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Charlie Levoy

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Everything posted by Charlie Levoy

  1. O.C.C lol We're kinda driving to the hotel that Elecktra found, but since I like your post so much Arch I'll just make a small change. The car went into the parking lot of a hotel and Charlie followed. Max parked the car in a spot closest to the hotel entrance while Charlie parked in a spot that was ten cars away from them. Charlie saw Elecktra get out of the car and go into the hotel. A few minutes later Kilo got out of the car and walked up to a tree on the sidewalk a few feet from her. Charlotte then stuck her head out of the window. " That's a tree." she said to him. Charlie heard him growl as he moved in front of her. " I'm sorry I read some guys diary." Charlie slapped him across the face before replying. " HOW DARE YOU!?" she yelled. " WHAT DID I DO NOW?" he yelled back. Charlie breathed in deeply a couple of times before answering. " You read my fathers diary. That is what you did. Not mention the fact that you were already going through my stuff as it is." she said in a calm, but still annoyed voice. " I'm sorry I read his diary and that I went through your stuff ok?" " How much of it did you read?" she whispered. " What?" " How much of the diary did you read?" she said a little louder. " Umm just the part about some project called 'Feline'." She grabbed his shirt and brought him close to her. " What exactly did you learn about the project?" she said in a low dangerous voice. " Umm something about a human who can turn into a cat like creature when 'she' is at a certain level of anger and that she has nine lives. Oh she has cat like reflexes all the time and she can live forever as long as she didn't die." " What else did you learn?" " Eh I read a part where the Canadian Govt. was going to take his daughter so she could be used as a weapon. How even though she wasn't his real daughter and did design her for there use. He wasn't going to hand her over." Kilo eyes widen as he realized what it all meant. " You are the....you're the....." " Go on Kilo. Say it." " You're the experiment." " Ding ding ding ding, congratulations Kilo. You answered the most important question of your. What is Charlie Levoy hiding. Your prize is death for figuring it out." she said in a mocking. " Wait a minute why do I have to die?" " Because Kilo, you can't exactly control your self and I don't need that little secret of mine getting out." " I won't tell a soul, promise. Besides do you really think you can kill me? I'm an android after all." " Hmmm....I really don't know. Let's find out." She took out her bowie knife. " I mean it I won't tell any one. Besides Charlotte needs me." Charlie side and put her knife away then let go of Kilo. " You're right, she does need you to figure out about her father. I'm telling you right now if you tell any one about me I will be pissed of and you will find out what it's like to have a human cat tearing you to shreds. Do you understand me?" " Yep I understand you completely. (gives her a thumbs up) Gotchya." " Good now let get over to the others. I believe Elecktra has gotten us rooms." Charlie got off of her bike and they both walked towards the car.
  2. Charlie parked the motorcycle across the street and watched Elecktra get out of the car. She sat there watching the others in the car as they waited for Elecktra to get back. She saw Jackle and Charlotte talking to one another. She saw Max leaning against the steering wheel keeping a sharp eye out and Kilo going through something on the floor board. She eventually realized that it was her duffle bag that he was going through. She put the kick stand down and got off the bike. She slowly crossed the street until she was with the car. She went to Max's windowed and got his attention. He watched as she signaled for him to roll down the back window. He nodded his head and pressed the button that put the back window on the drivers side down. He adjusted his review mirror so he could see what was going on. Charlie went to the open window and watched Kilo read a diary with the name Dr. James Levoy inscribed in gold lettering on the cover. " Find anything intreasting Kilo?" Charlie asked with an annoyed voice. Her voice had caught not only Kilo's attention, but Charlott's and Jackle's attention as well. " Uh yeah I did. I was just reading this diary who belongs to some guy named James Levoy. Do you know him?" Kilo said in a regular voice. " GIVE ME THAT." Charlie yelled. She took the book from his hands and picked up the duffle bag that was near his feet and took it around to the passenger side of the car. She opened the door and put the duffle bag on the floor board. She shoved the diary back into the bag and zipped it back up before slamming the car door and going back to her motorcycle. She had gotten back on the bike when Elecktra came around the corner. Elecktra got back into the car and after a while Max started up the engine and drove off. Charlie started her engine and followed close behind.
