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Everything posted by RicoTranzrig

  1. [COLOR=darkblue]Artoni: Sh-t I can't watch this... [i]Artoni ran out of the infirmary room.[/i] Charlie: Artoni... [i]Chased after her.[/i] Outlaw: You think my partner's gonna be alright? Trell: Hard to say...I wish we could all do something about it...life, in it's most terrible form. [i]Siren goes beside Miluska.[/i] Siren: Miluska...let me take over... Miluska: Umm...okay... Siren: Valik...I need you to jump out of his mind...it's the only way I can fully use my powers. [i]Siren put her hand on Cloud's chest and felt his heavy breathing. She closed her eyes both bodies englufed in a green glow, Siren fell asleep at his side...she goes back into the dreamworld and see's Cloud on the astral plane, fading away. Siren: Cloud...you gotta stay with me...I'll be able to help you, but don't fade away. Cloud: I'm damaged a whole deal huh? Siren: It's really hard to fix you up. Cloud: Heh...it's okay...if you can, great! If you can't... Siren: I can! It's just that...it's gonna take time...if you stray away from this place...there's not tell what might happen. Cloud: Simple, I just sit here and talk. Siren: It's not that simple...once your body starts giving up on itself, you're not going to have much control over yourself here unless you really focus. Cloud: Oh...[/i] *Outside in the infirmary* Outlaw: *Goes out of the room* I- I can't... Trell: Outlaw...*Follows him*[/COLOR]
  2. [COLOR=darkblue][i]Siren puts her hands around Trell's face...it glows a dark green and his bruises go away...[/i] Trell: Let's head back to the city... Artoni: I don't mean to spoil the mood but...about Cloud... Valik: What about? Charlie: He's...dying... [/COLOR]
  3. [COLOR=darkblue]SSj chic still shows up...but MysticBabe's been gone longer...[/COLOR]
  4. [COLOR=darkblue]If you knew me, then you wouldn't be saying that...do you think it's that easy when you're not only incredibly shy, but your also incredibly sensitive and empathetic? No, it's not because I broke up with her, and it's not pitiful either. I would try to find strength here in hopes of alleviating the situation I have in my life and if you can't understand that...then why bother posting when you can't even help?[/COLOR]
  5. [COLOR=darkblue]If I talked about what happened...the damage would be greater because then other people'll be involved...but I know what I must do now...thanks for all your help everyone. I know now how life and love may still go on...the situation is complex but if a true bond exists between her and I, she'll understand...I'm really hoping that she does.[/COLOR]
  6. [COLOR=darkblue]Trell: That didn't make much sense...nevermind... Miluska: oookayy....:therock: Trell: Just tell us about it when the time comes. Valik: Well...look up to us... Miluska: 'Toni too? Artoni: Especially me...[/COLOR]
  7. [COLOR=darkblue]I usually start with the eyes...but then they end up having big heads...Now I outline the head first, then the eyes, mouth/lips, ears, and then the hair. Then I work my way down which is a bit easier.[/COLOR]
  8. [COLOR=darkblue]Trell: Valik... [i]Trell crouched down face to face with her.[/i] Valik: What is it? Trell: Go back to your human form, you don't have to be this way anymore. Valik: I- I can't! I could never forgive myself for thinking only of myself and not others. Trell: Hey, we never noticed...eh Miluska? Miluska: Not at all mommy. Valik: What? Artoni: We never thought of you as that way. Even though you seemed distant, even to Trell. Miluska somehow changed you. If not now, then it will later. You've been a family for quite sometime now, I think it's time to live it. Trell: Valik? [i]Valik looked up at Trell's bruised and bloodied face. They pause for a few moments before Valik finally reverted back.[/i] Siren: Ata girl ;) Trell: Never think you haven't accomplished anything...you've lived this long, and that is accomplishment enough. [i]A tear rolled down Valik's face. Trell extened his hand to catch the tear and held it close to his chest. He looked into her face one more time.[/i] Trell: Don't be afraid to be weak and don't take pride in being strong. Just look into your heart, love, and it'll be a return to yourself, a return to innocence. [i]Valik threw her arms open wide and hugged Trell tightly, buring her crying face in his chest.[/i] Valik: I'm so sorry... Trell: It's alright Miluska: Mommy! Artoni: Now that's love... Siren: I wish the city were in good condition... Charlie: You planning something? Siren: I am a design extraordinare. [i]Artoni looked back at the city...[/i] Artoni: We should head back... I wonder how Cloud is. Outlaw, I pray for you and your dying companion. [/COLOR]
