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Everything posted by RicoTranzrig

  1. [COLOR=darkblue][i]Little did the citizens of Meteo City know what evil was going to take place soon enough...I got a large list of men, women, and children. Nearly a hundred or so that I thought we're innocent...[/i] Ten: How's it coming along... Chole: Good, just need to take a look at some of these people... Ten: Be back soon...we can't trust anyone here anymore...but each other. [i]So I went outside to the lab to check on a man named Lynd...I didn't know who he was...but after looking at his picture profile, I knew exactly where he was kidnapped. At the fruit shop...the vision I had, made perfect sense.[/i] Chole: Hello? Mr. Lynd? Lynd: What?! Chole: I don't know what the others have told you...but you're about to be... Lynd: Experimented on! Yeah! I know! Chole: This isn't any ordinary type of expirement...we're using specific Hybrids and we're not sure if it's really safe. Lynd: So what are you doing about it? Chole: We're trying to reason with the Meteo City government...but its not like they're going to listen to us. Lynd: ... Chole: We're going to get you out...but it's not easy...if you want to live...or at least be normal...you'll listen only to me...we don't know why you've been brought here...but just sit tight and I'll get some answers. [i]Lynd falls asleep again and Chole looks around for others who may be awake...as he looks down the sheet...he sees the name of Night...his guardian from up above...even if it was only for one night...[/i][/COLOR]
  2. [COLOR=darkblue]Lupos: Looks like there's no other choice than to break through... Craig: I sure wish that Siren, Zack, and Liam were here... Neil: When we said that we could take care of this, we meant it! Matt: Lock and load... Lupos: Espa...you too... Espa: I know! [i]They each grab two weapons from the bag and wait patently beind the couch.[/i] Neil: What are we waiting here for? Lupos: Let them make the first stupid move.... Espa: Isn't that idiocy? Lupos: When we're stuck like this with Tristae and Police right on top of us...idicoy is our only option! [i]They hear footsteps coming closer...they raise their guns with hot fingers on the trigger...[/i][/COLOR]
  3. [COLOR=darkblue][i]Chole examines the girl laying on the elevator and gives a thumbs up to Ten.[/i] Chole: *Taps girl* Hey...hey... Ten: *Through radio* Careful, she's not saudated...keep caution... Iris: Hmmm...*Eyes flicker open* Chole: Can you hear me? Iris: Loud and clear... Chole: C'mon, let's get you freshened up... Iris: No, no...I just want to go back home. Chole: What's your name? Iris: Iris... [i]It was then that I knew I've seen this girl before. Though I was a little knocked out to remember anything about her except for her name and voice. Iris...she looked so helpless. I couldn't let a lot of people see her like this, so I carried her back to the command station where Ten was waiting...[/i] Ten: Hey, what are you doing? Chole: I know her...I can't let this happen to her. Ten: There are some scientints here that are faithful to Meteo City...they'll stop us from saving all of these people from whatever we're going to do. Chole: When does it take place? Ten: Tomorrow evening. Chole: Then we don't have much time. How... Ten: We can always call for help...but then we'd be fugitives... Chole: Who to call though... Ten: I'll figure that out...you start scanning and selecting patients who need to get out of here ASAP! Chole: I'm right on it...*heads out* Ten: Chole! What about her? *Points to Iris* Chole: *Walks back* I'll just use the computer terminal here to pick... [i]Chole grabs the stations Laptop and begins to run through the Hybrids personal files...while keeping an eye on Iris...[/i] [/COLOR]
  4. [COLOR=darkblue]Chole: mmmMMan! :( I can't stand to watch this....*Starts crying and runs off*[/COLOR]
  5. [COLOR=darkblue][i]Chole and Ten standby in the command room, wathcing the hybrids sleep...[/i] Ten: So what's the plan? Chole: *Grabs pencil and paper* We have a good 200~500 hybrids here... Ten: So...accurate of you... Chole: We load up a few of them in our storage bay...then we conduct the expirements with what we've got... Ten: That's still sadistic... Chole: I mean...use our own gunea pigs... Ten: Well...our simulators aren't that accurate...but I think we'll be able to get a clear idea on what this Splice does... [i]Ten checks her V-mail and gets a letter from Dr. Sacherry...[/i] Sacherry: I have one more to send you Ten...oh...hi there Chole. Chole: Heh...*:rolleyes: Sacherry: She's a good one...intelligent...kind...and good looking. Ten: I'm not concerned with looks... Sacherry: She's on her way there now...thank me later... [i]EndTransmission[/i] Ten: *Slams monitor* Ugh!!! Son of a b|tch! Chole: Calm down...*looks at elevator and sees it lowering* Ten: Check that person...I think that's Sacherry's 'present...'[/COLOR]
  6. [COLOR=darkblue]Chole: Wait a minute... [i]Chole takes out his blade and cuts himself free...[/i] Chole: Ta-da! Iris: Get us out too... [i]Chole glides around the tree, slashing around and around...he stops, and the ropes fall...except for Rex...he's still tied to the tree.[/i] Rex: How about me?! Kool: Not until you be sane again! Woddy: Yeah... Liam: Let's get something to eat...[/COLOR]
  7. In north CA, we've got Great America and Six Flags (Marine World)...but my favorite theme park is Botannical Gardens a few hours away...the rides are pretty good...
