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About *Aura*

  • Birthday 02/13/1989

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    if ya wanna know anything bout me just ask and i'm 15
  • Occupation
    High School

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  1. Well, i would have to say Inuyasha is probably one of the most interesting anime's that i have ever seen other than FLCL(one of the most confusing, disturbed, and wierd anime's i have ever seen)and most of the time there is always something to laugh about. It just cracks me up when Inuyasha and Kagome get into fight and most of the time they are over really stupid things if you actually take time to notice. hehe. Oh ya, and the Miroku and Sango thing going on give me a brake they already like each other you can tell so why don' t they tell one another already, but i guess that's just how it goes. Whoever produced Inuyasha(i can't think of who right now but i know so you don't have to tell me)must really like seeing people get all worked up over little stuff like that though.Whatever. Anyways i'll go on and stop wasting your time.As for the episodes on adult swim, i would have to say that it's coming along pretty good. I just hate when it drags on episodes at a time, not that i don't like Inuyasha. It's actually one of my favorite, but i'm not complete obsessed with it either or any other anime that i know of. I just freak out when i miss an episode that i wanted to see, but then again they always have reruns or i can get it when it come out on dvd. I would say that i am very open to things and like a variety of other anime's. Otherwise for the most part i would have to say that Inuyasha is probably one of the most popular anime's out there with a diversity of other styles such as comedy and action.
  2. Man I'm all up for this, I definetly signed it. If ya like .hack// as much as me, then why wouldn't ya not sign it. It's worth a shot if ya ask me. pz out.
  3. I would like there to be a second season, but I highly doubt it for as the fact they already came out with all the other .hack// shows and the PS2 games(which are very addicting). I haven't seen all of the episodes of the otherone's, but it does get boring and annoying,depending on who you are,after a while and it would be nice if they would come out with another season. But the question is, are they gonna come out with another series for .hack//, that would more likely happen more than anything over the 2nd season for .hack//SIGN.And if I repeated my self sorry.later!
  4. *Aura*


    There usually isn't anything better to watch on tv at that time and i think Zoids fuzors is pretty cool. I did notice that RD dose sound like Van from Zoids Chaotic Centery though and that threw me for a loop, cause as soon as i noticed that i was like what the hell is up with this, but then again it dose fit the character RD. I am also pretty sure that it comes on at like 7 or 8 pm on Saturday nights on Cartoon Network. otherwise i don't have that much else to say about it, other than the fact that its kinda like all the other zoid series.
  5. Damn, man that ended up to be a really good movie. I went and seen it with my best friend last night and it was so funny cause the parts where they just all of a sudden threw something out at you or someone just popped up and caught you of guard, almost everyone watching the movie jumped at the exact smae parts as everyone else. I thought that was funny, but that only happened like 3 times though. Then me and my friend also thought it was funny when that girl kept run away into the woods and the chainsaw dude was chasing her. haha! It had some grose parts in there though, like when the chainsaw dude was sewing the skin with the sewing machine. Now that was grose. I better not say anything else otherwise i'll ruin it for you people that haven't seen it yet.pz.
  6. *Aura*


