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Everything posted by RicoTranzrig

  1. [COLOR=darkblue][i]Lupos holsters his 12-gauge shotgun and ties his sword on his belt and puts on his trench coat. The all find their apparel and head out through the front door to see a group of yellow auras...[/i] Lupos: *Draws sword* It's time...[/COLOR]
  2. [COLOR=darkblue]Lupos: And we still have a stash back in my room. Craig: *Locks in clip* We good to go? Espa: Yeah...*pulls back reset handle* Lupos: *Sockets 12-gauge shotgun* I'll stick to melee for now...*pulls out sword.* Matt: The revolving bullets sound interesting... Neil: Just take it then... Matt: Kay... Lupos: *Opens window* This is it...we break into the store, get our coats and take out any tristae we can find... Craig: Agreed... Neil: Let's do this! [i]They all jump out of the top window, sliding off the pyramind and pushing off again into the next building nearby...[/i] Lupos: There's still people on the streets... Espa: Who cares...if we run, they won't be able to notice much.[/COLOR]
  3. I'll make sure it doesn't get outta hand...*cracks knuckels* So...starting...12AM pacific time I start this...sign-ups go until then...
  4. [COLOR=darkblue]Chole: *Stands on waterfront with blade in hand and cooking basket* Nice...a few more hours until the timeline crosses this island...then it'll be a new year...ahh, so nice outside... [i]Someone places their hand on Chole's shoulder. "Yeah, it is, isn't it?"[/i][/COLOR]
  5. [COLOR=darkblue]Lupos: Don't worry, we'll leave some for you guys... Siren: Yeah, right... [i]Siren slams the door shut and they drive away, leaving the rest of the group in front of the hotel lobby...[/i] Espa: *Looks around* Do you see them? Craig: Yeah...hundreds of yellow sprites all over... Neil: This is good, and they don't even suspect us... [i]Neil reaches into his coat to get his blade.[/i] Lupos: Not yet...let's go back upstairs to prep up... Matt: We're gonna need a way to conceal all of our weapons... Lupos: There's a coat store not far from here...we should be able to get some stuff there. Espa: Just watch out for the protesters.. Craig: Taxi? Lupos: No, we hop buildings... [i]They all walk inconspicuously into the hotel and take the elevator to the top floors...[/i][/COLOR]
  6. [COLOR=darkblue]Chole: So who was that just now? Iris: Ryan...just started... Chole: I see... Chole: Sigh...sun's going down...better head back soon...*looks down from top of cliff*[/COLOR]
  7. [COLOR=darkblue]Lupos: Think....who's gonna take 'em there... Zack: *Raises had* Me? Lupos: And if he's going, who's also gonna go? Siren: *Raises hand* Me...:rolleyes: Liam: So just the three of us while the rest of you have fun...er pain...which ever way it turns out. Espa: Just take us back to the hotel and drop off the weapons, we can take care of it from there... Zack: Sure thing...[/COLOR]
  8. Starting time is tuesday...new year's day....Pacific time...
  9. [COLOR=darkblue][i]Chole leads Iris through the jungle, eventually reach a rocky wall.[/i] Chole: Let's go climbing... Iris: Sure... [i]They successfully scale the wall and end up high above the canopy.[/i] Chole: This is a nice view...but where'd all the animals come from... [i]They looks to the right and see a helicopter fly around to the edge of the island[/i] Iris: That might be the answer...[/COLOR]
  10. Well, I envisioned Meteo City to be a lot like Midgar, but without the Mako plants, it's a lot brighter and modern looking, and a lot bigger...but you don't have to know much about it to play.
  11. Nice picture...so the person I talk to on AIM is finally revealed...cool. ;)
  12. [COLOR=darkblue]Chole: *Listens in...* What is that? Iris: Animal noises... Chole: But...there aren't any animals on this island are there? Iris: Well...:angel: Chole: Huh? [i]They stay still in the water, looking at each other when they hear a the breaths of another...[/i] Iris: So I guess animals do live here... Chole: Strange...I've ran around this island for a month now...never seen any of em before... Iris: Maybe it wants to take a bath...let's go... [i]Iris takes Chole's hand and leads him out of the water. Both of their clothes are completely soaked and run to another part of the island.[/i][/COLOR]
  13. [COLOR=darkblue]Bane: But...follow me... [i]Bane, guarded by 2 other Nosferatu, lead the group down even deeper into the dam where the weak and dying are held.[/i] Siren: Getting worse? Bane: There's a plauge going on here, killed nearly all of us. Lupos: What...how is this done? Bane: Obviously our only source of food is the people of Las Vegas...the Tristae witches introduced some kind of toxin into the Human's blood...when we drank, we got it. Liam: *Eyes glare at Craig and Matt.* Craig: What? Lupos: Who have you drank from? Craig: Some stripper and...ummm... Matt: I think a hooker we caught in an alleyway. Bane: There is no real way of telling if you have the toxin or not. Espa: This isn't good. Siren: Hopefully, the toxin aren't in humans anymore, that it's passed. Bane: Maybe...but who's to say for sure... Neil: So if we get it, there's no way of stopping it?! Bane: We've tried...but other Nosferatu have ignored us... Liam: Just as I thought....if they're useless, get rid of them... Lupos: ... Espa: Lupos, is something wrong? Lupos: I...also...drank... [i]Siren, Liam, and Espa gasp and stare at Lupos.[/i] Siren: You can't be serious... Lupos: In the hotel...some sleazy Tristae witch...just a sip. Liam: You know that we're not supposed to drink their blood...its salty sweet, but it's just empty calories. Espa: And...I drank from you a few days ago too... Lupos: Don't worry about it... Bane: He's right...the effects are long term...you won't notice until 20 or 30 years down the road. [i]Everyone pauses in a moment of silence, looking at the people dying around them...[/i] Liam: And then... Bane: You'll be like these, unfortunate people... Siren: We're getting out of here... Zack: Siren? Siren: We've made a big mistake going here without going to see the council first...or whatever's left of it... Liam: She's right...this place isn't safe... Bane: Wait! Lupos: What is it? Bane: I want to give you people something... [i]Bane reaches under some stairs and pulls out a large box...[/i] Siren: Weapons... Bane: Yes...take all that you need, we will not be needing them any longer. Craig: This is good...they got almost every weapon here...it's crazy... [i]Everyone takes their share of heavy weapons and stacks them in the back of the SUV, until the rear is full.[/i] Bane: Also, this might be of help...*gives them a map of Vegas* Lupos: *Takes a look at the map* It has all the locations of concentrated Tristae witches... Craig: I thought we weren't here for mass killing... Siren: Plans have changed... Neil: Good...:devil: [/COLOR]
  14. [COLOR=darkblue]This is good, 8 entries...I'll be posting up the main story soon...say Tuesday...more are welcome to join if they wish. For some reason I wanna continue Mei Rishin's series here...and add my own elements to it. ;)[/COLOR]
  15. [COLOR=darkblue][i]They stop by the side as Lupos, Siren, and Liam step out and put on their shades.[/i] Neil: Huh? Craig: We're going to see if they're friendly or not...we're their backup if things don't go good. [i]As the three walk closer to the strange auras of deep red and green, they are ambushed by cloaked men.[/i] ????: Stop right there... Liam: We are, Nosferatu... ????: ... Siren: *Speaks in a strange language* ????: Hmmm...come with us... Lupos: What happened? ????: We weren't able to save the city...as a result...we...hid... [i]The guards lead the three down into a large cavern inside the dam...[/i] Liam: How do you...live...in a place like this? ????: We feed off the workers here...and hide carefully. Siren: The council? ????: Dead... Lupos: But...how...?!?! ????: Assassinated... Siren: Such power. Liam: It seems that the Tristae Witches influence is much greater here. Lupos: I wonder how L.A. is holding up. Siren: It's probably fine...but I can't help to think that the same fate may happen to our hometown... [/COLOR]
  16. [COLOR=darkblue]Lupos: *Sigh* But she does have a point... Liam: Yeah, that would explain all the lost Nosferatu. Espa: Could this place's council really be dead? Siren: But there is a good chance they may have fled to somewhere nearby. Craig: But there's so many Tristae witches...it's hard to sort out everyone. Lupos: Well, a few more hours until we hit the dam... Neil: Getting some shut-eye? Lupos: I'm on the lookout. Zack: Don't worry, I'm sure there's someone at the Hoover dam doing whatever. Neil: Good... Matt: I've had my share of blood for tonight... Craig: Yeah, all those strippers you drank from... Matt: Hey, but she wanted it... Liam: Hah... [i]As they get further and further away from the city, Lupos can smell something faint...but familiar.[/i] Espa: Lupos...what's wrong? Lupos: We're near...something... Liam: What? Lupos: I can feel Nosferatu... Siren: ...it's very faint... Craig: I can see thei auras, over that rock...*points* Matt: Something terrible must have happened.[/COLOR]
  17. [COLOR=darkblue]It's about time I started the third chapter in the Hybrid Vigor series, now taking place in the beloved Meteo City and other places. Yeah... [i]2154, A new story begins...the pieces of the Cristal's puzzle begin to unfold as the population of Hybrids (Half-animal, Half-human) increses. Their physical features become more significantly animal-like than in the previous years. The city of Meteo City is a thriving one with tall sky scrapers and crowded streets. Humans and Hybrids can co-exist peacefully, still there are problems of violence with Hybrids and Humans...The peace is protected by the Meteo City Police Department (MCPD) carrying respectful and valiant officers. If anything, the city's nightlife is the best, with bright lights and the many residents living there, it's a perfect place to have you definition of having a good time. But the influence of the events 70 years ago still linger, and the Cristal remains lost, an powerful energy that has the ablitiy to bring peace to the world, or ultimate destruction. It is still be sought for by a select few...but only one can carry it's true power...[/i][/color] [color=green] ~~~~~~~~~~~ So...here are the Sign-ups...just follow mine. Name: Chole Age: 17 Hybrid/Human: Hybrid Animal (If hybrid): Dragon Abilities (3 Max): 1. Haste - The ability to run with impressive speed. 2. Breath - Depending on the weather, Chole breathes Ice or Fire. 3. Tech - Chole can toy around with different objects. Description: Shy and quiet, Chole works for a repair laboratory in the outskirts of Meteo City. The rest of his time, he rides around in his Blades, his custom street skates. He is a bit shorter than most of the residents of the city, and he has no physical traits of a Dragon. He wears a black dragon print shirt and baggy black pants. [/COLOR]
  18. [COLOR=darkblue][i]The rest of the group board two seperate elevators and head back down to the lobby to meet up with Siren and Zack...[/i] Siren: Hey... Espa: Hungry... Lupos: We ready? Liam: Let's get out of here... [i]Midnight nears as they get into the SUV and take to the streets, still busy...but not with the usual people...[/i] Neil: Finally, the lost come out... Craig: Sad, isn't it? Matt: Can't really do anything about it right now. Lupos: He's right, we can't...but the council of Nine should be doing their job...and they're not. Zack: Lazy ásses... Liam: There must be something terrible wrong... Zack: So where to? Liam: Take to the Hoover dam...we'll be on the lookout.[/COLOR]
  19. 6...I don't try to catch a girl's eyes but I'm okay...football player type build with a shy and smart persona...
  20. Lupos: It'll be a nice break for the guys.. Espa: *Hits Lupos* Lupos: Except me and Zack... Craig: I guess we're the lucky ones...anyway, how about it? Liam: Well...I guess so... Lupos: After we go look... Matt: Of course...
  21. [COLOR=darkblue]Chole: Really? Well, I've never done that before...feels kinda nice...:D Iris: It's supposed to feel nice... Chole: Cool, I wonder what it feels like with Kool or Sere... Iris: Do it, and die... Chole: Why? Iris: Boy, you have a lot to learn...[/COLOR]
  22. [COLOR=darkblue][i]Lupos cracks open the window and looks at the last rays of the sun go down...[/i] Lupos: The desert is cold...even for a Vampire... Zack: Don't worry, I've go my leather jacket... Siren: Hey, I got you that for your birthday. Zack: Yeah...tag's still here...see? Siren: *blush* Liam: Zack, Siren...maybe you two should bring up the SUV to the front... Zack: I understand...let's go... [i]Zack and Siren leave...[/i] Neil: Hunting? Lupos: We'll have a chance once midnight comes... Matt: So what have you seen so far? Espa: Nothing much...tons of garbage...nothing interesting. Craig: Yeah, we've seen it too... Lupos: We'll see what's really going on once we see the council...[/COLOR]
  23. [COLOR=darkblue][i]Chole's face turns bright red...[/i] Iris: Wow...I guess it wasn't just the warm weather that was making you turn red... Chole: Hehe...is it okay if I kiss you too? Iris: well...[/COLOR]
  24. [COLOR=darkblue]Lupos: If we weren't worrying about our lost kin...we would be enjoying our stay here. Liam: Why didn't we think of this earlier. Lupos: Beats me...never really had the reason to... Espa: Where we headed next? Siren: Zack? Zack: Well...umm...I guess we could check the outside of Vegas...there are some homes around there...that are unusually nice. Lupos: Okay...once Craig and Matt get back...we're heading out.[/COLOR]
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