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Everything posted by RicoTranzrig
[COLOR=darkblue]Chole: Well, if you really dont' know how to use a fishing pole, you can always coax the fish, Sesame street style... [i]Chole takes a deep breath[/i] Chole: Here! Fishy, Fishy, FISHY!!! [i]Fish jumps out of the water and into the bucket.[/i] Chole: See? Woddy: Maybe because you have such a high pitched voice... Chole...:therock: You wanna try?[/COLOR]
[COLOR=darkblue][i]Chole hands Woddy another fishing pole and they head out to the beach...[/i] Chole: You do know how to fish, right?[/COLOR]
[COLOR=darkblue]Chole: Hey, grab a seat...all we've got left is mangoes...I'm going out to fish...[/COLOR]
Online love is rare...I believe the furthest a regular person could go online is establishing a nice well rounded friendship. Unless you're really trying hard and you're lucky...I guess online love is possible...just as long as you're within driving distance with each other.
Start it...and die...:devil: J/k :D actually it would be better if me, warlock, or flash make the thread 'cause then...we can "stick" it up...don't worry...it'll come again after the last vote off is long passed.
[COLOR=darkblue][i]Chole huffs and puffs as he carries the ripe mangoes into the hut...everyone looks in astonishment...[/i] Neo: Is that... Chole: Dessert!!! :D [i]Everyone charges at the mango pile as Chole steps out of the way and looks for something tangible to eat.[/i] Chole: A drumstick...cooked rice...anything? *Sniff* [i]Chole walks out of the hut with his head hung low. He heads towards the beach with a fishing pole in hand.[/i][/COLOR]
[COLOR=darkblue][i]Lupos and Liam stand by the top banister...[/i] Liam: End THIS!! Lupos: Now! [i]Lupos jumps down and grabs Neil's throat, he pulls out a dagger from his pocket and aims it at his heart.[/i] Neil: Are you going to kill me? Liam: Bring him up here, Lupos. [i]Lupos takes Neil and jumps back up with him. He hands him over to Liam and he pushes him back into a wall, violently.[/i] Liam: Now listen to me, fledgling...and listen to me good. We follow a certain code of conduct, especially within my house, is that understood.? Lupos: *Looks at Espa* Espa... Espa: What? Lupos: You do not lash out like that...Liam is angry... Espa: Because that kid tried to kill me I should cool it...not a chance. Siren: Hey, get this over with...we're trying to work here... Lupos: Liam'll take care of Neil...I have to take care of you. Espa: What are you going to do? Lupos: Absolutely nothing...I've taught you how to conduct yourself and I'm not going to say it or punish you.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=darkblue][i]Chole gets up with slight enthusiasim.[/i] Chole: Sure thing *pulls out sword* [i]Liam and Chole head out into the Jungle...after walking a few miles, they finally come across a fruit bearing tree...[/i][/COLOR]
Earthlink is a very excellent server to use if you're wondering...
If you're new to the Net use AOL...but if you at least know how to type in a URL...get away from that ISP and switch to a more reliable and cheaper server. There's just too many problems with it...especially privacy issues.
[COLOR=darkblue]Chole: WhatCHA cooking? Neo: Rice...and more rice... Chole: Well, at least it's not real easy to get sick of. Neo: Island boy? Chole: Well, yeah...I'm light, climb trees, know my way around big jungles pick up things with my feet...stuff like that. Neo: Oh...well, dinner will be ready in a couple.. Chole: Ya-hum..okay... *Chole walks off towards the beach*[/COLOR]
I guess it's all their own interpretation...but Anime and all of those things are original creations...not neccisarliy that of the devil...personally, even though I'm a christian...I'm mature and well versed enough to not listen to extra things, telling me what's good and what's bad. I know it's wrong if it hurts anyone...which harry potter and anime do not.
Well...maybe just the vote-off will stand...not the house itself.
