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Charlie Levoy

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Everything posted by Charlie Levoy

  1. [I]"Friends and companions. Please meet me at where I stand. Your thoughts and curiousity at which why you are here will be answered." [/I] [COLOR=DarkRed] Everyone had stopped when they heard Hudrenda's words. Terra and Kakaulani turned towards Ty and Melina after Hudrenda stopped talking, or for better words thinking, to them. "Sounds like the big man's awake." Ty said gravely. "Did he just stop thinking or did he cut the connection?" "He cut it." said Melina as she let go of Ty's hand and crossed her arms. "Apparently he wants to be left alone for a while, but before he cut it I did catch a small glimps of his feelings." She frowned slightly after saying this and seemed to be staring into space. "What were they." said Terra after watching her expression for a bit. Melina jerked out of her spaciness and looked up at Terra. "Sorry?" "His feelings, what were they?" Terra said a little bit annoyed. Melina looked at the white nothingness before replying, "He was worried about something." Ty frowned then asked, "What was he worried about?" "I don't know," she said has she turned to look at him. "but I think we better go meet with him if we want any answers. Which shouldn't take us that long since he's in the garden." "Well then lets think of the garden and get there already." Kakaulani said evenly. The others nodded their heads in agreement before they all ,except Ty, closed their eyes and imagined the garden that felt like home to them. When they opened there eyes again instead of seeing the white nothingness they saw all types of trees and vegetation surrounding them. Ty took a deep breath and said somewhat lightly, "Smells like we're already there." Melina smiled and said, "You're right, we're here. Now we just have to find him." "Then lets get going." Terra said as she turned and started to walk away. Melina took Ty's hand again and followed Kakaulani who had already started following Terra.[/COLOR] O.C.C. Sorry that this one is shorter than my last post. It would be alot easier to write if some of the other guardians would write more often. Any way, promise to make my next post longer than this one. ;)
  2. [COLOR=DarkRed]Melina, Terra, and Ty were still walking in what appeared to be nothing, when they saw another figure in the distance. Even from there they could see the wings of their fellow Guardian [I]Kakaulani[/I]. When they were close enough for her to hear them Melina called out to her like she did the others. "Kakaulani!" she said with a small smile. Kakaulani turned and looked her for second before walking towards her and the others. They all stopped a few feet from each other. "Melina, Ty, Terra." She nodded her head at each of them as she said their names. "It's been a while since we last seen each other." "Or heard." Ty added ruefully. Melina glanced at him with a sad smile and replied, "Yes, it has been a while, but why have we been brought out of our sleep?" "I'm sorry Melina, but I have no idea." Kakaulani said evenly. "Something tells me that we're not going to find out why until we regain consciousness." Melina said with a heavy sigh. "Lets connect with Hudrenda, then we'll decide what to do from there." "Sounds like a plan to me, lets get going." Kakaulani said as she and Terra started to walk off. Right as Melina started to follow them when she heard Ty give a soft noise that sounded suspiciously like a growl. *Ty,* She mentally said to him calmly. * will you please do me a favor and not fight with Hudrenda this time? It's been a long time since we've last seen each other and I don't want it to be you two having a mental fight with each other alright?* He gave a mental sigh and replied, *I'm not going to promise you anything Melina, but I will 'try' not to fight with him. It's partially your fault that we don't get along quite as well as we use too.* *I know it is.* Melina thought gravely. "Hey!, come on you two. We don't have all day." Kakaulani yelled at them from up ahead. "Actually we kind of do have all day." Melina heard Terra tell Kakaulani as they continued to walk up ahead. She smiled and turned to Ty. "Come on, lets get going." Ty nodded his head before Melina grabbed his hand and followed the others that were already ahead of them.[/COLOR]
  3. [COLOR=DarkRed]Deep in the Amazon Forrest lies a hidden building completely surrounded by trees except for a narrow path that a large truck can barely squeeze through. The building is three stories high and two stories under ground. A jeep drives on the narrow path leading to the buildings hidden garage. It pulls in and parks in one of the empty parking lots next to about a dozen different vehicles. A man carrying a bow and a satchel of arrows gets out of the jeep and walks to the nearest elevator. He is wearing a white lab coat, black pants and shoes, a blue shirt, and gold name tag with the name [I]Morrick[/I] engraved on it. He has short black hair, green eyes, and his appearance is one of weariness. He pressed the button marked U2 and the elevator started to go down. Once the doors opened he walked to the end of the hall where a large metallic door stood with a number lock on it. He typed in the code and pulled open the door with some difficulty then walked into a room that was obviously a lab. On a bio table in the center of the lab was a woman with long light red hair and rabbit ears with only a white sheet to cover her. A chinese woman wearing a lab coat, black skirt and pumps, a green shirt, and a gold name tag with the name [I]Meeshka[/I] engraved on it turned to the man. Looking just as weary if not more she said hoarsely, "Dr. Morrick, I take it that you found something in the tree?" ?No, well not in it any way, but near it." He said then held up the bow and arrows and