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Everything posted by RicoTranzrig
Err... I was talking to shiba...oops, sorry for the mix-up...
Mexico is a good place to visit also...just make sure your really down south of the border, near South America not at the border of U.S.
[COLOR=darkblue]Trell: Well...I don't know what you should do...she doesn't understand why you didn't let it go...you just didn't know. Valik: I don't know... Trell: Trust...have faith...She'll get over this...and she'll understand...but, why did you say those things about her during her birth? Valik: I was in incredible pain... Trell: Nevermind that I asked that...I would never know what labor is like...but...it's hard to know how to convince a child like Miluska...she's like...me in some ways but she's also like... Valik: Me? Trell: Yeah...heh..stubborn...loud... Valik: *smiles a little* Trell: She'll eventually come to understand, just give it time...*extends hand* C'mon...let's go home... Valik: *takes hand* Trell.. [i]He helps her up and they fly out, together, back to HQ...[/i][/COLOR]
LOL... uh oh...do I sense a hint of offense?
Hawaii is a really good place to go to relax and you don't have to go through much paperwork since it's part of the U.S....
[COLOR=darkblue]Miluska: *closes eyes and meditates* You should have let it go a long time ago! *Hovers and bursts her way through the concrete street an up into the sky to join up with Trell and Siren...* Trell: *sees Miluska fly past them with great speed* Whoa! Miluska: Dad! *Crying, she hides in Trell's arms...* Trell: What happened? Miluska: I can't...why did she have to do that? To not want me during my birth! Trell: *Looks at Siren...* Siren: What? Trell: You were the only other one there when Milu was born... Siren: I don't know if that's true or not... Trell: Milu...you have to have faith in your mother that she cares for you... Miluska: How about you!? Does she care for you?! Siren: Milu! How can you say those things!? Miluska: Does she!? Trell: Well...I hope that she does... Miluska: SO you don't know! Trell: Milu! Do NOT yell! Miluska: *hushes up* Trell: Miluska, you're going to have to accept the fact that she loves you...she's your mother... Siren: C'mon Milu...let's head back to HQ... [i]Miluska falls into Sirens arms and they fly back...[/i] Trell: *stands hovering in the air. He looks back at the ground where Miluska was...he heads underground...*[/COLOR]
any regular PS2 DVD would be about 8-12 CD's...if I divided right...
[COLOR=darkblue]Cable service around here is about 30-40 bucks a month...including installation...its good though 'cause you don't have to be close to the station like ADSL and its really an inexpensive form of broadband...but there is that myth that if the entire neighborhood's online...cable speed slows...is that true?[/COLOR]
Eh, I guess my siggy's okay...not great...but I gotta put something there...
I rarely lie...even if it does mean the truth is going to hurt...its a lot better than leaving them in the dark forever...if I really have to lie for whaterver reason...then I'll try to stick as close to the truth as possible..."streching the truth"
But I think mutual interest is what kicks it all off...
I've noticed a lot of people on these boards are shy...I guess we're just not comfortable talking with people who we don't know well. It's a good thing and a bad thing...Shy people don't really get into much trouble, the ones I know...and they're usually nice people...but its hard to reach out to shy people and have a conversation that can last long because it's the person who's not shy that keeps the conversation alive most of the time...and they get tired sometimes...
Well, it looks like FinalFlash has a kick arse banner...just curious, what tools did you guys use?
