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Everything posted by RicoTranzrig

  1. Chole: But...I'm just...a kid... Iris: You're only a year younger than I am... Chole: Seems like a lot... Iris: uh-huh...no! Chole: So I guess it's not... Iris: Thanks for the basket... Chole: You're welcome...umm...sorry about the waterfall thing...
  2. [COLOR=darkblue]Lupos: Liam, what do you know about the council of Nine here? Liam: They creeped in during the Bugsby era... Siren: The who? Liam: You're old enough to know... Siren: I was in...Egypt that time? Liam: Oh yeah...anyway, he's the founder of this city... Lupos: Do you know where they might be? Liam: Tough to say...we have to go look for someone with the same aura as ours... Espa: Green... Liam: Or red...yeah... Lupos: I don't remember seeing any... Liam: They're probably all hidden or something... Siren: We should start looking... Lupos: Maybe a backwater hole...or the desert. Liam: Let's start looking...they'll probably give us asylum...[/COLOR]
  3. [COLOR=darkblue]Chole: Umm..okay...I'm gonna go for a dive...*starts climbing the rocks* Iris: Oookay...he's really nervous... Liam: Am I supposed to not be here right now. Iris: *Gives him the note* Liam: Oh...ooooohhh... Iris: Yeah... [i]Liam gets out of the water and walks to the second waterfall.[/i][/COLOR]
  4. [COLOR=darkblue]Lupos: We can't do it alone... Siren: Well, you never said this was a mission of mercy... Espa: So what are we doing here? Lupos: Gathering info...but we need more help...and I don't know where to go from here. Siren: Well, why don't we talk to someone who does know what's going on? This region's council. Lupos: They're almost impossible to find... Espa: We've gotta try looking for them... [/COLOR]
  5. [COLOR=darkblue]Chole: Er...umm...it's okay...I'll just leave you be... [i]Chole jumps out of the pool and waits by the path...nervous...[/i] Liam: ???[/COLOR]
  6. [COLOR=darkblue]Chole: No problem...:D [i]Chole takes a basket and looks around for Iris. After a few minutes, he gives up and goes to her hut to set the baskent down on her bed and leaves her a note. "I'll be waiting for you at the waterfall..." He leaves the note and runs off...[/i][/COLOR]
  7. [color=darkblue]RicoTranzrig is not my real name...it's my RPG character's name...energetic but quiet, wields many different guns but usually never any melee weapons except his fists. His partner's name, is Akiu Kaze...insane, hard headed, but he knows what's right...("Okay, let's start this," "Real Life," and Otaku's Big Brother) Chole is another person that I use, he's a boy, but he's nice and acts really innocent. The sad thing is that he really is clueless...(ShipWrecked) Icar is more of a god-type person...people fear him for no good reason and he kills them from up above. (Silence and the Motion) Sky is an old character of mine...has a shadow who follows him...(The Silence) Trell is much like Rico...except he's half dragon (Hybrid Vigor 1 and 2, 3 later on....) Lupos is a vampire, not as old as some of his superiors, but very well balanced, cruel to everyone else except the people he knows. (Nosferatu: Forsaken Rights) Those are the most recent ones...[/color]
  8. [COLOR=darkblue][i]In a few hours, Chole manages to make 50 baskets out of one tree he cut down in the forest with his blade. In those baskets, he filled with tons and tons of fruit that seem to keep growing out of the trees every minute[/i] Chole: Hmm...I bet everyone would like a few of these...especially Iris...*blush* but what do I say to her? [i]Some ruffling in the bushes[/i] Chole: Who's there? Cameraman: Yeah, hi...I've been watching you cut the tree and carve and twist each branch into a basket...some trick...but the ratings are off the scale now that the camp is really active. Keep it up. Chole: Umm...okay... [i]Chole trotts off, carrying the baskets on a long pole through the forest. He sets it down at the center of the village and gives a big whistle.[/i][/COLOR]
