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Everything posted by RicoTranzrig

  1. Good Job :D ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [COLOR=darkblue]Trell: Goodbye, sis...I'll see you...and miss you. Siren: See ya... [i]The voice fades away and Trell sits up on the couch. It's morning...[/i] Trell: Uh oh...I'm LATE! [i]Trell takes his keys and jacket and runs downstairs to his car.[/i] Trell: *Begin transmission* Artoni! Artoni: *brushing her teeth* What is it? You're late too? Trell: Did you mobilize the Meteo City server team? Artoni: I didn't get a chance! I'm commanding the early morning shift right now. This isn't good...it'll be hard to set up everything secretly since we have so few workers. Trell: This is what we get for procrastinating... Artoni: I'm sorry...you think your wedding can be posponed? Trell: *Flashback to Sister's warning.* Umm...we better hurry... Artoni: *spits into sink* Fine...meet me at the park...*runs out of her bathroom wearing bunny decorated pajamas and squeaky slippers.* Trell: Okay...*starts engine and roars off* *end transmission* [i]Artoni slips into her regular clothes and runs out into the park to see the server team hard at work setting up chairs, tables, and...Christmas decorations.[/i] Artoni: What are you guys doing!? Worker: We thought we'd gussy up the park for the holidays too. Artoni: Just make sure you finish setting up my friend's wedding. Worker: No problem...just need more workers...if they could fly it'd be even better. Artoni: *falls down* Gotta think of something...*Thinks of Charlie, Flash, Cloud, and Outlaw.* Worker: Got some people in mind? We only need a couple to set up the park's lights and set the stage, its tall much like an outdoor orchestra stage...maybe a cook too? But we have a "cultured" catoring service. Artoni: *Picks up her wrist computer* Yup...[/COLOR]
  2. [COLOR=darkblue]I understand...actually...for all the remaining players...they're not that active...[/COLOR]
  3. [COLOR=darkblue]Trell: You can't hurt me this time... Valik: Don't worry...I won't hurt you... Trell: Huh? Valik: *Grabs Trell's face and gives him a deep kiss* Trell: Mmmm....hmmm.... Valik: So what are you hiding from me? Trell: You'll find out soon enough... Valik: I'm waiting... Trell: I'll show you tomorrow...okay? Valik: :therock: okeyday... [i]Trell takes Valik's hand and they fly off back to their apartment...they go inside their room and he sets Valik on the bed. "I love you...Valik" "Is this the surprise...it's midnight...tomorrow." "No...hmm...I'll take the couch tonight." "Why?" "'Cause, I shouldn't be...yet." "Oh..."[/i] *Trell jumps out of the bed, sees Valik to sleep and goes into the living room. He lays down on the couch and looks out at the city lights.* "*Sigh*...I wonder what life is going to be like with Valik always at my side...as my loving wife...*smiles*" [/COLOR]
  4. [COLOR=darkblue]I've been wondering about this for a long time...what are the differences between Catholics and "non-denomonational" Christians?[/COLOR]
  5. [COLOR=darkblue][i]They days pass and Trell begis to regain all his motor functions through Artoni's holographic training. In his spare time, Trell spends his hours alone on the rooftop of HQ, thinking...[/i] Trell: Siren...I'm done with all the preperations...now I just need to tell the rest so I can set it up and I won't disappoint you. [i]He jumps off the rooftop and heads to centeral command to show Artoni his files.[/i] Artoni: Trell, what's up? Trell: Can you get me people to work on something? Artoni: Sure...umm...what though? Trell: This...*loads optical disc, video...* [i]The Meteo City park not too far off, nighttime...the colored lights are focused at the center where Trell and Valik are standing, in formal wear. Surrounding them are rows of chairs and the dense trees with the colored pond off to the side modified to say the words Trell and Valik surrounded by a .[/i] Trell: That's only part of it... Artoni: Its really hard to describe what you've planned. Trell: Its Siren's. Artoni: Oh... Trell: Can you pull it off? Artoni: Sure thing... Trell: Cool...I'll talk to you later. [i]Trell leaves HQ and heads back to the apartment...[/i][/COLOR]
  6. Not so sure...I usually read adult oriented books most of the time...maybe you might find [u]Sirena[/u] by Donna Jo Napoli a good young adult read.
  7. [COLOR=darkblue]Yes, I believe in God, Jesus Christ and the Holy Bible....I'm Catholic Christian but what I don't like is how there's so many denominations out there with conflicting beliefs and interpretations in the same god![/COLOR]
  8. Finish this...by Monday... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [COLOR=darkblue][i]Trell's heart begins beating normally again...[/i] Miluska: Dad? Trell: ... Valik: Trell?! [i]Trell starts breathing normally again and his eyelids begin to quiver...[/i] Valik: *Taps Trell...* hey... [i]Artoni barges into the room[/i] Artoni: What in the world happened? Miluska: His heart started beating again. Artoni: BUT how? [i]Miluska huddles down on the floor and tilts Siren's head forward.[/i] Artoni: My god... Valik: You know about this? Artoni: The engigmatical exhange..I thought it never existed... Miluska: Now Siren's...I'm gonna miss her... Artoni: *Hugs Miluska* It's okay...she did something that no one could ever pay back... [i]Outlaw, Cloud, Flash, and Charlie walk into the room with a strecher[/i] Charlie: We should prepare her while she's still like this... Outlaw: Its hard to comprehend... Flash: All good beginnings come from another's end... [i]The four carefully lift Siren's body up onto the strecher and send her away to the mourge for preperation. Valik watches as they wheel her away and the doors close.[/i] Valik: Trell...please wake up...please? Trell: V-v-v-al-i-k? Valik: Yes, its me... Trell: :sleep: Valik: Haha...*starts crying hysterically* Miluska: Mom...it's okay...*hugs her* Trell: You....should...listen...to her...heh... [i]Trell's eyes open....[/i] Miluska: Dad! Artoni: Well. I should help the others with the preperation... [i]She walks out of the room[/i] Trell: So...how are you two? Valik: We're fine...but you... Trell: I almost lost you two... Valik: Siren... Trell: I know... Miluska: But what happened? Trell: I can't tell you...sorry...so when can I get out? Valik: When you can stand again... Trell: Heh...fine...I have a surprise... Valik: What is it? Trell: I'm not telling that either... Valik :flaming: Trell: You wouldn't... Miluska: *Smiles and hugs Trell* Trell: I'm gonna ask you one last time, Valik...I don't expect you to answer right away...or be sad... "Will you Marry Me?" [/COLOR]
  9. I wonder.... not a lot of Big Brother members post at the house anymore...anyway...here's my vote *click!*
  10. [COLOR=darkblue][i]Trell holds his mother's hand as they begin their walk towards the narrow gate. Siren appears behind them...[/i] Siren: Brother! Wait! Aurora: Siren?! Siren: Mom...*runs up to her and hugs her* Trell: What are doing here? Siren: Trell...I have nothing much left to do in the world...my mission is done...to deliver Miluska and take care of her until you get your lives together. Trell: What are you saying? Siren: Trell...the door may be closed, but a window is open. Jump through it and be with your family...there, you'll find me...please bury me anywhere you feel appropriate. Aurora: Siren, that was a noble thing you did... Trell: Thank you...big sister... Siren: Why are you calling me big? I'm younger than you are... Trell: That was an adult decision that you made...I love you for it...and I'll keep thanking you forever for the sacrifice you made so I can be with my family and make them happy. Aurora: I'm ready to go whenever you are, Siren... Siren: *hugs Trell* do me a favor... Trell: What's that? Siren: Marry Valik!!!! I swear, if you hold it off again...I will haunt YOU!!! Trell: *looks at mother* Aurora: It's possible... Siren: I have everything set up...just access my file and you'll see my plans clear and simple... Aurora: It's good to see you both again... Trell: I got one question for you mom... Aurora: Go ahead, dear... Trell: Whatever happened to our father? Aurora: *looks down* Just say that he made a big mistake...he left us because we were hybrids... Trell: .... Siren: Trell...you know you're not going to do that to Valik because she has a short temper and she's just different... Trell: Okay... Aurora: Promise me that you won't... Trell: I promise.... [i]The three hug warmly before finally seperating and saying their final goodbyes...Siren and their mother step through the gates and disappear to their final resting place. Trell walks into the darkness and back into the light...[/i] *His heart begins to beat faintly again through the spirit of Siren...*[/COLOR]
  11. [COLOR=darkblue]And so I get kicked out...congratualtions Raiha...someone saved your árse...[/COLOR] :rolleyes:
  12. I think I already asked this...er maybe I didn't but...what tools did you guys use to make your banners?
  13. Wait and see...if not, I already have a final verdict from the coin...
  14. When you cry, it signifies your "breaking point" how much pressure you can take before your mind begins to give in...
  15. [COLOR=darkblue][i]Trell sits down beside his mother at the narrow gate...[/i] Aurora: I'm sorry Trell... Trell: It's okay...all of us have to go sometime or another... Aurora: *sigh* I know that you really love Valik... Trell: *tears start to form* I can't believe that I won't be able to be there for them...my daughter...Valik Aurora: *looks down* Trell: My physical form is giving up, isn't it? Aurora: Yeah...it can no longer sustain you... Trell: The end of the road... Aurora: Yeah...I'm so sorry...but you'll finally find a peace of mind... Trell: I almost accomplished that...on earth...I wish there was a way back...[/COLOR]
  16. "Tears, pain...all of that is weakness leaving the body...." ~I got that quote from the U.S. Marines...I can't get it out of my mind....
  17. Nah, the vote off isn't over yet...I'll wait until tomorrow night...;)
  18. [COLOR=darkblue][i]Trell's surroundings begin to turn white...he sees his mother, finally after his birth...[/i] Trell: Mother... Aurora: Trell, it's good to finally see your face... Trell: Where am I? Aurora: Near your final resting place... Trell: *closes his eyes and shakes his head* No, this can't be...! Aurora: I don't know what happened to you...but your spirit is almost free... Trell: I can't go yet...I have a family to take care of. Aurora: I don't know what else I can do, I noticed your spirit was returing to its place of origin. Trell: *Kneels on the ground and begins to cry hysterically* Aurora: Trell, it's okay...it's okay...shhh...*holds him softly* Trell: Mom...I can't leave...my life...my love...[/COLOR]
  19. I already voted...so I would just have to call it...
  20. [COLOR=darkblue][i]"If I give up on you, I give up on me. If we fight what's true, will we ever be? Even fate itself, and the death I know It shouldn't hold me back. It shouldn't keep me from you. Tease me, by holding out your hand..." Trell extends his hand out to the darkness... "Than leave me, or take me as I am!" Siren slowly disappears... "No..." "I can feel the blood pulsing through my veins, when I hear your voice driving me insane. Hour after hour, day after day, Every lonely night that I sit and pray..." "We live our lives on different sides, But we keep together you and I... I believe in you...Valik..." [/i] *Trell's heart slows down and his breathing begins to fade...[/COLOR]
  21. [COLOR=darkblue][i]"If you leave, sis...than I will surely go insane...and I'll die..." "So you want me to stay?" "Yes...I want to live...at least until my physical body can't sustain me..." "Okay...I'll stay here for as long as I can..."[/i] *In reality, Siren sits by Trell's bedside holding his hand, asleep. Trell is connected to numerous machines keeping his body alive...*[/COLOR]
  22. Or maybe we could just wait for a tie breaker....
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