  3. Charlie Levoy


    Melina continued to walk slowly along behind them thinking about Ty. Every now and then she would feel her husband try to intrude on her thoughts. Eventually she was tired of feeling him there. * Hudrenda darling? Can you do me a small little favor please?* she thought sweetly to him. * What can I do for you love?* * Can you please stop trying to read my thoughts. I'm trying to think to my self and can't do it if you keep trying to intrude. I don't mean to be rude. I just want to be alone right now.* Hudrenda looked back at her with a look of concern. * Melina is everything alright? You've been acting very odd lately and I'm beginning to get worried.* * I'm fine love. I just want to be alone right now that's all.* Hudrenda sighed before answering. * Alright, I'll leave you alone. Just don't get to far behind because you're deep in thought alright?* * Yes and thank you.* Hudrenda turned back around and kept walking leaving Melina to her thoughts. After a while they reached the cave and everyone went inside except for Melina. After she got a good look of the cave she went a couple of feet from the cave and layed down. Her upper body slouched a little as she thought. After a while longer the sun had gone down and it started to get dark, but Melina still didn't move. Eventually Dr. Merez came out of the cave and looked around for her. Once he saw her he came up next to her and sat down. " Hey what are you doing out here?" Melina was so deep in thought that she flinched when he spoke to her. " Oh Dr. Merez it's you. You startled me there." " Huhu and I thought I told you to call me Alex?" " Oh right, I'm sorry. I forgot Alex." He gave her a side glance. " So what were you thinking about?" " Just something that happened in the past." " Do you want to tell me about it? I hear it's easier to tell a complete stranger then somebody you have known your whole life." She looked at him for a minute or two before nodding her head. " Yes you are probably right. So I will tell you everything. (she sighs before continueing) Do you remember when you asked about what was going on between Hudrenda, Ty, and me and Hudrenda answered that Ty was just jealous?" " Yeah I'm remember that. I didn't quite believe him though. No offence." Melina chuckled a little before continueing. " It's alright none taken. To tell you the truth wether or not that is true I have no idea because I have never sensed that from Ty. So you have every right not to believe Hudrenda. The truth is that when Nefertity was taken away from him he completely lost his spark. I found him in my garden crying his heart out. Even though I was the Guardian of Nature me and Ty had never really met. So for the first time in our lives we met. It happened to have been storming right then so I took him inside. We got to know each other over time and eventually he told me about his very sad story. I comforted him and we became the best of friends. One day he got his spark back and he was the happiest man on earth, but every now and then he would feel lonely at time. Well one day we both needed each other and one thing led to another. I was however already Hudrenda's fiance." " Uh ho someones in big trouble." " You can say that again. Some how Hudrenda found out and he fought with Ty about it. When Ty found out that I was his brothers fiance he asked me why I didn't tell him." " Well why didn't you tell him?" " Because Hudrenda wanted it to be a surprise and I promised I wouldn't tell anyone. Well I thought nothing of it considering that me and Ty had no great love for each other. ( Melina chuckles a little) Hudrenda asked me if I was in love with Ty and I told him no." Dr. Merez looked at her and grinned. " Well that was the truth. (Melina's face became very sad) Melina? That was the truth right?" She looked away from him. " That wasn't the truth at all. Was it Melina?" She shook her head. " No, it wasn't. Truthfully I loved Ty as much as I love Hudrenda. I still do actually." She grinned pitefully at him. Dr. Merez looked at her with a small frown. " Melina if you were to choose between Ty and Hudrenda who would you choose?" Melina looked back down at the ground. " Truthfully I have no idea, (she looked back up at him) but I hope to god I never have to choose. I don't know which one I love more. I guess it's a good thing Ty hates me huh? I do miss talking to him though." She said the last few words as she looked up at the night sky. " Listen I'm going back into the cave ok?" Melina nods her head slowly. Dr. Merez slowly gets up and right when he's about to walk away Melina grabs his arm. " Promise me that you won't tell anybody how I really feel about Ty, especially Hudrenda please." Dr. Merez nods his head. " I promise Melina." she lets go of him and continues to stare the stars as Dr. Merez goes back inside the cave.
  4. Well I have a cat named Sadie who is ten years old now. She has a striped fur coat of black, tan, white, and grey. I have a kitten named Mini Baggins who is three years old now and looks exactly like Sadie. Then I have a golden retriever (sp?) named Harley Davidson the Sixth who is now eleven years old. Actually Mini and Harley belongs to my dad, but I love them any way. If I could I would have a snake, a snowy owl, a wolf, a black cat, and a persian cat. I know I'm crazy, but I always wanted these animals as pets for some reason. I think they are very goreous and would love to have one of them. ^_^
  5. You moved Tennessee? Cool I moved to Tennessee near the end of October. ^_^ I didn't start school again until November though. So do you like Tennessee so far?