  8. [COLOR=darkblue][i]Lupos walks up to the lobby desk and talks to the attendant.[/i] Lupos: Hi, we'd like a room...PS2 and GCN with a few arcade machines... Atendant: Ah, good choice...and credit...good... [i]Attendant swipes card and walks out.[/i] Attendant: Follow me please... Neil: Keep your guard here... [i]The group follows the Tristae attendant at a distance as he nears a door. He takes out his keys and opens the room[/i] Attendant: Here you are, for your gaming pleasure... Craig: nice... Espa: Thanks... Attn: I'll have to go now...have fun... [i]The group searches the room for any type of gassing equipment, cameras, microphones or secret access panels...nothing...except for a door, vent, and window.[/i] Matt: *falls on couch* Hey, this is nice... Lupos: *Clmibs couch and opens vent* Espa: *Closes door* Craig: We've got an infestation to take care of... Neil: *Jumps through vent into the roof* Lupos: Hand us the weapons...we'll think of a plan...soon...[/COLOR]
  9. Chole: I don't know...but now who's gonna get us out?
  10. [COLOR=darkblue][i]Rex grabs Kool and ties her to a tree..[/i] Chole: Oh no! Kool: Ugh...when things start going smoothly... [i]Rex grabs himself and times himself to a tree.[/i] Chole: The hell? :therock:[/COLOR]
  11. [COLOR=darkblue]Ten: So, what are we gonna do now? Chole: I was going to ask you the same thing. Ten: Ugh! I can't go through with the expiriement...it's too risky on what it might do! Chole: So all the gave you were some orders to do this to a select few. Ten: Make that 100 times my name... Chole: Sh-t... [i]Ten stops her car in the middle of the promendade parking lot.[/i] Chole: We shouldn't go thorugh with it... Ten: But who knows what'll happen to us. Chole: We can always flee the city easily if things go wrong... Ten: The hard part is freeing our captives at the right time. Chole: Slowly...very slowly... Ten: Don't worry, we'll get out of this mess...I can't tell the others, but I'm leading the entire thing...I...trust you. Chole: So all those late nights paied off? [i]Ten slaps Chole...[/i] Ten: Funny... Chole: You know what I mean though...all those hours put into the lab...we've made some pretty potent stuff... Ten: WE should head back... [i]Ten starts the engine and guns it back to the lab where they go downstairs to examine each of the Hybrids...Chole had a feeling that the boy would be there...somewhere...and that man from the fruit shop also...[/i][/COLOR]
  12. [COLOR=darkblue]Chole: Hey, so what's up? Ten: What I'm about to say to you can never be said outside of this car, understand. Chole: I understand... Ten: Well, I got orders from the Meteo City environmental department that we are to proceed with the gene therapy. My main concern is the sequence that we have to alter... Chole: We are the best genetics corp in the city...we lead the Research and Development department in the city... Ten: I know...but the think there's something going on...and, I'm afraid that we have to do this... Chole: Why? Ten: We have a gun to our heads....[/COLOR]
  13. [COLOR=darkblue][i]Chole hears Rex from the outside and wakes up.[/i] Chole: W-what's going on? Kool: It's nothing...don't get into this...I'm not. Chole: O...okay...[/COLOR]
