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Everything posted by RicoTranzrig
[COLOR=darkblue]Lupos: But since the practice of Embrace begain in the 1800's...it was easy going from then on... Liam: Yeah, lucky you... Espa: Wait...so now that I have Lupos' blood, that would mean that I would have the upperhand already? Lupos: Exactly. Espa: But then how did you come into existence, Lupos? Liam: Both of our stories are very much unique, but follow the same path. Lupos: Liam is older than I am...but his human self died at a young age. Liam: Let me tell my story...I was once a boy born into a noble family. No one would ever know it, but I was murdered brutally and my body mercilessly dropped into a river. I was sweped downstream and I eventually ended up in the mountains, where a colony of vampires found my body and resurrected me by putting their own lifeblood in me. Oh that was so long ago...but Lupos had a similar past... Lupos: From what I remember, I was more of a commoner in Spain during world war 1. I was 20 and I shall remain that age for the rest of my life. I was taking time off in my house when dark forces surrounded my house and murdered me brutally also. I was found by the nosferatu colony there...I was still alive and my blood still hot with anger for revenge. The Guardian of Death, one of the Council of the Nine there, embraced me... Espa: Who are these dark forces you talk about? Liam: We're not sure...but we believe that there is a 4th entity at present with us here in LA only... Lupos: Normally, througout our history, there were only three and we were evenly balanced out. Espa: DO you even know who they are though? Lupos: Again, we're not sure...but somehow, we believe that they may be in alliance with the Tristae Witches...which is why we must look into their society as the live it today. Liam: *Looks around his large library* The problem is...how to locate it... [i]He finds his old text journal on Tristae witches and takes it off the shelf.[/i][/COLOR]
GC does have the shortest loading time, if any at all...hmm...but between the X-box and Ps2...who's has shorter loading times? I think the hard drive will be mostly used for the online service (looks more like a personal computer interface). I'm not sure what the features will be but from what I've seen it looks like it'll put that HD to good use.
[COLOR=darkblue]I see it differently...I know that muslims are for peace but at my school some of the muslims there don't show that and it makes people think differently. I guess lately, people have been lazy in reading and seeing the passages and interpreting each and every word for themselves. They rely too much on human wisdom which taints books such as the Koran or the Bible...they listen to others interpretations and consider it the truth without even seeking it for themselves alone and without influence. And this is the consequence...[/COLOR]
[COLOR=darkblue][i]Chole begins to mutter in his sleep... "Ma...mama? Don't leave me...ahhh!" He wakes up to see the roof of the hut swaying from side to side. "Hey, what's going on?"[/i][/COLOR]
*Shiver* But what I don't get is how Rinoa fell in love with Squall... pfff...women :rolleyes: j/k
[COLOR=darkblue][i]Chole looks around at the three huts for a while before deciding...[/i] "Well, since Iris is the only one in that hut...I guess I'll take that one...er...I don't really feel comfortable with her so I guess I'll sleep with the guys..." [i]Puts his sword in it's case and walks over to the hut Liam, Neo, and Rex were sleeping in...he sets up a small space in the corner near the small fire and dozes off.[/i][/COLOR]
I'm running from my chemistry teacher because he's using me as an "example" for the rest of the class...*gulp* It's not fair...since I'm topping out the class ranks he's boasting for me...
[COLOR=darkblue]Chole: I should get some sleep...*looks around* Umm...I just don't know whose hut to sleep in...[/COLOR]
[COLOR=darkblue][i]Rico walks around the city night in his dark trenchcoat and sunglasses, carrying around an silver suitcase. He looks up and sees a huge building.[/i] Rico: Here we go... [i]He walks inside and sees a large amount of security inside.[/i] Rico: Looks like we're not in Kansas anymore... [i]He unlocks the suitcase and throws it into the center of the lobby. He pulls out his MAG rifle and charges out of the building. Before the guards find out what actually dropped, he was long gone from the building.[/i] Rico: *Takes out his cell phone* "Scorpion" [i]In a huge flash of purple light, the building implodes and is wiped off the face of the city, as if it never existed...[/i] Rico: Mission accomplished... [i]He checks to make sure that the connection isn't tapped before jumping out into reality...[/i] [/COLOR]
Just for the sake of clearing everything up... You know that you voted for either Raiha or Sephiroth because you wanted them to win, Right? Not because you wanted them out... Remember, the votes are [u]Reveresed[/u]this time...