  6. I know how you feel. I move around alot too and once was use to starting a new school. Actually I still am use to it and it doesn't bother me so much. It's just that the last place I stayed at. Well I was there for six years. That's the longest I stayed at any place my whole intire life. So when I started my new high school I felt weird because I was use to a certain type of well personalities. I mean where I use to live wasn't exactly to say friendly. Here is completely different so I'm having to adjust a little. Don't worry about it so much. After a few days you'll be perfectly fine. Oh and by the way. Welcome to America. ;) Charlie Levoy :cool:
  7. I had to wear school uniforms once. I hated it. Unlike the uniforms you see in anime mine looked nothing like them. Actually they looked bad. What's even worse is that hardly anybody wore them and the ones who did where known as dorks. Even though it was the school rule to wear them it was hardly ever inforced. The only reason why I wore them is because my mom made me.
  8. I don't believe in superstitions personally, but I have tried a couple just for kicks. Oh by th way I don't believe in ghosts either. Any way I have tried Bloody Mary and I have also tried Candyman. You the one where you look into the mirror and say Candyman uhh I think it was five times. It was a long time ago when I tired this. Any way you say his name while looking into the mirror and he is suppose to appear. Well nothing happened of coarse. Any way I have tried a couple others, but I'm not going to bother to list them. I think that it's all in our mind. So we believe what we think is happening when it really isn't.
  9. I have my ears pierced and that's it. I'm thinking about getting my ears pierced a couple more times and that will be it for me. I'm not one for lip piercings, nose piercing, or anthing else like that. Of coarse for some people it never ends. I'll never understand why people pierce certain things, but I'm not going to say anything against them. That's there choice and I don't care just as long as they keep me out of it.
  10. Charlie Levoy


    " So it's agreed then? We should stay together and find shelter for the night?" Melina asked. Everyone nodded their heads even though some of them didn't seem to like the idea to much. Melina knew that they all had some reason why they didn't like this idea, but they seem to understand in one way or another. The others started talking of where they should find shelter at when Melina notice the little boy. She saw him finish drawing something on a peice of paper in a notebook and went over to take a look. She got next to him and managed to lay down so her upper body was some what even with his. " Hello." The little by looked up at her and smiled shyly. " Hi." " What are you drawing?" She said as she looked down at his last drawing. He didn't know what she said exactly, but understood that she was quetioning the drawings. He handed her the note book and she looked down at the picture of Kyo. She smiled and chuckled a little. The kid took it as a sign that she liked the drawing and pointed at the paper that had been flipped over to the back. She flipped them back to the front and saw the drawing of her and Hudrenda. She then flipped it over to see the second drawing of Lani and Ty. She smiled and looked at him. " You're a very good." " Thankyou. You're a very nice lady.I like you." He said as he gave her a toothy smile. She laughs a little before replying. " Why thankyou, I like you too. You're a very sweet kid." " Do you charm everyone you meet?" Melina jumped a little and looked up to see Dr. Merez stareing at her. Smiled at him as she got up. " I don't know. I don't think I charmed you so I would say no." " Are you kidding. You charmed the pants off of me." " Charmed the pants off of you?" She said as she started to laugh. Eventually she had her eyes closed and was laughing heartily. The kid saw this and immeadiately started drawing her laughing. " You people have such strange sayings these days." Melina said after she had calmed down. " I'll agree to that. You wouldn't believe the things we say today." Dr. Merez said as he grinned at her. Melina heard the others start arguing about where they should look for shelter and decided to go over and see if she could settle the matter her self. Ty however was tired of the discussion and looked around ignoring the others. He sensed the kid finishing another drawing and went over. The kid had just closed the notebook when Ty sat down. " Hey little man watcha drawing there?" The kid didn't quite understand so he shrugged his shoulders. Ty laughed sensing that he didn't understand. He reached out for the notebook. " May I?" The kid then understood and handed the notebook to Ty even though he wasn't sure how Ty was going to see the drawings. Ty opened the notebook to the first page and dragged his fingers acrossed it. He got a vivid picture of Melina and Hudrenda holding each other. Ty's lips pursed together and his hand started to glow as he became. He then remembered that the kid was watching him and calmed down. He gave a small smile. " This is very good." The kid smiled at him and grabbed a small corner of the page indicating that he wanted Ty to turn the page. He did and dragged his fingers across the paper again. He realized that it was him and Lani. He grinned and chuckled a little. " I like this one." He turned the page again and one again dragged his hand acroos the page. He saw Kyo makeing the peace symbol. Ty laughed at this for a minute or two before turning the page again and dragging his fingers across the next page. This time there was a close up of Melina's face. It started from the top of her antlers and ended right below the chest. The drawing showed her laughing. Ty's jaw was slack and his fingers kept dragging across the paper. Eventually he smiled and said in a low voice 'beautiful'. The others had agreed that they needed to find shelter close by. Kyo said that he sensed that there was a cave that was big enough for all of them close by. They once again agreed that the cave would be there shelter for the time being. Melina was coming up to Ty to tell him this when she heard him say beautiful. She saw him holding the notebook with all the drawings in it. She slowly walked around them so she could see what he was 'somewhat' looking at. She couldn't quite see it clearly and bended over to take a closer look when her hair touch Ty's arm. It startled him enough that he dropped the notebook. " Oh Melina, it's you. You startled me." Ty said in a annoyed voice. " I'm sorry. I was just wondering which drawing you thought was beautiful." When the kid saw Melina he smiled at her and picked up the notebook. He immeadiately handed it to her so she could see his latest drawing. She amiled at him before looking at it and when she did she was given a small shock. She saw the drawing Ty had been sensing with his hand. Her expression became one of confussion at first then it brightened into a smile. " I like this one alot. I'll say it again. you are very good." She said to the smiling child as she handed him back the notebook. * Come on you two. The sun is starting to set and we want to get to the cave before dark.