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Everything posted by RicoTranzrig

  1. Halo is a really good game...my friend has it and I go to his house sometimes to play 4 player games. It's nice and fast. It's just the controls...I never play first person shooters on controller...it's confusing...especially with a controller I'm not familar with. I'm just going to wait until its internet service comes out...
  2. [COLOR=darkblue][i]They reach their house on the top of the LA hills...[/i] Lupos: I must give my gratitude towards you sir...thank you for taking us home. Butler: My pleasure. Luops: *Looks at Espa sleeping* Shoot...I forgot my M5...mind if you stay here for the night? Err...day? Butler: No problem...just need a place to sleep... Lupos: I'll give you a room downstairs...*Picks up Espa* Must put her to bed...so make yourself at home. [i]Lupos gets out of the car and goes behind the house. He makes a giant leap up to the 3rd story master bedroom and sets Espa down on the bed.[/i] Lupos: *Checks cell phone and hears a strange incantation...* What is this? Liam: It's a spell to cure a Vamprie's hunger... Lupos: It's not working... Liam: Magic doesn't seem to work nowadays... Lupos: It was more prominent in the old days...back in the eastern country...I wonder why it doesn't work now. Liam: Beats me...something about the air? Lupos: It gets hot here...it's crazy...but I like the cold night air. Liam: Yes, it might be the heat...or the auras of these people...theres so much...evil. Lupos: True...I must take care of my Espa... Liam: Of course, go ahead... Lupos: I'll bring your butler back tomorrow...don't worry, I won't kill him. He's a good mad... [i]Lupos hangs up and lays down with Espa. He looks at her neck and he notices the wound is gone.[/i] Lupos: You won't have to go on living like this....you're a lovely woman...and I'd like to preserve your beauty if only I could.[/COLOR]
  3. Anyone's free to join...I'll post signups later on...
  4. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Raiha [/i] [B][COLOR=seagreen]LOL, you're welcome.........geez.........I turn my back for a second and then next thing ya know........I'm pregnant again...........[/COLOR] :whoops: [/B][/QUOTE] Yup, lucky you...hmm...maybe we should brainstorm ideas for the next Hybrid Vigor 3....
  5. [COLOR=darkblue][i]They stop. Lupos leads Espa into an alleyway and they stand still in the shadows.[/i] Espa: I feel him...we were being followed... Lupos: I'm not using you as bait this time. Espa: Thank you...finally you know how to do your own dirty work. Lupos: I have for the past 75 years... Espa: So are you going to go after him or what? Luops: We have all night... Espa: I'm getting tired...and cold... Lupos: After this...I'll take you home...I'll save story time for later when I give you a warm bath... [i]Lupos jumps and climbs onto the roof of a thrift store and he waits as the helpless victim finally spots Espa and starts walking towards her. He jumps down and drop kicks the poor pervert. Trembling in fear, the mad faints.[/i] Lupos: Pff...too easy...but is blood is somewhat appealing to me... [i]Instead of using the icepick on his neck, he uses his enamels to bite deeply into his neck, without any regard for his life, he rips away the flesh and begins feasting.[/i] Espa: Feast...my dear Lupos...I know your desperation...your longing need. [i]She walks up to Lupos and strokes his hair as his skin grows pale and he reveals his true self, acting on instinct only, his mouth and face covered in bright red blood. He takes one last draw and regains himself.[/i] Lupos: Sorry for getting carried away... Espa: I understand... Lupos: *Gets up and wipes blood away using his shirt* Espa: It's not polite to wipe your mouth that way. Lupos: I couldn't help myself... [i]They get into the limo and tell the driver to take them home...[/i] Espa: How about the M5? Lupos: Liam can borrow that thing for a while...I like this... Espa: And the butler...hes...afraid... Lupos: Let him be afraid...it'll stir his blood a little more... Espa: He is Liam's property. Lupos: Heh, yeah...I'll return it to him tomorrow... Espa: Hopefully not in a bodybag :rolleyes:[/COLOR]
  6. All it does is save space and makes it look really cool...;) Maybe it has something to do with dust too...if your entertainment corner is prone to it....
