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Charlie Levoy

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Everything posted by Charlie Levoy

  1. Mystika was flying above the forrest trying to get to the camp before it got to dark. The sun was already setting and the sky was slowly turning into a dark blue. She shot a green arrow in the sky and waited while gliding very slowly in a straight line. A few minutes later a green light had shot up out of the trees. She flew to where the light had come from and looked down on to the ground. In a small clearing she saw Gavon in human form wearing a midnight blue tunic and pants with matching leather boots. She flew down and landed into his out stretched arms. Her wings disappered as the braced each other for a few second then took a few steps back so she could see him. He was smiling at her with his usual blueish silver eyes when she said, "Hello Gavon, how are you and the others?" " We're just fine. Been waiting for you of coarse, but other than that we haven't really done anything." She laughs a little. "I'm sorry if you have been bored, but I haven't been able to get back until now. Have all of you changed into human form?" "Yeah actually we have. Oh and Sazar asked me to tell you that he says thanx for hiding clothes for us in seekable hiding spot this time." She laughs completely this time before saying,"I guess he still remembers the time when I put them in a hole in a tree and he couldn't find them." He chuckle softly. "Yeah he does remember it and how a bunch of young women who riding in the forrest saw him butt naked." They both burst out laughing and don't calm down until at least three minutes had past. Gavon looks at her deeply and asks, "What have you been doing these past couple of days? (caresses the side of her face and looks at her in concern) I have been worried that something had happened to you." She lightly leans into his hand and looks up at him smiling. " I have been helping out a group of people with the legend about the knecklace of lost hearts. A young girl has it and she is obviously the reincarnation of the queen. She came back here with a monk who is the reincarnation of the king, but he doesn't seem to have realised it yet and the girl is just starting to. I have been wondering if I should let him find the tree on his own or show him where it is." Gavon trailed his hand from her cheek to her shoulder and squeezed gently. "I think you should let him discover it on his own. The only thing you should do is watch them and make sure they don't get killed. (he looks at her seriously) I sence that you have been using one of the deadly spells again. (she looks at him with unease) I seem to recall that I had asked you not to use them ever again." She looks away from him admitting it with a nod of her head. He moves his hand from her shoulder and with both hands grabs the sides of her face gently and forces her to look at him. He asks in a soft voice,"Which one did you use....and for what purpose?" "I used the binding spell to bind one life to another." Gavon raises his eyebrows."The complete bind or half bind?" "The half bind, a man was trying to kill the young girl and I wanted to threaten his life by binding him to her, but you know for a fact I could never do a full bind. It would kill me in the process making the spell useless then. (she glares at him slightly) You know you're not my father or anything. So why do I fing my self answering to you?" He sighs, brings her close to him, and holds her. "I'm sorry, I'm just so worried about you. You are always trying to do magic that can kill you if it is to powerful. I care for you alot and don't want to see anything happen to you. Will you forgive me?" She looks up to him and smiles. "Of coarse I will my old friend. (he smiles back at her) Well lets get to camp and have something to eat. I'm starving." They walk towards the camp arm in arm.
  2. Hey Stardust don't you pay any attention to them. I was once in band until I had to drop out for personal reasons. At my first school some of the cheer leaders were and the others were just plain b*****s. Thankfully we don't have to share a bus with them. The flaggers are the same way except we do share a bus with them some times. *sigh* Don't let it get to ya, cause if you do it'll take all the fun out of band you'll wish you had never joined. So hang in their and have fun .;)
  3. Mystika was watching Arch curiously as he walked away, but while she did wonder what was said to him she is more curious as to why Warrington was watching her. She felt for sure now that it was him who had been starying at her. *But why? Why would he be staring at me? Does he know how the spell works? Is that what that little device was? Some way for that man to have listened in on me?* Mystika starts to get worried some what until she remembers that she had told Lyla that she would be back soon. *I had better go to them so they won't worry about me to much.* She looks to Rue who was just starting to follow the others. "Hey Rue, can I talk to you for a little bit?" He turns to her then smiles as she closes the distance between them. "Sure, what about?" "I need to go and check on some friends of mine and see if they are okay. I will be back either tomarrow or the day after. Will you please relay the message to the others?" He counts of his fingers as he says, " Okay, umm let see. (puts down one finger) Went to go check on some friends, (puts down another finger) don't worry about me, (puts down a third finger) and will be back either tomarrow or the day after. (looks at her and grins) Yeah I could do that." Mystika smiles at him then gives gives him a kiss on the cheek. " Thanks Rue, I owe you one." ,she says as she runs off into the woods.
