talk...it comes out probably next year in japan since they already have a server set up for PS2s there...not sure about here in the U.S. or anywhere else though...
Wrong forum...I'm moving this...*click* (PC/X-box to Sony...) BTW: Orphen was a good game...but I thought that Summoner was the best out of the 1st release PS2 RPG's
[COLOR=darkblue]Chole: Maybe we should round up the village people... Kool: You mean all of us... Chole: Bingo... Iris: Let's head back...call a meeting...this is getting a bit annoying.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=darkblue][i]Lupos takes his stance...[/i] Lupos: I'll take point... [i]Suddenly, everything for Lupos slows down dramatically. Yet, every move that he makes seems to be in sync. As the others watch him, he's in a complete blur in their eyes...[/i] Neil: Hey, the Dark Arts... [i]Lupos takes his Katana blade and walks over to the door. He takes it back and smashes through, slicing the head of a Tristae Witch trying to unlock the door. He shoulder charges and takes out a few more Tristaes covering the hallway.[/i] Lupos: We should leave... Craig: Hold on... [i]With the aid of Matt's help, they reach into their pockets, pulling out a white device. They reach under the couch and set it...[/i] Matt: We're going to blow this place sky-high... Espa: Let's just make sure that we get out on time...[/COLOR]
[COLOR=darkblue][i]As the crates keep falling...Chole looks around at all the boxes of doritoes and wonders...[/i] Chole: What are they doing?! Iris: Beats me...but it's annoying the hell out of me... Kool: The island reeks of nacho cheese... Iris: Sure I like the smell...but to have it permeate around like this...eesh... Woody: Maybe we could...tell them to stop? Rex: If we can find one of the producers... Chole: That shouldn't be too hard...where could they be transmitting... Kool: I can't believe that we're actually going to fight back against the people who sent us here...[/COLOR]
[COLOR=darkblue][i]Chole sits down in his room and relaxes his body...[/i] Chole: To be away from it all... [i]He looks to the left and sees a computer terminal...[/i] Chole: I wonder what's up back at the city... [i]Chole turns on the computer and tries to access the Meteo City network, but to no avail. "I didn't think I was going to reach Ten anytime soon. The government probably placed a blackout of all communications...yet, I still knew that somehow...Night and Ten were still alive in there..." [/i][PHP]To anyone who can hear me...this is Li** I'm in Meteo...trying to run....Hybrids...being ki....*static*[/PHP] Chole: Who in the world? [i]"I receieved an anonymous A-Mail (Audio) from a man...I'm not sure how it got to my console but it was probably transmitted all around the continent...from the tone of his voice, I could tell that Meteo City was in deep trouble...It's citizens anyway...we had to go back..."[/i] *Chole gets up from the bubble chair and takes a walk around the house...looking for his Aunt Faye...*[/COLOR]
[COLOR=darkblue]Chole: So once we get our weapons, we turn against the producers and take over this T.V. show... Liam: Even though the ratings wouldn't be as good... Kool: I wouldn't jump to conclusions... Chole: Er, what if someone backs out? Then we can't really do that... Liam: That may be a problem...but eh, if they're not with us...make them...[/COLOR]
[COLOR=darkblue]Faye: C'mon, I'll take you to your rooms. [i]Faye led Chole and the others around our house, a three story victorian with a bright aquatic motif...[/i] Chole: Wow, you sure did change the place...from the pictures i've seen. Faye: After they let out the beggars and bulit the city underwater....of course...how's your mother... Chole: She's not here anymore... Faye: That was expected... Chole: Huh? Faye: I'll explain later... [i]Faye opens the doors of the 2nd story, revealing a hallway consisting of 5 rooms and another set of stairs...[/i] Faye: I'll leave you guys to choose your own...I'll be downstaris prepping dinner if you need me.. [i]Faye leaves...[/i] Lynd: It was really nice of your Aunt to let us stay... Chole: I barely know here...but apparently, she knows me very well... Mike: So maybe we should split the rooms...how many are here? [i]Iris points her finger around and counts...[/i] Iris: See, we got...Alpha, Chole, Me, Mike, Lynd, and Rav...that it? [/COLOR]
[COLOR=darkblue][i]Chole runs around the jungle from boardem and hears strange muffeled sounds...[/i] Chole: Hello! Kool: Chole! Help... [i]Chole takes his blade and makes a swipe across the tree...cutting all the nylon rope...[/i] Chole: I'm getting good at this... Kool: Hey, have you ever talk to one of the producers in the show yet? Chole: Yeah...why?/ Kool: I don't think this place'll be paradise for much longer...[/COLOR]
[COLOR=darkblue]Chole: There's always a meaning to everything that we do in this world...I'm not saying that I believe in destiny...but something does control our fate. Rav: We're not bound by anything on this world...not fate, not destiny...nothing! Chole: I never said anything about fate...or preordained stuff...Iris is here, so she belongs here...end of story... Iris: But I don't belong here! I should have been at the orphanage and instead...I had to meet with Sacherry and get myself into this mess! Chole: Yeah! I wish I was with Ten so I know she's alright! I Wish I could save all those hybrids...but I can't...I WISH that I didn't have to take so much crap from this world... Lynd: There's no going back...Rav, there is somethat that does bind us.. Rav: Oh, and what's that? Chole: Each other...what can we do now...? Events would have played out the same with or without your help...Lynd would have still been kidnapped...Ten and I would have still freed most of the hybrids... Alpha: I probably won't be here though, if that were true... Rav: Yeah...me neither... Lynd: Stop thinking about the past...mopers! Iris: What did you say?! :flaming: Chole: [i]Is this what you really want, Iris?