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Everything posted by RicoTranzrig
[COLOR=darkblue][i]They all finally get to a stable spot in the hills, a haven, shading them from the full efffects of the sun as Siren looks around for the right cavern.[/i] Siren: There's tons of these, one wrong move and we're trapped in there until sunset. Liam: I don't think some of us will survive without blood for that long. Lupos: Want us to help look for the cave? Siren: No...it's too dangerous, let me just think... [i]Everyone stays silent for a few minutes as the Sun's rays finally breach the horizon.[/i] Espa: *Telepathically* Lupos... Lupos: What is it? Espa: Once we get through with this, what are you going to do? Lupos: Well... [i]The silence is broken when Siren gets up...[/i] Siren: This way... Zack: Finally... Neil: I wonder what she looks like...arrr...:naughty: Siren: She was embraced at 47, you tell me... Neil: Errr...*sweatdrop* Liam: Nevermind...let's hurry up... [i]Siren begins to run and the rest chase after her. She runs through the cave positioned off to the right and they stop there.[/i] Lupos: Are we in? Siren: Yes...*takes a deep breath* Hello? Anybody here?![/COLOR]
[COLOR=darkblue]Lupos: Vampire strength... Liam: That's cheating but makes us glad that we're cool like that. Lupos: Well, now that Siren knows the way...we'll be there in no time...[/COLOR]
[COLOR=darkblue]That's really cool...inverse the colors and add particle effects of snow...it'll really look like christmas.[/COLOR]
just go to gamefaqs.com they have a guide that'll tell you where all the cards are.
Nice cut...but you look the same to me...
[COLOR=darkblue]Rico: *Stands by the door* Hold up...he's still unstable... Ash: Unstable? Craig: Let's let him take a look around first... Rico: Fine, whatever suits you...but it would be wise to do the procedure on him when he's still dazed...we don't have any painkillers on this ship... Amber: Oo.. that's gotta hurt... Ash: What's gonna hurt? Rico: Nothing...it's just that we have to get some "things" out of you before you can get out and about. Ash: What is this place? Craigh: You'll learn soon enough....[/COLOR]
We'll probably leave it up for a few days for everyone to see...
[COLOR=darkblue]Chole: It's fine...what was he doing anyway? Liam: You don't wanna know... Sere: *Walks out of her hut and Joins Chole and Liam* Good morn. Chole: Who's she? Sere: errr...*falls to the ground* Liam: She's one of the very few girls on this island... Chole: Okay...hopefully she doesn't act like Iris.. Iris: I heard that... Chole: *sweatdrop* Liam: Why? Feeling uncomfortable? :whoops: Chole: With the waterfall thing...yeah...and the time inside the hut with my bucket of fishes... Sere: Yeah, I saw you from far away...what was that all about? Liam: Chole learning to be a man... Chole: :help: [/COLOR]
[COLOR=darkblue][i]As the weather gets colder, Siren notices the change in the temprature of the cold night air and breathes in deeply.[/i] Siren: We're almost there... Lupos: So who's your "friend" anyway? Siren: We can trust her...she may be living in total solitude underground, but she's tough. Neil: Well, what can she do for us? Siren: Well, of course she can provide us protection from everyone else who might be looking for us but also, she's a record keeper and an observer like Lupos. Lupos: Glad to know I'm not the only one... Liam: There's one per colony... Zack: So which way? Siren: Drive off the desert... Zack: ?? Liam: It's an SUV...? Zack: But... Lupos: Why are you being stingy? Siren: We'll get a new paint job after... Zack: Okay... [i]Zack shifts into H4 and drops it out of the road and into the rough sands of the Mojave Desert.[/i] Espa: *Looks at the clock* We've got 3 hours until sunrise... Zack: I'm on it....*guns the engine* Siren: Good thing we bought this... Neil: One question...how does your "friend" get her blood? Siren: That she keeps a secret...I have no idea... Neil: Animals? Lupos: Our blood is incompatiable...except with maybe...pigs... Espa: Ewww.. Liam: So she's growing a pig farm underground, in the desert...:nope: Siren: Well, if you guys want to find out, fine...but don't get me involved in what she does... Zack: So where would the entrance be? Siren: Here....lemme drive, I know the way... Zack: No just tell me... Siren: I said, I want to DRIVE! :flaming: [i]Zack and Siren fight over the steering wheel for a few minutes as the SUV sways from side to side.[/i] Lupos: This can't be good... Liam: Will one of you find the way before we get fried?[/COLOR]
