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Everything posted by RicoTranzrig

  1. You don't really need a mod chip for the job...but you do need to have a japanese GCN to do it...other than that...try [url]www.upstategames.com[/url]
  2. [COLOR=darkblue]Lupos: Even then...you'd probably get set aside... Espa: Dámn prostitutes... Lupos: You up to some roleplaying? Liam: :rolleyes: Siren: I already know where this is going... Lupos: So what hotel are we gonna check into... Matt: An even better question: Who's paying.. [i]Everyone looks at each other.[/i] Craig: Coung Siren and Zack out...we used their SUV so we can't put tabs on them. Neil: Don't look at me... Lupos: I suppose I could...I have a ever changing bank account. Liam: So do I...its nice to have Nosferatu working in the banks. Craig: So Lupos and Liam...hmmm...Lupos pays. Lupos: Fine... Liam: Which hotel though... Siren: Somewhere dark.... Zack: Luxor...that pyramind shaped thing... Siren: It sucks...the ones they made way back when were so much better... [i]Zack makes a turn on the highway and exits into downtown Vegas...the park in Luxor's check in area and Lupos and Espa get off.[/i] [/COLOR]
  3. [COLOR=darkblue]Kool: So what's up Chole... Chole: Maybe I should stay away from Iris for a while... Rex: Why? Chole: Bad influence... Kool: Can't blame it on that...maybe it's because you're going through something called Denial... Chole: No...I haven't started to feel this way until I got to this island and met Iris... Rex: Hey, you figure it out...but trust me...it's not what you think it is...she's not a bad influence. Chole: Maybe I should go talk to her... Kool: *Pulls Chole back* not at the waterfall...here... Chole: *sweatdrop* Sorry...[/COLOR]
  4. [COLOR=darkblue]Chole: *Starts to whistle and walks off with his blade* Kool: And where do you think you're going? Chole: Snacks *innocent smile* :D Kool: Aww soooo cuuuute....*fake-vomits on the ground* Liam: LOL...trying to be a man huh Chole? Chole: What are you talking about? Kool: *points to Iris* Chole: :( no, not the waterfall thing again... Rex: Your precious "coconuts" are near there.... Liam/Kool: LOL! Chole: But they are! All: *Silent* Liam: Come here, Chole...I think staying alone on a island for a while kinda "sensitized" you... [i]Liam leads him to the hut for a one-on-one talk...[/i][/COLOR]
  5. [COLOR=darkblue]Umm...yeah, congratulations Raiha...nice extra surprise to get after coming back from vacation...;) I got an idea for a next "vote off" style game...it's not another Big Brother though...but it's pretty fun, I guess... [/COLOR]
  6. [COLOR=darkblue] Telepathically... [i] Siren: Lupos, look at your little baby vampire... Lupos: What? Siren: Your little fledgling is stealing the show... Lupos: What show? *Falls to the ground* Siren: ... Lupos: Geez, don't be jealous... Siren: Just as long as she doesn't take Zack. Lupos: She's not like that... Siren: Well, you never know... Liam: Would you two stop? I know it sucks that there's only two girls on this journey of ours, but...we have to trust each other. Lupos: He's right...we're old and wise enough to do this without suspicions.[/i] Liam: We're almost there...just a few more hours...hey, the tints are working very nicely... Zack: You got that right... Siren: *Stares at Zack* Zack: What is it? Siren: Nothing...*smiles* Craig: Time to retest all my gambling skills... Lupos: Heh, too bad Liam can't show them off... Neil: He's not the only one... Espa: Hold still! Neil: Stop...I'm okay now... [i]Espa lets go of Neil's psyche.[/i] Neil: Much better... Matt: Ugh...it still feels like a freaking trap to me... Lupos: Well...let's wait and see... [/COLOR]
  7. Well...I didn't get anything that I asked for...all they said was "Sorry, we couldn't find what you were looking for...so here's some money so you can find it yourself and buy it..." All they had to do was go to Best Buy or something and it would be there...
