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Charlie Levoy

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Everything posted by Charlie Levoy

  1. I'm sorry Brolli about your relationship. I remember that you asked for help in another thread and I think I tried to give you advice. If so then I'm also sorry that I wasn't much help after all. It's actually funny how a guy like you can give out good advice, but yet have relationship problems your self. That ,I must say, is amazing. ;)
  2. Actually Lumi this might help you out more. I wrote earlier that I was once afraid of spiders, but I eventually over came the fear. What I would do is when ever I saw a baby spider on a counter (or something) I would gently push it on to my hand. If it started to crawl off my hand I then put my other hand underneith it to catch it. After a while I would take it to a corner or something and let it crawl up the wall to do what ever it pleased. So now I'm not afraid of them any more. Of course your sister has to be willing to do this on her own. If she dosen't then she will always be afraid of them. Their are however other ways to over come this fear. One way involves virtual reality where the person is in a virtual house and is put into different situations involving spiders. This is unfortunately very expensive and I only know of one person who is doing this technique. So you might want to find another way help her deal with her fear. ;)
  3. They pre-judge my thoughts and beliefs without any real knowledge of what the truth was. Quite simply, it's predjustice, the very thing they are accusing me of. Total hypocracy. ~Matto[/color][/i] [/B][/QUOTE] That's the first time that I ever heard someone get called a racist for something he said to his friends.:confused: If you ask me they really aren't much friends if they think you're racist just because the person who you happen to dislike is black. I'm sorry if I sound unreasonable, but I think they are the ones who are racist. I mean they sound like they hate people who are racist. Which if you think about is the same think as....a white person who hates black people. Right? Any way.....ummm you may not want answer this (which if you don't I understand), but did the rumor of you being racist ever stop? And did you and your exfriends become friends again? :whoops:
  4. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Matto Tradagen [/i] [B][color=navy] [i] Racists are racists. They will always be some, no one can stop that. The way you are raised very much helps to create your character, and there will always be people raised and raising with racist beliefs. What annoys me more than the actual act, is the generalizations from most people. For instance, I am caucasian. If I strongly dislike a person who just happens to be Asian, or other supposed 'minority', I am automatically labeld a racist. For some reason, people think that if one person of one race, hates another of a different race, it's automatically because they come from different backrounds. It's a generalization that is almost as bad at racism itself. ~Matto[/color][/i] [/B][/QUOTE] I know exactly what you mean. There have been several times when people from another race from mine has pissed me off on purpose and would keep on doing it to the point where I tell them how they are annoying, disrespectful, complete jerks, ect. and tell them that I hate them. Then they would tell me that I'm racist and go tell other people ,who have the same colored of skin as them, that I'm a racist b***h and they better look out for me. A couple of times it's one of my friends who is being told that I'm racist because they have the same color of skin.:laugh: Any way the point is that I know exactly what you're talking about when say that because I've been through it. It gets really anoying to when you are just walking past some people and they stare at you while whispering about how your racist. If you don't mind me asking, but have you been through that sort of thing before or did someone you know go through it?:cool:
  5. Okay, now I get it. You do have a point about that one, but once again I have to agree with Daigo. You don't have to be racist just because their are some blacks who think that white people need to give something back. Not all black people are like that, but again you do have a point considering that it can get annoying after a while. [off subject]Nice picture Daigo. ;>
  6. Lea your right because nobody has said that they hate racists people. I don't hate them and I most likely will and I feel very sure that their are alot of people who will disagree on this particular subject, but would still like to know you. However don't be surprised if you find someone who hate racists people and will refuse to get to know you, but what ever you do please don't think every one is like that.;) Die, while I don't completly agree with Red he does how ever have a point. You haven't given any reason as to why you hate some races. However I don't think that just because someone is racist that they're stupid. Most of them have some good reason to be racist.;)
  7. Isn't that how most of us write in the subject it self. I mean in any thread almost everybody writes using their experiance or in this since cultural experiance. Not only that, but I am positive that their is alot of other people in this lounge alone who has the same cultural experiance and understands what he is talking. I understand what you are saying Drix, but keep in mind that he is Daigo is not the only one who writes useing his cultural experiance. Not only that, but I don't really think it was nesessary for you to say that he was claiming any thing unless of coarse you know him personaly. I think he was trying to prove a point that their is more music than just rap who doesn't use a guitar in their music and that their are people here who hang with that type of crowd. Alright so I'm going out on a limb here since I don't know him personaly and I'm sorry if I seem rude you might want to think about what you're posting before you post it. As a matter of fact we all might want to think about it first. I try to think about it and reread my post just so I try and make sure that I don't seem racial or any thing and to be honest Drix you need to as well because alot of your post on this thread seem that way even though I'm sure you don't mean to be.
