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Everything posted by Styles_E

  1. thank yousooo much Lone Bebop, it did help! you kick major *** dude, thanks a million
  2. ok HANDS DOWN the worst dubbing is on Crest of the Stars. that dibbing is so painfully bad i cant watch it for more than five minutes. but i dunno, Cowboy Bebop has some pretty good dubbing. i dont think there has ever been a moment watching it when i notice any bad acting
  3. Styles_E


    your insane! akira is the greatest anime movie i have ever seen. it has so much character, and nice music. also, kick *** action scenes dont hurt either. i know its confusing at times, but anyone who has seen more anime than justdragonball z can appreciate that kind of thing.
  4. hey i was wondering if Fantasia counts as anime. well, its animation! thats my favorite "anime " movie, i it actually counts as one. the scene at the end with the ghosts and the demon in the mountain is my favorite scene in any movie, animated or not. well i guess AKIRA and Cowboy Bebop movie are my other two favorites because they have so much character, but can anyone tell me if fantasia counts as anime? haha what a lame question
  5. know whats the REAL downside to anime? i'll yell you! it gets people into hentai. honstely, thats the only real downside. i mean seriously, if you really think about it, hentai is REALLY messed up. no really think about it, its messed up. no, seriously. geez i cant stress it enough, its messed up. ok i guess i keep saying the same thing over and over, which is that hentai is screwed up, so im done
  6. SPIKE IS THE BEST! spike has style and grace, and is not afraid to go for that kill shot. vash is a worthy contender, but everyone knows the one with the most style always comes out on top. and why do people always put gene in with thhose two? i mean, gene is OK i guess, but hes no contender for the best! but SHIMI, or however you spell it, from owtlaw star, on the other hand, would be the best ever ever ever if he just used guns. i guess you could count him in as a gun-slinger, because he does shoot the occaisional bullet, and on top of it all, hes such a cool guy. so to re-cap, spike would probably beat vash, stop putting gene with them, and shimi would whoop all if you counted him.
  7. yeah thanks black pheonix, but i need the song title, you see. if i dont know what its called, i cant look up lyrics or whatever. all i need is a title. thats all i need, so PLEEEAASE someone help me out
  8. hey you guys, PLEASe help me out here, you know on Cowbpy Bebop (the best anime ever) on the fifth episode, when Faye goes into the opera? what is the opera song? on the cool side, im into classical, and thats the best classical sog ive heard ever. please please please help me out here, thanks!
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