[/i] Iris: Ugh! Get out of my head! Chole: [i]Make me![/i] [i]Iris pulls back her fist and punches straight for his head, but Chole dodges again and again...[/i] Iris: Why are you making this so hard?! Chole: [i]I'm not making it hard...I'm not the one doing anything...it's all in your head...[/i] Iris: Just leave me alone! *Slams the side of the vehicle* Lynd: Chole? Chole: I'm sorry...but as long as you let things get out of control, you're gonna get burned...Iris... Iris: What? Chole: [i]Hear my thoughts...and my thoughts only...[/i][/COLOR]
[COLOR=darkblue]Chole: Well...it's not as bad as mines... Iris: Oh? Chole: Everything/one that I come in contact with...I know some parts about it...if I concentrate hard enough, I can trace a person who touched this seat back to their birth... Iris: But all these thoughts coming into me at once...it's annoying! Chole: Then block it out... Iris: What do you think I've been trying to do? Chole: [i]It takes time...[/i] Iris: ?? Chole: I've had to live with it since birth...[/COLOR]
[COLOR=darkblue]Kool: Hey Chole... Chole: Hi...where's everyone... Kool: *Looks around...* Uhihuh (I dunno...) Chole: *Takes his blade and starts hacking coconuts* Kool: I'm tired of those... Chole: I didn't say I was preparing them... Kool: Getting rid of some stress? Chole: Yeah... Kool: From what? Chole: ...living on the island so long... Kool: I thought you liked it here... Chole: ...*hack!*[/COLOR]
[COLOR=darkblue][i]Chole stares out the window, looking back at Meteo City as it gets smaller and smaller...[/i] Rav: Don't ask me... Iris: Nevermind... Lynd: Chole, are you okay... Chole: That boy I found in the streets on new years day...I never got to save him... Lynd: It's okay...he knows you tried your best... Chole: I should have stayed behind, with Ten...with Night...all the hybrids! Lynd: Then what good would that do you? You'll be caught, just like them...we're better off this way... Chole: I sure hope your right...[/COLOR]
[COLOR=darkblue][i]Chole looks at the three from a distance...[/i] ????: Psst... Chole: Huh? ????: Hey, it's me...the TV producer... Chole: :therock: TV: We're holding a Survivor rally... Chole: 'nother vote-off? TV: No...better...a kill off... Chole: I don't like the sound of that... TV: Coming a few days from now...we'll drop crates of weapons down on the island...Natural selection at it's finest... ;) Chole: *Plugs ears* Nonono...lalala...I can't hear youuuu!!!! [i]Chole runs off...pretending that he didn't hear anything...[/i][/COLOR]
[COLOR=darkblue]Sorry...got caught up in work... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [i]Chole looks back...[/i] Chole: *Sigh* Ten...I hope you do well without me... Iris: Let's go... Chole: *Jumps up* I hope you know where we're going... Alpha: We'll be better off if we get out of the city for a while... Lynd: Isn't your superior the head of that lab? Chole: Yeah... Lynd: What's she going to do now? And all the other hybrids that were left behind. Chole: Beats me...but the ones that did escape are gonna tell...and when word of this gets around... Rev: Then Meteo City'll be in deep, deep sh-t... Iris: Alpha... [i]Alpha gets the vehicle and the others get in...[/i] Chole: From here... the nearest town is Celes... Iris: You sound doubtful... Chole: Hybrids aren't allowed in Celes...normally... Alpha: If we can't go there...then where else... Chole: Zophar...100 something kilometers from here...but lets try Celes first... [/COLOR]
Nope...only blitzball and chocobos...
[COLOR=darkblue]Chole: Night... Night: Chole, pleasure to meet you again... Chole: I'm gonna get you outta here...somehow, just sit tight... Night: With these straps on, I don't really have much of a choice. Chole: Don't worry, save your strength...*looks up at Ten, waving at him* Night: Okay...just get me out of here so I can wreck havoc... [i]Chole walks off and heads back up to Ten's office.[/i] Chole: What is it? Ten: She has come to... Iris: What have you done to me!!! Chole: We haven't done anything yet... Iris: *Takes fighting stance* Chole: Iris...do you remember me? Ten: I'll leave you two here...just don't mess up my office. [i]Ten leaves the room[/i] Chole: C'mon Iris...please, you've got to remember... Iris: Why should I? Chole: Because I have some explaining to do! Iris: Explain from here... Chole: With you ready to kick me through this window, I think not... Iris: Get any closer, and I just might! Chole: *Grabs a chair and takes a seat* Happy? Iris: Not remotely... Chole: Can you read? Iris: I'm not stupid... Chole: *Goes to computer and accesses order files* Iris: Is this supposed to make everything better? Chole: It's to help you understand... [i]Iris begins reading the file..."Hybrid.txt"[/i][/color]
I usually spend no more than 200 hours on one game...right now I'm 37:12 into the game...I'm almost done with it and my characters are in good shape...it's just the side quests and all the secrets (Which are well worth the time to get, espeically the viewer later on...)
The PsX is sorta dead now...but not...they're still making games for it without doubt...but not really for the mainstream gamers...developers are concentrating on games for kids and pretty basic games made by entry-level developers. The only games that I play on my PSone now are the DDR series...