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Charlie Levoy

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Everything posted by Charlie Levoy

  1. Can some one please tell me what happened on Inuyasha in the past two nights?
  2. Alright I missed last nights episode again. Will somebody please tell me what happened? Thanx
  3. Okay Neo Bebop, when you are in love with someone it's when you feel affection towards that person. Like if they start crying (even though your not family) you just want to reach out and hold them and let them cry on your shoulder (so to speak). When their not crying you still want to hold them and show them that you care and let them know that to you they are special. That is some what how you know when your in love, but the holding and kissing them till they die is also a sign to. Scrmngfangrl, I hate to say this, but it either means that he has messed around with his bf's girl, that he is doing so in the present, or (hopefully) nothing at all. Talk to him more about it and see wether or not you can get a clear answer on this.;)
  4. You see with good observation I was able to notice what some others can't. Unfortunatley I didn't get to watch any of the shows last night, but thanx for the info. Now I won't be to behind.;)
  5. Just because you cry doesn't mean you're weak. It just means that you have a sensetive side, but when you are sad it sometimes hurts you and so it makes sence that you want to get rid of the emotion sad. Of coarse any one who becomes sad about something then deals with it in time (I think) becomes stronger.So maybe it's not such a good idea to get rid of sad.
  6. Finally, some one who wants to get back to the topic at hand.
  7. Whoa there's a convention in Atlanta? Cool, I live in florida however so I most likely can't go considering I didn't sign up for it and have no idea how much it cost. Plus I don't even have a car or any friends near me who is going. What bummer, maybe next year. Though I some how doubt it.^_^!
  8. I wish there was an anime club where I live, but their just isn't that many people down here who watches anime. Maybe I'll stumble across one someday.
  9. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Double_B_Daigo [/i] [B]Oaky, here it goes for those who would erase love. Love's opposite is Hate Hates lesser is anger Anger's opposite is happiness Why do you like love and hapiness? Pleasure. Without Pleasure there is no pain. Without Pain there is no pleasure or hapiness. Without the above there is nothing left but an empty, emotionless, meat shell. If you subtract any of the above emotions, there wouldn't be any in the first place. So there are a main 6 Happiness = Anger/Sadness Pleasure= Pain Love= Hate/Alone/Sadness everything has an opposite. And under the emotions i have listed there are no other emotions left. [/B][/QUOTE] Nice equation and it's all true. So to put it basicely when you erase on emotion then you erase a bunch of others with it, right? If that's the case then I guess none of the emotions should be erased since it would cause some what of a chain reaction.
  10. Sorry about this post it has absolutely nothing to do with the present. I need to make sure I'm on the last page from now on.Silly me.^_^!
  11. You know you've watched/played to much Inuyasha when you: -call your most hated teacher Noraku (I think I spelled his name right) -carry a fan with you to school and try to command the wind -call your annoying little brother Sesshomaru -go to school dressed up like a monk with a staff -carry a large sword with you every where you go -call your girlfriend either Keikio or Kagome -sit down cross legged and start whispering incantasions to keep people from you -carry around a bow and a satchel of arrows and try to shoot a spirit arrow towards your enemies ;)
  12. I agree with Daigo that was beautiful. I commend you.*claps her hands* Simply beautiful.
  13. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by ssjBrolli [/i] [B][SIZE=1][FONT=century gothic] That's what I'm doing right now ^_^ And yes I know time sucks (sorry if that seems offensive)[/FONT] [/SIZE] [/B][/QUOTE] Hey what's that suppose to mean.:therock:
  14. Yep so we have no idea as to what the themes are saying. Sucks huh?
  15. (Charlie was standing on top of her apartment building caressing the handle of the bowie knife in her belt while she was waiting for him to come to her. She was wearing a long black low cut dress with thin straps and a matching black belt. Half of her hair was up in a clip and the other half was down behind her ears with two strands pulled in front of her ears. She wore the black diamond earrings and knecklace he had given her on their anniversary. She couldn't help, but feel worried. If she screwed up then he would win makeing her something she didn't want to be, but if she did everything right then she will have to live with the fact that she had killed the man she loved. Their was no other way and she knew it. There's a sound of clothing being ruffled and someone landing a few feet behind her.) Alexander: (in a slick almost whispering voice) Don't tell me your waiting for me. (Charlie turns around to look at him. The first thing she sees is the easy grin on his face as he waites for her reply. She looks at his outfit. He's wearing a black trench coat that almost touches the ground, a blood red button down shirt, black buisness pants, and black low heel boots. His white hair is hanging down around his shoulders. The last thing she looks at before answering his question is his silvery grayish blue eyes.) Charlie: (in a quiet voice) Actually I was waiting for you. Alexander: Really, are you planning on killing me? Charlie: No, I won't you to make me yours forever. Alexander: (laughs, then says in a louder voice) But, my dear I thought you hated me and wanted nothing to do with me ever again. Charlie: I've never hated you. I just didn't want to become a vampire. It's because of the fact that I love you is the reason why I ran away instead of killing you when you tried to bite me. It's also because of the fact that I love is the reason why I finally have decided to change my mind and give my self to you. Alexander: (his eyes begin to shine with victory) Well I must say that the wait was worth it. (Alexander walks over to her and raises her head so that their noses are inches from each other.) Alexander: (whispers) I love you so much Charlie and no matter what happens I want you to realise that I will always be there for you. Always. (He kisses her deeply for such a long time that it seems to go on forever. He then drags his lips from her mouth to her kneck and kisses her kneck four times before revealing his fangs and bites her very slowly. She closes her eyes in extacy and allows him to drink for a few seconds before she grabs her bowie knife and plunges it into his heart. He lifts his head and looks at her with his eyes full of shock. Her eyes however are full of tears and they start to fall down her cheek. she grabs him and holds him to her.) Charlie: (whispers) I'm sorry.....I am so sorry. Alexander: (he smiles, closes his eyes and whispers back) D...don't w..w..worry about it my darling. I forgive....you. (The last thing he here's before he dies her voice saying, " Goodbye my love, I will never forget you." She layes his body back on to the ground and kisses his blood stained lips one last time before pulling her bowie knife out of his body and cutting off a strand of his hair. She gets up and looks out to the horizone. It's getting lighter as dawn comes closer. She clutches the strand of hair in hand and makes a vow to never fall in love with a vampire again.) End
  16. Um...I need help on Wind Waker. I'm at the part where there are to islands you have to enter, but they're both blocked. One is block by a powerful wind and the other is blocked by a heavy stone. I tried talking to the people around on other islands, but they only tell me things I already know. Someone please help me.
  17. I admit that I got little bit scared when Inuyasha turned, but I was more worried wether he was sane or not. All thoughs who watched it should know what I'm talking about. I was also happy to that Sesshomaru had adopted Rin (the little girl) and that she was following him around. Hey what can a bad guy do when some little girl saves his life? Adopt her as his own and take care of her. ;) Oh and Anima spoilers are when people give away scene's and stuff to people who haven't watched the show or movie yet. Like when people say, " Don't tell me what happens I want to go see it for my self." ^_^
  18. Actually I think the reason he is so calm is because he is already one of the blue. On the last episode he Alicia to be his partner because Yuji didn't want her and instead of following orders he took her straight into the heart of the nest. I think he plans to make her a blue to. I know that he doesn't look like them yet, but I think his mind has already been turned into the mind of a blue.
  19. I would be any one who has had a happy life from childhood up till the present. A person who loves to look back on their childhood and remember the happy times. Umm...I guess I should say that I didn't exactly have a normal life, but not everyone is going to have a normal life. So I guess I should stop complaining. Sorry if this post annoyed. ^_^!
  20. I don't hate all commercials, but their are quite a few that I can't stand. That's not the point though because commercials help other actors get money, but I do think that we could with a little bit less of them.:sweat: I mean their's just way to many of them.;)
  21. Another thing I forgot to mention. Yuji and all the other sleepers are in danger of becoming the blue. Now a group of people is trying to over throw the high council so that it doesn't happen. Poor Yuji and Marlene is trying to keep Yuji more of a human than any of the others. I think she's in love with him.;)
  22. I loved both of the movies of coarse I have to agree that Berry and Marsden don't play their characters well at all. Berry (as already mentioned) didn't use an african accent in the 2nd film like she did in the 1st film and I'm sorry ,but you just can't do that. As for Marsden he is doing to much of the "argue with Logan" thing and not enough of the leadership part. Yes Logan and Scott disagree on alot of things, but they don't argue that much.
  23. Here's the info on the show. Yuji has a virus called the B Virus and the B Virus is what created the blue. The only reason why the blue had a chance to exist is because some scientists messed with the virus and experimented it on animals. Now the head council is using the sleepers (people with the B Virus) to attack the blue because when they use the gene with the virus in it they are able to know what the blue are thinking. The blue arrived 17 years before Yuji was awaken. I hope this post helps.;)
  24. Actually I'm just my self considering that I don't listen to any one type of music and wear all sorts of clothing wether it's in style or not. All I care about is wether it's comfortable or not. According to other people I'm beautiful and very attractive. All I know is that I'm very smart, but I'm always treated like I'm a stupid idiot because of the fact that I'm blonde. In other words alot of guys try to get their way with me, but it never works. ^_^
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