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Everything posted by RicoTranzrig

  1. I agree with Anna, my bible is a very valuable thing to me...I've only recently began to study it in depth and there's a lot of quotes that helped me through tight situations. I also prize my loved ones very much and my car which I have worked very hard on to keep alive.
  2. [COLOR=darkblue]Chole: Awright... a two person operation...we'll get our village up and ready in no time :rolleyes: J/k anybody else gonna come with us?[/COLOR]
  3. That place is very cool...they make the CD copies in only a few seconds with a special looking burner... Squaresoft games that aren't relased anymore can get really, really expensive...kinda like with Tactics before the sent out a greatest hits release for it.
  4. Yes, I tend to get very dense and let small things get out of control...it ends up hurting people so I'm trying to keep life as simple and relaxed as possible.
  5. [COLOR=darkblue][i]Chole grabs his trusty axe and sword and heads out into the jungle area...he turns back.[/i] Chole: Should we get some wood to build all the stuff?[/COLOR]
  6. [COLOR=darkblue][i]Lupos walks into the closet and jumps up into the hole in the ceiling...[/i] Lupos: Hmm...it's gotta be here... *Takes a match out from his pocket and lights it.* Lupos: *Looks around* ... [i]He looks up and sees the wooden framing of the house. He jumps and hangs onto the beams and reaches around, eventually grabbing onto something and jumping back down.[/i] Lupos: *Holds up a thick bound book* Found it... [i]Jumps back down into the bedroom and sits on the matress flipping through the pages.[/i][/COLOR]
  7. [COLOR=darkblue][i]Espa picks up the car's phone and calls Liam...[/i] Espa: Liam...is the place safe? Liam: We got the place secured...found some trouble but that got taken care of... Espa: Good...we'll be there in a bit. Watch for us... Liam: Alright...you two be careful. *Click* Espa: Looks like the house is safe. Lupos: I hope they didn't get my "little book" Espa: Who'd you get that from anyway? Lupos: From Liam...it's still not finished...I keep writing significant events into it. Espa: you're a recordkeeper? Lupos: More like an observer of the world. Liam was one, now I'm one. Espa: How many years does it go back? Lupos: Ever since the Seraphim Crusade...where humans began craving for blood. And they were being hunted down mercilessly. Espa: When do the hunters come into play? Lupos: That I have to look up...they've never been a problem until now. Espa: Because of me... Lupos: Its not your fault...usually, before we confront our enemies, we study them down to their historical background...even though it might not be significant. Espa: Know your enemy well as if he were yourself... Lupos: Exactly...we have to settle the score here, in this colony, in LA...this is where we'll start our journey together, Espa... [i]Lupos exits the Santa Monica highway and heads up the hills towards his house...[/i] [/COLOR]
  8. [COLOR=darkblue][i]Lupos and Espa are the last to leave. Lupos takes they keys out and they both get into their car and drive off into the highway.[/i] Lupos: Liam and his backup should be there by now.... Espa: You haven't really kept any secrets from me, have you? Lupos: Yes...I have been honest and truthful to you ever since I took you in? Espa: What are you looking for back at the house? Lupos: A book of particular interest. Espa: About? Lupos: Our history...our ways, our art... Espa: Vampires didn't look like us back 2000 years ago, did they? Lupos: They looked very much different...though we have no real idea why we don't look like that anymore. Espa: It's not in that book your looking for? Lupos: That part in history was never recorded...it could be anything that could have changed our appearance...a plague, genetic mutation, divine forces. Espa: How about the Tristae Witches? Lupos: They begain their existence long after Vampires started looking like what they did today. Which is why I need the book for reference...we're going to attack and capture a Tristae Witch... [/COLOR]
  9. [COLOR=darkblue]Lupos: Well, except by me... Espa: *Punches his arm lightly* Oh, okay, yeah...riiight... Lupos: Let's head back...I have some stuff I want to get if they haven't already stolen it yet. Siren: Should we take seperate cars or just one big limosene... Liam: It'll be fine if we go as a group, but we'll stand out like a sore thumb... Zack: A couple vampires and strong humans shouldn't be so vulnerable to a group of Tristae Witches... Lupos: How about this? Espa and I will take our car while you guys head up the hills first...my guess is they'll ignore you while they go looking for Espa. Craig: True, they probably didn't know Lupos embraced her yet. Espa: *Smiles at Lupos* Matt: Huh? Well...if that's the case, then we should go seperate...each vehicle will carry some of us, while the last one carries Lupos and Espa. Lupos: Each car will come in regular intervals. You guys get into a good position to attack from the shadows while they concentrate on finding Espa... Liam: It's setteled then...*Walks back into the building* I'll go get some help for later...[/COLOR]
  10. [COLOR=darkblue]Lupos: We're good to go...we're under their protection... Zack: Good job... Espa: But we're still in danger... Lupos: Very true...but know we won't have so much trouble as being overwhelmed by hordes of Tristae Witches... Liam: As with this place...Hunters have a colony of their own...it's just that it's... Siren: Such a ***** to find it? Liam: Exactly... Zack: Do you think its safe to return to your house, Lupos? Lupos: They probably trashed it...but since we've got backup...maybe we should go take a look.[/COLOR]
  11. Simple to say that we've kept your characters alive and well...well Warlock...Raynor obviously died...and we placed a memorial for them...read a few pages back to my long long post of the ending of it all...you'll understand, mostly...I'll explain the rest if you have questions...