  4. Mystika is leaning against the building gazing off into space as she thinks. Yujin and Arch are talking about the legend while Sephiroth (who recently got done eating) was sitting next to Rue talking. Mystika kept thinking about how this group formed so quickly. *Just to imagine that a few days ago none of us knew each other. Now we are one big group of people joined together by that prophecy. Mikuru and her knecklace are very important in all of this and so is that tree. Oh how many times I have seen it. As a matter of a fact that's were I met my wolf friend Gavon. Then shortly after that I met the large black cat named Neila. Then I met Sazar and finally Lyla. Now how did I get on to them? Oh well, I guess it is because I haven't seen them for the past couple of days.* She smiles as she remembers different things about them. *I remember hat the first time I met Gavon I saw him as the wolf who was put in a cage by hunters. The poor thing was injured and I knew I had to help him. So I helped him escape and set up camp for me and him. I had used my healing powers to heal his wound. Then I had let him use my bed while I slept on the ground. The next morning I found out that he was of the spirit animals who can take human shape at will and are immortal. He was gorgeous with his long moon white hair, blueish silver eyes, diamond earrings, and pointed ears. We became the best of friends. (she laughs a little) Now that I think about it all of my friends are spirit animals. Neila with long black hair, honey brown eyes, black diamond earrings, and pointed ears. Sazar with his short yet stilish green hair, emerald eyes, emerald earrings, and pointed ears. Then of coarse Lyla with her long sky blue hair, sky blue eyes, saphire earrings, and of coarse pointed ears. (she stares dreamily ,now, into space) My four best friends. I do hope they are alright.* All of a sudden Mystika felt two life lines get close together. It took her a while to remember that those life lines represent Mikuru and Warrington if they should ever get close together. She thought for a moment wondering if she should warn the others. Arch obviously has been to distracted in his and Yujins conversation to have heard her thoughts. She decided their was nothing to worry about since she feels certain that Warrington won't attack Mikuru. Exspecially if he wants to remain on living for as long as possible.
  5. Mystika had lost her appetite when she saw the blood on Arch's chin. So she laid a few coins down for her portion of the meal and went to follow Arch. As she came outside she saw Arch looking up at the stars. She was a few feet from him when she heard him whisper, "Hmm.....which one is it?" She stopped for a second in confusion then walked up to him. His back was to her when she said," Which one is what?" He jumped slightly then turned to face her. "Geez...don't scare me like that." She smiles at him and even though she isn't laughing, the fact that she finds his answer amusing, shows in her eyes. "That's funny, I thought the great Arch wasn't scared of anything. (she raises her eyebrows and sighs) Guess I was wrong." He glares at her before replying. "I wasn't truely scared. You just surprised me is all." "Okay, if you say so. (she gives him a disbelieveing side glance) Any way so what did you mean '...where is it?' What are you looking for?" He look back up towards the stars."That is none of your buisness. So don't ask again." She looks hurt. Almost as if he slapped her across the face. She glares at him and opens her mouth to say something, but thinks that it is mot likely better not to say anything and closes it. She sighs heavily and rakes her fingers through her hair. As she does this her hand catches on something and a device falls into her hand. She looks at it curiously. * What in the **** is this? I've never seen anything like this before. Where did it come from? (she frowns) And how did it get in my hair?* Arch heard her thoughts and looks back at her. He sees the transmitting device Warrington had put into her hair. He then remembers what Warrington had heard and angerly snatches the device out of Mystika's hand. He throws it to the groundthen stomps on it, smashing it into a million little peices. Mystika looks at him confused. "Why did you do that? What was it? (he looks up at her still angry untill he sees her, his expression then softens) Do you know where it came from...and how it got in my hair?" His expression becomes some what sad. *Oh great. How am I gonna tell her that Warrington knows about how the spell works? How am I gonna tell her that she is now in grave danger?*