    I think that they're really cool, but i have only herd a couple of the songs though like Stupid Girl for example. I've herd a couple of the other songs except i don't know what they are called yet cause i haven't took the time to look them up.
  7. Well, i'm not much into rap and hip-hop, but DMX is actually one of the few rappers that i actually like and i just got his new album Grand Champ a couple of weeks ago and its not the best, but i think its just as good as some of his other albums though. I don't like a couple of the songs though, but i guess that happens for alot of the artists that i like. Its not like all the songs are going to be to your liking in the first place, i guess it just depends on the rythem and the beat of the song or whatever ya know what i mean. Anyways, back to what i was saying, i've seen the music video for "where da hood at" and i do actually think that they could have done a lot better than that, but i guess there hasn't been that many good music videos out there lately to go with the really good songs which sucks a** man.
  8. Well, i guess it depends on how stressed out you are, anyways when i am really stressed out i listen to music and do nothin else, but it works sometimes and it gives me time to think things over. Another thing that helps me the most is to get outside and do something like shoot some hoops, walk around town about 10 time or ride my bike or something along those lines, it gets my mind off of things. Oh ya, one thing is don't let me get ahold of one of those stress ball thingys cause i'll probably end up dekin someone upside the head cause it makes me want to go and punch someone for some strange reason.I still don't know why though, but whatever.
  9. Ya, well i seen the trailers and it actually looks pretty good compared to some of the movie they have had out lately. Then when it said that it was based on a true story, i thought this should be a good movie and its coming out to theatres this upcoming Friday and i am definetly going to see it. Is this the second remake of the movie or the first cause i was trying to figure that out cause you know with some movies they sometimes make like 1 to 2 remakes of it depending on what it is.
  10. I do watch South Park ocassionally my self when i get time to. I wuld have to say my fav character would be Kenny cause he always gets kid in really stupid ways and then you have Stan and Kyle that are like "you killed kenny", you bastards". haha! thats funny. Oh ya, i like this saying that Cartman says in one of the episodes"whateva, i'll do what i want!" haha! that cracks me up every time. Oh ya, i also like the episodes with Towely in them. He awesome man. DragonArcher i have to agree wit ya on Cartman attitude cause its so funny. I like it when Cartman yells at his cat and says "Kitty don't eat pot pie, kitty don't eat my pot pie" or somethin like that. I could keep goin on, but that would be way to much to type.
  11. Hey these are some pretty cool lookin banners man. I love your use of color and how you blend the pictures in with each other. I also like it that you use so many different anime's to make your banners where as some people can only make certain banners cause of the pictures that they have. I don't think you should change a thing for as the fact that your banners are so well blended that they don't look to crowded or bright and they have the right amount of color usage and i like the fact that you even put quotes on them and they look great with them to. well, l8ta.
  12. i think its really stupid, but i also don't even want to do anything this year though. Plus each class has to come up with a skit or something like that and then we have to make fools of our selves and thats just dumb. Then we do this thing where we decorate the halls which is pretty cool and then at night we have a bomb fire and stuff like that. so then again it isn't that bad, but it takes up our study hall so then we have to take our homework home and then i have volleyball practice for 2 hours like practically every day after school unless i there is a game then we don't. there's more, but that basically sums it all up.
  13. haha!that joke was funny man,I probably wouldn't think of a thing like that to say to one of my friends. they would probably be like "what the h*ll?" cause i do things like that sometimes well, since some of you people didn't see it, i do recomend seeing it cause it sums up the whole series and it helps explain some things from the first episode if you didn't get it, but it was awesome. Lets put it this way I would tell ya, but than i think that it would just be ruining it for you people that didn't see it. Oh ya, that was a good part of the last episode that you pointed out Inuyashagurl_15.
  14. I don't know if there's anything about this already(oops), but if there isn't then here it go's. I want to know what you people thought about the Jeepers Creepers 2 and how it compare's to the first one. Oh ya, and don't forget to put down your reason why. Well, I thought the 2nd one was just as good as the first one except i thought there was alot more excitement to this one. The only thing is is that it didn't have the Jeepers Creepers song playin and that songs creepy man. :devil: The part i liked the best out of the second one is when that one guy gets his head taken off and the Jeeper Creeper dude gets rid of his head cause it got messed up and he used it for his own head. That part was awesome, but wierd at the same time. :naughty:
  15. Man, sometimes i just blurt out or i mean yell "PARTY!" for some reason and some people give me really wierd looks and i say what ya lookin at foo.haha! see what i mean i also started sayin foo about a year and a half ago and the ppl in my class are so obsessed with the way i say it cause i spiff it up and say "Yo, what up foo!", i swear ppl get a laugh out of it every time i say it and i don't see whats so funny about it. but whatever
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