  12. [COLOR=darkblue][i]Lupos leads Espa through the main hallway and into the elevator. They reach the basement and walk into another hallway covered in bricks and limestone. A group of vampires await at the end, opening the doors for them. Only Lupos and Espa proceed as the doors close beind them.[/i] Council: Lupos, it seems that you have decided to return to please us. Lupos: I have brought forth another one of our kind, a Nosferatu... Council2: We can see that... Lupos: Will you acknowledge my request to enter her into the book of the undead? Council3: We will keep a record of Espa's introduction into the society. Council4: Espa...what do you have to say for yourself, now that you are one of us. Espa: Umm...well...I feel much more stronger and safer now that I'll have ample protection against a Tristae Witch... Lupos: You have my promise that I will teach her the true arts of the vampire... Council5: Be very careful on how you conduct yourself...our greatest strength is complete secrecy...never reveal your true self to others...espcially the human world... Espa: I understand... Council6: Just follow Lupos and you'll be alright... Siren: *From outside* Well...hehe... Council7: You may go...we will be watching you from the shadows... [i]Lupos and Espa leave the Council of Nine's chambers and back into the main hallway to meet up with the rest of the group.[/i] [/COLOR]
  13. [COLOR=darkblue]Liam: So now...I guess I'll have to contact the members of the Nine...excuse me... [i]Liam walks upstairs into his private chambers.[/i] Lupos: We'll be leaving soon... Zack: All of us... Lupos: Yes...but only Espa and I will enter the Council chamber. Siren: Good luck... Espa: I'm a vampire now, it shouldn't be that difficult... Lupos: Don't be so sure about that...it's not that easy, even if you're a vampire...you're still being Hunted... Zack: So the council might not want to acknowledge Espa because they don't want to get involved. Siren: Hey, your cathcing on. Espa: Oh... Lupos: I'll talk my way through it...not to worry... Espa: Oh, I worry...[/COLOR]
  14. Sounds interesting...I'll join in. Name- Chole Age- 16 Desc- Wears a leather jerkin and black denim pants. May look like a little kid, but...
  15. [COLOR=darkblue][i]Espa pulls Lupos up close to her. The last drops of blood she held in her mouth. She kissed Lupos, giving him the sweet taste of her mouth and the salty taste of the young boy's blood.[/i] Lupos: That felt good... Espa: Your turn... [i]Lupos grabs the kid and snaps his neck, causing the puncture in his skin to widen. He begins to feed with a passion, finally his body is coaxed back to life and he drops the kid on the ground and closes his eyes. Covered in blood, he screams out into the night sky.[/i][/COLOR]
  16. I usually never get presents...only money...so I can buy myself an X-Box and GC.
  17. Controller's a little big...but you can always get 3rd party ones that are much smaller and can fit a little child's hands.
  18. [COLOR=darkblue]Lupos: Heh, good...but leave some for me, I'm starving... Espa: How should I drink from him? Lupos: Just use your new insticnt.[/COLOR]
  19. [COLOR=darkblue][i]Lupos puts on his coat and heads towards the door, his steps wobbling.[/i] Espa: Are you going already? Lupos: Better now than when I start going berserk... Liam: Lupos needs blood. Lupos: Yeah...coming Espa? Espa: *Grabs her coat and ice pick* Sure thing.[/COLOR] :devil:
  20. [COLOR=darkblue][i]Lupos rests on the bloodstained bed, exhausted from last night's embrace. It was much more difficult on him since now he is in dire need of blood. Espa rests sitting up, holding Lupos gently. She looks at her pale skin and feels the sharp hidden teeth in her mouth.[/i] Espa: Lupos... Lupos: What is it? Espa: Now it's my turn to help you... [i]Espa takes Lupos' ice pick and punctures her skin. She lets the blood run for a few seconds before turning his head and asking him to drink.[/i] Lupos: I won't take too much... [i]Lupos runs his tongue through her chest, wiping the blood away before he begins to sip from the wound. Espa looks at herself from a mirror across the room. Aside from her pale skin, she was still the same person she was before the embrace. Only much more stronger. [/i] Espa: Thank you... [i]Lupos feeds lightly to regain his strength and closes her wound. Sunset approaches and they prepare to meed with the Council of Nine again to decide the fate of his partner and lover, Espa.[/i] [/COLOR]
  21. LOL! [COLOR=darkblue]...I usually fix my computer myself...that way all my "stuff" in my hard drive is never seen my anyone other than me and it saves me the money and the worry.[/COLOR]
  22. [COLOR=darkblue]Liam: *Sweatdrop* Siren: So Espa's finally one of us. Zack: Well, almost... Liam: This makes things much easier for us... Siren: We take to the high council tonight... Liam: Exactly...the two should be resting comfortable right now...we shouldn't bother them for a while... Craig: I'm bored... Siren: Don't worry, we'll get plenty of excitement tonight... Liam: In the meantime...make yourselves at home... [/COLOR]
  23. Okay...could you please stop posting here...sorry, but it's a little thing I have about "keeping the thread story only." I just want this thread to drop down into the Otaku pages in peace...:hippie: j/k ...all suggestions for plotlines etc. go to my E-mail....more efficent in helping me integrate all of you into the story nicely. ;) [email]Jimboy911@hotmail.com[/email] or my PM box Don't worry...I'll start signups within next week...
  24. [COLOR=darkblue][i]Lupos collapeses on the bed in complete exhaustion...[/i] Lupos: It looks like my first embrace too a lot out of me. Espa: Are you okay... Lupos: Yes...It's just that I didn't expect your hunger to be that strong... Espa: I'm not hungry right now... Lupos: I need some time to recover...it's still day time... [i]Lupos lays flat on the bed with his eyes closed. A tear drops from his shut eyes...[/i][/COLOR]
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