Charlie Levoy
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Everything posted by Charlie Levoy
OCC: Oops....my mistake. lol;) Melina stared at Dr. Merez waiting for an answer. He blinked the sleep from his eyes before looking up at her a little confused. " I'm sorry, what was the question again?" " Alex, (she laughed) Me, Ty, Kyo, and the kid are leaving. Do you want to come with?" Understanding dawn on him. " Oh, Yeah sure. I mean after all you did say that it was better that I remain with you so I don't get thrown in fail. (he grinned) Are we taking the jet?" " I guess so considering that we are going to go look for Dr. Alston." She said. " Well we can only have one person in the passenger seat. The rest of you is going to have to travel in the cargo bay." Dr. Merez looks over at the others who were talking . He then noticed the kid. " You know we might be able to fit Ty and the kid in the front." He said wonderly. " Well they can decide where they are going to be sitting. As for me......well we already know where I'll be sitting." She said laughenly while she looked down at her self. " Hmm...I hate to say it, but it is deffinately the cargo bay for you." Dr. Merez said thoughtfully. " Thanks alot Alex." They laughed as they went over to the others to talk about the seating arrangment.
Charlie heard a honking from behind her. She to a quick peak and noticed that it was Jackel. She let out a sigh of releaf and immeadiatly ran to get in the car. Once she was in the drivers seat Jackel hit the gas and sped off down the streat running a red light. " Woa, Jackel, what's the rush?" Charlie asked. " We need to gather everybody up and fast. Have you seen Charlotte?" " Unfortunately no, but I need to get my bike so everyone else can get in the car." " Alright I'll drop you off and you can grab it." " What about my stuff? I need my bag Jackel." She said desperately. " Fine grab it and throw it in the trunk. Then get on your bike and follow. Got it?" He said a little bit annoyed. " Yeah I got it." Jackel quickly pulled into the parking lot and waited while Charlie ran into her room and grabbed her duffel bag. He popped open the trunk and she the bag in then closed it. She ran to her motorcycle and started it up. She pulled out and waited for Jackle to pass before following.
Life is different for every person. Some know what it is to them and others don't. Some even use to know and then something changes and then once again they don't. At first I didn't know what it was to me cause I felt like I was in a never ending nightmare. Then I changed my life and te nightmare went a way and I knew what life meant to me. Now I'm not sure anymore and I'm hoping that one day I will find that understanding again. For of those you who knows what life means to you I consider lcuky and I hope that you never lose or forget that meaning. ~Charlie Levoy~ :cool:
Ok since it was my character who guarded the kings soul the last time. I might as well bring her back. Hope this works this time. Name: Mystika Age: 656 Gender: Female Race: Fairy Weapons: Bow and arrows, Whip, Magical sword (blue and white handle, ancestor's sword, calls upon ancestors for help and guidence) Appearrance: Long white hair, Silverish blue eyes, Blue tatoo on her forhead (cresent moon with a small star hanging from the top point of the moon), Pointed ears, Blue and white butterfly wings (which she can make disappear and reappear at will), White tank top that stops short of the belly button, Long white skirt with two slits on both sides (staring right below the thighs), White knee high; high heel boots. Personality: She is friendly and will always be loyal to those who are loyal to her. She has a hard time trusting people. The people she trusts the most are her animal friends (animal spirits) who are loyal to her and aid her when called. She is very smart and wise. She can keep calm in almost any situation and she is excellent in battle. Skills: White Magic~ Mystika can do healing magic which allows her to heal wounds and cure people of most illnesses and poisons. This the only magic she can do that doesn't cause her repercussions. Black Magic~ Mystika can do spells and incantations that help her to attack and defend her self from her opponet. Elements~ She can control the elements at will without have to say an incantation or doing a spell. Death Spells~ She can do spells that deal in death, but there are always reprecussions when doing them. Some are more serious than others. Short Bio: Her village was destroyed by Redall and she was the only survivor. She taught herself how to fight and live. She saved four animal spirits who are now her friend. Another fairy village has adopted her in to there race so she has at least somewhere to call home, but she still travels around. Mainly in the forrest which is near the temple where the scroll that holds the kings soul is. She guards the scroll from any one who tries to either steal it or destroy it.
