Charlie Levoy
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Everything posted by Charlie Levoy
Ironic situations happen every day. Like I some times have these strange dreams at night about school. Like one time dreamed that my school bus almost got into a car accident with an oil truck and I'll wake up thanking god that it wasn't real and go back to sleep. Than the next morning the bus does almost get into car accident with an oil truck. Of coarse I'm thinking, " Well that figures." ;)
Listen Angelus if you to really care for each other have something really special than eventually he will come back to you. It doesn't matter who he's seeing at the time his heart will tell him that you two should be together unless it's not as seriouse as it seems. Then it's a 50% chance that you two just remain as friends and help out each other when needed and their's a 50% chance that you get back together. At least you still have a chance though.;)
Everything that everyone else has said are very ideas. Another one you can try is writing how you feel about him, ask him what his name is, /tell him that you are intreasted. Than sign your name at the bottom and leave it on his desk before class starts. If you want to know his name first before you write the letter than go up and ask him. Maybe you'll get lucky and the teacher will ask you to pass out papers. Than all you have to do his call out a name you don't know and see if it's his or not.;)
I'm not worried about them inviting him silly. I'm worried that he'll show up uninvited and make (what ever type of night it was suppose to be) it into a LIVING H**L. That's the problem because no one can just tell him to leave. Of course I probably would end up telling him off again any way. In a way I wish you could save me. Thanks for the comforting words my love. (kisses him on the cheek) ;)
Thanks my love for your truthfulness and as much as I hate to say this you might be right. I'll just tell her that not every guy you meet is exactly as they seem. Hope you get ungrounded soon.(blows a kiss to her darling husband) Now for my personal problem, but this time it envolves an ex-boyfriend from my past (lets call him Stumbles). Any way I had gone out with Stumbles for only a week. I wasn't giving him what he wanted so he dumbed me. Well he spreaded rumors and that just made me lose all respect for him. It wasn't until after he graduated that he some what started to act his age. My respect for him came back and we were just ordinary friends who talk every now and then. Then we started to fight over stupid crap. Some times it was about how I wouldn't give him what he wanted and other times it was about me just calling up Doser (same guy from above post) to say "hi" or "how ya doing". Eventually I tried to never to see him again, but since he was friends with Doser and some what with Kat I ended up seeing him any way. The last time I saw him we were alone for a bit because we were waiting for the others to get ready to go home. He asked me why I delibertly seduce him then push him back like I was never intreasted and I told him I didn't know what he was talking about. He then curses at me and tells me that I'm a liar. I was able to shut him up by calmely telling him in a very sturn voice that he was childish and that he needs to grow up. I went home with a very bad headach. So my question is this. How am I going to be able to hang out with my friends with out Stumbles being there? If he just decides to show up one day I can't just tell him to leave like that. Any ideas, please share them. As for your problem hell fire I can only think of 2 options. One you talk to her about your last relationship and see if one of you is making a mistake with your decisions. Your 2nd option is to get something on her too use to your advantage like she is using your relationship to her advantage. Of coarse you must realize that none of this would have happened if you had just left her alone, but what's done is done and their is nothing you can do to change it. Just remember never to do this again for any reason once so ever. Well for the moment the 2 options I have given you is all I can think of at the moment. I'll let you know if I can think of any more. Hopefully someone else can come up with a much better idea. I hope. ^_^'
Okay now I'm the one with the problem or rather two of my friends are. My best friend (lets call her Kat) and my friend (lets call him Doser) are perfect for each other. Even they admit that they are perfect for each other. There's only one problem with the whole thing. They can never seem to stay together and the weirdest part is that there relationship always starts and stops when they both see me together. Ex: Lets say that I meet up with Kat and we hang around with Doser at the theatres. They then fall in love and get together as a couple. Now lets say that a month later me and Kat go to a parade and meet Doser there. Some time during the night (with out my knowledge) they break it off. Well actually he breaks it off pretty much every single time and I think it has something to do with me because their was one time when he told me that he really liked me. So even though I keep telling my self that it isn't my fault that they can't make up their minds on weither or not if they want to go steady. I can't help, but feel that it is. Even more so when Kat talks about how good they seem to be going until he says something like "...your not open enough." or " ....you don't understand your self." In other words their are mixed feelings in their relationship, I'm trying to give the best advice that I have, their on and off going relationship seems to be evolved around me, and I'm running out of ideas and...well...advice. Somebody please help me. :(
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Double_B_Daigo [/i] [B]Finally, another militairy soul! I'm thought i was the only pewrson in some way related to the military. My dads in the army. But, if its wha tyou wanna do, go for it. But be wrned that your gonna deffinely be moving atleast once every 3 years. And you gotta stay in for 11 years. So, if this is what you rerally want to do, go for it. [/B][/QUOTE] Actually Daigo their are more people here who are some way related to the military than you think their are. Any way Daigo is right. Once you join than every 3 to 4 years you will be moved and you won't always like the place you move to. You do have to stay in for at least 11 years, but if you learn to enjoy it like some military people have than you might choose to stay in for little while longer. Than again maybe not.:cool:
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Double_B_Daigo [/i] [B]Alrighty. Ed is very intellegent and she is a girl. Ed is super strogn, has infinite knowedge of cheesy horror flicks, and is philosphical as well as being a boy. Not many differences beyond that and they live in different tiem periods. And that Ed is most likely asian. [/B][/QUOTE] All that and the Ed from EEE sometimes solves some of the confusing problems that they get. Like when Eddy found his brothers map. :whoops:
Actually I did notice how similar they are. Curiouse how Ed and Ed are dumb yet very talented. I also think that Ed from CB is smarter than Ed from EEE.
If you could erase one human emotion..what would it be and why?
Charlie Levoy replied to Bishie's topic in General Discussion
I would usually say that I would erase love because I've been hurt so many times because of it, but if I did erase love then I would never had been remotely intreasted in Brolli. Nor would have I fallen in love with him after I had gotten to know him better. So now I don't think I will, but one emotion I would get rid of is frustration because it almost always leads to someone screaming their heads off. ;) -
There are so many things that I would like to change, but if I actually changed them then so many things wouldn't have happened that are so good. Basically even if I was given the chance to change them I wouldn't for all the good things that came after the bad.
One time when I was going to get on a plane to go home I accidentally got on a plane that was going to L.A. That was only because I got half of the announcement stating that the boarding was about to begin.
My vacation fantasy has always been to go to Scotland and spend a few weeks looking around. While staying at a cottage with plenty of room in open plain near a lake. Every now and then I would take a day off from sight seeing and doing activities to lay around the cottage and relax. At least that was my vacation fantasy until August 29,2003. Now my vacation fantasy is to the exact same thing as before, but with my beloved husband Brolli.
The best way to ask a girl is to ask her in private. Pull her off to the side or something like that and say somethign like....umm," We've been friends for so many years and a like you alot and I would like to take it one step further, but only if you want to as well." or something a long the lines. You can even make it romantic by taking her out to eat or on a date. The main points are to make it personal and not to be to blunt. Unless she likes bluntness then go ahead and slap it in her face.;)
Uh...I don't quite get the Kanojo thing, but back to the subject at hand. The best way to live your life is to live it to the fullest that way when you do die you have almost no regrets. As for people who think being immortal would be fun are really not thinking this through enough. You see if you're immortal then you will live forever while your friends and family die. When you want to join that one special person (that you love with all of your heart) in death you won't be able to because your immortal and chose to live forever while the world around dies. Of course their are some people who wouldn't mind that to much so for them it would be completely different.
I use to be terrified of spiders, but I learned to deal with it. Well one time when I was in Missouri visiting my grandmother I met face to.....umm....well I guess you can say face. Any way I came face to face with a wolf spider and this was when I was terrified of them. I was going to the to get my shoes and when I went out on to the patio there was a wolf spider standing in front of the door. I was so scared that I didn't want to move, but it was so cold that I forced my self to move. I jumped over the spider and went to the car. After getting my shoes I went back onto the patio. The spider was still there, but it had turned around and once again I was face to face with it. After a minute of neither me nor the spider moveing it rushed forward to attack me. I was so frightened that out of instinct I dropped to my knees and started smashing it with one of my shoes. It died after the 15th hit and it wasn't until then that I calmed down and started breathing normally.;)
Anime Somebody's suing Cartoon Network (FLCL related)
Charlie Levoy replied to Senor Ding Dong's topic in Otaku Central
The woman fighting a loseing battle. There are warnings before every show stateing that it isn't suitable for all viewers. If the kid sneaks behind the parents back to watch these shows than it isn't anyone elses fault, but the kids. That's all I have to say on the subject. -
If you want to talk to the guy away from his friends than ask him if you could have a few words alone. Then tell him how you feel/ ask him if he would like to hang out with you after school.
My wish is that the rest of my life doesn't have to many (major) problems in it.
I'm sorry Brolli and I know how you feel. My grandmother had this cat named Mistyblue. That cat would always come to me when I was around and I loved so much that I would have new collars to put on her every time I visited. Unfortunately she died while I was away in her sleep. She was a very old cat and it was understandable that she died. She died last March around my birthday. :(
I admit that their have been some racist jokes that have been funny and I laughed at them because I didn't take them seriousely. Their was however one that wasn't funny at all and I absolutely hated it. It goes like this," What is the difference between a pizza and a jew? Answer: A pizza doesn't scream when you put it in the oven." The person who told me this joke said to every one who was there telling racist jokes, that they had learned from their gandparents, that he knew a joke that wasn't funny. I was their listening to the jokes and laughing every now and then at some of the stupid ones when he told the joke. Afterwards he told us that his grandfather hates jews and told him the joke. No one laughed at it.:(
I've seen the movie and it rocked. It was was so funny at times and I would give examples, but I don't want to ruin it for any one. Once again Freddy comes up with intreasting was to kick peoples a**. You might jump here and their, you'll absolutely jump if a couple of under age kids keeps coming in and out and one of them all of a sudden screams at something on the screen. It happened when Freddy popped on the screen. Any way if you're not weither or not you want to see it I advice you go see it at least once. If you don't like it then don't go see it again, but I think the movie was awsome.
While the book does have more detail the two movies so far are excellent. Even if you don't compare them to the books they are like a replica of the books. When people complained about how the first movie just stopped I was absolutely in disagreement with them because it ended almost exactly like the books did. If the third movie relates to the third book then I predict a complete success in the rating of it.;)
Anime What's the longest you've gone without anime?
Charlie Levoy replied to Moor_Child's topic in Otaku Central
The longest I went without anime was 3 or 4 years and that was because none of the stations that we had on the regular channels had anime. That was over 5 years ago, but I didn't get to watch it last June and July because I was moveing and I took three different trips out of the state. -
Are you saying that these guys are the gangsters/drug dealers type of people who carries guns?