[COLOR=darkblue][i]Trell searches for Miluska's energy signature around the alleyways and secluded streets.[/i] Trell: Where could she be? Valik: I'm not sure...I can't find her anywhere... [i]Trell calls out to Miluska and she lightly responds... "Milu??" "Dad..." "Where are you?" "Here..."[/i] Trell: *Walks around the alleyway of their apartment and finds an underground access chute...* Valik: Is she here? Trell: *nods* Valik: ?? Trell: She's in there...I think you should be the one to talk to her... Valik: If she runs away? Trell: We'll find her again... Valik: *sigh* Trell: What's wrong? She's your daughter...what do you have to be afraid of? You know the truth...and I can't tell it to her because she needs you. Especially now... Siren: *Drops in* m'Bro's right...if Trell's here, she'll run straight for her dad...and that'll do no good... Valik: *Tears start forming in her eyes* Trell: We have to go and plan out some "city events" Siren: We? D.. *Nudge* Siren: Yeah...so, good luck...*hovers above air* Trell: Remember...just let it all go.......... Valik: :therock: [i]"Don't gimme that look...":smirk: Trell and Siren hover above the building before they take off back to HQ...leaving Valik with Miluska underground...[/i][/COLOR]
[COLOR=darkblue][i]Trell looks around for Miluska...[/i] Trell: Speaking of which...where'd she go... [i]Looks at the open door.[/i] Valik: Trell? Trell: Shoot...*Runs out to find Miluska...* Valik: Hold on! *Races after him* Siren: *shrugs and heads back out to balcony* I suppose I should go look for her too...[/COLOR]
RPG Otaku Big Brother: Vote off #Ate, err, I mean Eight.
RicoTranzrig replied to Flash's topic in Theater
Well, it looks like I'm going next so...yeah... -
Okay, ... Religion is what you make of it...if you were raised in a certain type or religion, stick to it...if you like it, fine, you'll be happy and do good...if they think that they're going to paradise for the crimes they've committed, let them think that...but when they do get judged by their god without begging for mercy and truly being sorry...than they have no chance...
[COLOR=darkblue][i]Back in the apartment...Trell sits on the couch with Miluska resting in his lap.[/i] Trell: Milu, you know that isn't true...Valik does love you... Miluska: No, I heard her say that, in front of Siren..."*groan* I got to have Miluska, then fight in both wars, and now...fight inside my head." Trell: You know she didn't mean that... Miluska: But I could read her thoughts... Trell: Thoughts or no thoughts...did you hear us talking outside...the broken half of the Cristal still remains inside her... Miluska: And inside me, I have your half...its a part of me, but it isn't destroying me and making me hate people... Trell: That's because I put it to rest within me before I gave it to you...and now Valik's doing the same... Miluska: Will I receieve her half as well? Trell: I don't know...[/COLOR]
[COLOR=darkblue]I'm shy...really shy...which makes it harder for people to understand me. Plus I'm a nerd/braniac...which can only make it worse...[/COLOR]
these last few days have been rough for me
RicoTranzrig replied to Sephiroth's topic in General Discussion
[COLOR=darkblue]Sorry about everything...but let hardship make you become stronger and tougher in dealing with life...especially when you see that racist bástard again. :D LOL.[/COLOR] -
[COLOR=darkblue]I think its very important to find common interest...so you have something to do together rather than hugging and kissing... Total opposites? My G/F and I were complete opposites, in personality...but everything we have common interest in.[/COLOR]
RPG Otaku Big Brother: Vote off #Ate, err, I mean Eight.
RicoTranzrig replied to Flash's topic in Theater
If that were true...than I would be the next one to go After Raiha...I don't mod this section.. -
You think this is a good explaniation for everything? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [COLOR=darkblue][i]Trell walks down from the roof with Miluska and spots Charlie.[/i] Trell: :eek: Fortune! Charlie: Trell! What's been going on after I left? Trell: Nothing much...city's back to normal...well *looks at Valik* almost everything... Siren: *Stands by Trell with burnt clothes* I was trying to make something Trell called..."The Cristal?" Charlie: Huh? *thinks for a while* oh that? Wasn't it destroyed a long time ago? Siren: But what did it house inside... Charlie: It housed the power to...well...save the world from total destruction. Miluska: How? Charlie: It enters a compatible body and adds it's own DNA sequences to the host, somehow, they activate and...you have your all powerful being... Trell: Charlie, but a while ago...back in Neo-Chicago... Artoni: *Opens infirmary doors* You, Trell, touched the Cristal and had its energy within you. Trell: Exactly, and the other half transferred to Valik... Miluska: Huh...but what did it