Melina kept standing at the cliff trying to make her decision. She finally made it when the sun started to set. She went to the shore and called up two fish. " Go out and find my husband please." The fish immeadiatly left and within fifteen minutes her husband came up out of the water. He came up to her and gave her a breaf kiss. * Well my love, have you made your decision?* She stood there looking at him with an expression of pain on her face. " Yes, Hudrenda I have. I do love you very much, but......but....." She couldn't finish what she was going to say, but he knew who she had chosen. He didn't look at her with an angry expression, but with one that told her that he understood in some way. " I'm sorry." she said as tears started to stream down her face. He held her before replying. * It's alright my love. I do understand.* He kissed her before backing away. She took of the ring he had given her on there wedding day. " I guess I better give this back to you." He took it and went to the edge of the water. She saw a fish come up with what looked like a bunch of small shells strung together. She watched as Hudrenda laced the string of shells throught the ring and tied the ends together. He then came back to her and she realised that it was a large knecklace. Her ring dangled from it. * I want you to keep it my love. So you can remember the good times we shared together.* He said this as he put the knecklace around her kneck. He kissed her one last time before going back into the ocean to be alone. She stood there in shock for a minute or two before turning around to start heading back to the cave.
Melina was still standing at the edge of the cliff when Ty came up behind her with a look of confusion on his face. She sensed him coming up behind her. " What is you question Ty? Or have I lost my touch in sensing such things?" " No you haven't. (he sighs) So what is going on between you and Hudrenda?" She didn't know wether or not she should tell him. " I-It was nothing Ty." " It was more than nothing Melina. I sensed the tension happening between you two. Now tell me what is going on." She stood there quiet and still. Ty came up next to her and grabbed her arm in hopes that it would cause her to look at him. She only stiffened a little. " Melina, please tell me what is going on." " Ty, do you love me?" " What does that have to do anything?" he said getting annoyed. " Just answer my question. Do you love me?" she said calmly. He stood there a moment in hesatation (sp?) before he finally answering. " Yes, Melina. I have loved you for thousands of years. Why do you ask?" She didn't answer him. " If I was to choose between you and Hudrenda, who would you want me to choose? (she glanced at him quickly) I mean if I was to choose to either stay with you for the rest of my life or Hudrenda. Would you want me to choose you or him?" She finally looked at him as she waited for his answer.
Now that is something that me and you both have in common ZytaZiouZ. As I've said I've seen both men and women act "Ladies Man" or I guess you would say "Gentlmens Woman" for the female types. It's quite annoying to see people like that go around acting like that. It's even more annoying when they go up to you and do it. Every single time I meet someone like that I always feel as if they were saying " You look like a dumb person. So I'm going to put my moves on you and try to get what I want." Then I get angry and sometimes I even smack the person for there ignorance. Of coarse I'm not sure if ignorance is the right word to be using. Oh well. Ciao, ~Charlie Levoy~ :cool:
Yes, alot of guys these days are players and are only for one thing. To get layed. Now their are girls who get pulled in and their are sme who don't. Even though I hate to admit this, but their are even some who enjoy it and they let them selves get caught or they become players them selves. Hopefully this is just some sort of phase that will pass. The best thing you can do is don't let your self get caught in the trap. ~Charlie Levoy~ :cool:
Aaaah yeah ignore my friend Hells Fire advice. I belive that deep down inside he didn't really mean say that. Any way you get the idea what you need to do and most likely have already. Study hard and if you need to look over the studygide one last time before the test starts. Trust me it helps alot. ;) ~Charlie Levoy~ :cool: P.S. This post just made me a Junior Member. ALRIGHT!!!
You might want to try to looking over your studyguide one last time sometime before you go into the class room on Monday. Or maybe you could look over it in the classroom before class starts. Then it will be fresh in your memory when you do take the test.
Ok I understand, or at least I think I do. What he said was that he has a girlfriend who he loves very much and has been dating for 10 or 11 months. But now there's another girl who has a crush on him and now his girlfriend acts like she doesn't like him. So now he wants advice on how he can cheer her up because he doesn't want to lose her. Is that right Kumkuat? Any way if it is then here is something you can do. Well first of all is she the romantic type of person? Because depending on what type of person she is will tell you what kind of gifts to give her and it will allow you to be able to do something special for her. And it will be something you know that she will like. Say that she is the romantic type. Then you can like take her out to a party and dinner. So the question is, what type of person is she?