  9. [b][u][i]The Beginning of the End[/i][/b][/u] [color=darkblue][i] Trell grabed hold onto the metal walls of the Junction to slow his decent and pointed his MAG at the incoming Mecha?s from underground. He charged the gun with a radiant energy and pulled the trigger, hard and fast. A mirage of hidden energy flowed through the entire node, tearing up anything inside and launching millions of metal fragments in the sky. The large tear on the desert surface widened, then caved in leaving a giant crater in the ground. Trell, trapped underneath the earth?s surface charges his shield to avoid getting crushed by the seismic forces. Back on the surface, Outlaw, Valik, Miluska, and Siren stand still in the dust of the aftermath. They stare in the direction of Trell?s decent into the underworld.[/i] Valik: Trell... Siren: This doesn?t look good. Miluska: We gotta help dad! Please! [i]A deep and loud cry comes out of Miluska. She fell to the ground in complete despair.[/i] Miluska: We-we just can?t leave dad there! Charlie: Valik? Valik: I?m not sure what to do... Charlie: We save him, plain and simple! Valik: Easier said than done. Siren: What?s wrong with you? He?s your husband! And the father of your daughter! I?m going. Coming Milu? [i]Siren transformed into her dragon form and looked back at Miluska and Valik.[/i] Miluska: Mom? [i]Valik stared into the distance with a blank expression on her face. It was a difficult moment for Miluska for she had no idea what her mother was feeling. Nevertheless, Miluska turned to Siren and took her baby dragon form. They both looked back at Valik, now looking back at Miluska. After a few seconds, they finally took flight and sped off. Leaving only Valik, a quiet Outlaw, and Charlie.[/i] Charlie: What in the world happened? Don?t you care about Trell? Valik: What can I do? There?s no way he could have survived such a crushing blow. Charlie: What makes you think that? You never know! Valik: Just...just leave me alone... [i]Valik turned around and stared back at the city where Raynor and Drake were still battling closely around the sky scrapers.[/i] Raynor: Give it up! Drake: I?ll have this place destroyed before you?ll ever get the chance to wipe out my existence. [i]Drake focused his attention to the giant skyscrapers towering high above the city. He sensed the frightened souls still inside and takes pleasure in waiting to see them perish. He raises his hand and charges a dark sphere of energy.[/i] Raynor: What?s your desire for seeing this city set a blaze? Drake: Don?t you see it? The co-existence of Hybrid and Human where all these new children are being created? It sickens me! [i]Just before Drake could throw the dark matter bomb, Raynor tackled Drake up towards the sky. The black sphere misfired and flew in the direction of the crater Trell was trapped in.[/i] Raynor: You think too old...makes you weak, pathetic! [i]Raynor pushed his shoulder harder, and harder against Drake?s torso, sending them up into the clouds where they continued their fight.[/i] Drake: I?m going to get to that city one way or another. [i]Back on the desert, Artoni, Andrews, and Cloud recover from the crash of their APC caused by the energy wave that Trell emitted during his ?awakening?. Artoni is the first one to get up from the rubble. Andrews is the next to rise and try to contact the other group.[/i] Artoni: Is everyone...okay? [i]Artoni spotted Cloud?s trembling hand still grasping the air from underneath a metal sheath. She runs to him and quickly throws the two ton covering from Cloud?s body, uncovering a bloodied figure.[/i] Artoni: My god...:eek: Cloud: Don?t.... worry...about...me... [i]She picked up Cloud, careful to support his head. She wiped away the blood from his face, his eyes and nose.[/i] Artoni: No, you?ll be all right! You?ll be... [i]Cloud started to daze off...[/i] Artoni: No, you can?t...don?t sleep on me! Hey! [i]Artoni tried to slap Cloud back awake, but he kept falling and falling into torpor.[/i] Artoni: Damnit! Andrews! Get a medic! [i]Andrews changed frequencies and tried to get a hold of the local hospital.[/i] Andrews: No use... Artoni: It?s not fair! Cloud! You don?t die on me! You got that? Cloud: And what if I do? Artoni: I?ll kill you! Cloud: Very good incentive! [i]Cloud gives a smirk before he finally gave up, going limp in Artoni?s arms. Barley clinging onto life.[/i] Artoni: No...Trell...what have you done? [i]A ground transport finally picked up the three and drove them back. They pass the crater, now even deeper from the dark matter bomb.