continued. ?These two items were under a bunch of the roots near the base of the tree. I think they belong to her." He nodded towards the woman on the bed then he put the items on a near table. "Well, while you were out finding those she started to show signs of mental awareness." said Dr. Meeshka evenly. ?But she still hasn't woken up yet." ?Interesting, well I guess we better start running some test then." Said Morrick as he headed towards the bio bed. While Dr. Morrick and Dr. Meeshka are talking the woman on the bed, known as [I]Melina[/I] the guardian of nature, started to reach out to the other guardians with her mind. In her mind she is dressed in a long flowered dress that covers her abnormal feet. All around her is nothing, but a white color. She looks around sees someone in the distance. She walks towards the person until she is close enough to see the person?s details. It is a man with a bandana tied around his eyes. She immediately called out his name and ran towards him until she was a few feet away. "TY!" ?Melina, is that you?" He said unemotionally. ?Yes,? she smiled even though she knew he couldn't see it then said, ?I don't suppose you know as to why we have been awakened do you?" He shook his head as he replied, ?No, I was hoping you could tell me that, but since you're asking me I guess not." There was an awkward silence between them for a long time until Melina couldn't take it any more and broke it. ?I?m sensing that the others are also awake. We should go connect with them and see if they know why we are awake." she said evenly. ?Alright then lets go." he bowed and said jokingly," Ladies first." She rolled her eyes, grabbed his hand, and started to walk towards what looked like nothingness.[/COLOR]
  4. Hey Kyle, I'm glad that the RPG is up and everything, but didn't we already answer the question about what happened in our bio's. Even if we didn't you your self said that the gods had cursed the guardians and that one of the goddesses was kind enough to put us all to sleep. So what is the point in starting our characters off by repeating something that has already been posted? Charlie
  5. [QUOTE=Annie][color=navy][size=1]Kyle, what is taking so long? I know about what happened at work, but the least you can do is update for us. I don't know what the others think, but the more you delay, the less interested I am becoming. I'm very excited to retry this RPG, considering the last attempt was jumbled and out of control. It's been over two weeks now, what's holding you up? I know I'm supposed to take this to PM's, but this (I've found) grabs attention much quicker and more efficiently.[/color][/size][/QUOTE] If you didn't believe me before Kyle than here's my proof. I wasn't kidding when I said that Annie was getting tired of waiting and to be quite honest with you, so am I. I understand about the situation and everything, but I told you that you need to at least start the RPG so the rest of us can continue it while you rest. *sighs* I also know that I shouldn't be doing this, but I'm hoping that Kyle will take me a little bit more seriously if he reads it in this thread. Thank you. ~Charlie Levoy~
  6. [quote name='Burori']That's right. I told her to do that. heh. All we need is Arika's post of the earth guardian then we can begin.[/quote] Um does Arika even know about this and if so does she even want to do this? Cause if not then let's let someone else, or maybe even Duo, take her place. Oh another thing you still need to make one minor adjustment to your first post Kyle. Just a reminder. ^_^ OOPS!, heh, Sorry about that Arika. ^_^!
  7. I am finally done. Here is the new and improved Melina. [U]Name[/U]: Guardian #5- Melina [U]Age[/U]: Undetermined [U]Guardian[/U]: Nature [U]Appearance[/U]:[url]http://www.we-love-anime.com/gallery/index.php?g=Chobits&p=45&frpg=3&f=#pic[/url] (she also has the feet of a cat) [U]Personality[/U]: Melina is a very kind and gentle person, but you can't control her. She is very intelligent and is no ones fool. She is a very calm person most of the time, but when angered she's not particularly pleasant to be around. [U]Weapons[/U]: [U]Bow and Arrow[/U]- These items are always kept with her and are mainly used for long distant combat. Her satchel produces an unlimited amount of arrows. [U] Plant Staff[/U]- This staff is one that is made when needed. Its design depends on what plant Melina grows it from. It is mostly used for hand to hand combat. [U]Abilities[/U]: [U]Elemental Arrows[/U]- The arrows in her satchel can use the four elements. [U]Telepath[/U]- Melina has the ability to hear the thoughts of all the creatures on earth and she can talk to anyone she chooses with her mind. [U] Plant Growth[/U]- Another ability is that she can control the growth of plants at will. [U]Healing Blood[/U]- Melina's blood is a healing agent that not only allows her to heal fast, but also to heal the wounds of others. When her blood is mixed with water, chamomile, and Ginseng it can cure most poisons of today's world. [U]Bio[/U]: Melina had been the Guardian of Nature for centuries before she ever traveled to Egypt. She was just a guardian with immortal life that could still be killed by mortal means. The people of Egypt ,however, began to see her as one of the Egyptian Gods. The real Egyptian gods disapproved of this and cursed her with the ears of a rabbit and the feet of a cat in hopes of proving her as a false god. All this really did was encourage the people that she truly was a Goddess. Realizing that their plan had failed the Gods then imprisoned her in a large tree in the middle of a vast forrest to sleep for all eternity. So there she remained for centuries on end until the day humanity, or scientists in this case, released her from her imprisonment and eternal slumber. And there you have it. If you have any problems with this Kyle, please notify me and we'll discuss it.