  8. I say AC2 is much better if you're into customizing parts and playing one-on-one battles with another person. But ZOE is lightning fast and it is a preffered game by game critics.
  9. [COLOR=darkblue]Ebay...that's where I usually get all my blank CD's from...I also expirement with bidding for car parts so I can get them cheap sometimes, but mostly its just blank CDs...[/COLOR]
  10. [COLOR=darkblue]Lupos: We got one more hour before we start to move on. Siren: Decide where we going next? Lupos: Where else? Vegas... Siren: Sin City? :therock: Lupos: Why not...we'll probably find a vampire colony around there. They'll hear our call. Liam: That sounds like a good idea, better than travelling north where there's nothing or down south. Zack: No passports and really hot blood down there. Matt: Racist... Zack: What? Its true, there is a lot of trouble down at the border. Neil: Las Vegas...the Strip, strippers, stripping...oh yeah. :naughty: Lupos: Were there to go find more of our lost kin... Neil: Hey, we have pleny of time. Siren: True... Liam: We'll enjoy the short vacation, plus its really cold there. Lupos: Our ideal temprature... [i]Siren pokes her head out of the cave and watches the sun go down with her $200 shades.[/i] Siren: We're almost ready? Lupos: Espa...she's still asleep....you guys go ahead, I'll go pull her out of her bed... [i]The group says goodbye and thanks to the old woman while Lupos goes to Espa's room.[/i] Espa: *Eyes flicker* Lupos: Hey there... Espa: Are we going? Lupos: *Nods* [i]Lupos lifts Espa up and walks back to the SUV. They slip into the backseats and Zack takes the wheel.[/i] Zack: Now Vegas, I know... [i]He starts the engine and drives away. ...Back in the cave...[/i] ????: *Holding cell phone* They just left...towards Las Vegas...they're a strong group...be careful when you kill them...[/COLOR]
  11. I'm really sorry, Flash...we're all here if you need us. Of course no one deserves this fate...but there's always a way out of it with minimal harm done. They're adults, they most likely know how to handle it in the best way possible. Mothers are great...they can handle a lot and I have much respect for them, especially for yours. "The Samuri's Garden" It's a good book to read and it contains a similar situation in the beginning.
  12. With all the new computers coming out with greater capabilities...modem-to-modem play just got too slow and boring. It got replaced with the much faster Ethernet/LAN connections. Because you'd want to play with more than just yourself and another person.
  13. Seems that I haven't been here for that long...I joined around August and the Games and Stories fourm instantly caught my eye. So I've been there constanlty ever since. Same thing with the videogames fourms. It's really helped my writing skills, to sharpen them a little and, well, just to meet new people.
  14. [COLOR=darkblue]????: No! I'm sorry, but you'll have to look for another place to stay. But I'll let you in here until sunset before you have to hit the road again. Neil: Why??!! Siren: Neil...don't question her...she has her reasons. ????: Listen to your older breatehren. She is one of the very wise. Neil: What are you? Some kinda fortune teller? ????: You could say that...now, there are the guest rooms over there. Enjoy your 12-hour stay. Liam: Thank you.. [i]The old woman leaves the party to tend to her personal matters.[/i] Lupos: So where do we go on from here? It seems like our suspicions aren't true. But the Council is very strict. Espa: Then there's gotta be tons of Nosferatu that are out there that are never acknolwedged. Lupos: Very true. Neil: Like me.... Liam: really? Neil: I've never come in contact with them until Espa was introduced into them. Zack: Wow...I didn't know Neil: Yeah, a real outcast...oh well. Lupos: That's not true. We're not under the Council's power right now. We're in danger, but we're still alive. You're with us. Liam: There's many of our kind that are left to the slaughter of the Tristae Witches. I never knew the day it would happen that L.A.'s Council of Nine would turn to such a practice. Espa: Many Nosferatu are Forsaken... Lupos: Yes, Espa...our path becomes clearer each day. Liam: L.A. is no longer a safe place for us. The Council knows that we've skipped town without their asking. My house is no longer safe, but very well protected by those "Police." Lupos: I have nothing left there... Espa: My uncle Fong is probably dead by now... Siren: Espa, don't think like that...he's a fighter. Liam: He'll make it out alive...we'll see him again, I just know it. Neil: So where do we go from here...? Liam: Lupos...you have the book of our history...you decide which fate to take. Lupos: ...I need some time to think about this. Siren: Very well. Zack: Whew...time to take a breather... [i]They all go to their seperate rooms and rest. Lupos sits in bed, starting to think of where they should go next...[/i] [/COLOR]
  15. Also, if you plan to start up an unprepared thread...kinda like "Story Start's here, do what ever..." Okay, that was sort of an exaggeration but I think you know what I mean at least give a little "read ahead" or think of a beginning plot line to build from before you set it up or else no one knows what to post next.