[/i] Artoni: Let me out! [i]The transport stopped and Artoni jumped out to survey the damage, trying to see if there was any hope of Trell surviving and making his way out. She could find none. She waved for the transport to go on without her and she is left alone. She broke down at the center of the smoking pit and started crying bitterly for Trell and Cloud. In the skies, Siren and Miluska soar through the clouds. They finally locate the giant crater and land to find Artoni crouched, weeping.[/i] Miluska: ?Toni! Artoni: It?s no use...I can?t find a way to rescue him... [i]Miluska begins to weep along with Artoni in grief, they had given up on Trell chances that he would be alive were grim after all that time being under the tremendous pressure of the earth. Siren stood away from the two and closed her eyes, drifting off into the dream world. Siren: Brother...if you can hear me, this is your sister, Siren. I know that you?re still alive somewhere down there. If only you could give me a sign...I would know...Brother, even though others have given up hope...I know that you'll hold on. For your daughter, your wife, everyone that you hold on dear to... Below the surface, Trell rested as his shield began to weaken. His body already paralyzed by the pressure of the earth.[/i] Trell: ....Siren...I hear you... [i]Trell reached out to Siren. A flashback came into his mind. His mother's face, and Siren's. They look alike...[/i] Siren: You're still alive...I'm glad. Trell: Aurora... Siren: That was our mother... [i]Siren engulfed her fist in flames and punched deep into the ground. She concentrated with all her might. It took a few moments before the ground finally began to shake violently. The rocky soil began to crack open...[/i] Trell: You look like our mother... Siren: ... [i]A fissure in the ground opened up. Siren charged her shield and dove into the crack as it slowly began to converge. She found Trell's energy signature and flew down to him. Siren picked him up and boosted herself back up, carrying him. They make it through just before the crack seals again...She sets him down between Artoni and Miluska...[/i] Artoni: You're...alive... [i]Artoni wiped away her tears...[/i] Miluska: Daddy! [i]Miluska hugged Trell deeply. He knew that they almost gave up hope, but they hung on...Trell nearly paid the ultimate sacrifice to halt the attacks on Meteo City...His MAG blast corrupted every single corridor of that network. Whatever lurked deep underground is now gone...though what evil remains is what lurks on the surface...[/i] To Be Continued....[/color]
  10. [COLOR=darkblue]Umm, I'm sorry I said all those things to you...I've grown up a whole lot these past few months. Life can get really complex, the truth can be confusing. But now I'll have to stop hiding it all in front of (you know who) because she needs to know that I can't hold on to her if she doesn't support me. I mean, that's what friends are for...[/COLOR]
  11. [COLOR=darkblue]Yeah, I was just viewing and thinking about your responses...It's always tough having to go at it alone...but I can't let it get to me...I'll probably look back a few months from now and laugh about it. But right now, it hurts...thanks for all of your responses, they helped.[/COLOR]
  12. [COLOR=darkblue]Actually, no, I'm not okay...I'm sorry for being negative all of a sudden but everything's just falling on top of me, crashing down and it feels like no one's there to support me. It's so frustrating...[/COLOR]
  13. [COLOR=darkblue]It's been a tough week...I just can't stand it! I feel like I've been betrayed by everyone around me...All I can do now that it's all over is cry...then start another week and repeat. It's just tough not knowing if the person that you love, still does...teenage life, where everything can change in an instant. I need your thoughts on this...have you ever felt this way before?[/COLOR]
  14. [COLOR=darkblue]Should I end this?[/COLOR]
  15. [COLOR=darkblue]Zero: Okay, okay...*Dozes off quickly* Sky: *Sits by the fire and meditates* Siren: You thinking...? Sky: Always...mostly about your father... Siren: Just take my word for it...he's insane... Sky: Dawn's almost rising...I can see Bane flowing around the trees... Siren: Aren't you gonna sleep? Sky: No...too preoccupied...plus standby just in case we get ambushed.[/COLOR]
  16. Whoa, you look a lot younger than I expected...umm goes to show that I need to look at people's profiles more often...nice picture. Harry Potter? You should take a look at my brother...