  8. Lol I can't wait to see your improved character Annie. As for me, well I'm going to reread my character describtion and I might make some changes, but other than that I promise to post it sometime soon. ;) ~Charlie~ ~ Blood Rose~ P.S. Kyle please check your email. I sent you one yesturday and I need a reply ASAP. It's about a suggestion I had for my character. Thank you^_^
  9. It was 6-o-clock when Aura finally left work. She had stopped by Kash-N-Karry to do a little grocery shopping before heading home. It was 6:30 when she got back to her car with her groceries. She was three blocks from her apartment when she had to pull over to let a firetruck pass her which was going 50 mph. *I wonder where they are headed.* Aura thought as she pulled back onto the road. five minutes later Aura pulled up to her apartment building. She saw the firetruck that had passed her earlier trying to put out a fire that was coming from the windows in her apartment. She stared in shock as she got out of her car. She was still staring at the roaring flames when her neighbor Becky ran up to her. Becky looked at Aura with concern as she said, "Oh Aura, I am so sorry that it had to be you who had the fire." Aura looked at Becky as if though seeing Becky for the first time. Aura shook her head silently before pulling herself back together. " How did this happen?" she asked Becky in somewhat of a calm voice. Becky shook her head as she responded, " No one knows Aura. One minute we were all going about our buisness and the next the fire alarm was going off. (Aura looked down to the ground) We didn't where the fire was until we came out here and looked up at building. (Aura nodded her head in understanding) Why don't you go see Lance while I take care of all the questions that you would be ask?" Aura looked back up at her and smiled slightly as she said, " Thanx Becky, I think I will." Becky gave her a quick hug before opening the car door to let Aura in. Once Aura was in Becky shut the car door and Aura started up the engine. After she put on her seat belt she drove off down the street, but instead of going to see Lance she was heading towards Vormir's apartment. Half of an hour later Aura was knocking on Vormir's door which was ight in front of the parking lot on the second floor. So she didn't have to walk far from her car. After knocking three times the door opened and a shocked Vormir was staring at her. " Aura, your an hour early. I wasn't expecting you untill eight." Vormir said surprisenly. Aura thought for a moment a about how she was going to tell him that her apartment was burned down and that she had groceries in the car. All of a sudden she remembered the floppy disk he had given her for safe keeping three years ago and figured that she would start there. She looked at him and said, "Hey, Vormir Do you remember that floppy disk you gave me three years ago?" He looked at her perplexed and said, " You mean the one that had the one that had the information of my inheritance from my grandfather? (Aura nodded her head) Yeah I remember it. I gave you that copy just incase if I should lose the original." "Yeah, well I don't have it any more." she said in a small voice. He looked at her with a frown and said, " What do you mean you don't have it? You said that you hid it underneith the television for safe keeping." " That's just it. (sighs and then forces her self to tell him) When I got home after work there was a firetruck in front of my buliding. (looks down before continueing) It was my apartment that was on fire." she finished in a whisper. He looked at her in horror then pulled her into his arms held her. " I am so sorry Aura." he said kindly. After hearing those words she finally broke down and stared crying. " Oh god Vormir. All of my things were in there. Everything I had ever owned was in there and now it's gone. It's all gone." she said as she cried on his shoulder. " Shh....It's alright honey. I'll help you out. Just like I always do when you're in trouble. Just like you would do for me if I was in trouble right now. (he pulled back a little to look at her) Okay? " he said in a soothing voice which calmed her down immensly. She nodded her head and smiled up at him in reassurance. " Alright, then let's go on inside and have a cup of coffee." he said as he put an arm around her shoulders. " Umm...would it be alright to put my groceries in your fridge? I had bought some on my way home from work. " she asked sweetly. He laughed then said, "Of coarse you can. Let's go get them real quick." They both went down stairs to Aura's car and got the few paper bags full of food. Then they went back upstair and into his apartment.