* Melina looked up to see everyone else except for her, Ty and the kid were already following Kyo to the cave. Ty stared at Melina slightly confussed. " Oh Kyo sensed a cave near by that was big enough for all of us. So we are going to stay there for the night." " I see, well then we better get going. Come along little man." Ty said directly to the kid. Ty said as he got up. He jogged slightly until he caught up with the others and then started to walk with the kid following his every step. Melina walked after the group, but didn't bother to try and catch up. Instead she was staring at Ty with that confussed look on her face. She was in deep thought as she followed the group. * I don't understand. Ty hates me for certain reasons that I'm not even sure of. I mean he can't even stand the sight of me. When he looks at me he immeadiately starts glareing at me and trys at all cost to stay away from me. So why did he think that drawing of me was beautiful? I know he still hates me. He didn't bother staying around the first time when he knew I was coming and he didn't say one word to me when he got back until I startled him when he was looking at the drawing. Even then his words were not exactly nice. So what is going on?* Melina kept thinking about this the whole time they walked to the cave.
  11. Charlie heard sirens in the distance and slowly get louder by each passing minute. " You know wether or not if she reads it can be decided later. Let's just take her with us and get the hell out of here before the cops get here." " That's really good idea except for one problem." Max said with a sighing voice. Charlie looks at him in complete confussion. " What's the problem?" " The car only seats five people and her plus us makes six." Charlie started looking around hoping to find a solution while the others talked wether or not they should even take Electra with them. Charlie was snapping her fingers as if it would make her think faster when she saw a black motorcycle. She knew she had found a solution to the problem and smiled. She turned back to the others. " Well I don't think we should take her with us period." " That isn't fair to her and you know it Kilo." " He does have a ponit Charlotte. I mean....." " HEY GUYS. (Charlie interupted) Here's what we are going to do. Max you take them and Miss Android over there and go." " Well what about you?" Charlotte asked in confussion. " Don't worry, I'll follow. Oh and Charlotte can you watch my duffel bag? (Charlotte nods her head) Thanks." The group walks towards the car as Charlie walks towards the motorcycle. When she got on the bike the others where already in the car with the engine started. She quickly got the engine started and followed the car as it drove down the street. Charlie followed the car while listening to the sirens which for some reason sounded like they were getting closer rather than farther. Before she knew it a police car had come from a side street and crashed into a pole cutting her off from the car. She quickly put a foot down and turned around. She turned left on to a side street then left again and sped up. Eventually she the car and the police cars chaseing it in between buildings. The buildings ended and only a meadian seperated her road from there's. She went over the meadian, crossed the opposite lane and joined the cop cars. She got in between the two lanes and sped up. When she got up to the first cop car she cut it off causeing it to turn side ways and all the othe cop cars crashed into it. She quickly caught up to the car and followed as closely as possible.
  12. * Why do I always find my self fighting the cops? I really hate my life* Charlie thought this as she pulled out her two 48 magnums from her duffle bag and took aim. The police surrounded them with their guns aimed at her and the others. " Put your weapons down raise your hands so I can see them." One of the police man called out. " Just perfect. There's about twenty of them, four of us, only two of us has weapons, and I'm starting to get pissed. Which isn't good." Charlie murmured to the others. " What happens when you get pissed?" Kilo asked in confussion. " You don't want to know, but you just might find out wether I like it or not." " I said lower your weapons and show me your hands. If you don't you we will fire. Now I repeat lower your weapons." " Well the way I see it we have two choices. We can either surrender to them or we can take them all on and try to run." Jackel said to the others. " Well I don't know about the rest of you, but I'm not surrenduring." Charlie said sarcastically. " I'm with Charlie." said Kilo and Jackel in unison. " Well then it's settled. Let's take them on." Charlotte said in a tone that ended the conversation. Charlie immeadiately started shooting one gun after the other at each of the officers. Both Jackel and Charlotte took down one guy each and took their guns. They started shooting the other officers. Kilo was slicing and stabbing officers with his katana. eventually all the officers were either dead or unconcious. Charlie quickly picked up her duffel bag and they all ran down stairs into the lobby. They ran out the front doors were police cars were parked out side with policemen aiming there guns at them. " This is Lt. Jackson. Lay down your weapons and raise your hands to where I can see them or we will open fire." " D**n it." Charlotte swore under her breath.