  6. OCC: Okay we'll just assume that she took another fairy village as her home. Considering the fact that her real village was burned to the ground. Along with every one who lived there except her. Mystika led the way back up the mountain at a steady pace. Mikuru and Rue were following close behind her. Mystika kept thinking to her self. * I hope we get to them before some wild animal does. What happened to them? How did they get paralized? Did they meet that man again and try to fight him? Why would they do such a stupid thing like that? (she rolls her eyes) Why wouldn't they do such a stupid thing like that? (her expression turns to a worried look) What would have happened if that man didn't have decided to paralize them? Would he have killed Arch? (she blushes slightly) Was I just worrying about Arch? Since when do I care for him? That's just it, I don't. Or do I? (sighs) Now I'm giving my self a headache.* She stopped thinking about things when the smell of blood came to her. " I smell blood. It's coming from up ahead." Mikuru looked at her worridly. "It isn't them is it?" Mystika turned to her with a frown. "I don't think so. I only smell human blood and not every one in our group is human." Mikuru grew even more worried until Mystika said, "And there is way to much human blood to have come from our group" Mikuru's expression lightened some what. "Are you absolutly positive?" Mystika nods her head in responce. A few seconds later they came across a bunch of human corpses. Mystika saw the darts and the wounds and knew then that it was the man that the others had faced. She said," The others must have seen this and went up farther in the mountain to face that man again." Rue turned to Mystika questionally. "How do you know it was him?" Mystika turned to him with a grave expression. "Because those poisoness darts are from our dear friend and it was most likely him who had paralized the rest of our group. We had better hurry before some wild animal gets to them." The three of them then ran up the mountain for a few miles until they came across the others laying on the ground motionless.
  7. When Mystika finally wakes up it is to unfamiliar surroundings. She looks around at her surroundings and decides that she must be in a inn somewhere. " Good morning, I hope you slept well." The voice startled Mystika at first untill she saw Arch sitting in a chair in the corner. He was leaning back in his chair with his arms folded across chest and a smile on his lips as he looked at her. *How could I have missed him sitting there? I'm not usually that close minded to my surroundings.* Arch says," Don't be so hard on your self. That spell must have been difficult considering you thought so your self that the spell you did was on of the deadly spells." He kept gazing at her from his corner with that smile on his face. She looks at him with questioning eyes. "You know about the deadly spells?" He grins at her. "Some what, I remember someone telling me that they take alot of power and energy to do, that they are always situated around life and death, and something else...I think something about breaking the spell?" She answers without thinking," The only way the spells can be broken is if the caster of the spell gets killed. Not to mention the fact that if they cast to many of these spells in a small period of time they will die from energy and power drain." She realises that she had just told him the danger she has put her self in when casting the spell. His expression turns from grinning to deep concern. "Are you telling me that if Warrington knew what that spell was. All he would had to do is kill you to break the spell?" She looked deep into his eyes and answered, "Yes, and even now he would have to kill me to break the spell that binds his life line to hers."