do? Trell: Miluska...this might be hard to understand...but since it wanted to find a suitable host...it runs through the bodies of whoever it comes in contact with. Charlie: So it hooked onto Trell...he wasn't compatible, but he was dámn close... Artoni: So the part that WAS compatible stayed within Trell and housed itself within him...the other half... Trell: ...Was passed onto Valik, whom I didin't really trust at the time...and it latched onto her body... Artoni: Trell was strong enough to suppress the spirit within, eventually making it a part of him until it was ready to combine with the other half.... Charlie: However...Valik was never able to supress it, now that she's stuck like this... Artoni: But I've always had ONE BIG question... Trell: What about? Artoni: If Valik never got rid of her half of the Cristal's energy, then why is...*looks at Miluska* :eek: WHOA! hold up... [i]Artoni drags Charlie and Trell outside of the infirmary...[/i] Artoni: Okay...so why is Miluska here...wasn't she created from your DNA AND the energies of the Cristal? Charlie: Umm...Trell, we never knew what happened to you two on that fateful day...around 6 years ago... Trell: *sigh* After Neo-Chicago was destroyed...the energy that we were housing inside of us, shielded us from the nuclear blast. Valik was left heavily injured and fighting the demon within her...I carried her off to a small village nearby. "There, I took care of her for a while until she got back on her feet...though, we had absolutely no memory of what happened long before. In those five years, Valik had a occasional pain in her stomach...but we never...well, ya know..." Artoni/Charlie: Uh-huh....:rolleyes: Trell: Anyway, we continued living together and, eventually...we reached Meteo City...and well, I guess you know what happened then... Artoni: Eh, but Milu... [i]Miluska pokes her head through the infirmary door secretly.[/i] Trell: Well, my daughter...I can't really explain it...I regained all my memories during the battle with Flash...so did Valik. But I went into a state of depression for some reason later on in Celes...yet, I couldn't feel the Cristal within me anymore... Artoni: AH! Ha! And that's when Valik started to have morning sickness all of a sudden! Charlie: Huh? [/COLOR] [color=green]Artoni: Dont you see?! There was already peace between most of us...when Trell and Valik loved each other so much, the Cristal somehow secretly passed its energy when they came close, the energy that was fused with Trell's DNA, was passed into the womb of Valik...which also carried her half of the energy... "THAT energy within Valik was never used...only her DNA was combined with Trell's half, since she was never able to supress it...it still rages within her body, never taking up rest in her...! That's why Miluska's energy signature and abilities relates more to her dad...Trell." But her rages are supressed, like Trell's. Charlie: Yet she carries, both, the physical characaristics of her mom and dad... Artoni: I'm assuming that's why she's more attached to Trell also... Trell: :blush: No...that's not true... [i]Miluska goes back inside the infirmary after hearing the conversation and takes Valik's bedside...[/i] Miluska: Oh mommy! *hugs Valik tightly* Do you hate me? [i]Miluska drops back down and runs outside, crying.[/i] Trell: Milu, what's wrong? *Picks her up* Miluska: *buries her head in Trell's chest* Artoni: A little fatherly love... Trell: C'mon, let's go see mom... Miluska: I DON'T WANNA! :flaming: Trell: :eek: What? Why? Miluska: I heard her! I heard her say those awful things about me...she thinks I'm a burden...she hates me! Trell: That's not true... Miluska: Yes it is! *Gasp* She never wanted to have me in the first place! Trell: How could your mother say that...she loves you... Miluska: No she doesn't! Artoni: Trell...I think you should go back to your quarters and have a Link with Miluska... Charlie: Yeah...go get some rest, you haven't slept for days... [i]Trell, carrying Miluska walks outside and flys back to their apartment...[/i] Charlie: Milu knows...about how she was born Artoni: She's not concerned with that...she's concerned with her mother not loving her...what thoughts go on inside Valik. If Milu's true...I don't know what to think... [i]Charlie and Artoni walk back inside the infirmary...[/i][/color]
RPG Otaku Big Brother: Vote off #Ate, err, I mean Eight.
RicoTranzrig replied to Flash's topic in Theater
[COLOR=darkblue]Awww...it looks like I'm going to be next...[/COLOR] :( -
Oh... then it may be an old, old Dell? If not, than you can always go Custom if you know your computer parts (cheapest way possible too)...iMacs are pretty reasonable and the G4 has tons of power you can use...ummm, try looking at Dell again, particularly their Dimension series. But if you don't like Dell, then maybe you should look at the new Micron Millenias or Atlas computers.