  13. O.C.C Sorry I haven't posted in a while. Been kinda moving around alot. Charlie turned towards Kilo in confusion. " What was that book and why did you throw it?" " I didn't mean to throw it Charlie. I'm going to go find it." She watched him run off in the direction that he threw the book. She shook her head and went into the hotel. " Can I help you miss?" asked the employee behind the desk. " Umm yes I need a room for the night." Charlie said with a small smile. " Ok miss that'll be fifty-six dollars and thirty-two cents." She payed the man and he gave her a key with a number twelve on it. " There you go miss. It's on the third floor and down on the right." She went to the nearest elevator and pressed the number three when she got in. She went to the room and unlock the door. She set down her duffle bag, went into the bathroom to take a shower, and then layed down on the bed with the remote control. She turned on the t.v and started flipping threw the channels until she found the news. " We go to Carla who is with Lt. Jackson, Carla. Carla:Thank you Veronica, I am with Lt. Jackson who is currently working on the case of the shoot out wich happened yesturday. Tell me Lt. Jackson have you any clues as to who these people are? Lt. Jackson: Well we know that one of them already has a warrent on there head for the deaths of thousands of other people. His name is Kilo and is extreamly dangerous. Caution is advised to all those who confont him. Carla: Well thank you for the warning Lt., but what about....." Charlie turned off the t.v and the light . She then rolled onto her side and slowly drifted off to sleep.
  14. Charlie Levoy


    Melina was sensing Ty's little adventure and chuckled in the after math. Hudrenda looked at her with questioning eyes. " It seems that Ty has met the newage of technology called cars and trains. At least I believe that's what you call them?" She looks at Dr. Merez to supply the answer. " Yes Melina, that is what they are called. So tell me. Was there more to the story then I have been told?" " No Alex. That was all of the story. (she turned to Hudrenda and Kyo) So are we waiting for Lani and Ty to return or are we going to leave to find a place to stay for the time being?" " I think we should wait for them. After all this is a strange erra and I think we should all stick together." Kyo said while looking around as if Lani and Ty would appear at any second. * I have to agree with Kyo. This is a strange new world and alot has changed since our time. We'll wait for them, then we'll go.* Hudrenda thought this to everyone who was there with a light frown on his face. Melina hoped that they would return soon cause she didn't like standing out in the open for to long. She heard a small chirping and looked up to see a small blue bird in a tree. She looked deep into the birds eyes and thought, * Find Lani, tell her to come back with Ty very soon. Understand? (the bird nodded it's head in understanding) Then go and fly fast my little friend* She watched the bird fly away and sighed while hoping that the bird found Lani soon.
  15. Charlie Levoy


    O.O.C lol Dr. Merez is a guy just so you know. Melina smiled slightly then turned to the sound of grass being russled and saw Dr. Alston coming towards her. " So you are Dr. Alston I presume?" Dr. Alston was startled by Melina's words and looked at her with wide eyes. " Well yes, but how did y....." " She's a telepath Dr. Alston." Dr. Merez interupted. She looked at him with questioning eyes. " Well Ty said that she could read animals thoughts, but didn't know that included humans." He laughed before answering. " Well aren't humans animals as well Dr. Alston? ( he moved closer to her) You know just because we are more intelegent than anything else on this planet doesn't change the fact that we are still animals our selves." She glared at him even though she knew he was right. " Where is Ty Dr. Alston?" She turned her head to Melina and answered in a very curt voice. " He went off to go think about some mission and Lani." " Oh boy. You let him get to you didn't you?" She glared at Melina before turning her back and answering. " I have no idea what you are talking about." " I don't blame you. There isn't a woman who has met him and hasn't been attracted to him. Some times I'll find one who has fallen in love with him." Dr. Alston turned back around. " And did you fall in love with him or were you just attracted to him?" Hudrenda was now listening to the conversation and so was Kyo. Melina glared at her before answering. " I see that he has told you about our past and about our 'relationship'." , she said acidly. " Yes he did. Which surprised me considering that you are a gardian." " Well just said. I'm guardian. (she leaned forward a little to Dr. Alston) Not a saint. If you want a saint then go to a nunery. you'll find plenty of them there."
