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Everything posted by RicoTranzrig

  1. I heard that PS2 does have hardware FSAA...but it has a huge hit on preformance so most developers are backing away from it for now...the only example I could find of hardware FSAA is "Summoner" which runs at a smooth 30FPS and in high res...
  2. [COLOR=darkblue][i]Trell looks out to a new voice... "Trell..." "Little sister?" "You could say that...it's me, Siren." "What's happening?" "You're mortally wounded...its hard to say what much I can do exept to give it time for others to work on you." "Do you think I'm going to make it?" "As long as I'm linked with you, you're safe." "Valik's here too?" "Only one person can link with you right now. Your wife was here..." "My wife?" "Well...she will be, right?" "Umm..." "Wait...what's going on?"[/i] *Outside, the medivac finally comes and sends all 4 of them to the HQ's infirmary...*[/COLOR]
  3. [COLOR=darkblue]Curious.... what PS2 Games actually use the hardware's Full Screen Anti-Aliasing (FSAA) procedures?[/COLOR]
  4. [COLOR=darkblue][i]"Trell..." *"Valik?" "Trell..." Another hand reaches out and grabs onto him. *"Wait...what's going on...?" "Trell...don't let go!" "Don't let go...." *"I don't understand..." "Trust me!" "Trust me..." *"Echos from the past...*gasp* I'm dying..." "Trell...Please!" "Please..." "Please..." *A thrid hand reaches out...* *"How do I know who to trust and hold on to!?"[/i][/COLOR]
  5. *Dreamworld* [COLOR=darkblue][i]Aurora: Trell...Trell... Trell: What? Aurora: Don't give up....*disappears* Trell: ?? *Looks around and realizes what happened* "Oh no...but How Do I get out! Someone help!" He turns around...to look for something, anything...but only darkenss... "This can't be..."[/i][/COLOR]
  6. Take..."Let's try this" for example...or "Real Life" they're pretty simple to play and they're fun.
  7. [COLOR=darkblue]Trell: Yeah...of course...*smiles* Miluska: Thanks dad *smiles* [i]A few men dressed in trench coats enter the clubhouse and take position behind the audience.[/i] Miluska: What's going on? Trell: I'm not sure...*flashback to Occult* Miluska: Dad? *gasp* DAD!? [i]The men take out an array of pistols and begin to open fire at everyone.[/i] Trell: *leaps at Miluska* Get down! Miluska: Ahhh*slams to the ground* ????: This is our final act Trell...I hope you found it as satisfying as we did.... Miluska: *gets up* DAD! [i]Trell just lays there on the floor, not responding...the rest of the people are okay and run to help Trell. Miluska taps Trell only to find stains of blood at her finger tips. All the bullets that were fired seemed to be aimed at him.[/i] Miluska: *Screams* AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHhh! :bawl:[/COLOR]
  8. [COLOR=darkblue][i]Trell and Miluska find a nice spot in front of the band...they order cups of hot chocolate and talk.[/i] Trell: So...what's on your mind... Miluska: Why I'm still here... Trell: What? Miluska: I was born because you two love each other and were really close...how come I don't see that anymore...*hides head on table* Trell: That's something that's really hard to explain...I wanna be with your mother...but... Miluska: But what?! All you have to do is go be with her if you want to...you're pretty sure of yourself. Trell: Actually, I'm not...Milu... Miluska: What do you mean? Trell: I'm a lot like you too...*lowers head and stares at Miluska* Miluska: You're not sure? Trell: Ya-hum... Miluska: Well, you're the adult...you know more than me...[/COLOR]
  9. [COLOR=darkblue][i]Trell and Miluska hold each other as they watch the sun come down Meteo City...[/i] Trell: Ready to go home? Miluska: Nah...I wanna see the nightlife here... Trell: You sure...it's pretty "mature" Miluska: What do you mean? Trell: Like nightclubs and all that stuff...Artoni can tell you more about her experiences. *flashback to her wearing a Tube Top...Shudder* Miluska: Haha....Can we go? Huh Dad? Trell: Don't you wanna talk to your mom first? Miluska: Please!? *closes her eyes* she's asleep now... Trell: Only for a couple hours though...than we gotta go home. Miluska: Promise! [i]Trell and Miluska find a safe place to land and begin roaming the sleepless streets littered with bright lights and different people. They walk towards a nightclub and enter.[/i] Miluska: Am I old enough? Trell: Yeah, this club's practically safe...relaxing...go for a cup of hot chocolate. Miluska: Yum... Trell: And, you know...listen...talk...drink...[i]behave?[/i] Miluska: Don't worry, I will... [i]They head on inside...[/i][/COLOR]
