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Charlie Levoy

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Everything posted by Charlie Levoy

  1. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Adahn [/i] [B]I think that if any country has 3,000 people murdered in a matter of hours, they're going to be rather perturbed. 3 days after 9/11, the house and senate voted (almost unanimously) to allow the United States to use any means necessary to deal with any group or country "he believed" that aided terrorists involved in the attack on the WTC. They specifically made it so that the president had complete judgement over who was involved. If the president believes Iraq had something to do with 9/11, then the president can act accordingly. Bush is doing what he was told by the people that represented almost everyone in the United States. What would you do if someone murdered a member of your family? If anything, we're being too nice. If someone killed someone in my family, I would probably tear them to shreds before coming back to my senses. Over 3,000 people MURDERED. Tell me the name of ONE country (non-communist/dictatorial) that would do less than their absolute best to make sure it doesn't happen again. [/B][/QUOTE] By what? Murdering more people? Cause that's what we're doing. Does any body agree with this method?
  2. These are all really good points. Now here's another question. Do you think we can do something to keep terrorists attacks (like 9/11) from happening again? If so what?
  3. Hey Anima, maybe it means that you are afraid that your mother will have an accident. Just a suggestion. ;)
  4. OOC: Nice going guys.^_^ Keep it up and maybe I can join in tomarrow.He he.
  5. No they didn't, but they still haven't them. As usual James you make another good point. Who said that they would find giant missiles and big bombs when they went to Iraqi? Last I knew nobody did.
  6. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by CB Shin [/i] [B]In my point of view, Religion for them is just an excuse to hide their own political agenda. Religion puts a curtain on things and gives a reason to them living, or to suicide themselves in the name of religion. The Americans(the goverment) have done a lot of things to start this. They used to hate us because we camped in their land, and now their even more upset because of this. This has been a long time coming and I'm upset at Bush for not taking this matter seriously. He spent billions of dollars in a war that should've never taken place and he promised us nuclear weapons of mass destruction. So....where are they? Just my thoughts, [/B][/QUOTE] That's a good question Shin. So now not only have we angered them by remaining on their land, but we could have had a war that was never really needed.
  7. You know how when you turn on the news and one of the things you hear about is September 11, terrorists, or some war happening in the middle east and how we are trying to help stop the war or something like that. So say like there's a war in Quatar (or one of those other places) between the people and terrorists. And then the president of the U.S says that we are going to help the the people who live in that country. So we go over and we chase the terrorists out of the country, but didn't capture them. So then the president says that we are going to leave a few of our troops in the country to protect them in case the terrorists ever come back. Well the people of that country are not to happy about that so they start complaining, telling us (the U.S)how much they hate us, and we're not listening. Well eventually some other terrorists that came from the country we are protecting does something that we (the U.S) don't like. Then we react as if they had no reason and attack them back. Well what alot of people don't seems to realise is that they really hate us and didn't want us their to begin with and what people really aren't asking is why. Why do they hate us? What did we do wrong? Now that's the question I'm asking you. What do you think is the reason that they hate us? I think they hate us because they think that alot of U.S people are stuck up, snobby, and are just plain rude and they are getting this idea from the president, the government, and alot of the people who travel around the world. Here's what I think now I'm asking you. Why do you think they hate us so much?
  8. That's funny I thought Blue Gender was at least 3 seasons. Oh well what a bummer.
  9. But Harry just said it wasn't sarcasm and stop beating on my husband.
  10. Umm Brolli darling you might want to edit your post.You put the instead of then.
  11. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Harry [/i] [B]I forgot a "there's", was it really that hard to figure out? [/B][/QUOTE] No it just really confused me. Sorry about that. Any way why do you beileve that? I'm sure their's a guy/girl out there for every one.
  12. No I'm seriouse his post makes no sense. Read it.
  13. uhh...what exactly did you say Harry? Cause your post makes no sence right now.
  14. Don't cry Anima, it's a really good thread to talk about.lol Any way your welcome.
  15. I can actually imagine how the lyrics would be singed at the end of each show. Cool, where did you find them Metatron?
  16. That's funny because when I started watching it I didn't like Marlene either until much later. I didn't know what to think of the show at first. I kept wanting to think that it was like starship troopers, but later I realised it wasn't anything like it.
  17. You know I've never really thought of it that way before. Nice point IloveBebop.
  18. Daigo why do keep repeating your self huh? I mean I agree with you and everything, but isn't it getting a little annoying to have to repeat you self over and over again. :P
  19. If their's one thing I learned it's that their are guys who can't stand to be commited. Well one way to cope with it is to think like this. You are the stronger one. You are the one who was willing to be commited and he was the one who was to afraid to remain commited to you. It's not that he didn't want you, he was just plain scared. That's how I think any way when a guy tells that he's afraid of commitment. You could also think that his friends are right and he will come back to you, but I wouldn't advize it because then you could just be leaning on false hope.
  20. If you read earlier Daigo, Animangademon has a book that is suppose to interpret dreams. Anima has been giving out interpretations from the book for almost all of the dreams posted in this thread.
  21. Don't take it to personal Blackrose. Daigo always trys to let people see things from another point of view.;)
  22. Isn't their already a post like this somewhere else in this lounge. Because I've could have sworn that I had already shared with everyone my most longest (not to mention strangest and sometimes even scary) dream.
  23. Is p.e the only time you see him or do you have another class with him? You might want to try writing notes to him or hang out with him after school so you can ask him questions every now and then. If you do have other classes with him try to talk to him before class starts and maybe (when your working on your own) during class.
  24. The Labrynth and the Dark Crystal are a few of my favorite movies. Use to own both of them until my vcr ate The Labrynth tape. I loved that movie more than the Dark Crystal. Now I'm trying to find it on dvd. My favorite character out of the Dark Crystal was Olgra. I always laughed when her voice went from low to high in one sentence. My favorite chara cter out of The Labrynth is Jarreth. Of coarse that could be because David Bowie is playing him. (David Bowie rocks)
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