  16. Charlie Levoy


    Melina sensed the other guardians near by. Her and Dr. Merez were in a jet heading for a shore off of China. They had stolen it from a military base in Cuba. She noticed that Ty had left the others and wasn't surprised. She was brought out of her thoughts when Dr. Merez landed the jet a few hundred feet from the other guardians. He turned off the engine and pressed the storage button. He got out of the plane and went to the back where the storage compartment was opening up. When it was open and the ramp was down he went up into the plane to help Melina get up from floor. They came down slowly out of the plane until they reached the ground where they paused for a little bit so Melina could stretch her back. She looked around and saw the others. She looked at them and the few humans who were there. After a while she walked up to them until she was right in front of them. " Hello Kyo, Lani, and Hudrenda." " Hey Melina." Kyo said smiling. " Hello Melina." Lani said with a slight smile. * Hello Melina* Hudrenda said happily. *How are you?* " I'm fine, been a little cramped for a bit, but nothing to serious and how are all of you?" " I'm alright, but Hudrenda almost submerged this continent because of what they did to the water." Melina sighed and shook her head in disappointment then looked at her husband. " You know you don't have to submerge the whole continent just because some idiot put toxins in the sea." Hudrenda glared at her, but she ignored it as she looked around. " So where did Ty go?" " He went off in that direction some where when I said that you were heading in our direction." Lani answered while pointing in Ty's direction. " Why am I not surprised. (she looked towards her husband) I bet you and him had another one of your fights again didn't you?" " Well you hit that one on the spot." Kyo said with a small chuckle. She sighed heavily and rubbed her face in her hands while Dr. Merez looked at her in confusion. " What exactly happened between you, Hudrenda, Ty?" Dr. Merez asked in hopes of finally gettin an answer.
  17. The demon turned around and looked around for Mystika wo was still hiding in the trees as she examind her leg carefully to make sure that it wasn't something seriouse. " I know you're here fairy. I will find one way or another and when I do you will suffer a slow death." * Is that so? Well we shall see who kills who when I get out of this tree.* Mystika thought savagely. After deciding that the cut wasn't to seriouse she thought of a plan to kill her uninvited guest. * Lets see now. He is very good at dodging attacks on a seconds notice. So I need to get him when he's not paying attention, but that would mean I would have to distract him. Well how do I do that and get him from behind?* Mystika thought as she watched her demon friend search around for her. She was so busy watching him and trying to come up with a plan that she didn't notice the person who was watching her from a near by tree. The demon went into a certain spot where Mystika couldn't see him so she tried to move a little so she could see him. Unfortunately she lost her footing and fell out of the tree. Landing back first on the ground near some rocks. She hit her head on rock with a small pointed edge causing her to start bleeding instantly. Her vision began to slightly blur when the demon rushed at her with his raised sword. She somewhat saw an arrow soar straight into the demons kneck and watched the demon fall as blured blue blood spurted from the wound. Her vision got blurrier by the second and the last thing she saw before blacking out completely was the form of a man coming towards at a slow and steady pace.
  18. Mystika had been traveling for a few days nonstop. It was beginning to take it's toll on her. By mid afternoon she was to tired to go on and stopped to get some rest. She kept on sleeping as it grew dark and still. She was still sleeping when a demon had come across her. He smiled devilishly and went up to her with his sword raised. Right when he was about to strike her with it she woke up and kicked him hard in the stomach causing him to double over. She quickly got up and grabbed her bow and arrow. When the demon got back up she was facing him with her arrow aimed at him. " Well now, it would seem that I have an enemy in my camp." Mystika said angerly. " I sense the new magic in you. So there for I must kill you." The demon said in a horse voice. " Kill me huh? Well it'll take more than a stab of a sword to kill me." She then fires and arrow which the demon dodges. He charges at her with his arms spread open as though to grab her. She runs at him at full force and leapes over his head. Before she landed back onto the ground she took out another arrow and placed it on the bow. When she landed she turned and faced the demon. She aimed the arrow and fired. It grazed the demons arm as he tried to doge again. The demon looked at his arm then back at her with raged filled eyes. He then raises his sword and charges at her with incredable speed. She doges a little to late and her leg gets a deep gash right above the knee.She does to back flips on the ground and a third that lands her in a tree. She thinks to her self. * Dang. (she examins the cut on her leg) Great now what am I going to do.*
  19. Charlie Levoy


    Melina was slouched slightly over the back window looking out towards the scenery flying by the back seat windows. Dr. Merez kept looking back at her every now and than to see if she was alright. She jerked her head up all of the sudden and dazed off in to space. Dr. Merez noticed this and grew worried. " Melina, are you alright?" Melina snapped back into reality and looked at him. " W-what? What did you say Dr. Merez?" " Please, call me Alex and I asked if you were alright." " Oh I'm fine. I just noticed that all of the guardians are awake. Apparaently I was the last one awake.....and to be on the move." " Really? So everone is awake now?" " Yep and apparently I was the only one who didn't bother to destroy the lab before leaving." " Yeah I kinda noticed that. Why didn't you destroy the lab?" " Because the people who were planning on useing me weren't there so I saw no reason as to destroy the place like the others did." " I see, so in the other labs were people who wanted to use you and the others?" " Yes except for some Dr. Alston? Ty decided to take her along apparently." " Ty? Who is Ty?" " The Guardian of Fire. He has a Dr. Sharon Alston with him. I believe she was the scientist that was in charge of the lab he was in." " Umm yah. She was in charge of it and that side of the operation. I'm not exactly sure how she saw this operation, but I do know that she never planned on controlling him." " Yeah right. Like she would be able to control HIM." Melina said bitterly. " I sense some hostility towards him." " Not hostility, just annoyence. I rather not talk about it." After those last few words they both went silently about there buisness for the time being.