  8. Mystika is still some what gasping for breath. She moves away from Mikuru and leans against a tree. *Oh am I tired.* She thinks. * Thankfully he didn't know what that spell was. (she sucks in a bunch of breath) Cause if he did know what it was. Then he would have known that it was one of the deadly spells. Unless he doesn't know what those are either. (she starts shaking violently) I forgot just ow much energy it takes to do one of those spells. (tries to stop shaking) I hope I don't faint.* Mean while the others are making sure Mikuru is perfectly alright. None of them notice Mystika. Except for Arch who has a look of concern on his face. He thinks, * I wonder if I should go over and see if she's alright.*
  9. Mystika takes out her bow and arrow and shoots at close range. The man cuts it into four pieces and attacks her swiping with his claw. She jumps back wards and does two air flips before landing back on the ground out of harms way. She looks to her comrades and see them all use different techniques to attack him, but he disengages most of them except for a few which hit him in chest. Unfortunatley they have no effect on this man. Mystika then takes out another one of her arrows and places it on her bow. She whispers a chant before releasing and before it hit the man lightning struck it, charging it with a million bolts of lightning. The arrow hit him in the side sending him flying a few feet before landing head first on the ground. He dragged slightly then came to a stop. He looks down at the arrow and pulls it out before getting back up. He then looks to her with obviouse rage in her eyes. He yells," Do you really think you can defeat me with sorcery?" She glares at him as if to show that he didn't provoke her. His expression changed from rage to grinning. He laughs then says," Well then let me teach you a lesson fairy about how I work." He starts walking towards clearly forgetting about the others until Arch does a surprise attack. He sends a ball of energy soaring at the man hitting him up side the head causeing the man to fall on to the ground again. Arch says," I don't think so. You seem to be forgetting that we are here as well." As he says this him, Yujin, and Sephiroth attack again. The man deflects some of the blows, but still several land on him making him jump back wards out of range. As the others continue to attack Mystika realises that Mikuru had turned an even whiter shade of pale. She thinks,* Their is only 15 minutes left and we still haven't gotten him to stay down. (she continues to watch the others attack) We're running out of time. What we need is something to provoke him into giving us the antidote, but what?* She thinks for a few minutes as she watches the others fight the man. Then she knew what she can do to make him giove them the antidote. It was very dangerous and left her very week, but their was no other way. She brings her arms in front of her and places her left hand hanging over the right. She then starts whispering an incantation and a white ball starts to form with a thick black outline. She repeats the incantation until the ball was as big as a cantalope. She then takes the ball in her right hand and runs towards the man with unbelieveable speed. The others see her attack and backs off to see what she is going to do. The man had her back to her, but right when he turns around she throws the ball so it hits him square in the chest then leaps back and lands on the ground a few feet from him then kneals down. She is obviously exahsted and is gasping for breath, but still keeps her eyes on the man. He stares at the spot where the ball had hit him. The ball had gone into his chest, but nothing seemed to have happened. He looks up at her grinning and just when he's about to walk towards her he grunts in pain. His expression had change to shock as he clutches at his chest in complete pain and stares at her. " Wh....what did y..you do t...ta me?" he asks. She looks at him completely worn out and smiles at him with victory in her eyes. " I just put a spell on you that connects your life your life line to who ever I may choose. In this case I chose Mikuru since she is dieing because of you." He stares at her in confusion. "I...don't un....under..stand." She glares at him." Don't you? I have just connected your life with hers. In other words if she dies you die and their are no exceptions. You could be immortal, but if that spell that I just cast on you attaches your life to a mortal then you would still die. So since I cast that spell on you to connect your life to hers then when she dies you die." He stares at her in complete shock, but is to weak to say a word. She then says," You have two options. You can either give us the antidote to save her life, which in turn will save yours, or you can either let her die and you will go with her. *I hope to god he doesn't understand anything about the spell I just cast.* (she continues to look at him) The choice is yours to make."
  10. Mystika stares at him in confusion. "What do you mean they sent agents after you? Who is 'they' and who are you refering to when you say agents?" The figure turns his head towards her and looks her up and down. " How did you know what I was saying?" She can't see his face very well because he's hidden in the shadows a little bit, but she can tell that his eyes are still on her. " I'm a fairy. Our hearing is quite sensitive to sound. So I can lock in on any specific thing. (looks at him with suspicion) That still doesn't answer my question. Who where you refering to when you said 'they' and 'agents'?" *Why do I have a bad feeling about this man?*
  11. lol Thinking about hot chicks huh Brolli? Well I want to thank you all for giving Brolli such good advice. I tried to explain all these different reasons to him, but I have to admit that it's hard trying to get the words out right. Thanx I think he might understand now. ;)
  12. I know what you mean Anima, but considering that I missed some of the episodes on accident I'm actually happy they are doing reruns. Now can watch the shows I missed. YAY. ;)
  13. Okay here is a breif summary of my character. Name: Mystika Age:656 (I think that's what I put in the original version.) Race: Fairy Weapons: Bow and Arrows, Whip, and a Magical Sword (blue and white handle, her ancestors sword, it can call upon her ancestors for help and guidence) Appearance: Long white hair, silverish blue eyes, blue tatoo on forehead (a cresent moon with a small star dangling from the top point if the moon), pointed ears, blue and white butterfly wings (which she can make disappear and reappear at will), white tank top that stops short of the belly button, long white skirt with two slits on both sides that start right below her thighs, white knee high boots (they are high heels). Bio: (In my second post of "Lost Hearts".) Personality: She is friendly and will always be loyal to those who are loyal to her. She has animal friends that will come to her aid when asked. She is very smart and is calm in almost any situation. She is also excellent in battle. I think that's good enough don't you Anima?