[COLOR=darkblue][i]Rico slips into a brick room with two couches, a mirror, a table with medicine and a giant fireplace.[/i] Rico: I see...we're recruting today... [i]Rico hears footsteps coming closer and closer to the door...he closes his eyes and scans through the door..."hmm...Andrew...and Ash..." Craig slips into the Matrix[/i] Craig: Hey...new people? Rico: Looks like it...our computers should tell us these things before we make the jump.... Craig: My computer's a *****...won't let me "alter" her program...says she's "violating" her...:rolleyes: Rico: Well, there they come...[/COLOR]
[COLOR=darkblue]Chole: Well, if you don't like eating maggots...I hope you like eating fish for long periods of time...'cause all we've got is the tasteless Mackrel(sp?) [i]Cracks open a bamboo chute and puts the maggots to the flame[/i] Chole: But never eat these things raw...I heard of baaad things....[/COLOR]
[COLOR=darkblue]Lupos: What's going on down there? Liam: Oh, nothing... Espa: This is really interesting...I'm not really into genetics but this stuff is really useful. Lupos: *Points at a section of DNA sequences* This is where human splits into Vampire or Tristae Witch...weird... Liam: Yes, now I remember...the mutation happened during 560B.C. when the pillars mysteriously began to fall. Espa: Pillars? Lupos: Bacically where the Circle of the Nine reside...they meet there every single day, ensuring the safety of the pillars of the world. The balanced everything. Liam: So when the pillars collapesd, great disasters happened...killing many people. To ensure the survival of the human race...the mutation happened, giving us superhuman abilities. Lupos: But Vampries had the weaknesses...while the Tristae witches were gifted with retaining their human image and having no visible weakness. Liam: But the Tristae witches never knew what happened...so they opressed us. Lupos: But Vampries do serve a good purpose...the Circle of the Nine would have not created the dual genetic mutation for nothing. Liam: And that purpose is to ensure the balance of the world...the balance of the three pieces of human survival. The host (human), Life (Tristae Witch), and Death (Vampire)... Lupos: If Tristae witch have the upper hand...the Humans will over populate and corrupt the world...if the Vampries have the upper hand, we have the control of humanity or exctinction. Espa: So the Tristae wiches are gaining the upper hand? Lupos: Yes...and we have a way to undo the damage they have done. Liam: oddly enough...remember that time when we could use black Arts back in the HomeLand? Lupos: Yeah Liam: I wonder why not here...I think there's something else here with us in LA...an extra 4th piece...but it's not recorded in any of the books I've read. Espa: And that would be a lot.. Liam: Oh yeah... Lupos: We don't know how the Tristae Witch was enstowed with the gift of life...or how they work their purpose...but we're about to find out...tonight... Liam: Let's hope Zack knows how to use that machine..[/COLOR]
Yeah, it's probably just me...and a few other people...it doesn't taste that good to me and it burns a lot...but the feeling afterwards feels quite good.
if I did something terrible against a teacher...everyone would probably be shocked...because they would never find me as a rebellious type of person...though it does happen on occasion.
Now we'll be able to memorize each and every word a character says much more easily...
Well...it may be considered a Tragedy because it was planned and "played" out horrifcally...but Muslim-Americans are not our enemy...we're at war...and it's a confusing war that we're in...if you take the Islamic Extremists and compare them with the general population of muslims...it would be almost like comparing the KKK with modern day christians. That's how 'extreme' their interpretations are...(Got that from the West Wing...)
Personally, I don't consume alchohol...just could never get attuned to the taste...
Hmm...tough choice...here's my opinions about the ones I've played so far... Okay, Devil May Cry: did get the best rating out of all of the others but the game will last you only around 20 hours since it's fairly short (if you're good at fast paced action). Hyped up and fast paced gameplay will have your heart racing...IMO, it feels like a real 3D version of what MegaManX should be when it hits PS2. Twisted Metal: Black would also be great since it has huge levels and sweet 60FPS graphics controls are very much the same...it does get repetitive after a while after you unlock all the secret characters, which takes a while...so keep that multitap handy. The videos are always nice to watch also. Silent Hill 2: This is a game that pretty much kept me looking behind me since I play it in the dark. Realistic shading effects and Konami's own "Surround Sound" coding add to the true horror that James Sunderland will about to face...*gasp* Lengthy, dark, evil, and not making much sense?...sounds like Silent Hill.
[COLOR=darkblue]Chole: Wait a minute...then that would mean that there is a heavily maintained transmitting station somewhere around here....on the island or somewhere reachable underwater... Liam: Man...you wouldn't think...we'd be arrested... Chole: There are no laws here *takes out sword* :devil Iris: No...that'd be too much though... Chole: Okay, okay...it was a dumb idea to talk to the camera man and ask him if we could just get a free TV and Cable. All: *Drops to the floor* Chole: What?[/COLOR]
It also stores music, pictures, and v/e-mail...once you install the HD...it upgrades the firmware version of your PS2 and I believe the system startup screen looks different...
[COLOR=darkblue][i]Rico wakes up in his stasis pod. He gets up and unhooks the optical cable attached at the base of his head. The voice of his annoying computer begins to speak... [/i] ????: Good morning Rico: Anything to eat? ????: We have insufficent power to make breakfast...I had a run in with a sentry drone while you were away. Rico: Sh-t...I'm starving... ????: We need to release more pods... Rico: Which means I have to go back in? ????: Yes...but I detect something odd within the Matrix...please be careful. Rico: I got it... [i]Rico lays back down on the pod and attaches the optical cable back into the base of his head. He closes his eyes and drifts back into the data stream...[/i] [/COLOR]