Who would I not want to share a room with? 1. I wouldn't share one with Mihoshi. She would drve me bonkers. 2. Definately not with Miroku. For reasons I rather not get into. 3. I'd never be in a room with Neraku (sp?). I'd would always have to wait for him to go to sleep before I could. I know there is a couple more, but I can't remember who right at the moment. Maybe later. ^_^
Charlie was walking along the streets hoping to find Charlotte around one of the corners. She turned down one street that was full of cops. They had there guns pointed at some guy who had a knife at a womans throat. " Nobody is going to hurt you. Just let the woman go and othing bad is going to happen." said one of the cops in front. Charlie watched as the guy actually drop his knife and let go of the woman. The cops were immeadiately on him. With in no time at all they had him cuffed and in the back seat of a squad car. Charlie just shook her head and walked past them at a normal pace. She would have gone by them with no one noticing if one of the rookies hadn't bumped into her by accident. " Oh I'm so sorry miss, I didn't mean......Hey aren't you one of those people from the shoot out earlier today?" " I have no idea what you are talking about."she said to the rookie. She kept walking past him as he stared at her. His eyes went from suspicion to realization within three miutes after she had passed. She was already at the end of the block when the rookie called. " Lt. Jackson, that woman over there is one of the people we have been trying to catch, sir." " Well don't just stand there, go after her." She looked back and saw eight cops chasing after her. " Shit." she cursed under her breath. She ran around the corner and then tried to lose them in a crowed that was infront of a night club. Right when she got out of the crowed the police entered it. She didn't wait to see if they'd get out or not. She ran and turned right into a back alley. She turned left into another back alley when the police had just reached the opening of the alley. The alley was a dead end and there was only a broken ladder up on the left wall which was out of reach for any normal person. She looked back and heard them appraoching. She then got under the ladder and turned to face the right wall. She then ran at the wall and then took five step up the wall before leaping across the alley way. She caught a hold of the ladder and quickly climed it. By the time the cops got into the alley way she was already on top of the roof. " She couldn't have come down here. There's no way out." " Well what about that ladder up there?" " Nah, it's to high up for anyone to reach. Let's back track and continue going down that first alley." Charlie watched as the cops left the alley. She then turned around and started walking across the roof tops.
Hudrenda was awake when Melina came in and layed next to him. He heard her crying softly next to him and decided that he was going to find out what was wrong for once. He intered her mind and listened to her thoughts. * I need to stop this. I'm married to the man I love and nothing can change that. But what about Ty? He is also the man I love, but I married Hudrenda. I have no right to love him any more. * * So you lied to me when you said you didn't love Ty.* Melina gasped and turned to look at Hudrenda who was staring at her. He got up and held out his hand. * Come with me Melina.* She wiped away her tears before taking his hand and getting up. They went out of the cave and passed Ty who was staring at them as they went farther away from the cave. Hudrenda took Melina to a clif that they had passed yesturday. Melina stood next to him as they stared out at the ocean and the horizon. Several minutes had passed before either one of them spoke. * Tell me Melina, why did you lie to me those thousands of years ago?* His voice was calm, but he stood rigid next to her and he didn't bother looking at her. " Because I didn't want to hurt you with the truth. I love you way to much to do that." * I see, and does Ty love you?* she was silent for a minute or two before answering. " I didn't think so at first..." * But you now that he does?* he interupted and looked at her. She looked at him and had an experession that said that she wasn't sure. Hudrenda then nodded his head in understanding then gazed out at the sea again. * If you were to choose who you wanted to be with which one of us would you choose? Be truthful with me Melina. I understand that you don't want to hurt me, but if you love me then you will answer this question without lying.* Melina looked at him horrified that he asked that question. "Truthfully my love I don't know. I'm sorry, but I don't know who I would choose to be with." Hudrenda sighed and waited for a moment. * Then you must come up with an answer and which ever one you choose that is the person you will remain with for the rest of your life.* He looked at her with tears in his eyes. * Forget about the fact that you are married to me. Decide with your heart and if it is not me that you choose I will understand.* He touched her face and wiped away the tears that started to fall. * I will not hate you if you do choose him over me. I just want you to be happy even if it is not with me.* He then dropped his hand and walked back to the cave as she stood there staring out across the horizon trying to make a decission that will hurt one of the men she loves.