[COLOR=darkblue]Chole: I took it from this guy on a ship I was on...it was being taken over by pirates and the ship was sunk...so I took it from one of my dead shipmates and jumped into the water...made it out to find the ship we were in and...well, you know what happened from there...[/COLOR]
[COLOR=darkblue][i]During the car ride to Liam's house Lupos flips through his book...[/i] Lupos: Tristae Witches, the Sarafan, Nemisis...these were all our opressors throughout history. All with the same purpose. Liam: To eradicate the Vampire race...one could easily tell that the task is very much possible. Lupos: Yes, it almost did happen long ago. Liam: Lupos, Espa...this world is cursed...as long as the world is unbalanced, everyone here is doomed. Lupos: The balance of the Circle of the Nine... Espa: Don't you mean the Council of Nine? Liam: No...They are only our wisened instructors and protectors, the original Circle of the Nine were long since eradicated by dark forces. Espa: What happened to them? Lupos: Murdered... Liam: Their purpose was to look after the world and ensure its balance that no one lives or dies. Lupos: Now that they're gone, we have to continue on without their help. Liam: See Espa, our purpose is to "thin the human herd." Lupos: That is why it is important that we not let the Tristae Witches rise up to power and take over the "wheel of destiny." Espa: I don't believe in that stuff... Lupos: Call it what you want, but our presence here is shared by two others. Humans, Nosferatu, and Opressor. Liam: It's always been like this...with guardians to watch over our doings. Lupos: But they no longer exist, so our bretheren must keep the balance now, since we are the oldest of the three. Liam: Our mission is not to destroy the Tristae witches but cripple them long enough so that we may flourish and control the balance of the world. Espa: Which, right now, would mean LA... Liam: Yes... Lupos: So we'll have to look into your library to know our enemy...[/COLOR]
[COLOR=darkblue][i]Chole sits by the campfire with his sword in hand. Cleaning it. He can see his reflection of his child-like face...[/i] "I never seem to change...when will we get off this island, I wonder.." [/COLOR]
Too bad 'cause I'm going to give you one...;)
[COLOR=darkblue][i]Chole takes his sword and slice the bamboo in one strike. It splits into two, forcing tons of maggots to fall out.[/i] Chole: Ohh...crap.... Iris: Don't worry, it's nothing...they're actually quite tasty...when cooked. Chole: you sure do know a lot... Iris: you gotta lot to learn, kid...[/COLOR]
[COLOR=darkblue]Zack: Knowledge is a wonderful thing... Lupos: *Flips to Vampire Tactics* Now this is the sh-t :demon: Liam: Lupos...watch your tounge... Siren: Lol...so whatCHA got? Lupos: Our history... Siren: ooo... Lupos: Killing a Tristae Witch... Liam: They come in packs so they're sorta easy to spot...but they look human so you never know. Siren: No, but they have a distinction...most of them have no body hair by the age of 17... Lupos: That's creepy...wait, how do you know? Siren: I slept with one before... Liam: Predictable... Siren: Just so I could kill it...of course... Zack: Exciting... Siren: No it's embarassing...exposing my body like that...I'm never doing that again... Lupos: SO...we first need to find their colony here...[/COLOR]
Miyamoto is a gaming guru...he'll figure out something. As for the modem/online play... Does nintendo have a deal with a server yet?
[COLOR=darkblue][i]Lupos and Zack walk back into the master bedroom and being to look through the book.[/i] Zack: So when does the vampire legacy start? Lupos: During the dawn of the Seraphim Crusade...not really a legacy at the time...many of us were hunted down and slaughtered...not many nosferatu knew what was going on before the hunger hit and they were feeding mercilessly. Zack: Must have been a tough time... Lupos: They eventually figured it out and fled towards the mountains... Zack: do you know what your older kinsmen looked like? Lupos: We could only speculate...but they didn't not look human like we do today... Zack: How about that suitcase...any clue? Lupos: *Flips through the book towards the 18th century.* Zack: *Points to a sketch in the book* There... Lupos: The treasured item of the Tristae Witch colony...said to hold a certain item that they use to survive...other than that, we'll have to find out sooner or later...[/COLOR]
[COLOR=darkblue][i]Hands Iris the axe[/i] Chole: It's easier to use than this sword of mine... [i]They head into the deep jungle looking for solid, light pieces of wood...[/i][/COLOR]
My teacher got drunk once with his friends...they took a hunting gun with them an a lot of booze...my teacher got drunk as his other "friends." Nature called so he had to empty his bladder in front of a tree...fortunately...the tree exploded...he looked back and he found out the gun went off and gashed the side of his head and the bullet dove into the tree. "Dude! You almost killed me!" "I know" "LOL!!!"
[COLOR=darkblue][i]Lupos' arm begins to shake violently...but he controls his anger...[/i] Lupos: Well, now I know that they aren't that clever in finding me... Zack: Sorry... Lupos: It's okay...but who are you in allience with now? Zack: Siren...I guess, who now reports to you...so I'm with you... Lupos: You wouldn't happen to know what the man who hired you was carrying exactly did you? Zack: I don't know what it was, looked weird though. Lupos: Descriptions?[/COLOR]
It's kinda cool finally having a final fantasy with voices...there was a Squaresoft event at the Metreon this saturday and the place was loaded with PS2's all on FFX...so I've got some money reserved for it and a nice warm jacket for waiting in line...
You might be surprised...
[COLOR=darkblue][i]Lupos marks his place in the book and closes it.[/i] Lupos: *Looks up* Sure thing...*stands up* this way... [i]Lupos leads Zack to one of his guest bedrooms.[/i][/COLOR]
I believe you end up back near the mines? Remember from the beginning where the Theif took the Main Girl out of that town and escaped to the castle? Remember the secret switch on the left side of the rocks at the entrance of the village? Hope those hints help...;)