  9. [COLOR=darkblue] Espa: The cab driver too, reeked of Tristae Blood. Siren: You get used to it after a while. Lupos: Let's take a short break... [i]They board the elevator and head back to their rooms, carefully inspecting each and every room the pass by for different auras.[/i] Siren: Whatcha wanna see Zack for? Espa: ... Lupos: Anyway...I'm heading for the roof, to clear up my head... [i]Lupos leaves the two and charges up to find out that there is no roof and that they're in a pyramind shaped building.[/i] Lupos: Sh-t... [i]He sees an open room where the housekeeping service is doing their duties. A yellow aura.[/i] Maid: Fu-k...some honeymoon that happened here...the sheets are so messed up...nasty... Lupos: Indeed... [i]Lupos grabs her by the throat and snaps her neck, ripping the side just a bit. He takes a sip and spits out the blood.[/i] Lupos: Yeah...you're really nasty. [i]He hides the body and uses the cart to break open the window inside the room, letting it drop to the and safetly crash into traffic.[/i] Lupos: Espa... [i]He jumps onto the outiside of the hotel and sits on the top of the pyramind...thinking...and looking out into the Vegas city, seeing all the yellow and grey auras of the lost.[/i] Lupos: Fu-k, how can we save our breatheren with so few people... [/COLOR]
  10. Lupos: It's sad...precious humans, gone to waste here....even though it doesn't seem like it. This place is pretty f-ked up compared to where we lived. Espa: What makes you so sure of that. Lupos: I see, the auras of the people here, mostly grey, greenish black. Espa: Oh... Lupos: The Tristae Witches have not been doing their job here... Espa: Which is? Lupos: To bring life to these people...raise their spirits...it seems like they've done it the wrong way. Espa: So most of the people who own this place? Lupos: Are Tristae Witches. Only a few are actually vampires. Espa: How about the hotel we're staying at? Lupos: I'd say Vampire...it was really well designed... Espa: Maybe the owner might know something. Lupos: Perhaps...but we're here to find and record lost kin...not to engage in warfare. Espa:...
  11. [COLOR=darkblue]Lupos: And get ourselves killed in the process...take a look around. [i]Espa notices all the others auras in the club...yellow.[/i] Espa: SO, they're all tristae witches. Lupos: Part of them...they're split up into differnt groups... Espa: But if we get every last one of them Lupos: Sooner or later...we'll hit the jackpot...by the way...why are we watching this? Espa: Let's leave... [i]They get up and walk out, tagging the bar..[/i][/COLOR]
  12. [COLOR=darkblue]Lupos: It could be high midnight, where all the weird stuff comes out. Espa: Like what? Lupos: Our human counterparts, gone wrong... Espa: I see... Lupos: So where do we go from here? Espa: You tell me... Lupos: Eastern section..."motelville"... Espa: wTF? Lupos: It's where all the crappy motels are...we're surely get some fresh blood there... Espa: I don't want to travel far off... Lupos: Let's just snatch people off the strip then...[/COLOR]
  13. [COLOR=darkblue]Espa: So what are we looking for? Lupos: Anything..."hidden" Espa: So either... [i]They board the elevator[/i] Lupos: Yeah...you said you were hungry? Espa: Yes, I am... Lupos: Well go for blood first before searching. I think all of us are. [/COLOR]
  14. [COLOR=darkblue][i]Chole takes his blade out of his blanket and puts it to the flame and starts talking to himself.[/i] Chole: Man...I really messed up this time...[/COLOR]
  15. [COLOR=darkblue][i]Sunset approaches...Lupos looks out the covered window and sees the last rays of the sun go down.[/i] Lupos: It's time... Espa: Already? Lupos: Looks like our time is cut short...for today... [i]Lupos gets up and jumps into the shower...he contacts the others... "You guy's ready? We're about to scout out soon." Siren: I'll get ready...so will Zack. Craig: We're up and ready to go anytime. Liam: I'm waiting...[/i][/COLOR]