Melina was walking back to the cave when she heard Ty's thoughts. * She probably wishes for me to let her be.* She stops in mid step and turns around and sees him touch the side of his face. She thinks out to him. * No I don't Ty. I wish you would talk to me. That's what I wish.* Ty looked up and sensed her looking at him with tears running down her face. " Melina, are you crying?" " Yes Ty, I am."
Anime Old threads that shouldn't have been revived.
Charlie Levoy replied to a topic in Otaku Central
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Demon Babe:) [/i] [B]First of all,I've never gotten this much attention on a post I made! (Even though I didn't) See, my sister and I are sharing the username "Demon Babe"and I am the so-called brain of the two of us and her weaker elements are around school so be a little more considerate:(! Beside the point did you happen to notice the time it was posted? 1:30 a.m.! Or around there. My sister's brain kind of falls asleep late at night. By the way she says,"Sorry if I affened anyone when I cracked on Sesshomaru, I was just looking for attention". One more thing, Dagger, you don't have to correct people to make yourself look cool. Sorry if I sound rude, but I am a deffenceive little sister! Demon Babe:) [/B][/QUOTE] Oh ok, I see. I didn't exactly write that much on the subject at hand, but still I'm sorry if I offended her and I think it's really sweet that you care alot about your sister. ~Charlie Levoy~ :cool: -
I've lived in alot of places. The longest place I have been in is Tampa, Florida. I loved it there and had lived there for 6 years. It was like in the perfect spot to live in. When you want to go out and have some fun there was always a place for you to go. That and alot of parades happened to which are a load of fun. One of the coolest things about living in Tampa is that when you're a senior in high school usually go to Disney World for senior night. Yep on a saturday afternoon you get on a bus and go to Disney World. You stay there all night partying (sp?) and on sunday morning you get back on the bus to go home. I was living there until October. Now I live in Millington, Tennessee. It's a small town that is 15 min. to a half an hours drive to Memphis. I don't know what to think of it yet, but I admit that I wish I was still in Florida. Oh well. ~Charlie Levoy~ :cool:
Melina woke up and looked out side. It was still dark and she felt like she had gotten hardly any sleep at all. She got up and looked around at everyone who was still asleep. She noticed that someone was missing from the group. She had to look around three times before she realized that it was Ty who was missing. She silently went out side to get some fresh air. The breeze wasn't cold, but cool. It felt like you were swimming in cool water when it blew on you. She breathed in deeply letting her mind clear it self of everything. She started walking down to where she had been sitting earlier. She stood there looking around at the trees and small flowers that were growing around the cave. It wasn't until she looked to her left did she see Ty sleeping at the base of a tree. She slowly went over to him and layed her horse like body down in front of him. * He looks so peaceful when he sleeps. I bet he's dreaming about Lani. * Her experssion became one of hurt and jealousy. * I bet he dreams about her every time he falls asleep. (eyes widened) Oh no I'm jealous. I'm jealous because Ty might be dreaming about Lani. I need to stop this thinking. I'm married to Hudrenda and I have no right to be jealous if Ty is invovled with Lani.* She looks at and her eyes begin to soften as she moves her hand and caresses his her gently. Ty stirs a little and she pulls her hand back. When she sees that he is going to remain asleep she sighs and gets up. She goes back to the spot she had been standing and lays down. She watches the horizon get a little bit lighter as the sun starts to rise.
O.C.C Ok so we've gone from Malrodo pretending to be a guardian angel, to him being created by Charlie's father, to him actually knowing Charlie, and now he's Elecktra's brother. Let me guess now Elecktra is going to be created by Charlie's father as well. Am I right or wrong? Boy Charlie sure has a big role in this story all of a sudden.
who out there lives a living hell?