  14. Mystika stops and looks at the man who had asked the question. She sees him grinning at her as he waits for an answer. " I'm sorry, but who said we were talking about a necklace?" He laughs a little then says,"Nobody did, I just heard you talk about it." She stares at him while she thinks. *No way, we weren't that loud for him to have heared us....or were we? Well since it's Mikuru's necklace I'll let her decide if he should know or not.* Mystika looks at Mikuru. "Well since it's your necklace you can decide if this man knows about it or not. In the mean time lets head over to that shop over there. (points to a shop with a sign that reads "Voron's Weapon and Armor Shop") He makes the best weapons money can buy." she says as she starts walking towards the shop.
  15. Yeah I have a question Anima. Do I have to retype my long personality that I sent you before we started this thread or is it okay that you alone have seen it?
  16. Mystika looked at them with a shocked expression on her face. " Let me get this straight. You both are from the future, it's the anniversary of both of your parents death and her birthday (points to Mikuru), you just recieved that necklace today and your grandfather died shortly after giving it to you, and you both know about the prophecy. Am I correct?" Yujin and Mikuru looked at each then back at Mystika and nodded their heads at her. She bends her head down, closes her eyes and rubs the bridge of her nose with her right hand. She then looks back them and thinks. *It figures that they would know about the prophecy and that they would be from the future. Oh wait (opens her eyes and tilts her head up a bit with her hand in hanging below her chin) if they're from the future that would mean that they have no idea where the closest village. Well I better show them where it is so they don't get lost.* She puts her hand down to her side and straightens back up. She then looks back at Yujin and Mikuru and says, " Well since you're really not from around here I guess I should take you to the nearest village then?" " We would be most grateful if you do." Mikuru said with a small smile. Mystika looks at her then smiles. " Of coarse I will. I'm not going to leave two strangers out in the middle of the woods where they could be killed. Just give me a few minutes and we'll be on our way." Yujin laughs," Do we even have a choice on when we leave?" Mystika smiles at playfully," Well no unless you don't mind getting lost for days on end." Yujin gives a doubtful smile, "I think we'll wait for you to show us the way." Mystika just smiles at him then takes out a flute and plays a small tune on it before putting it away. After five minutes had past a snow white owl flys over head and Mystika puts her arm out so it can land. Mikuru looks at the owl with a wide eyes and her mouth slightly open. " Is that your owl?" she asks. Mystika smiles at her," Well she's not mine, but she is one of my best friends. Her name is Lyla.(looks to the owl) Lyla I'm going to be taking these strangers to the nearest village. I want you to come and get me if their is any trouble with the others okay?" The owl bobs her head in understanding and nibbles Mystika's hand affectionately as she gets her head scratch. "Alright then, now get going. I'll be back as soon as I can." The owl flys off and into the distance. Mystika turns back to Yujin and Mikuru. " Well lets get going. The village isn't that far so it won't take us long to reach it." Mikuru and Yujin follow Mystika as she heads east towards the village and arrive their an hour later. The village isn't small, but isn't big either and their are a variety of different buildings. All of them made of wood. Mikuru turns to Mystika and asks,"What is this place?" Mystika smiles and says,"This is the closest village to the woods. It is called Moaduving." OCC: Oops sorry Anima, well I've edited it so it Mikuru now. I'm not exactly sure why I started writing Miruku to be honest. lol Sorry about that.