[COLOR=darkblue]Lupos: Hey, you guys have water? Siren: Water? :therock: Lupos: Yeah...ice cold? Liam: Why? Lupos: Throats kinda dry for some reason... Espa: It's been going on for a while now...what's with the thrist for water allofasudden? Lupos: Beats me...just that I enjoy having a nice cold glass to clean up my insides, I guess... Liam: Bad Blood...from eating too much from the neck...cysts grow there sometimes... Lupos: That might be it...[/COLOR]
[COLOR=darkblue][i]Chole gets bored...He jumps out of the pool and climbs the waterfall to get his daggar and shirt.[/i] Chole: Time to head back... *He makes a mad dash back to the village.*[/COLOR]
[COLOR=darkblue]Espa: I'm...hungry... Lupos: Err...she hasn't drank yet...er maybe she has, but not in a while? Liam: Whatever...she needs blood... [i]Everyone stares at Lupos...[/i] Lupos: Okay, fine... [i]Lupos unbuttons his shirt and leans towards Espa.[/i] Lupos: Could you guys not look? Please? All except Espa: Okay... [i]Lupos takes a daggar from his pocket and pierces a small hole in his neck. Espa puts his arms around Lupos and begins to feed[/i][/COLOR]
I just came back from the theaters..."The Fellowship of the Ring" was a really faithful translation of Tolkien's book. It's hard to believe that some of the scenes there were actually real, not CG...I really need to get out more...:shifty:
[COLOR=darkblue]X-Box has potential and it MAY have a promising future if developers work their usual magic and code for it...Squashed Snail pretty much explained everything else...[/COLOR]
[COLOR=darkblue]Chole: *Waves* Tell me how it went![/COLOR]
Lupos: Back so soon? Zack: Yeah...we drove kinda...fast? Siren: So we're ready to go anytime... Liam: Good...everyone ready? Lupos: Yeah... [i]The group gets into the tinted SUV, occupying each of the 8 seats...Zack gets in and starts up the engine...they roar off in the middle of the night.[/i]
[COLOR=darkblue][i]Chole notices Liam behind the camer man...[/i] Chole: Hey Liam! Liam: Hi there... Chole: Just taking a nice refreshing swim under the falls...the dive is nuts... Liam: Nuts? *sweatdrop* Chole: Umm...it's great...just be careful to aim at the water...[/COLOR]
[COLOR=darkblue][i]Lupos: It looks like we're going bare bones on this one.. Liam: My books will be protected under the Council of the Nine... Zack: I'll go get the SUV... Zack and Siren storm out of the house towards their houses with the keys. Lupos: SO we're set... Liam: I wonder...what isolation does to a fellow nosferatu.[/i][/COLOR]
[COLOR=darkblue][i]Chole climbs the waterfall and sets down his daggar and takes off his shirt.[/i] Chole: *Looks down* Soo...high...:nervous: [i]Chole takes a deep breath, plugs his nose and jumps into the air. The cameraman captures his landing.[/i] Camera Man: Oooo.... Chole: *Gives a thumbs up*[/COLOR]
[COLOR=darkblue]Lupos: Good....from experience travelling long distances...we have a 6 hour time window to get out on the road and into the desert to look for Siren's "friend"[/COLOR]
Flash'll post it whenever...probably tomorrow evening...which means whenever your skies turn dark...and it'll be friday night...
[COLOR=darkblue][i]Chole sits quietly as the madness unfolds...[/i] Chole: That was fun...maybe I'll go diving... [i]Takes daggar and runs towards the waterfalls.[/i][/COLOR]
[COLOR=darkblue][i]Lupos speaks telepathically... Lupos: Enough of this...writing... Siren: My friend is out in the Mojave Desert... Lupos: But it's hot as hell out there...if we get caught in sunrise...even elixers and potoins won't save our asses. Liam: Which is why we must act quickly... Lupos: But I still can't believe that the Council of the Nine would betray their own breatheren...it's hard to swallow...without proof...[/i][/COLOR]
[COLOR=darkblue]Lupos: Even though we can't use Dark Art spells here...we CAN use trinkets and potions....[/COLOR]
[COLOR=darkblue]Iris: Chole...chole...chole... Chole: Hmmm :(*hangs head....* [/COLOR]