  10. Aura and Vormir had just paid for there meal and were getting into the car. Vormir started up the engine and pulled out of the parking spot. Aura knew that sooner or later she would have to give him an explanation, but she wasn't sure how to approach the subject or how he would react to it. Once Vormir pulled out of the parking lot he looked over at Aura. " So tell me, why do you have a floppy disk in hidden pocket and am I right in assuming that there are other copies of it lying around somewhere?" he asks. Aura sighs as she confirms his guess. "Yes there are other copies of the disk. I found the original one on the floor at my work. Lance dropped it." He gives her a suspicious look the replys, " Hu huh and what exactly is on this disk?" " All of the passwords to the governments computer data base and the information that you would find in the data base." she stated bluntly. He looked at her in horror then pulled off to the side of the road. He looks back at her and replys, "Ok let me get this straight. Lance walked into your work, dropped a disk that just happens to contain the passwords to the government data, you find the disk and knowing you also hacked into it, and now you have made copies of it. Oh and you're also are carrying one of the copies in your coat pocket." " Yes, Vormir that's exactly what happened. Now will you please pull back onto the road now and tke me to work?" He looks at her then turns back to the wheel and drives back onto the road. He remains silent and drives her to work. Five minutes later when he pulls in the parking lot of her work he finally looks at her again. " Aura I'm not going to lie to you so when I tell you that you have most likely put yourself in great danger I mean that almost without a doubt you have put yourself in great danger." he stated. aura looked at him with an understanding and said, "I was afraid you were going to say that." " How did Lance get the disk any way? " Vormir asked curiously. " He says that he found it in the parking lot, but I think he lied to me so I don't know. (vormir stops the car in front of the building) Any way I got to get back to work." Aura said as she picked up her purse. " Aura I want you to come over to my house for dinner so I can take a look at that floppy disk on my computer. Alright? " He asked. " Sure, I'll be there at 8." She gives Vormir a quick hug goodbye then gets out of the car and walks into the building.
  11. Lyla was being chased by creatures that she had never seen before. *How did I get my self in this mess? I mean first I arrive at school late, then I see a girl with wings, ten minutes into my third period class and these guys show up, now I'm being chased by them, and to top it all off I'm not allowed to use my powers.* Lyla thought to her self as she dodged a couple more monsters that she ran into when she turned the corner. Lyla managed to pass the monsters and continue running. She saw one of the stair wells, but when she started to go towards it more of the creatures came up from the lower level. She dismissed the stair well and turned to the corner at the end of the hall only to come to a dead end. When she turned back around she saw at least a dozen of the creatures if not more. They surrounded her on three sides and her back was against the wall. She looked around and thought, * Damn, (sighs) well so much for not using my powers. I only hope that mom and dad forgive me.* Coming to terms with her decision she summond up her called upon The Moon Sword. There was a stream if white light coming from the ceiling and when it if the floor a few inches in front of her a sword appeared with the blade stuck into the floor and the blue and white handle sticking up. Without further delay Lyla grabbed the sword and it quickly from the ground. She immeadiately began attacking the creatures using her spped and agility to manuver around them and dodge their attacks. One of them managed to cut her fore arm and another punched her across the face causing her to fall to the ground. She waited for only a second or two to shake off the punch before leaping back onto her feet and attacking again. Eventually Lyla realised that they can hurt her, but for some reason she either couldn't hurt them or more kept showing up from somewhere else. If she didn't find some way out of there soon she wasn't sure that she was going to be able to hold them off for much longer.
  12. Aura and Vormir had reached the restaurant and were now sitting at a table looking over the menu. She decided to have the Tour of Italy and Coke since she did have to go back to work. She had just sat down her menu when the waiter arrived. " Hi my name is Tony and I will be your waiter this evening. Are you two ready to order?" he said politely. " Yes umm....I'll have the Tour of Italy with a Coke please." Aura said as she looked up at Tony. Tony jotted it down before looking at Vormir saying, "Ok......and for you sir?" " I'll have what she's having and I would also like the Mozzarella Cheese Stix appitizer please." Vormir said to the waiter. " Will that be all? (Aura and Vormir nodded there heads) Alrighty then I'll be right out with your appitizer and drinks." Tony said as he closed the pad that he had been writing on. As Tony walked past Aura he accidently knocked her coat off the chair next to her. Not realizing this he kept walking towards the kitchen. When Aura was about to get up Vormir ushered her to sit back down. " Don't bother I'll get it." he said as he bent over to pick the coat up. When he picked it up the floppy disk that had been in her hidden pocket fell out and hit the carpet. Vormir put the coat back onto the chair then bent over again to get the disk. He looked at it then at Aura. After a while he gave her a certain look that had the word 'explain' written in it. She looked at him for a minute or two then replied, " Look I know that you want me to explain as to why I have a floppy disk in my hidden pocket and I promise you that I will, but for right now lets just enjoy lunch. (he started glaring at her) I'll explain everything in the car. Promise." she said while giving him a pleading look. He sighed and said, " Alright Aura, but when we get in the car I had better hear your story or I won't take you back to work got that? (she nodded her head) good." Vormir lightened up a little and they started chit chatting again as they waited for their food and while they ate their food.