  16. [COLOR=darkblue][i]Crying, Chole walks over to Kool and Rex...[/i] Kool: Chole, what's wrong? Chole: I messed up, big time... Kool: I told you not to... Rex: It's okay...it's a guy thing... Chole: Yeah...*sniff* Kool: Don't feel so bad...she'll most likely forget about it...*looks at Iris on the beach...* Rex: Or maybe not... Chole: *Walks to the little corner in his hut to hide and cry.*[/COLOR]
  17. [COLOR=darkblue]Lupos: I've changed you in some ways... Espa: But I'm still the same old Espa you knew... [i]Espa closes her eyes, then opens them to find Lupos watching her with silence and awe. Their faces so close together, breathing the same air. She raised her face up to kiss Lupos and he let the weight of his body fall against hers, a warmth she welcomed at once. She placed her hands around his waist and held him tightly aganst her, kissing him harder. He reached up to Espa's hair, untying it and letting it fall down her soft, pale shoulders. He moved his hands lower, never feeling skin so soft. Lower to what has already become hard and lost, seeking somewhere soft to hide...[/i][/COLOR]
  18. [COLOR=darkblue]Chole: *Gets up* I think I should go now...[/COLOR]
  19. [COLOR=darkblue]Lupos: Siren, Liam...please do not bust through the door... [i]Lupos flicks the lights off and looked for Espa blindly with his hands.[/i] Espa: *gasp* Okay...that was unexpected... [i]Using her strength, Espa rips off Lupos' shirt and throws it away.[/i] Lupos: How am I gonna explain this to the others... Espa: Don't... [i]Espa pushes Lupos flat on the ground and presses her body close to his.[/i] Lupos: It's been a while... Espa: Yeah... [i]Lupos puts his arms around Espa and pushes her even closer, causing her to let out a short sigh of pleasure. They hear the group coming and lay still in the pitch black, breathing heavily.[/i] Liam: *Knocks on door* No answer... Siren: They're probably out...let's just take the cards and sleep for the day... [i]They each split the rooms evenly and set up to sleep...meanwhile, Espa gains control as she pierces a wound on Lupos' neck and takes a few sips.[/i] Lupos: Sweet blood... Espa: I love it... [i]Holding the blood in her mouth, she kisses Lupos straight on, filling him with the same sweet taste...[/i][/COLOR]
  20. [COLOR=darkblue]Lupos: *Sits still* I don't feel anything bad in the environment... Espa: Then why'd I shudder... Lupos: I think it may be something else...[/COLOR] ;)
  21. [COLOR=darkblue][i]Lupos takes an envelope and puts all the room's card keys in them. He then hangs it on the outside of his door and closes it.[/i] Lupos: I hope they don't mind... Espa: I'm sure they won't. *In the elevator* Liam: *shiver* Siren: What was that all about? Liam: I don't...know...[/COLOR]
  22. [COLOR=darkblue]Chole: *Stays quiet...* Iris: *Runs behind Chole and pushes him down* Chole: Umm...umm...*looks up* sorry?[/COLOR]
  23. I had my old PSx explode on me when I brought it over to play in asia...it seems that they have 220v in their sockets...smoke, then a loud clap, off came the left side of the thing...
  24. [COLOR=darkblue][i]Lupos sits down on the bed and phones the others waiting in the parking lot.[/i] Lupos: We've secured our rooms...come up to floor 17, room 12... Liam: So that's 1712? Lupos: Yes, I'll give you your cards...they had vacancy problems so I tried to split everyone up so they can be comfortable and have privacy. Liam: Okay, we're making our way there... Lupos: Good, Lupos out...[/COLOR]
  25. [COLOR=darkblue]Chole: *Sets down his blade and starts to walk off* Kool: Where do you think you're going? Chole: I'm going to pick some fruits to eat. I'm hungry... Kool: Fine...but don't go near the waterfall, you hear me? Chole: Okay...*runs off* Rex: Do you think he'll listen to you? Kool: Nope...he didn't even carry his blade with him...so how is he gonna get his precious food? Rex: Why'd you let him go? Kool: He's gotta learn it the hard way, I guess...[/COLOR]
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