Charlie Levoy replied to White Akita's topic in General Discussion
Lol *starts tearing up* It's funny how that within three weeks of me being depressed that there just happens to be someone asking if anyone else's life seemed like hell. Well yeah I've been there and done that. Actually I was born into hell and didn't really start living on earth until about six years ago. My real father was an a**hole. For 7 or 8 years of my life I had to deal with him until I did something about it and then my mom divorced the jerk. Then after those 7 or 8 years I just simply drifted through life as if I was dead. For three years I was like that and alot of my teachers seemed to always pick on me. I mean that in class my teachers treated me like a joke. You see I told my horrible past to my oldest bf. Little did I know that she had become a blabber mouth. So she accidently blabbed my little history out to one of her classes and the whole story about me spread around the school like wild fire. Well eventually my mom got remarried and we moved to Florida. We lived there for six years and I finally felt like I was living on earth rather than in hell. I got some really close friends and started a whole new life. Granted that I seemed to have matured a heck of alot faster than usual so I always seem older than my actual age. However I now have moved again and for some reason I feel that I'm slowly drifting back into hell. I have found my self at the end point of a knife, but I can never actually take my own life. I think that eventually my life will get better one way or another. I'm hoping that my depression will end when I get situated in my new surroundings. Basically what I'm saying is that yes, I do feel like I'm living in hell. I have felt like this before and I know for a fact that eventually my life will get better one way or another. Your not alone Akita and all you have to do is wait and be paitent. If you can't wait then you need to do something about your problems so that way your life doesn't seem quite so unbearable. Oh and when I say do something about your problems I don't mean take your gun and go shoot every single person who has maked your life a miserable hell. lol Of coarse I don't think you or any one else in this thread is that dumb to pull some kind of stunt like that. I hope this post helps you out. ~Charlie Levoy~ :cool: -
Melina sat outside for hours until it the night grew really cold. Then she went inside to be next to the fire. She layed down next to the fire with her back towards the entrance of the cave. Every now and then a huge burst of cold wind would come through the entrance and her back causing her to shiver violently. " Lani can you make the wind stop blowing on me please?" Lani looked at her with expressionless eyes. " Are you cold Melina?" " Just a little yes." Lani stared at her for a while before actually stopping the wind from blowing inside. " Thank you." Melina said in a low voice. " Don't mention it." Lani said blandly. They all sat around the fire just staring into it. Eventually Kyo broke the silence. " So what are we going to do now? The world has changed alot and everthing we protect has been damaged or tainted in some way. There are way to many people now and not all of them are responcible." " You're right Kyo. Not all of them are responcible, but alot of them are. I think we should just punish them all and get it over with." Lani said matter of factly. " No Lani, that isn't the answer and you know it. (Melina said curtly) Besides we have to worry about our own safety before we can think about punishing any body for the destruction that has happened while we were asleep." Lani glared at her before replying. " And why would we need to worry about our safety Melina?" She said Melina in a sarcastic voice. " Because even as we speak a man has people searching the whole world for us in hopes of capturing us and using us to his disposal. We need to take care of him before we can do anything else." * What makes you think he can even find us?* Hudrenda thought. " Well he found us before didn't he? I mean the guy literally went to all the places we were sleeping and woke us up didn't he?" Ty said as he looked around at everyone except for Melina. " Ty's right. This man must be very resorceful if he can figure out that much. I wouldn't be surprised if this man knew that we were somewhere around here." Melina said in a low voice. Everyone looked at each other as they thought about there delima. Melina turned to Dr. Merez ith questioning eyes. " Alex, who is the man you work for?" " Well honestly I don't know who he is or even the mans name. All I know is that he was very obsessed in getting all of you from your sleeping places and that he assigned five different scientists to each of you with a team of 50 to work for them. I was assigned to you Melina and as you know Dr. Alston was assigned to Ty. As for the rest of you I don't know who was assigned to you." Hudrenda stared at Dr. Merez in confussion. * Why did you know about Dr. Alston then?* " Well.......because w-we use to work together on another project in the past. So we....kept in touch." * I see.* Hudrenda said ina unbelieveing voice. * Well right now I think we need to get some sleep. In the morning we can decide on what to do then.* Everyone nodded there heads and layed down. alot of them went to sleep immeadiately. Melina, Ty, and Dr. Merez were the only ones still awake. * Alex are you still awake?* Melina thought to Dr. Merez. * Yes.* he thought back. * I was wondering. Why did you lie to Hudrenda?* * What do you mean?* * I mean you lied to him when you told him that you kept in touch with her because you knew her.* * You could tell that I was lieing?* Dr. Merez frowned slightly. * Well actually I sensed it. So what was the real reason you kept in touch with her?* Dr. Merez sighed before answering. * Truthfully the reason was because you and Ty kept thinking to each other unconstiously.* * We did?* * Yep, so we recorded your brain waves when you two did and talked about it later. The most funniest thing is that some of the patterns were the same for both of you and they happened at the same time. Almost like you were thinking the same thing at the same time. Any way I'm going to sleep. Goodnight Melina* * Goodnight.* she thought some what preoccupied. She remained awake for until she was to tired to think any more. Then she fell asleep.