  7. [COLOR=darkblue]Lupos: You are my source of strength... Espa: You like my blood don't you? Lupos: It tastes sweet to me...as opposed to others, which are thin and salty. Espa: Is that it? Lupos: No...lately I've been thinking of preserving your beauty and making you forever... Espa: For the embrace? Lupos: True...but there are dire consequences... Espa: I'll have the hunger too... Lupos: Which is why it's such a difficult decision. Espa: Let's not worry about that now...where to? Lupos: Driver...take us to East LA... Butler: Yes sir... Espa: What's there? Lupos: Everything we are not...but what we used to be. [i]As they cross the LA river...they look out the tinted windows and notice that the once clean streets are now littered...as they move deeper and deeper.[/i] Espa: Looking for a quick meal? Lupos: Yes...I can't keep constantly feeding off you... Espa: *feels her neck* it is healing nicely. Lupos: I'm going to show you something too...[/COLOR]
  8. ...ooh...ooh...one more thing... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [COLOR=darkblue][i]In heaven...2 years later...[/i] Siren: So mom...do you think that I might go back to see Trell and all of them? Aurora: Why...this is Heaven... Siren: Well...I have this longing to go back and talk to all of them... Aurora: I can't really think of a way you could go back on your own...except in spirit visits. Siren: Well... [i]Back in Meteo City...[/i] Trell: *Wakes up* Hey...honey! Miluska: *Hears noises coming from the bathroom* Mom?! Valik: *In the bathroom* I'm in here... Trell: *Gets up and sees Valik over the sink* What's wrong? Valik: Morning sickness... [i]Back in heaven...Aurora and Siren look down...[/i] Aurora: That means that...!!! Siren: YES! :D *jumps up*[/COLOR] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Well...that's it, for now...thanks for everyone who stayed along with Mei Rishin's original (wherever she is now...). Very Special thanks to Raiha, Stormwing, and Smoky Joe. Rest assured...Hybrid Vigor isn't over yet...
  9. Bad Habits? Staying in front of a computer for hours at a time... Playing video games for hours at a time... Not spending enough time with my G/F....
  10. The Jaguar had that 64-bit processing which should have made it fast...but it lacked the other stuff that makes a video game console good. (IE: A person does not need 17+ buttons on a single controller for a regular videogame).
  11. [COLOR=darkblue][i]Lupos pulls up to Liam's driveway...[/i] Lupos: *Gets out of his M5* Wanna come with? Espa: Yeah...sure... [i]Lupos opens the door for her and helps her out[/i] Lupos: Are you still weak from my hunger? Espa: I'll be fine...once we get things started.. Lupos: *Walks up to Liam's door and rings the doorbell* Butler: *Opens the door* Lupos? Luops: Where's Liam? Liam: I'm right here *Steps out of the shadows behind his butler* Lupos: Nice to see you...both. Espa: Hi Liam.. Liam: Espa *nods his head* Lupos: So did you find a suitable hum....*looks at butler* Liam: Sure...*pushes butler* go on...you'll get some fresh air.. Butler: *Takes keys to limo* Follow me... Espa: Other matters on your mind? Liam? Liam: I have some work to do...enjoy your night... Butler: *Backs up car out into the driveway* Liam: Don't dent it, you got it?! Butler: Yes master... Liam: :devil: that feels good... Lupos: Well, we shouldn't bother you tonight...we'll treat your butler to the best of our kindness... Espa: See ya... [i]They get into the Limosene. Liam waves and goes back inside his manor. The limo backs out and heads towards downtown LA...[/i][/COLOR]
  12. [COLOR=darkblue][i]Lupos contacts Liam telepatchically... "If you really don't wanna chauffer...maybe you should take up a human slave..."[/i] Liam: Like your friend Espa? Lupos: No...Just some random person you can mind control for the night...Espa is conscious of my being...but she doesn't care...and I don't care. She is not my slave...she is my companion. Liam: How'd you two meet anyway? Lupos: I'll tell you when we get to your house...[/COLOR]
  13. ...the X-Box's controller's aren't that uncomfortable...but they are BIG! So I have to look down most of the time to see what buttons I'm pressing...but I'll eventually get used to it. Another reason to buy X-Box?...ability to rip music CD's to hard drive...CD-R/RW drive to make music CD's from stored songs. Plus built in network adapters so you don't have to worry about buing a modem when the online service actually becomes avalible.
  14. It doesn't matter...just pick a place to start in the city and go...no partner needed I drop the rule for the sake of getting started... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [COLOR=darkblue][i]Lupos and Espa continue down the LA hills and enter the busy highway...rush hour.[/i] Espa: Lupos, you don't plan on driving the enitre night do you? Lupos: Of course not. *Picks up his phone* Liam: *Cooking a batch of coagulated blood* What is it now? *Picks up the phone* What? Lupos: It's Lupos... Liam: What do you want this time? Lupos: I need you as a Chauffer... Liam: Why do I need to drive for your lazy áss? Lupos: There's gonna be a large tip in your little jar if you do. Liam: How much... Lupos: Are you gonna do it? Liam: Depends... Lupos: We're stopping by your house...get your limo ready, Liam. *Hangs up the phone* Espa: Well? Lupos: Hows the back seat in private sound? Espa: Good... [i]Lupos drives towards Liam's 3 story house with a large wad of cash in his pocket...[/i][/COLOR]
  15. [COLOR=darkblue][i]Trell swoops down and grabs hold of Valik's neck. He raises her up high above the trees, choking her.[/i] Valik: Trell, please...*cough* don't!!! [i]Transforms back to human form.[/i] Trell: Ugh! *He begins to glow red* Miluska: *Powers up and flys up next to Trell* Dad! [i]Trell looks back at Miluska, then at Valik.[/i] "I won't let you do this to me...GET OUT!!!" [i]Trell screams and drops Valik, whom Miluska catches. He grabs his head and flys around violently.[/i] Artoni: What in the world?! Charlie: It' can't be...I thought he supressed the Cristal... Miluska: It looks like when Mommy let go of her half of the Cristal...it moved onto my dad... Artoni: Then that means it had time to grow...Trell! Don't let it get to you! Trell: I won't let it...uaaahhh!!! [i]"Trell..." "huh?" "Use my soul..." "Sis?" "The strength that I gave you...use it...." [/i] Trell: Got it! [i]Trell regins control temporarily and flys up high above the city lights. She uses Siren's strength to power up his own energy and wages battle with the demon inside. He confronts a large being with a red energy signature. It fires a beam of light at him and paralyzes him. "No...it can't be the end I won't let you take control of me!" Trell transforms into a small dragon covered in flames. He charges at the demon who begins to take form. Trell flies through it, stops and looks back. The demon flinches, convulses, then begins to break apart, piece by piece...[/i] Trell: *Falls towards the ground* [i]The crowd looks up in shock.[/i] Valik: Trell! *Jumps up high into the air and catches Trell.* Trell: *Eyes flicker open* Valik: Are you okay? Trell: I'm more than okay...we're more than okay...we're free... [i]They share a deep kiss in front of the Meteo City audience. Charlie flies around in his hoverbike carrying the a high quality camera being fed through Cloud who broadcasts it to the entire city.[/i] Artoni: *Looks at the view screen on a building* Whoa! This is going to last a little long... Miluska: Haha! Count on it to last a life time. :D Outlaw: *Spots Trish in the crowd...* TRISH! Trish: *Speaks his name but fireworks begin to launch into the air...so his name still remains a mystery.* Outlaw: It's good to see you... [i]They hug each other and walk away from the screaming crowd.[/i] Flash: *Looks around* This is for you Raynor!!! *Fires a dark bolt into the sky, it explodes...and it begins to snow.* Artoni: Snow...in the middle of the desert... Flash: You can't have christmas without snow.... [i]Trell and Valik break their kiss and they look at each other in what seemed like an eternity...[/i] Trell: Let's get outta here...*Stands up and hugs Valik* Valik: Home... Trell: No...anywhere we want...*They hover into the air* Artoni: Milu, looks like you're spending the week at my house... Miluska: 'Toni, can you teach me how to go clubbin'? Artoni: Oh...my...god...LOL... Miluska: I'm being like you 'Toni! Corny and lovin' IT! [i]Charlie takes landing and zooms in on Trell and Valik raising up into the air. Cloud directs the fireworks outwards as to not hit them during their escape. The crowd keeps their eyes on the viewscreen as Trell and Valik launch into the horizon in a flash of light...[/i] Charlie: *Turns the camera to face him* It's my duty...to- All: Shut up!! Charlie: :( Artoni: *Pats Charlie on the back...* It's okay...*Gets near him and gives him a deep surprise kiss.* Happy holidays Charlie...don't get me a male stripper as my present okay? Charlie: I won't... Cloud: *Looks at Charlie and Artoni...then Outlaw and Trish...* Flash: Dámn lovebirds... [i]Cloud and Flash look at each other with a strange look on their faces...[/i] Cloud and Flash: :eek: WHOA NO WAY DON'T THINK LIKE THAT!!! Miluska: HAHA! *Picks up the camera and puts it in front of her face* :D Good night Everyone!! :love: [/COLOR]
  16. [COLOR=darkblue]Let's start this...I'm not going to use another thread...er maybe for extra signups... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [i]December 5, 2002...Sunset... Lupos looks out into the L.A. lights on the roof of his mansion. He can see all the auras of the people. A patch of yellow at a strip club here, a slab of red in a cornerstone alleyway here. And a green aura for his companion, right next to him...Espa[/i] Lupos: How are you feeling tonight? Espa: *Puts her hand on his shoulder and looks out with him* I'm fine...you hungry? Lupos: You always know the right time...love. [i]Lupos reaches in his shirt and pulls out an icepick...she takes Espa close to him and kisses her on the lips. Concentrating on her mind, he puts her in a strong erogenous trance as he moves her hair to the side, exposing her neck. He then pierces her artery with the pick, only slightly and begins to feed. He stays clean this time, careful not to feast on her...taking only what he needs for tonight before letting her wound heal.[/i] Espa: *Falls unconsious* Lupos: My Espa...*Lifts her up and carries her inside the house* [i]He sets her down on the giant matress as he dresses up in warm apparel. His pale tones of his skin become darker and his breating steadies. He kisses Espa on the lips, coaxing her back to life.[/i] Espa: Was I good enough for you? Lupos: More than I can repay you for... Espa: Where are we going? Lupos: We're going out...for fun... Espa: Let me get ready...*she goes into her dressing room and picks out a warm leather fit.* [i]She gets out, posing. Lupos whistles in approval and they walk, arm in arm, downstairs to their M5. Tonight...they take to the city nightlife of West Los Angeles.[/i][/COLOR]
  17. The best gaming systems would stand the test of time...so... Gameboy, NES, SNES, and PSX...
  18. Nope...just 2 or 3 others...didn't realize it would become 10 before the decision was made...;)
  19. [COLOR=darkblue][i]Trell looks up at Valik with a eerie glow in his eyes...[/i] "There's no turning back now..." :demon: [i]Trell powers up his energy field and raises himself[/i][/COLOR]
  20. I said I was just kidding...and I don't care who started it...you shouldn't have continued on this thread (now I sound like a friggin parent...:rolleyes:)
  21. [COLOR=darkblue][i]2 flames, Blue and Red begin to circle around Trell's body...he begins to stumble across the stage. The two flames hit and his body becomes engulfed in flames. He lets out a huge scream before falling to the ground. The flames disappear and he lies motionless on the floor, breathing heavily...[/COLOR]
  22. I think I'll start this wednesday...I'm sorta busy with everything...and I still have to think of a good storyline...lol :D
  23. [QUOTE][b]Some of the manuscripts no doubt fell into the wrong hands.[/b][/QUOTE] If that's true...than some of the intended teachings were possibly lost in the translation? Hmm...yeah, that might be an interesting thesis paper for college later on...
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