  17. I usually go to Pgamers.net for some extra computer knowledge that I don't already know and I share some of my own. Pokemasters is another forurm I visit...but too many immature children there...
  18. [COLOR=darkblue]Siren: I don't wanna talk about it, makes me sick to my stomach...but you'll know how atrocious they were when we get there... Zero: Whoa...okay...I won't hold you up to it. Sky: It's almost sunrise...we should get some rest before heading out again... [i]They pitch up a single tent and lay down, looking up at the stars...[/i] Zero: Siren? Siren: What is it now? Zero: Is it why Rane's following you? Siren: Because of my father's crimes...he lived at my cost...but that was a long time ago... Sky: What happened to your father? Siren: I killed him! :eek: Siren: You don't know what he put me through...you'll never know... Sky: Let's not talk about it...[/COLOR]
  19. [COLOR=darkblue]I finally got a chance to play it at home...At first I thought it would be somewhat like the first one, but everything's completly different. It starts off by reading you the letter your wife gave you...and you continue to try to find that "special place" somewhere in Silent Hill. The graphics are well done...I thought it looked low quality because the plants and trees were one texture, no polygons and everything had a burnt PSone look to it. But the creepy special effects like the lighting and fog made up for it. The characters look...wasted...drugged from my POV but the overall style plays part in the overall horror of it all. Music is really disturbing...I have my PS2 hooked up to a 5.1 system and the ambient music the game pumps out freaked me out...even during the daytime...a subwoofer adds on even more. The monster's echo through the hallways, which in turn, echo throughout your room. I've played up to the apartment and the game looks pretty promising...2 things I have a problem with the game. 1. The controls with the camera angles...it plays like resident evil but you can switch and make it play like Devil May Cry it's just confusing walking through crammped spaces. No first person view either... and 2. Like with the last game, you can only go into certain buildings which makes it a bit confusing. Though the game really grabbed my attention, disturbing monster models moving at high speed and reflecting your flashlight...creepy ambient music. Tons of speical effects...though I know the PS2 can do more than that...I was surprised that they only had one copy left at the store... A must play/buy![/COLOR]
  20. [COLOR=darkblue]Siren: Quiet you two...*looks through journals and maps in her pack.* Sky: ... Zero... [i]They stay silent for a few mintes before finally getting up[/i] Sky: Find something? Siren: There's a place my father used to conduct his experiments. Twisted...demented... Zero: Why there? Siren: I can't think of anything else... Sky: Where is it? Siren: *Reads journal* On an island off the western continent... Zero: Okay..*whisltes*. Sky: ?? *Looks up* [i]Zero's comanion circles around them and lands on a clearing in the forest. They get up on the dragon and they take off.[/i][/COLOR]
  21. [COLOR=darkblue][i]A shroud of white snow blankets the wave, disrupting their electronics...[/i] Trell: Enough of this...*Charges forward and charges up Chaff* [i]Trell flys through the wave, disabling a huge line of mech-warriors. He continues through the desert, past wave after wave...he finds the source of the warriors. A oriface in the ground surrounded by machinery. Trell dives into the hole and pulls out his MAG...[/i][/COLOR]
  22. [COLOR=darkblue]Trell: Fun...*Stops in the air and a few floating shiny spheres around him...* [i]The spheres fire off, leaving a trail of blue energy. The spheres surrounded the center of the wave of mech-warriors and detonate, each sphere magnifying the yield of each explosion shredding the mech-warriors apart leaving a large crater in the desert ground.[/i] Artoni: I'm detecting a shockwave approaching...3..2...1... [i]A blue wave of energy collides with the ship flying up above and rips the hull off...[/i] Cloud: Eject! [i]Cloud hits the eject button, launching Artoni, Andrews, and Cloud out of the APC and straight into the sky Their parachutes open and they begin to drop.[/i] Trell: *Sees the three falling slowly to the ground* Sorry about that...they'll be okay...*Looks at Valik, Miluska, and Siren. Flys towards them...*[/COLOR]
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