  17. Mystika looks at the two and their strange clothes trying to understand as to why they didn't have weapons with them. " Why is it you don't have weapons with you?" she asks the young man. " Didn't you know that you would need weapons for the beasts in these woods (moves her hand towards the tiger) or did you think that you wouldn't meet any in here?" Yujin looks at her as she is eyeing him with curiousity. He answers, "Ahh....No we didn't think we would meet any in here. We thought that they would leave us alone if....we leave them alone." he smiles at her. She raises her eyebrow to him in a way of saying (oh really). She looks at him a bit longer than says, "Well if I were you I would head towards the nearest town by weapons for the rest of your journey." She looks at their belongings and realise that they don't have supplies either. "And while your buying that you might want to think about buying supplies to. Unless of coarse you have them hidden somewhere?" she eyes him questionally. She thinks to her self. * What kind of idiot would come into the woods with out weapons and supplies? Who are these people and what are they doing here?*
  18. Wow that's really good, I too think he should become human and live with Kagome. Of coarse I wasn't to sure how that would look, but that drawing gave me a pretty good idea. Thanx. ;)
  19. Well that's intreasting, how did you find this out Kazuko?
  20. Well for all those people who missed a couple of the new episodes you have another chance to see them. Next Monday CN is going back to the first new episode they showed and are going to show all the new episodes again. So here's your chance to watch them again. Of coarse eventually the network will show reruns any way.
  21. Bwahahahahaha........(wipes tears from her eyes) Oh man I actually do some of that stuff. Like number 22, I don't remember all of the music I played last year, but I do remember three songs. Oh and I remember one of the stand songs from 2 years ago. It was called "Smooth" and I only remember it because it was one of my favorite songs even before I play it. Their is only one thing that is freaky about this list and that is the fact that I actually know someone (a girl named Tony) who does every single thing on this list. I mean band really is her life and that is why I find this list creepy, (laughs) but yet very funny. Nice one Katana.
  22. Lost Hearts: Mystika's Story Mystika had a happy childhood with her parents and the rest of the fairy village. Their was joy and peace in her village and she thought that it would stay like that forever. It wasn't until that fateful day did her life change forever. She was playing with the other children when all of the sudden out of no where a ball of fire hit the village. Their were screams of pain and death in the village as a few of the buildings burned. It wasn't even a moment later when three more balls of fire hit the village. Mystika and the other children were so frightened that they tried run from the balls of fire as they hit the village, but eventually they were surrounded by fire. Since they were only children they didn't know how to use their wings yet and all of the adults were either dead or badly injured. It wasn't until a large tree had fallen on top of a water barrel smashing it and letting the water flow over some of the fire did an opening appear. Mystika ran towards it as quickly as she could barely making it through the opening of the fire before it was hit by another fire ball. She ran and hid in the rest of the forest watching her village burn from a distance. She was the only survivor from the village and had to learn how to live on her own. She was twelve at the time and since then she has learned how to use her magic and weapons. Making friends along the way she has traveled in search of the dark forces that burned her village so she can get revenge for her dead people. -----------over 600 years later Mystika is in a tree resting with her animal friends. There is a green snake above her, a white owl next to her, a grey wolf and a large black cat down on the ground beneath her. They are all asleep when a bunch of bird chirping wakes Mystica up. She looks up at the sky and sees a rather large pack of them flying from the north. " That's odd." she whispers to her self. She then decides to go see what caused them to fly. She looks to the snake. "Sazar....Sazar wake up." The snake stirs then looks down at her. "I'm going to go see what disturbed the birds. Keep an eye out in case I need help. Alright?" The snake nods his head in undstanding. Mystika then gets up and jumps off the branch. In midair she grows blue and white butterfly wings and starts flying north. After a while she starts searching the ground for anything unusual. When she had been flying for about a mile she sees two people dressed in unusual clothes and decides that they must have startled the birds. She lands on a branch somewhere near by them. She puts her wings away and trys to listen to anything that they are saying. It is when she is this close that she can that one of them is a male and the other is a female.
  23. Well this is getting intreasting, but none of you have answered my last question. Can terrorist attacks and wars be prevented? If so how?
  24. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by CB Shin [/i] [B]Both persons have strong points of view, although I would have to agree with Charlie Levoy. You can't solve military/terrorism acts by using more military acts. If we try solving the problem this way, some other terrorist group might start attacking the U.S. because they were pissed at America's decision to bomb the Iraq cities. Simply put, you can't end blood shed with more blood shed(not to sound like some penniless hippy, no offense). [/B][/QUOTE] How ironic that it was because of that same reason that 9/11 happened.
  25. I didn't know that. Thanks for the info Kazuko.
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