Anime Old threads that shouldn't have been revived.
Charlie Levoy replied to a topic in Otaku Central
Well I do find Sesshomaru cute, but i wouldn't date him. No offence Demon Babe, but you need to take a chill pill. Anyway, I would date either Inuyasha or Kurama. Inuyasha tries to act like the big tough guy, but he is really sweet on the inside. Well in a way he is. Kurama is very understanding and I would love to go out on a date with him. I think he looks sexy in pink. ;) ~ Charlie Levoy~ :cool: -
Charlie took a shower and then went to bed when she got into the room. She was just about to slip into a deep sleep when she heard someone walking around in her room. She grabbed the bowie knife she had stashed under her pillow and turned to sit up. She looked around the room with eyes that glowed since she could see in the dark like a cat. She came across a man sitting in a chair next to the lamp. It took a while before she realized who it was. " Well if it isn't my guardian angel Malrodo. Been planning on killing me lately?" she said sarcasticly. Malrodo switched on the lamp and stared into Charlie's eyes. " Very funny Charlie. I must admitt that I never thought you would ever have a sense of humor. So tell me. Have missed your Dr. Levoy lately?" " You shut up about my father." " Uhuh. He isn't 'your' father he's my father. Your parents were killed so you can be taken and turned into a genetic experiment." " Which in turn was done so I could be a weapon and you were created to obey Dr. Levoy, which is the only father I really know, and you failed to do your programming." Charlie and Malrodo glared at each before they continued to talk. " If you never existed then he would never have died." " Oh no, if you had done as you were told then he would never have died. You were suppose to make sure that I escaped without being seen and you didn't do it. Instead you gave me to them. So I had to escape on my own which caused a big shoot out getting me and him killed in the process." Malrodo smirks at her. " By the way. Exactely how many never ending lives do you have any way?" " That is none of your buisness. (she glares at him) By the way you wouldn't happen to be the so called guardian angel Jackel was screaming about a couple of days ago would you?" Malrodo sighs before answering. " Nothing get's past you." Charlie glares at him again. " I should have known. That's it you can get out now and leave me alone for another seventy-eight years or so." " Oh alright I'll go, but only for now." With that said Malrodo disappeared into thin air leaving Charlie alone in the room.
I have a younger sister who is now 12 years old. I don't hate her, but she is really annoying at times. I try my best to stay calm and remind my self that I did the exact same things when I was her age. Well not exactly the same things, but close to it. When ever I watch her she immeadiately starts acting up. She throws things at me and tries to punch my lights out. Fortunately I can remain very calm at times. I usually end up carring her to another part of the house and leaving her there. I don't lock her in or anything like that. I just leave her there and go back to the room I was in. Even though I'm the one in charge she doesn't listen to me. So when I leave her in another part of the house I know for a fact that she's just going to run to her room and throw a trantrum just because I didn't play her little game. The game is usually let's see if we can get older sister in trouble before the parents get back. As long as the parents are away then she can do things and blame them on me. Then they only have her word on the matter. It never really works. So I don't bother getting angry over it. Don't worry about your siblings to much. They will eventually grow up and start acting there age......hopefully. ~Charlie Levoy~ :cool:
Well Emme to answer your question about the Relationship Advice Thread. It got closed unfortunately so if you ever need to talk to someone or ask advice you can ask either me, Burori (Brolli), Stardust, Animangademon, or Valen. Anyway to help you with your problem. The only thing I you really can do is to get over the guy. I know not much help, but unless he starts likeing you all of a sudden then you really have no choice. Try hanging out with your friends like Artemis said. I find that just talking to my friends always helps. I even talk to my mom and hang out with her. She helps me out with alot of things so that's something you can try too. The best thing you can do is forget about the guy as best as you can. I hope this post is helpful cause if it isn't then you can just ignore it. Oh by the way. I like your Avi and Banner. Sorry for getting off topic. Charlie Levoy :cool: