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Everything posted by RicoTranzrig
Who officially compiled the Bible?
[COLOR=darkblue][i]Trell pulls away from the kiss and flinches back... "Trell, don't do this!" "The hell?" "You can't give into this." "It's too late. Whoever you are, you should leave." [/i][/COLOR]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by SuperSayian4444 [/i] [B]For once, I din't vote for Raiha. Cuz she told me about her miniskirt... :naughty: Oops! Said too much. [/B][/QUOTE] Apparently, you're not the only one...:rolleyes::rolleyes:
Cool :D Hmm...maybe I should have put "(sign-ups)" in the title...I guess I should say it again...better yet, maybe I'll make another thread if not a lot of people join. Anyway... You don't have to have a partner in this RPG...but it is a good change from working alone. *I'm not sure where this RPG will go...but keep a mature mindset because I'm most likely going to introduce new themes and ideas...but don't go overboard as to make it incredibly disturbing to younger viewers. This goes especially to Raiha and DeathKnight...who apparently couldn't get their heads straight the last couple of posts...j/k If worst comes to...I'll remake with "Nosferatu (Sign-ups)"...but I'll include all the people who joined up...
***Actually...forget it...if anyone wants put a partner, it's great, but I'm not going to require it to play....
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Raiha [/i] [B][COLOR=seagreen]Banner. Not Avatar......... If his banner was an Avatar, the whole boards would be slightly screwed over.[/COLOR] [/B][/QUOTE] [COLOR=darkblue]Thank you Raiha for correcting my stupid mistake :rolleyes:[/COLOR]
Well, there are some people who do know her and hate her...oh well, another week...here it goes...
I'd appreciate it if you NOT do this in this thread! :flaming: I'm sorry, but I'm NOT in a good mood and I dont appreciate it when you spam up my story like this...if you don't think you can behave yourselves here or otherwise, than don't BOTHER posting! :flaming:
[COLOR=darkblue]Anyway... I think the competition stands...Flash's er... banner seems the best out of all...[/COLOR]
Let's hope that it'll be as suspenseful as last time...pff, I got kicked out because of a single last minute vote...:rolleyes:
[COLOR=darkblue]Basically Vampires have to keep their nature a secret...and humans have to protect themselves from them...or fight back...it's kinda confusing now but it'll be a bit more clear later on. Hmmm...maybe the parnter thing isn't such a good idea?[/COLOR]
[COLOR=darkblue]Artoni: Now...this marriage is going to be unique...I happened to be listening to Sting the other night. Yeah I know it's old...but I'm old too...anyway, I'll quote something for you two that you should remember for the rest of your life together... [i]"No earthly church has ever blessed our union. No state has ever granted us permission. No family bond has ever made you two. No company has ever earned commission. No debt was paid no dowry to be gained. No treaty over border, land, or power. No semblance of the world outside remained To stain the beauty of this nuptal hour. The secret marriage vow is never spoken The secret marriage never can be broken. No flowers in the altar No white veil in your hair No maiden dress to alter No bible oath to swear..."[/i] Artoni: Trell, I'll hand it over to you...and your wife...Valik. Trell: Huh? *gulp* Well, Valik...we're finally here...on this stage. Valik: Oh? Trell: You know, how I feel about you and I want to go through with this, for our daughter. *Waves at Miluska* And because you have something that I need, that I can't live without. And it's something I can never ask you to give me, because you already know what it is. Valik: Do I? Well, I could never see the day I would get married...even more so with you. But I've grew to like you as a friend. And eventually, I fell in love with you. Even though I'm terrible at telling you how I feel, know that I love you. Trell: See, you already know what I need...and what I can give you in return is exactly the same thing. Nothing more...but do you need it? Valik: Need what? [i]The crowd laughs a little[/i] Trell: Me...[/COLOR]
I'll put in my entry... ~~~~~~~~~~~ Name: Lupos Partner's Name: Espa (Raiha) Age: 25 Age(Partner): 24 Sex: Male Sex(Partner): Female Vamp or Human: Vampire Vamp Or human (Partner): Human Background story (small): A few years ago, Espa was only a young woman, abanded by her family and forced to live on the streets due to her age. She had nothing left...until Lupos, a wealthy buisness man, rescued Espa and gave her a home over looking the L.A. city, a life, and love. She does not know of the secret Lupos carries...
[COLOR=darkblue][i]Artoni takes the stage as Trell, Valik, and the rest of the team stay behind the thousands of people sitting in the park[/i] Trell: I don't even know most of these people...but they're part of a big community... Outlaw: Good luck you two. Valik: Thanks... Artoni: *takes a deep breath* Welcome everyone! As you know! This city has gone through a lot...2 rebuildings...I think...and a whole lotta hardship...but I want you to know that peace...is within our reach. If we work together as one family...we can make it. What I'm about to conduct is a ceremony of that very bond that enables us to live. I present to you! *Points up* The marriage of Trell and Valik!!! [i]Everyone looks at the sky and sees their faces projected from the pool[/i] Charlie: Follow us...Trell and Valik... [i]The team walks forward first, in the formation of a flight of birds[/i] Trell: *Takes Valik's hand* Valik: It's hard to believe it's finally happening... [i]They start to walk forward...[/i][/COLOR]
[COLOR=darkblue][i]Los Angeles, December 2001, Christmas is near...cold, spirits are high. The perfect time for the "Nightwalkers" to come out and enjoy themselves in "The Feast." They go out into the night and feed their hungry souls. They feed on the blood of their human counterparts. But, some people are aware of their secret and they watch for them...[/i] *I'm trying this out...a partner RPG... Rules are... 1. No magic this time (sorry). But psychic abilites are fair game... 2. You can either be a Vampire or a Human (they have their advantages too.) 3. Pick a partner before you start...PM whoever (friend, trusted person etc) just as long as they can spot your character if the other is gone. 4. Character info? (One entry per pair) Name: Partner's Name: Age: Age(Partner): Sex: Sex(Partner): Vamp or Human: Vamp Or human (Partner): Background story (small): *Vampires are physically strong, agile, and possess a number of psychic abilities (None of which are material in nature!) BUT they can only walk at night and they must feed on blood to survive. BTW, crosses and religous trinkets don't work on them... *Let's face it, Humans are weak...but they can equip themselves with a Reasonable amount of armament and protection from the "Nightwalker" and they can walk around whenever they want. I'll fill in story details later...[/COLOR]
[COLOR=darkblue][i]They all get into the car and drive off into the highway[/i] Miluska: *Squirming in her seat* Charlie: What's wrong? Miluska: I'm nervous all of a sudden... Charlie: You'll be in front of all those people...its understandable... [i]They near centeral Meteo...a crowd of people can be seen as the sky darkens.[/i] Valik: We're almost there...[/COLOR]
[COLOR=darkblue][i]Miluska goes downstairs and to meet up with the chaufer, Charlie...dressed in a white tuxedo.[/i] Charlie: How's she? Miluska: She's crying... Charlie: Hmmm, I expected that...that dress was made by the best designer in Celes... Miluska: How much did you pay for it? Charlie: About...NOTHING! Muahaha! Miluska: LOL...don't say anything... Charlie: ;) I wont... Miluska: Is everything ready? *begin transmission* Trell: Sure thing...I'll be waiting here... Artoni: Take it nice and easy...we still have 2 hours left... Miluska: Got it! :D [/COLOR]
[COLOR=darkblue][i]Miluska comes out of the preperations room in her new dress.[/i] Trell: Stylish ;) Miluska: I like this dress...so comfortable...except that... Trell: What? Miluska: My legs are exposed...its cold... Trell: *Opens locker* Try this *grabs a box and throws it at Miluska* Miluska: *catches* What's this? Trell: Thermal stockings...it'll keep your legs warm... Miluska: Ummm...thanks... Trell: *Flashback to when Charlie brought the male stripper for Artoni's birthday...* LOL... Miluska: What? Trell: oh nothing...I'm gonna get ready...you should go with Artoni, she'll give you more tips than I can... [/COLOR]
[COLOR=darkblue]Miluska: Nyak, nyak, nyak! :naughty: [i]Miluska finds the spot in the park where Trell, Charlie, and Artoni are fiddling with the computers..[/i] Miluska: Dad! Trell: Hey, did you get your dress? Miluska: *Opens her bag, revealing a white/light pinkish dress* Yup! Artoni: looks nice... Trell: Oh yeah...you have your evening wear right? Artoni: I'll go get something nice later...I have a ton of formal stuff from Celes. Charlie: And I got my tux...all white... Trell: I have a black tux in the car...three more hours...wanna go get something? We're done right? Artoni: Yeah... Miluska: I didn't get to try this on yet... Trell: Let's go inside HQ...you can try it on there... [i]Trell and Miluska hop into the car and drive to HQ...[/i] [/COLOR]
Yeah, other countries rather than the U.S. don't have such harsh censorship laws...but I don't like it when games get modified just because someone thinks us American's can't handle it. Like Resident Evil, some scenes were taken out.
[COLOR=darkblue][i]Miluska hurridly opens the door, takes the box, and runs into her room.[/i] Miluska: Eee :D Yes! [i]She stuffs it into her closet, behind the tons of stuff in there and closes her room.[/i] Miluska: Mom! I'm going out! Valik: Okay...come back soon... Miluska: :angel: *She jumps off the balcony and heads to the Meteo City promenade to buy her dress.* [i]Trell calls Miluska telepathically "Did you get the package safetly hidden?" "Sure did" "Where are you now?" "Shopping for a nice dress to wear..." "Okay, good...we still have a few hours before your mother has to get ready..." "I'll be on time..."[/i] *Miluska lands on the rooftop of the clothing store, Meteo INK, and heads inside...*[/COLOR]
[COLOR=darkblue]Even if god does not exist...through religion, we can overcome many obstacles and live a good life...[/COLOR]
[COLOR=darkblue][i]The team meets up at the park and starts to setup. Artoni, Trell, and Charlie hit the computers, programming the night lights. Outlaw, Cloud, and Flash use their strength to help the servers to set the stage and the hundreds of chairs.[/i] Trell: Since I'm here, I'll go make the invitations. Artoni: Who are you gonna invite? Trell: Whoever...but first... *Begin Transmission* Miluska: *picks up* Hello? Trell: Milu...shh. Miluska: What is it? Trell: I'm at the park...setting up for that day you've been waiting for...keep your mom indoors...I'll give you credit to shop for a nice dress and...Artoni has Valik's gown coming. Keep that in your room and surprise her. Miluska: *hears doorbell ring* Its here...I gotta act quick. Trell: I'll call you back. *end transmission* Trell: So that's done. Time for the invitations. [i]Trell sends out all the residents of Meteo City an invitation to their wedding at Meteo City's park.[/i] Artoni: That's gonna be a whole lot of people. Trell: I know... Charlie: I got the lights to say Valik and Trell...with a silhouette of a heart in the background. Trell: On the colored pond right? Charlie: Yup...and *points up* Artoni: Nice... *Back at the center of the park* Flash: Let's set this up... [i]Flash, Outlaw, and Cloud quickly set up the stage, pitching up a half-tent and a large stage.[/i] Cloud: Whew, that was quick... Outlaw: Now the chairs... Flash: Sigh...how much? Cloud: About a thousand or so... Flash: Couldn't they just use the grass? Blankets or whatever? Servant: Nope, we're being formal... Flash: *powers up hands* :flaming: Cloud: Cool it...we all wanna kill that slave driver but... Flash: I know... [/COLOR]
One night I woke up and saw a bright green light out my window...and this strange noise...after a couple seconds, it was gone with a large gust of wind hitting the nearby houses.
Yay, go Raiha ;)