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Everything posted by RicoTranzrig

  1. Well, I spent some quality time cleaning the dust out, or at least trying to...opening up and cleaning the inside of the expansion bay works too. :)
  2. I'm kinda wondering about that last person on the list that doesn't seem to show up anymore...
  3. [COLOR=darkblue]So what would be the best plan to clean all that dust out...lightly vaccum the console from the outside vent ducts?[/COLOR]
  4. [COLOR=darkblue]I have a small dillema...I haven't played PS2 for a while and today I finally got around to playing it...but the thing is, it's completly covered in dust...even the insides...is there a way to open it so I can clean it out?[/COLOR]
  5. [COLOR=darkblue][i]Trell huddles in an intersection and looks around him. Covered by a mirage of destructive energy, he gets up and begins walking towards the outskirts. In the skies...[/i] Artoni: Wait...I'm picking up something... Cloud: I don't detect any signatures... Artoni: No, look! *Points out window* Andrews: A part of the city looks kinda...blurry... Cloud: Any idea what it is? Artoni: No clue... [i]Down below...[/i] Siren: We got company...*Looks behind* [i]A wave of new Mech-Warriors approach their position with a slew of new weaponry and armor...[/i] Valik: You think we can take 'em on? Miluska: Mom? Valik: *Morphs into tiger* Let's do this! *Charges forward* [i]Siren and Miluska follow...[/i] Siren: *Looks back* What's happened to you bro...[/COLOR]
  6. [COLOR=darkblue]I remember the huge park that I used to go to when I was a child, not having a care in the world.[/COLOR]
  7. [COLOR=darkblue]Right now, I'm not sure what to think, well...I'm depressed more than I'm happy...[/COLOR]
  8. Well, I put my utmost trust in a person and they let me down...I want to trust 'em, but it won't be the same kind of trust that Lady Macaiodh mentioned...
  9. [COLOR=darkblue]My soul reached out to only one other person...it got hurt...but there's still a chance that I can turn back and not turn my back on them.[/COLOR]
  10. Sky: There's gotta be a place where Rane can't reach us... Siren: None that I've heard of...he can search the world and find us. Zero: Then we have no choice? Sky: There's gotta be a way out of this without battling and running... Siren: *Takes out personal journal* Zero: What are you doing? Siren: Looking for a way out.... [i]Sky puts more wood in the flame as Siren madly searches for answers...[/i]
  11. [COLOR=darkblue][i]Trell weaves around the city streets at incredible speeds. He circles highway 10 a few times before stopping at the centeral complex. He sees the park, the robot army trying to penetrate it.[/i] Trell: No...you can't...*Charges forward and his energy field rips the robots apart.* [i]From the skies[/i] Artoni: What was that? Cloud: A wave of robots just...disappeared... Artoni: How is that possible? No rubble? Debris? Cloud: Nothing... Andrews: I think I can explain...*turns monitor over to close up on Trell...* Artoni: What's he doing? [i]Back on the ground. Trell finds new targets and decides to put his newly awakened set of hybrid codes to good use...[/i] Trell: *Alastor...streams of blue flames rise from beneath the ground melting everything nearby.* [i]Outside the city...[/i] Miluska: *Eyes the stream of flames from the top of the city* Mom? Valik: I don't know what's happening... Siren: I think I can explain... Charlie: Please do so... Siren: His dormant DNA structure has been awakened...he's almost up to his full power... Valik: Almost? Siren: Yes...It's probably no doubt that he has a wanting to protect you all. It's too dangerous to go near him without risking injury... Charlie: The mirage? Siren: Much like the barrier at Celes...only certain, survive...[/COLOR]
  12. Charlie's with Siren who are with Miluska and Valik...Artoni is hovering over the city with Cloud and Andrews, monitoring the battle and giving them tactical info from the sky.
  13. [COLOR=darkblue]My lucky number is 7! Born on it, lived it and love it.:D[/COLOR]
  14. :eek: Wow...umm, I'm not sure what to say...I hate to see people leave but I guess the show must go on
  15. no...I already flipped and I got heads as a result... err...umm...Warlock has 7?
  16. Well, it depends on how much you guys (and girls) trust me...I have a coin ready and waiting in a drawer beside my computer...just say the word and it'll either be me or Warlock...:bawl:
  17. I said I could flip a coin and decide...er we could get someone to choose...
  18. [COLOR=darkblue]Heh, okay...but what if the person was a girl that you cared about...? Would you still break 'em into a million pieces and humilate em?[/COLOR]
  19. [COLOR=darkblue]Trust is ever so fragile, like a crystal shard. When it's broken, it's hard, almost impossible to put back together. No way again will it ever be the same. Now that I think it's happening all over again, it's as if those shattered fragments were broken even further, to dust. When I felt the way I did about this person, that didn't mean she could let herself go to other people. I hate to sound selfish, but it's just not fair for her to treat me like that. If anything, she should be the one trying to mend my trust for her...[/COLOR]
  20. It's not dead yet...Its just that just the three of us are posting now...which is a good thing but more thought has to be put in the story since it's only 3 minds put together, then again...I'll think of something. [COLOR=darkblue][i]The three make a break for it out of the town.[/i] Siren: What do they want in a small town like this? Sky: They want to kill you... Zero: But we're gonna have to confront them sooner or later... Rane: There's no escape! I'll eventually find you again! [i]The group makes it to the safety of the woods before nightfall where Rane's hovering fortress can't spot them as easily. They set up camp...[/i][/COLOR]
  21. [COLOR=darkblue]I know...I sure thought that she was the right person, after I found out, I'm not so sure anymore...Yet she's helping me get through it. It'll take a long time to undo the damage...[/COLOR]
  22. Maybe b/c it's played on a TV...it does have low resolution as opposed to playing Halo on a computer. But I heard Slow framerates and slow load times for it.
  23. Deep insight... BabyGirl, I think you know the story and I dont really want to expose it...I'm trying hard to regain my trust for a specific person...but as I've known, some people don't change and history repeats...but this time, I'm uncertain...and I loose it sometimes because my feelings for that person are incredibly strong ...I don't want to loose that person.
  24. [COLOR=darkblue]...not trusting a person again...it's tough when trust means so much. I forgive the person...but it's just not the same afterward. It sorta broke me in two or something...I'm always suspicious and I can't be as close.[/COLOR]
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