  13. O.C.C Oops, heh sorry I forgot to keep look out for this RPG. Lyla was through the halls as she looked at her schedual. "Hmm...lets see, Study Hall 1st, Ugh German 2nd, Trigernometry 3rd, Chemystry 4th, P.E 5th, Public Speaking 6th, and of coarse English 7th. (sighs) At least I have a study hall this time." She said to her self. She had already missed her first period class and was on her way to second hoping that she wouldn't miss that class too. * I'm gonna have to stop my morning exercises with dad if I'm going to get to school on time. (looks back at her schedual) Them again it would be worth it to skip German. I didn't pass it the first time and unless they got different teacher now i doubt I'll pass it this time.* she thought as she walked around a corner. Lyla froze and immeadiately noticed that something was odd about this scene in front her. She started to evalute the scene before her. *Lets see here. There's a guy standing at the end of the hall way with a girl in front of him and they both are staring at another girl who has wings. (her eyes widened) A GIRL WHO HAS WINGS.* Lyla stood there watching the others in the hall way. None of them seemed to notice that she was even there.
  14. Aura entered her office thirty minutes after leaving the Chinese restaurant. She put her purse down next her computer and turned on her computer. She looked at the illumanis clock in the corner of her desk and noticed that it was 11:30. Aura whispered, "Damn Vormir is going to be here in an hour." She looked back to the screen and typed in her password. She started to pull up the data base for the new laptops when the thought about the floppy disks in her cabnet and inside zipper coat pocket came to mind. She had assumed that Lance had dropped it when he came into the building this morning. She didn't buy his 'I found it in the parking lot' story. Since he had obviously lied to her she had told him that both of the other copies were here at the office. So she had told him only half of the truth. At least she had been some what truthful. She went back to her project and worked on it nonstop. An hour later she started to get frustrated with whole thing when Vormir walked in. She turned and looked at him before replying. " Oh hi Vormir, let me just close this up real quick and we can go." she said in a sighing kind of voice. " You sound frustrated." said Vormir. " Yeah well you don't have to mess with some stupid laptops that refuse to work." she said as she turned of her computer and grabbed her purse. " Well then this might cheer you up. We're going to Olive Garden for lunch. " he said with a grin. She smiles at him and says, " Well that brightens up my day." They both start laughing as they leave her office and headed toward Vormir's car.
  15. Name: Lavon Age: 17 Gender: Female Grade: 12th Element: Moon Bio: Lavon was born to a mother and father like any other child, but while her mother is human her father is a spirit animal. He looks human, but in his true form he is actually a wolf that can change into a human. Like her father she cah also become a wolf however her true form is human. Despite her abnormalty she still went to school at her mothers request. Although she had to promise her parents not to use any of her powers out in public she was allowed to develop her powers under the watchful eye of her father. She can use her powers at any time, but not for very long during the day. At night she is at her strongest and she becomes more powerful under the full moon. She is very serious at times, but fun to hang around with. She has no real friends and has a big problem with the guys at school. She has been suspended a couple of times for fighting in school even though she was just defending her self. Lavon is very friendly and she jokes about turning into a wolf with her parents and the few people who now the truth about their family. While she does talk to people at her school in truth she is really alone and nobody, but her family to turn to. Describtion: Long silverish white hair, Blueish silver eyes, Diamond earrings, slightly pointed ears, Creamy white skin, Blood red peasants shirt (you know the ones with the flaring sleaves and the tying ribbons at the top) the sleaves are transparent and the main part of the shirt is velvet, Black jeans, Black high heel leather boots, A bunch of silver rings and blck braclets with silver charms on her left hand, A diamond gol ring and a gold watch on her left, adn she wears a dragon knecklace and a chines symbol choker around her kneck. Skills: She his very fast and agile, she can change in to a grey wolf at will, she is very cunning, she can get almost anyone to do her will and she can do certain things under the moon light. Weapon: Moon sword (a white sword created by the moon light) There you go jro13.
  16. O.C.C Sorry for keeping you all waiting so long, but I kinda got side tracked when the holidays where over. I hope you can forgive me. Anyway here is how it will go. Me, Annie, Skedy and Death Knight will be the only ones allowed to post at first. Whan Annie and me thinks that the time is right we will allow th fed's to start posting. Then eventually Jitsuka's henchman and finally Aura's protectors. I strongly suggest that you read this from the beggining and follow along even if you aren't posting yet. AS for you readers this RPG does have (mature content). This most likely will be the only warning through out the thread. You have been warned. Now with out further ado, let's get on with the show. Chicago, Il. Aura Jones apartment 6:00 A.M Aura awoke to the sound of her alarm clock buzzing at her. She groggily got out of bed and slowly walked over to her dresser to turn it to the radio. She listened to the news while she went into the bathroom to get ready for work. Fifteen minutes later she came out completely dressed and ready to go to work. She turned off the radio before she grabbed her purse, keys and cell phone off of the dresser. She left her bedroom, went past her living room and kitchen and out the front door locking it behind her.She ran down the three flights of stairs and turned right on to the side walk heading towards the nearest Starbucks. She walked into the cafe and bought her self a French Vanilla Cappuccino. " Hey, Aura!" she heard a mans voice call out. She looked around untill she saw a man dressed in navy blue and wearing a navy blue ball cap with 'S.W.A.T' on it. He was sitting at one of the small tables that were around the room. She smiled and went over to sit down in one of the other chairs at the table. " Hey Vormir, what's up?" she asked her best friend. He replied, " Not much really. Raided an abandoned warehouse full of druggies yesturday, but that's about it. You?" " Still trying to program the brand new laptop computers. (sighs) Stupid things refuses to hold any type of data. Other than that I'm just walking to work." she answered. " Walking? What happened to your car?" " Lance insisted on picking me up after work yesturday and taking me out to dinner. So my car is still in the parking lot at work." she replied in a stressed out kind of voice. " Sounds to me like you didn't want to go out last night." " No, I didn't, but as usual I went any way just to please him." Vormir shook his head before replying, " I don't know what you see in that guy and I probably never will." Aura sighs as she gets up and picks up her purse and the empty cup. " Well I better be going if I'm going to get to work on time." she said. Vormir stood up and gave her a friendly hug goodbye. " Alright Aura,(lets go of her) want to meet for lunch?" She gives hima smile and says, " I'd love too." " Great I'll pick you up around 12:30 this afternoon." " K, I'll see you then." Aura throws the empty cup away as she leaves the cafe. She starts walking down the street when a car pulls up behind her honking its horn and causing her to jump a little. She turns around to see her so called 'boyfriend' laughing at her from behind the wheel. She glares at him as she walks up to the passenger window waiting for him to roll it down. As soon as the window is down Lance says, "Sorry babe, but I was wandering if you would like me to give you a ride to work?" She considers her options for a minute or two before she rolls her eyes and nods her head. She opens the door and right when she closes it Lance steps on the gas petal and speeds off down the street and around the corner in less than a minute. " Lance, there is no need for you to drive like a mad man. Now will you please slow down?" Aura asked angerly. Lance grinned and replied, "Sure babe." The car began to slow down when they started to turn another corner. Aura hated how Lance called her 'babe' all the time. Just then Lance made a sharp turn causing Aura's purse to fal over and her cell phone fell from the outer pocket. Ten minutes later Lance's car pulled up in front of the Genium Tech Ind. building. Aura gave him a small kiss before she grabbed her pusre and got out of the car (leaving her cell phone behind). As Aura walked into her small cramped office five minutes later she noticed that her cell phone was missing. While she started digging through her purse Lance was rushing in with her cell phone in his hand. He accidentally ran into six other people causing all of them to drop at one thing if not more. Lance quickly picked up his items as he said his appoligies to the other people. He was about to make a dash for Aura's office when she almost ran into him. She took a couple of deep breaths before she said," Oh Lance I was about to run out side to see if I could catch you before you drove off.(she took another deep breath) I think I left my cell phonein your car." He smiled and said, "You did, I was about to go to your office to give it back to you when you ran in to me." He handed her the phone before giving her a quick kiss explaining that he had to get to work. Before she could say anything he was gone. She stood there for a second before she shaked her head and looked down. She then noticed a dark green floppy disk lieing on the ground next to the filing cabnet. She noticed that it had the word 'USG File' printed on the label. She picked up and stared at it for while longer before she decided to take it back to her computer. When she got into her office she inserted the floppy disk into her hard drive and waited for some kind of screen to pop up. She only had to what fifteen seconds before a blue screen popped up asking for a password. "Password?" she wispered to her self. She started to type in different words that were commonly used as passwords, but with no success. She tried all sorts of words even the three most common words that buisnesses had a tendency of using, after a good forty minutes of trying she turned to her hacker program to try and hack into it. Fifteen minutes later the program had been able to hack into the disk allowing her to see what was on it. After a few minutes of studying the data Aura knew exactly what she had and wasted no time in copying the data on to two other floppy disks. One copy would be in her purse, the other would stay at work and the original would remain hidden in an inside pocket of her trench coat. After she had copied the data on to the two floppy disks and had put one in her filing cabnet she immeadiately grabbed her pusre and cell phone. She told her boss that she was taking the rest of the day off and went straight to her car. She gotten started the engine and drove off towards Hikuuro Technologies to speak to Lance.
  17. lol Thanx for pointing that out Boba Fett.lol *sighs* Any way we are doing well in the Fedral Agent department, but we still need Jitsuka's henchmen. Not to mention that we also so need someone to play the part of Mr. Toran Jitsuka himself. We could also use a couple more protectors for Aura. Any way just wanted to point that out to you all and thank you all for posting your characters. ;) ~ Charlie Levoy~ :cool:
  18. Sorry for taking so long. Name: Aura Jones Age: 32 Gender: Female Occupation: Computer Programmer/hacker (Can hack into major systems, but perfers not to) Appearance: Dirty blonde hair with white streaks, Silverish blue eyes, Black trench coat, Red leather tank top (low cut), Long black skirt with two slits that start from mid thigh, Black knee high boots with low heels, Silver chain belt (slants a little), A necklace (black cord that clasps, silver heart 'with a dragon on the front of it' hangs from the cord). Personality: Aura is the kind of girl that doesn't speak out much. She isn't shy, but she isn't much of social person. At first you'd think that she was the shy and quiet type. At least untill you get to know her. She takes her work seriously, but not to the extream (sp?) Weapons: Swiss army knife, .38 colt (she keeps this and the army knife in her purse), Bowie knife (she has this hidden in a pocket on the inside of her coat), .48 Magnum (she keeps this in a hidden compartment underneith the drivers seat with boxes of ammo for both the colt and magnum) Bio: In high school she spent most of her time reading books, using the computer and hanging out with her few friends. She met Lance in her sophomore year of colleage. She loves him, but finds him very annoying at times. She doesn't know any specific type of fighting, but she does know how to protect her self. She works for the company Genium Tech Ind. She is a compter programmer there and even though she won't admit it she is also one of there best. She is a skillful hacker and can into almost any system, but she perfers to stay out of trouble so she just does it for fun sometimes. She is a very calm person and doesn't get angry to often though she can get annoyed somewhat easily.
  19. Mystika watched Miru as she looked down at her knecklace. When the girl looked back her eyes were full of sadness. " Will you give it back to me? I won't let see it if you won't give it back." Miru said matter of factly. " I promise that I will give it back to you. I just want to see it for a moment." Mystika reasurred her kindly. Miru thought about it for a moment then ,against her better judgement, she took off the knecklace and handed it to Mystika. Mystika stared at as she turned the it in her hands. After a while she looked up at Kilani and nodded her head in agreement. She then turned to Miru. " My dear will you be so kind as to tell me where you got this from?" Mystika said rather sweetly. " Well today just happened to be my birhtday and that was a present from my....(tears start to well up in her eyes, but she holds them back) ..from my grandfather." she finished the sentence in a whisper. Mystika looks at Kilani before turning back to Miru with understanding in her eyes. " Something or someone has taken him away from you and that is why you wanted to make sure that I gave this back. Didn't you?" Mystika said with an understanding gentleness. Miru nods her head and stares at Mystika in amazement. " I will also bet that he is not the first person that you have lost in your life either." Mystika said knowingly. " Y-y-yes, b-but how did you know?" Miru said in shock. " My dear Miru I am very old and have been around that path enough times to know when someone has lost someone they hold most dear. (she walks over to Miru and grabs the two ends of the knecklace) Now instead of asking you how your grandfather died or who the other people wee who died. (she said she reclasped the knecklace around Miru) All I'm going to say is that you both are welcome to accompany us and once you have both rested and are ready we will figure out how to get you back home." Mystika said these final words as she gently pulled Miru's hair from underneith the knecklace and let it flow lightly back against her back.
  20. Charlie Levoy


    Dr. Merez came up next Ty and cleared his throat before replying. " Dr. Alston, we were wondering if you knew who our employer was?" he said matter of factly. " You mean Alexander?" she asked. " Is that who hired us for this project?" he replied rather quickly. " Well yes....granted that I only got to speak with him only a couple of times, but yes I'm pretty sure that was his name." " Why did you get to speak with him and not Alex here?" Melina asked curiously. " Because unlike Alex here I perfer to know who it is that is hiring me. Even if I only get to meet him a couple of times that is better than not meeting him at all." she replied curtly. " I don't understand. I mean if he didn't want his scientists to meet him than why didn't he just look for someone else to do the job?" Kyo asked. " Well for one I am one of the best scientists around and two that wasn't the reason why he didn't want to meet the scientists. He didn't think it was importanted enough to put it in his schedule. He did however think that it was important enough to make sure that he got the best scientists to work on his project no matter what the cost was." she said sighingly. " Which would explain why he went throught the trouble of meeting you and not any of the others." Melina stated. Ty became confused and questioned, " Wait a minute you just said that all the scientists that were chosen by him were the best ones around right? (Dr. Alston nodded her head) So that would mean that all the scientists who were chosen were good at something. My question is what is it that they were so good at?" " Well all the scientists who were chosen had specialized degrees in one thing or another. Like one of the things I specialize in has every thing to do with fire. So I was chosen to be care taker of you Ty. Dr. Merez here specializes in many different things. One of them is nature it self so he was chosen for Melina." she explained. " Wow this Alexander fellow really took care of every little detail huh?" Kyo said. " No he didn't because if he did none of us would have escaped. Which brings us back to the main question at hand. Why did this Alexander person bring us back Dr. Alston?" Melina questioned. She had been keeping a slight telepathic signal with Hudrenda and knew that he was speaking to this Alexander person right at that moment. However she couldn't tell what exactly they were talking about without letting her presence known in Hudrenda's mind, but she felt like she knew what it was that this man wanted and dreaded what Dr. Alstons answer might be.