  8. Yes, actually I have which is really bad. I am usally able to keep my temper, but if I ever lose it...well lets just say it's horrible. I won't be yelling, but you can here it in the sound of my voice that I am pissed off. I will make the person I'm pissed off at start screaming at the top of their voices till the point where they are hoarse. One time I pissed off the person ,who pissed me off, to the point where they came at me with their fists flying. Now even when I'm pissed off I can still think straight which gives me the advantage since most people can't. I had grabbed the persons arm, went around them to their back side and pushed them into the wall head first knocking them unconsiouse. Thankfully it wasn't seriouse so they didn't need to go to the hospital or any thing like that and we both forgave each other for losing our tempers.
  9. Me and a friend of mine are working on a TV show script just for the heck of it since we seriously doubt that it will ever really be on the air. Any way we had created two main characters that some what describes us and gave them names. Mine was Charlie Levoy and her's was Katalina Lancet. Any way when I came across this web site I desided to join. When I went to pick a name I didn't know which nickname I couldn't decide which one I wanted to use. I have so many of them from different people so I decided to choose from my most common ones. Which was Charlie Levoy (Charlie or Char for short) and Luna. So I went with the relistic one. Long story huh?:cool:
  10. Brolli is right. The best way to go with a girl you just or haven't even met yet just noticed is to talk with them and to get to know them better. It may be hard to start a conversation at first, but once you find something to talk about and get going it's a lot easier to keep to do. You never know what will happen. You might discover that you two have alot in common or you might find out that really you don't like her that much after all. it's a bummer to think about, but it could happen and i don't think you want to be in a serious relationship with a person you don't even like.
  11. Umm.., actually i was commenting on how he was telling everyone to "...eat it up." Do I like that he is racist? No, but I don't hate him either. He has his own oppinion. I don't think however that any one likes the fact that he just shoved it in our face. That is what I was commenting on. Now I think Daigo was just saying how he is racist and yet is also an anime fan. Which if you think about it doesn't really make since considering that almost all races either contribute to it or watches it and he is racist and a fan of anime. Of coarse Daigo could be commenting on something else and I just didn't get the point so will have to ask him about that one.
  12. Their has never been a limit to what is told about celeb's, but their should be. Think about it ,your married and you found out that your spouse has cheated on you with another person. Do you want that information in papers for everybody to read. Not are they reading that information, but some of the info is a complete lie. So now not only are they reading about a part of your personal life, but they are reading things that are not even true. There you have it, something that you don't want people to know is being read by everyone and for some half of the stuff that is written is a lie and rumors are being spread. That is just a small example of what happens to celeb. I don't know about you people, but I think that info about them has gone over the deep end here. Don't they deserve privacy like any other human being? If not then why not? Aren't they human like everyone else? I think some people forget that they are exactly like us. That they are human beings like us and that they make mistakes to. I mean if a normal average person had made a mistake or was gay most of us wouldn't really care because that's their buisness not ours. but when a celeb makes a mistake or is discovered to be gay every body has to know and mak a big deal about it. You know what would really help is if ever one ,before picking up some artical about some important person to read, would just stop and think about how you would feel if someone read about your life and then think how that person you were going to read about would feel if you read that information. Now their are quite a few celeb's who love for their fans to know certain information and that's ok. We just have to remember that not every one has that same filosophy. If I have offended any one then I'm sorry and I hope you can forgive me.
  13. Ihave had a lot of fears' but so far I have over come them. Iuse to be afraid of spiders, heights, and haunted houses. Now how ever I'm not afraid of spiders ,I will only kill them if they're poisoness or right in front of my face because I hated when they're inches from my face. I love looking down from balcanies so theirs the end of being afraid of heights. As for haunted houses, I love them, you know you get a good scare than laugh about it later. Last year I discovered that I was clostrophobia. Well i'm still kinda of am, but it's not as bad as it use to be. I have learned how to deal with it. So in a way I have over come that to. Of coarse I have my limits on the subject, but I can go through a bunch of people with out panicking.
  14. How ironic that I should come across this thread today. You see I'm not racist ,unlike mr happy above me, but their were three different fights today about racism. One was about a girl who told all black people to leave just because she didn't like them. One was two gangs of white and black going against each other, and the last one was of a white against a hispanic group and an oriental group. Notice how white was in every situation. Racism may not be illegal, but fist fighting is and that is how every one of these situations turned out. It's pointless to argue over something that you can't change. you can't change your race and you can't make other races leave just because you don't like them for it. So do us all a favor and keep any comments like that to your self. Unless you don't mind starting fights and going to jail than be my guest. Oh and fiasco, if you want be racist that's fine ,since it is your oppinion, just don't make rude comments like the last one. I'm pretty sure we don't want to read it.
  15. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Goven Man [/i] [B]which one? the bnner or the av [/B][/QUOTE] :sweat: Huh I think it's the banner. Umm.......look it's the wide picture at the bottom of your screen. Where the tigers are. (mumbles to self):[COLOR=burlywood]I feel like an idiot.[/COLOR] :blush:
  16. Well their you go. That is an excellent skill to have and that might be the reason why you go quads. Congrats! If you have any other questions just ask. Oh and I know this is off topic but, how did you get that picture?:babble:
  17. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Goven Man [/i] [B]well thanksbut like I said I m not that good.Holy Cow..Who was this written for the Glassmen? [/B][/QUOTE] If your not that good then why did your teacher put you on quads? :smirk: Also what are "Glassmen"? :huh: Or do you mean "Classmen"?:smoke:
  18. Okay so we've all had some pretty stange dreams and if you guys can tell them then I sure can. Of course I have to shorten it consider that it took a long time to get through all of it. All right I'm on the moon in my home (castle) and I'm going down to a ball. I see my a prince and I go to him for the first dance. We apparently know each other very well because we act like lovers. We go out on a balcany to talk when the castle is attacked. Their is magic powers being used and swords made of energy with invisible sheilds. Their is blood every where and the castle is now destroyed. Then I see the queen of the castle die and I start crying until I wake up in a sweat. Now you would think that was the end of it but, every time I went back to sleep it would repeat over and over again. Then when I finally have to get up I feel run down and tired like I had never even slept in days. I thought that later on in the next night that I would actually get some sleep. However i was wrong but' instead of just repeating it started when I first wake up in the castle in the morning. I learn that it was my birthday and then I continue on with day of me doing different things. Then later on as the day progressed it goes back to the ball and ever thing repeats again and I wake up in a swaet. I repeat that dream over and over again for the rest of the night until I have to get up and yet i am still feeling tired like I haven't slept in days. This dream continued to get longer every for six months and always ending in the same way and i never felt like i got any sleep. As the dream got longer I found my self just waking up every now and again in the dream then picking up where I left off when I went back to sleep. Eventually this dream starts when I am born and ends in the exact same like it did in the begining. Of course for the next six months after that I just kept repeating the exact same dream. Always waking every now and then and always feeling like I hadn't slept at all in days. After a year of this it finally stopped and I never had it again and I finally felt like I had gotten sleep. It was rather annoying to dream the exact same thing every night but, their was one thing that scared. During the last six months I had the dream I got some of the cuts and injuries that I had recieved in the dream. Oh well. Now if you don't believe me I can't really blame you because it is very far fetched and I'm not even sure if I even believe the whole thing now. So if you don't believe me I certainly understand just please don't make any extremly rude comments condsidering that you are allowed to have your own oppinion. I just don't want to read them. Thank you
  19. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by ladyscorp2006 [/i] [B]See the thing is he said I was mean and maybe it was because I was a little rude to him when we first met (but he was the same way). And he thinks I'm the mean one. We were going to football practice and he said he would LETme sit up front. Just cuz I'm a girl. And all I said was I was gonna sit up front regardless of what he had to say. I know it sounds stupid but I don't want people treating me any diffrent than they would others Just cuz I'm a girl. Am I at Fault here? [/B][/QUOTE] Yes and no. He was rude to you which would make him at fault. The fact that you reacted on it makes you at fault. Then he lets you sit up front because your a girl seriously makes him at fault. Now if he heard you say that you were going to sit up front any way may have made him angry which would partially make you at fault. But if he didn't then it doesn't. So if I was to make a chart of who was at fault out of these occasions then it would be him 3 and you 1 or 2. In other words he has some reason to say your rude but, here's the joy for you. He's even ruder. :D Of coarse to make it acurate I would have to listen to both sides of the story and every single encounter you 2 had but, out of what you said he's mainly at fault.:lecture: :beer:
  20. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Goven Man [/i] [B]Since I am a freshman, can I letter? I don't think i'm that good, but I have been working with the other quad player and we are learning all of the songs together. We play ABC, RESPECT, and I FEEL GOOD. Respect is so freekin hard. Here is a quote that the other quad player said whn he saw it. [/B][/QUOTE] Any one can get a letter as long as they are in band for a year. You can be the best player in the band or the worst one that ever existed. As long as you are in band for 1 year then at the end you will get a letter. :cool: Beisdes like said you have to be pretty good to be a feshman and a quad player. ;) Did I say pretty good? I meant darn good.:beer:
  21. Chimes are very easy to play because they usually are played with whole notes and half notes. Sometimes even quater notes. You will never really play any fast notes on them. Here's a tip that will help you play them. Learn how a piano is played. That will help alot considering that the chimes, xylophone, bells, vibraphone, and marimba all use the same concepts has a piano. The only difference is that they are played with sticks and they only use the treble cleff. So once you learn how a piano is played the mallot intruments will be very easy to play. One thing you should know is that sharps and flats are almost always the top bars except when dealing with B#, Db, E#, and Fb. When making any note # it is always one bar up and any not flat it is one bar down. Also it will help to know all the note names because they are always repeated on the bars. C,D,E,F,G,A,B,and back to C. When you look at a xylophone or a piano the keys are always put as bottom key, upper key, bottom key, upper key, bottom key, bottom key, upper key, bottom key, upper key, bottom key, upper key, bottom key then it repeats. Here is how the notes will be on the exact same keys as I wrote above. C, C#orDb, D, D#orEb, E, F, F#orGb, G, G#orAb, A, A#orBb, B, then back to C. If you have any questions please ask. I hope this information helps.
  22. Here's the best advice I have for you. Tell you mom about how you feel. Tell about the changes that have happened since he came along. Remind her of what she was like before he came along and tell her how she has changed since he has. If she is reasonable and understanding then she should understand. However if she is so madly in love with this guy then you may not be able to get through to her. Which in that case you are screwed considering the fact that you really can't make any major decisions until your at least 18. You might be able to convince your father to let you live with him but, since I don't know him I'm not exactly sure. If any case you can move out when your 18.
  23. I think that you should forget about it but, if it bothers you that much then you should confront him on the subject and ask him why he thinks your mean. Once he tells you what it is ask him about what you can do to not seem mean. However keep in mind that he could be one of those kids that thinks the whole world hates him and that no one understands him. If that is the case then you are not to blame and he just has an issue that he needs to deal with one way or another. I'm not saying that he could be a little brat or any thing because of the fact that I don't know him. I just telling you to keep your mind open to different explanations on the subject.
  24. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Goven Man [/i] [B]How do you letter in band? I thougt you could only letter in sports. Oh well. I am a freshman in marching band. I play the quads in the drumline. Our drumline has a mascot. It's a fish named well i can't remember. but he is a fish. [/B][/QUOTE] You letter in band if have been in the for a year. After wards for every year your in band you get a bar that goes on your letter to show how many years you've completed. The fact that your a freshman and plays the quads is very intresting. I don't say this because I don't think you can do it. I say this because freshman aren't usually put on quads because of the fact that they are hard to play and the freshman are new to this type of thing. You must be very good. :cool: Stardust do you play in a regular band or a marching band? How many times do you play Louie Louie?
  25. Alright I thought that it would be a good idea to have a thread where you can ask for help on any relationship problems you've been having. It could be your boyfriend, girlfriend, wife, husband, your kids, brother, sister, or even one of your friends. Then those of you who understand and wanna help can. Oh and if their is a thread like this already some one please tell me.:cool:
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