  14. Awright! Get in there...its a whole new story...
  15. [COLOR=darkblue][i]Chole takes a nap in his hut..[/i] Chole: :sleep: *mumbles* "Hmm...I wonder where I'm gonna go when all of this is over..."[/COLOR]
  16. [COLOR=darkblue][i]Chole wakes up in front of his keyboard where he fell asleep last night. He gets up and yawns, an imprint of the keyboard on his arms and the cheeks of his face. He looks at the system clock and jumps up...[/i] Chole: :eek: Noo, late for work! [i]He quickly packs some quick food and slips on a warm jacket and his blades. Throughout his way there, he couldn't stop thinking about the boy he had to save...or at least find. Chole blades faster, jumping into highway traffic and eventually reaching the lab where Ten was waiting patiently at the front entrance.[/i] Ten: You're late... Chole: Sorry about that...I got caught up. Ten: Maybe you should build yourself a car of some sort. Chole: And give up these *kicks in the air* Ten: Nevermind...let's get to work. [i]They go inside the building and take an underground elevator to the lab.[/i] Chole: What are we doing this time? Ten: We've been testing something...you wouldn't really call it 'routine.' Chole: ?? Ten: You know how you and I are hybrids...many others are... [i]The elevator stops and the doors open, revealing hundreds of lab tables, each carrying a body.[/i] Chole: What are you doing to these people? Ten: Each one of them were carefully chosen in this expeirement. Chole: What is the expirement?! Ten: We're to extract their DNA and resequence them...its tricky, really tricky, so we need everyone in this team. Chole: Why do that? Aren't they healthy?? Ten: Yes...our scans show that they are...but, we're under orders from Meteo City to gather a diverse amount of Hybrids and resequence these groups of codes... [i]They reach a computer terminal and access the files...[/i] Chole: Top secret... Ten: Yes...so I'm going to have to ask you to keep this totally quiet. Chole: *Looks closely at the coding sequence CG* Wait, we've never looked into this part of Hybrid DNA... Ten: I know... Chole: Then why go through with this...? Ten: ...:( Chole, come with me... [i]Chole and Ten go upstairs and they go outside and into her car...she starts it and they speed off into the highway...[/i][/COLOR]
  17. [COLOR=darkblue]Chole: Hello! WhatCHA up to?[/COLOR]
  18. [COLOR=darkblue]Heh, that was fun :) Way to go for hardcore Videogamers and Storywriters![/COLOR]
  19. [COLOR=darkblue][i]"So it was midnight before I finally arrived home...I couldn't sleep, so I got on the computer and accessed the LiveWire network. I could still remember the image of the boy that got kidnapped and I used my memory to put the pieces of the puzzle together...the strange vision of the abduction of the man by the fruit shop, the murder of a teenage boy in the middle of the park, and now the kidnap of another boy...which could have been me." Chole slams the keyboard down... "Ugh, what was I thinking...I should have fought back...then I would have gotten killed..."[/i] *Search complete...no results found...* [i]"So, that was the end of it. He had no record, so there was no way of finding him. Meteo Police don't deal with "unknowns"...my only chance was to look further into this group called Black Lightning and the strange vision of the man kidnapped...somehow, I knew he was still alive, somewhere..."[/i][/COLOR]
  20. He's Defcon5...which means alt+c and alt+v (j/k) Wow, this is some good stuff...I'm really looking forward to nintendo just keeping it simple from now on...eh, I still think that the next Zelda game would use CelShading...just not make Link look like that with the almond eyes and all...It's hard for Squaresoft right now because of their ventures in the movie market...and FF8 and 9 weren't all too hot...now with Sakaguchi's stepdown, I wonder how the franchise is going to turn out..
  21. [COLOR=darkblue]Chole: Hey, you guys' better wash up before we do this! Sere: Don't worry about me...I don't have nasty feet... Chole: I run around the beach and wash in the falls everyday...I'm clean...sorta Iris: Umm...welll...I guess some of us are going to need some gear... Kool: Why can't we just use mallets... Woody: That'll work... Rex: Too bad we won't be getting drunk for a while... Liam: I guess its a nice change...[/COLOR]
  22. [COLOR=darkblue]Lupos: So...let's go into Gameworks and check it out... [i]They casually walk in and pay the entrance fee...the walk inside and see the dark halls and rooms...[/i] Neil: Wow...this place is insane... Craig: So many...games... Lupos: Keep focused...we're here to find Tristae's... Espa: If we find them? Lupos: Neil...*gives credit card* Reserve us a room...we'll round up the Tristae's there...and kill them...[/COLOR]
  23. [COLOR=darkblue]Chole: Help yourself...tomorrow, we use our feet to smash them into juice...[/COLOR]
  24. [COLOR=darkblue][i]Chole walks up to Liam and sets down the leaf...[/i] Liam: Well, what's this? Chole: Grapes... Liam: :therock: Chole: You can turn it into wine right? *Iris pulls Chole off to the side* Iris: It takes a while for that to happen...say a few years... Chole: Oh...[/COLOR]
  25. [COLOR=darkblue][i]Chole and Night stop in a deserted street...[/i] Night: I'm sorry about the boy...but there's probably nothing you can do... Chole: *Kicks building wall* I just don't get it! What do they want with a little boy...?! Night: Look, I have no idea...but I'm sure the Meteo Police are going to take care of it. Chole: Yeh, I hope so... Night: Go home... Chole: Don't tell me what to do! Night: You'll be safer there...what else Can you do? Chole:...We could look for them... Night: Even I can't spot them...they're really stealthy... Chole: Ughhhh! This is so frustrating!!! Night: It's okay... [i]Night begins to hum a small tune as Chole begins to yawn and stretch. He stops...[/i] Chole: This isn't over yet... [i]Chole jumps up and blades back home...[/i][/COLOR]
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