  20. Charlie Levoy


    O.C.C Burori the lab in the Amazon Rainforrest wasn't destroyed. The one in Iceland was however. Maybe you meant to put that instead? Any way can't post now because I have to go. I' ll post either later or tomarrow. ;)
  21. Charlie Levoy


    Melina waited in the lab as Dr. Merez went go prepare for their departure. She walked around and looked at different things in the room. She was looking at a People magazine when Dr. Merez came into the room. " Ok I have everything we need to travel. Lucky for you I happen to own a truck so you can get in the back. All I had to do was buy a shell for the truck bed so that way noone will see you. Of coarse I put covers in the bed so you can be comfortable and I'll keep the back window open so we can talk." She smiled at him and asked, " So where's this truck of yours?" " That's the problem. The truck is outside in the parking lot. So here is what we are going to do." He goes to a door that leads to a storage area and pulls out a large trolly. " You are going to lay on this trolly and I'll cover you with a white sheet. Then I'll push you out to the parking lot and when the coast is clear. You will get up from the trolly and get into the bed of the truck. Of coarse you'll have to use a large board for a ramp to get into the truck, but hopefully that won't take to long." He sighs then grabs a large white sheet out of a closet. " So are you ready to try this crazy scheme?" " I'm ready when you are." She got on to the ,rather large, trolly and went into a laying possition while having to lean her upper portion low against the handle bars. She kept her satchel and bow in front of her. Dr. Merez covered her with the white sheet then wheeled her out of the room. He went has fast as he could without looking suspicious and five minutes later they were out in the parking lot and heading towards a black four door Ford pickup truck that had a black shell over the bed. He put the back of the shell up and put the back of the bed down. Then he went to the backseat of the truck and pulled out a large thick board and placed it like a ramp at the back of the bed. Then he pulled the sheet off of Melina and she quickly go into the bed. He picked up the ramp and closed the bed and shell before tossing the board back into the back seat. He then pushed the back window down so they could talk, got into the drivers seat and drove away.
  22. Mystika was sitting next to the Wood Fairys Lake. It belonged to the fairy village that took her in. She sat there quietly stareing across the water as long black haired man with green wings came up behind her. " So how long have you been back?" Mystika jumped a little and turned to look at him. " Oh Varon it's you. You startled me." He chuckled as he sat down next to her. " Sorry, I didn't realize that you were deep in thought. So what were you thinking about?" " Oh just about the Legion of Demons and the terror they are causeing...." " And how you feel that you should do something about it. (he looks at her and smiles) You know that you are so predictable?" " Yes ,considering of how many times you have told me. So now I guess you are going to give me a lecture on how I should be careful and how you really care for me. Then you'll remind me how you brought me to your village and how I have a home here for all eternity." " Well since you already know what I am going to say you don't need me to remind you. (he puts an arm around her) I know that no matter what I say you will go any way, but before you do. Will you please come and fly with me?" She smiles at him before answering. " I would love to." They both get up and she makes her wings appear and they go flying of across the lake towards the horizon.
  23. Charlie Levoy


    Dr. Merez was looking over his files when one of his scientist came rushing through his office door. " Dr. Merez, Dr. Merez the guardian, the guardian." He stops and starts panting for breath. "T-the guardian i-is...." "Mr. Porter, calm yourself down and take a couple of slow deep breaths" Mr. Porter did as he was instructed and eventually calmed down. " Now what did you come here to tell me?" " The guardian, t-the fifth guardian, t-the Guardian of Nature..." Dr. Merez intrupts. " Yes I know who she is, what about her?" " Well sir, she has awaken a-and she requests to speak with you." Dr. Merez immeadiatly jumped up out of his chair and dropped the files on his desk. He went at a very fast pace down the halls and corridors with Mr. Porter struggling to keep up behind him. When he entered the lab room he saw the guardian standing up in her wire fenced cell. She immeadiately stared at him with her emeral eyes as if she knew that he was the on she wanted to speak with. " Mr. Porter, why is she staring at me like she knew that I was the one who she needed to talk to?" " W-well sir, you see the strange thing is that, well she requested you by name. First, middle, and last name sir." Dr. Merez looked at Mr. Porter before looking back at the guardian. " And how does she know my name?" " W-we don't know sir." Done talking Dr. Merez walked up to the guardians cell. She immeadiatly responded. "Dr. Merez, how nice it is to meet you. My name is Melina" " How did you know my name?" " Simple really.........everyone of your,scientist I think you call them?, (he nodded his head in responce) had the same thought that they should go and get you. I believe a few of them was thinking of your full name." " So not only do you know my last name, but you also know my first and middle name?" " Yes, I belive your full name is Alexander Christopher Merez and I believe they call you Dr. Merez instead of Mr. Merez because you recieved something called a Doctors Degree?" " Yes, that is the reason...and you got all this information from our thoughts?" " Yes, actually it is one of my few abilities I think you would call them?" " Uh yes, we would call them that. So what exactly are your abilities?" *Sighs* "Dr. Merez, I didn't request to speak with so I can tell you all about me. I want you to release me." A couple of the scientists chuckled until Dr. Merez glared at them. " And what if I refuse to release you? How will you escape then?" " Dr. Merez if you don't release me then..........well let just say that you won't like the alternative." Dr. Merez was thinking about her answer when her voice was in his mind. * I know you don't want to keep me locked up. That if you release me that you will lose your job and that you will most likely end up in jail for it. If you want I'll take you with me.* Dr. Merez stared at her in shock then he turned to his scientists and assistent. " I want you all to leave, NOW." A woman scientist said, " Dr. Merez, do you think that....." " Don't question me just GO." Everyone except for Dr. Merez and Melina left the room. He then rushed to the camera's that were in the room and unplugged them. He then went back to her and got right up against the cell. " You are telepathic and can have conversations with thought?" She simply smiled at him and nodded her head. " And if I release you you'll take me with you so I won't go to jail?" " Yes, you don't like the fact that I'm here and I don't think it's right that you get punished for helping me. Besides you know more about this age then I do and I will have a hard time traveling around as it is with out looking for food and a place to sleep." She laughs as she indicates her half horse and half human body. He however just smiles as he looks at her. He then takes out a key and unlocks the padlock. He takes the padlock and chain of and opens the cell like cage. He moves back as she comes out into the open. He moves to a table as he says, " We found these laying next to you when we found you." She moves next to him and looks at the items on the table. There is a satchel of arrows, a bow, and a gold chain that is just big enough to fit around someones hips. " These are my things." She takes the chain and wraps it around her hips. It magically connects making a look like a belt around her hips. She looks down at her blue gown and turns to Dr. Merez. " Do you have something not quite so big?" He nods his head and goes to a draw full of white tanktops. " This is the best I have at the moment." She takes it and changes into it. It goes down to her hips. " Is there any way you can shorten it to about right here?" She places her hand right below her breasts. He sees a scapel on a near by table and grabs it. He takes the shirt stars cutting a little bit below of where she indicated and went all the way around. He then cut the extra material off and tossed it and the scapel back on to the table. She looked down and then back up at him and smiled. She then grabbed the satchel and bow and swung it over her shoulder. " So when can we go?"
  24. Alright Raiha and Arika characters may remain as they are, but please choose either Fedral Agent, Henchman, or Protector from now on. Unless you plan on being Toran Jitsuka then you don't need to. Thanx ^_^ [FONT=arial]Charlie Levoy[/FONT]
  25. Well it looks good so far. Here's my character. Name: Aura Jones Age: 32 Sex: Female Job: Computer Programmer Weapons: Bowie Knife, x2 38 magnums (which she gets later), and a swiss army knife Appearance: Dirty blonde hair with white streaks, Silverish blue eyes, Black trench coat, Red tanktop (low cut), Long black skirt with two slits from mid thigh, Black knee high boots with low heels, Silver chain belt (slants a little), A necklace (a black cord that clasps and a silver cresent moon with a star hanging from the top of the moon hangs from the cord). Bio: She lives in an apartment on the top floor of a seven story building. All of her family is dead and she has no relatives. She is an expert with computers and can hack into any system if she wants to, but perfers to follow the law. She met her boyfriend in her sophomore year who she loves, but finds him annoying at times. She only has a couple of friends from childhood and work.
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