  10. [COLOR=darkblue]Trell: Miluska...honey...*strokes her long black and golden hair* Miluska: Hmmm...*smiles* Trell: Tell me, what make you happy? Miluska: Sitting here, quietly...being held by someone... Trell: If your mom held you... Miluska: *Looks down* Trell: You've got to understand that she loves you...no matter what she says to you... Miluska: How can she love me when most of the time...she ignores me and goes off doing something "more important" Trell: No, Miluska, there's nothing more important to her than you are. Miluska: And you? Trell: Being here with you and taking care of my own daughter....what more could I hope for... Miluska: .... Trell: What is it? Miluska: No...its just that...you, and mom... Trell: ?? Miluska: *musters enough courage* I rarely see you together! It's either you or her taking care of me! Not both! Trell: *thinks* Miluska... Miluska: I want mom to be with you... Trell: ... Miluska: Dad? Trell: You're going to have to talk to mom about this too... Miluska: It's just that I feel comfortable with you...but Both of you made me and I'm happy when Both of you are near...with love just the way I was born...Artoni told me that... Trell: She did...and she's right...you were made because we were close... Miluska: *gets up and hovers* Than why aren't you with her? Trell:....[/COLOR]
  11. :eek: this is amazing! We've never had this many votes before!
  12. [COLOR=darkblue][i]Trell steps near the balcony..[/i] Trell: I'm going out for a while... Siren: Huh? [i]Trell jumps off the balcony and flys off...[/i] Miluska: *Comes out from under the table and follows Trell...* Trell: *Sees Miluska approaching near her...* Miluska: Dad! Trell: Milu? You should be at home... Miluska: I don't want to... Trell: You're going to have to, eventually...why not now? Miluska: Please, don't make me... Trell: Why? Miluska: It hurts! :( Trell: Being near your mother? But she loves you... Miluska: .... Trell: *Stops* Okay...*flys off towards the roof of a nearby building* We gotta talk... Miluska: *Sits in Trell's lap on top of the cold high-rise*[/COLOR]
  13. Er...I didn't mean Guardian Forces...I meant my GirlFriend...so bacically for FFVIII I would have named Squall me and Rinoa my girlfriend...
  14. I'd say it's a lot like Saga Frontier...but with much better graphics...
  15. Maybe 'cause the parental lockouts are on...
  16. Mostly, I kept the names...but second time around...since most FF's have some kind of love-bits in them...I used my real-life name and my G/F's name...
  17. [COLOR=darkblue]I really like how the boards are coming along... About the old otaku...I enjoyed those good days...even though mines were short lived...particularly the old dating game when no one was able to get dates and the creative stories of Mei Rishin...[/COLOR]
  18. [COLOR=darkblue]Personally, I've had problems with AOL...sure it's incredibly easy to use...but since I'm under windows XP, it doesn't support AOL, nor do some of the demanding online apps...mainly multiplayer games.[/COLOR]
  19. [COLOR=darkblue]Be prepared to kick back with something to eat/drink and have a fun time with it...;) You're in for a long adventure once you get it...tons of eye candy.[/COLOR]
  20. [COLOR=darkblue]Yeah, it affects all of us, whether or not we're listening to the headlines. Especially people who are or are about to be adults...this war is a confusing war and no one knows how long it'll last...so its important to keep up to date so you can prepare for the worst, which will hopefully never come....[/COLOR]
  21. If you like strategy...Advance Wars is a really good game to get for the GBA...the layout is pretty simple and the battles can get deep and challenging.
  22. Yeah we all see... anyway, the votes still stand...with me as the one who will go next...tomorrow, will the votes stay or is there a chance the voting might heat up?
  23. [COLOR=darkblue]Earthlink DSL is really good too...if not, they have a Dial-up or Satellite plan...either way, they're really secure and you can count on their service...[/COLOR]
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