  16. It probably won't fit...it's not a PCI card slot in the Cube... BTW: What's the server for the GCN going to be?
  17. Nice picture...gets straight to the point, beautiful.
  18. [COLOR=darkblue]Chole: *Puts his blade to the flame and begins to sharpen it* "I wonder if there's any other people around the island besides the camera man and the people here...[/COLOR]
  19. [COLOR=darkblue]Chole: I have my corner here in my hut with my fishing pole and my bed and my bucket and my blade...yeah! Woody: Little kid... Chole: :confused: Woody: Just kidding... [/COLOR]
  20. [COLOR=darkblue]Lupos: So what do you have for us Nosferatu? ????: You'll see.. [i]The old woman leads them further underground, getting colder and colder, the air changes from a murky damp smell, to one of natural gas.[/i] Neil: So I was right...pigs... Liam: It is an ingenious plan...in a twisted sort of way. Espa: Are we really going to drink from them? Lupos: No...Whenever we drink the blood of an animal, we slaughter it first, then drain it and coagulate it. We do have to feed more but it'll keep you alive. Siren: Nice farm you go there... ????: Yes, I do make my living off of raising pigs. But you came here for something else besides a buisness proposition? Zack: Yeah... ????: Let the eldest speak. Liam: Are you disbanded with the Council of the Nine? ????: Yes, sadly enough... Siren: Why is that? ????: Oh I was a misguided fledgling, my blood was all wrong for the embrace and I had severe disabilities. A vampire happened to be sadistic enough to embrace me, left me to this cruel fate of mine. With my blind eyes and frail body, the Council never acknowledged me as one of their own. Siren: I'm sorry... ????: No, its quite alright...so... Lupos: What do you know about the Tristae Witches? ????: Not much, studied them for quite a while. Their behaivors reflect that of wild animals when they're not seen with human eyes. Zack: But...me? ????: Normal humans... Zack: Oh... Lupos: How about weaknesses? ????: They have many...but you won't see them at first glance. You'll have to look hard. Espa: Are their weaknesses on the inside? ????: I'm not sure, my dear... Lupos: One more request...will you let us stay here for a while?[/COLOR]
  21. [COLOR=darkblue][i]Kool hands over a loin to Chole.[/i] Chole: Yay...dinner time! *Digs in*[/COLOR]
  22. Where is the vote off though?:huh:
  23. Good, at least some of the people will be back from vacation to see it all.
  24. I say make a Magical RPG...but make it so that there aren't any spells that ruin the entire game....like spells that destroy cities in one sweep...
  25. [COLOR=darkblue]Chole: Let's get my blade back... [i]Kool cleans the blade in water and hands it over to Chole[/i] Chole: Thank you...hmm, never eaten roasted lion... Kool: King of the Jungle baby! Chole: Me a baby? Kool: *palm to forehead* oh geez... [/COLOR]
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