  21. O.C.C sorry I haven't posted until now. Been busy with work and things. Mystika waited for something to happen. She was literally prepared for anything. When no one came out or answered Kilani's call she attempted to draw them out. Mystika shouted," If you do not show your selves we will come in after you with every intention of killing you. So do your selves a favor and come out of hiding...NOW." With those words said a russeling of leaves came from the trees at the right of them. Moments later a young man and woman came out of the trees with their hands up. " Well Mystika it would seem that your threat has worked." said Kilani with a slight grin on her face. " So it would seem." Mystika mumbled under her breath. " Please don't atack us. We are unarmed and mean you no harm." said the young man who was wearing what looked like robes and holding a staff. The young woman was dressed in clothing Mystika had never seen before and didn't know quite whatto make of it. " I can see that you are unarmed (looks at them more closely) and that you don't have any provisions (sp?). Who are you and what are you doing here?" Mystika asked with a kind of sterness in her voice.
  22. Charlie Levoy


    Melina was leaning her head back against the jets wall as she watched Marcus draw in his note pad. " He's does a very good drawings huh?" Kyo said. She looked at him and realized that he had been watching her. " Yes he is. So I take it that you and Lani are still at each others throats?" She asked. He chuckled a little before looking at her and answering. " You better believe it." She sighed. " Why am I not surprised?" " Maybe because you know us all a little bit to well. (he stared at her for a minute) I wonder why we stay together sometimes." " Because we need each other." She said dreamily. " No we don't. I don't need Lani and I feel quite sure that Ty and Hudrenda don't need eack other." She looked at him then laughed. " No, no I didn't mean that you all need each other. Of coarse I did say we didn't I? (he nodded) I'm sorry I wasn't thinking when I said that. I meant that I need all of you." " Well I'm certainly flattered, but why would you need us?" " Big nature uses all four of the elements silly." " Wait is that why your arrows use our elements? (she nods her head) I see, but if your arrows use our elements then whydo you need us?" She sighs before replying. " Well there are reprecussions when I use the elements with the arrows." " What reprecussions?" " I get very weak and deepending on how many times I use them will tell you just how weak I get." " I see....and does any one else know this?" " Well, no I never really had a reason to tell any one." Kyo looked at her for a minute before turning towards the cargo door. It was opening up and Dr. Merez came in to announce there arrival.
  23. Charlie followed the car as she looked around in hopes of seeing the others. She then saw Elecktra, Charlotte, and some woman running down the side. Charlie drove up next to the car and pointed at Charlotte and the others. Jackle gave her a thumbs up and pulled over to the side of the road. Charlie pulled in front of him and waited. When Charlotte and the others came running by Jackle rolled down the passenger window. " Would you ladies like a ride?" He asked in a sarcastic voice. Charlotte looked at him and smiled. " Sure stranger, we would love a ride. Wouldn't we girls?" They all laughed as they got in the car. Charlie waited for Jackle to drive past before pulling away from the curve and following.
  24. Lets see here. Anime characters I wouldn't want to date. Hmm...... 1. Miroku~ I'm sorry, but I don't care id he is cute or not. That man would drive me insane. not to mention that I would be suspicious if there was any one else almost all the time. 2. Naraku~ I have to agree with Chibi here. This guy is definately not some one who I would want to take home to my mom and dad. 3. Tony~ (Blue Gender) Ok I admitt that the guys is cute, but he is also a sykopath (sp?). I mean he turns an innocent girl into what he is. Then tries to kill all the humans. Yep I deffinately don't want to date this guy. 4. Thunder Brothers~ Alright one is ugly and obsessed with making a hair potion. So he can have hair and get girls. The other one is cute, but he punched a woman through the head just because he was mad. This guy is way to abusive for me to wanna date.
  25. I have a question. Umm are we suppose to put our weapons and skills in our post?........................Ok, but I'll add them in tomarrow. Promise. ;) ~Charlie Levoy~ :cool:
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