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Everything posted by RicoTranzrig

  1. [COLOR=darkblue]Hehe, thanks...ummm but my nationality is Filipino/Chinese. But the name is completely made up...except the Rico part of it. I wonder if there's any other Filipinos around the boards.... [/COLOR] :rolleyes:
  2. [COLOR=darkblue][i]The three pack up and set foot for the mountains nearby. According to Siren's journal, her father's worst creations reside in the caves within...along with his labratory...a few hours pass and the sun is high in the sky.[/i] Sky: How much further... Siren: Sorry, it's still a while until we clear the forest... Sky: Oh...*whistles* Zero: Music...haven't heard that in a long time... Siren: Heh...*claps along*[/COLOR]
  3. Okay, that's enough torment sorry about that...good night! Well when I see Krillen...:flaming:
  4. [i]Trell parks in front of the complex and they run upstairs to the breifing room...[/i] Trell: What happened? Artoni: It seems that there's been a massive energy discharge in the skies...investigation teams are looking into the origin but we don't know much so far. Trell: Anyone hurt? Miluska: None so far...*Jumps into Trell's arms* Trell: Hey :D *Picks her up and holds her high*
  5. Nah, too expensive...I now keep in in my clean room covered by the plastic/styrafoam sheet it came with when not in use.
  6. That's a little too expensive...it's only 300 for the system box...plus you'd wanna buy a game and some controllers if you want. Which should amount to around 350 at least...
  7. [COLOR=darkblue]Rico: *Looks forward* I was wondering why the lights were off... [i] Rico and Sean spot a teacher and the principal making out on the couch.[/i] Sean: Very interesting... Rico: Umm...Sorry for bothering you two... [i]They hurry out of the lounge and close the lights again...[/i] Sean: Is that even appropriate here? Rico: No...I'm not sure...but lets head back to class....this has not been a good day...catching the principal fondiling a teacher...geezz...[/COLOR]
  8. [COLOR=darkblue]Rico: Dude, you talking to me? Sean: Yeah... Rico: Well, we do have a couple positions open...but I don't know what they all are... Sean: ?? Rico: Well maybe I could take you to my commander and see what you specialize in...[/COLOR]
  9. [COLOR=darkblue]Sean: Where are we going anyway? Rico: Teacher's lounge... Sean: What's there? Rico: Teachers...duh? Sean: I know that! But why there? Rico: Well, all the other students are gonna be doing reports on kids cause they can't go here, er they're not supposed to. Sean: Anything special here?? Rico: *He opens the lounge. The lights are off and they walk around. The room seems empty...* Well you tell me...[/COLOR]
  10. [COLOR=darkblue]I've finally decided to post me...and another person... :D Hope she doesn't mind...Yeah, that's me sitting...darkskinned, short hair...tall. And the one behind me in the background is my one and only Raiha, lightskinned, longhair, tall. So that's us...at my house with my best friend taking the shot. :naughty: Well, I'll leave the face of Raiha to the imagination right now...until I get her consent...:p [/COLOR] Well, umm there we are...enjoy...
  11. [COLOR=darkblue][i]Drops of blood land on the balcony again...[/i] Trell: What in the world? Valik: *Walks out of the bathroom in her regular clothes* What is it? Trell: The blood stains, they're back... [i]They feel a rumble through the apartment and they hold each other to keep balance.[/i] Valik: Trell? [i]They both look out the window and see a shockwave ring in the air.[/i] Trell: Unreal...we gotta go to HQ... [i]Trell takes Valik's hand as they run downstairs to the car and speed towards the centeral complex...[/i][/COLOR]
  12. [COLOR=darkblue]Tender: So how's it going? Rico: Okay...just working on the engines of this new fighter we're building. Sean: So he's an engineer... Tender: Who's flying it after you guys build it... Rico: Me... Sean: ...And a pilot. Tender: Must be tough working on that day on out for six months. Rico: The Facton pays me well, and...I do love my job...[/COLOR]
  13. [COLOR=darkblue]Rico: Okay...you guys should go out taking notes on other people. Call it spying if you want...I just want some reports done...I'll be doing it too. Asuka: Okay...*Gets out of desk with paper and walks out.* Rico: Partner up too... Asuka: Rex? Rex: Sure thing...*Joins up with Asuka and they walk out.* [i]The rest pair up...[/i] Rico: Sean? Sean: No partner... Rico: Yeah it's a small class come with me...BTW, how old are you?[/COLOR]
  14. [COLOR=darkblue][i]Rico walks into the bar in his dusty uniform.[/i] Tursi: Welcome...been busy outside... Rico: ...*Takes a seat by the counter and orders a bottle of hard liqour.*[/COLOR]
  15. [COLOR=darkblue][i]The bell rung...[/i] Rico: All right...YO! Stand up! Sean: Me? Rico: Yeah you! Get up now! Sean: *Nervous* What? Rico: Since we're here for the entire day...I suggest that you pay attention. Sean: Why should I? Rico: I'll flunk you, plain and simple... Sean: ... Rico: Just kidding! LOL! Sean: :therock: Rico: Psychology...they way the mind works. We've got guys here bringing guns, wearing makeup, swearing... Sean: F-k! All: LOL! Rico: Yeah kinda like that...but why do we do that? Sean: Beats me.. Rico: Well, since you're going to be couped up in here...I want you all to do some research...go around the school and record people's behaivor.[/COLOR]
  16. Actually, I don't think she intended for signups...just be yourself, have a nice intro and keep playing...
  17. [COLOR=darkblue]I know...it's all cool since you're not...but I'm directing this at Krillen...perverted stuff like that shouldn't happen here.[/COLOR]
  18. [COLOR=darkblue]Smart man...seriously, just because she's one of the few girls that ever post in G&S doesn't give anyone the right to take advantage of her.[/COLOR]
  19. [COLOR=darkblue][i]Trell paused for a couple seconds...[/i] Trell: Miluska just called in...we gotta go pick her up. Valik: You go....I'll stay here and relax. Trell: She wants both of us... Valik: Umm... Trell: *Puts on jacket and takes keys* You coming with?[/COLOR]
  20. [COLOR=darkblue][i]Trell heads out to the balcony and notices the dried blood on the wooden floor.[/i] Trell: This is strange...*Extends hands and chips away the blood* There...*looks up* But I wonder... [i]He goes back inside to check up on Valik...[/i][/COLOR]
  21. [COLOR=darkblue][i]Trell finally wakes up and notices Valik not there at his side.[/i] Trell: Valik? Valik: *Shouts* I'm right here! Trell: *Gets up and walks to table* Good morning... Valik: Rest well? Trell: Beside you? Always... Valik: We're having visitors... Trell: Cool...I'll get the place ready... [i]After a quick breakfast, Trell grabs a portable vacuum and starts cleaning up the place. Not really much to clean since they haven't been home for a quite a while...[/i][/COLOR]
  22. [COLOR=darkblue]Rico: *Flips through agenda book before walking into class.* Okay, this is a Psychology class...now this I know. To a certain extent. [i]He walks into class, take the teacher's desk and waits for the bell to ring. All the kids staring at him. He takes a deep breath.[/i][/COLOR]
  23. [COLOR=darkblue]Rico: *Rests outside the roof of the school.* Darn...that was dumb of me.... [i]"Okay, I'm teaching 'Darklost' to a bunch of 10th graders...oh this can't be good."[/i][/COLOR]
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