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Everything posted by *Aura*
Anime Cartoon Network Line-Ups...and anime on television announcements
*Aura* replied to Syk3's topic in Otaku Central
they keep switching stuff around that it's giving me a head ache if ya know what i mean and yes [b]Cocomi Myojin[/b] Inuyasha is taking FLCL's place since it is such a short anime cause it only has 6 episodes. sorry to tell ya that though, but they can't keep showing it over and over and over again.It was good while it lasted though.man that show is hilarious.hehe!!! Oh YAY, i can't wait until Inuyasha comes on again.*yells out the window" ya man this rules,PARTY!"*oops. i guess better be quiet or else i'll probably wake up the neighbors.haha! that would be funny though. oh ya, back to what i was talking about.I can't wait until Monday.I'm mgoing to miss FLCL, but at least Iuyasha is coming back.thats definetly a plus though.The new episodes for Inuyasha are going to be even a lot more funny than the last ones, i just know it.Well, i guess all the episodes had at least some funny parts in them to begin with. :) -
hey i never noticed that before that the sign was different. hehe! that is funny. but you know they could have at least come up with a better symbol if you ask me. come on. that's so easy that i could have come up with it and it's original to. they could have at least come up with something else thats more creative. Aparently whoever did draw this picture didn't use there head. Not unless they were tryin to make it look funny in the first place, in that case i could see why they put that symbol down to begin with.
ya that would be odd. thats probably very unlikely though. i probably wouldn't have even made that a posibility.haha! ya a bunch of really really stupid morons at that. it's really funny if you actually think about it though.
you are right and when you get on that plane i will be right behind you getting on it to.Ya man, lets start a riot and do something unthinkable to that person for who made Crim look ugly. Poor Crim, what a disgrace, whoever came up with this picture or whatever you want to call it should pay "big time". hehe! ok i think i over did it a little.lol.but whoever did come up with it is one sorry and pathetic loser if you ask me.
that was pretty funny. When Silver Night said he was 23 or whoever or whatever(you know what i mean), i thought he was older than that cause Heavyblade you are right about him acting older than what he really is. Silver Night did do a pretty good impression or whatever you want to call it, of Sora though.lol.
omg.freaky!what the heck am i lookin at.scary.*runs around in a circle*ok.that is just messed up.is this suppose to be some kind of joke.Look at them, they're......................... freaky lookin. Ahhhhhhhh!someone help me.ok, that is really stupid.it gets ya thinkin:Who came up with that?i guess that doesn't matter,but they are kinda scary lookin.plus, what happened to Crim.he isn't cute.my worst nightmare has come true.Crim becomes ugly.just kidding.it' a little bit funny though.haha!
Anime (US/CAN) General Thoughts and Ratings for .hack//SIGN 24 "Net Slum."
*Aura* replied to teptep's topic in Otaku Central
ya, that'd be awesome.then i can go over it again even though i taped the show just in case i wasn't paying full attention this time,but i was anyways.i just like to watch it again to see if i miss anything though.this episode was so to the point and had a lot of info,but i don't think that i missed anything wxcept the couple of things that you pointed out K.K.C. -
Anime (US/CAN) General Thoughts and Ratings for .hack//SIGN 24 "Net Slum."
*Aura* replied to teptep's topic in Otaku Central
Oh man, i was so excited that i forgot to put in that Helba actually talks.that was a bit of a shocker to.i think i am calm now. oh ya and write when they got to that one place, i don't know what you call it, but i was thinking what is up with all the Tsukasa's.That question was answered in the show obviously though if you watched it. K.K.C. i also agree with what you said about none of them not giving Crim any credit for convincing or perswading Tsukasa to come in the first place.That sucks, but it's not like we can do anything about it.it's a shame though.so inconciderate they can be sometimes.just kidding.hehe! l8ta. i just had to put down the rest of what i was going to say. -
Anime (US/CAN) General Thoughts and Ratings for .hack//SIGN 24 "Net Slum."
*Aura* replied to teptep's topic in Otaku Central
[b]10/10[/b] omg. that episode was like.omg. i can't describe it. it was like wow. i couldn't believe it. i was going to go crazy. that show was the best.i don't think that it would have mattered either way for your question.i actually haven't put much thought into it though. this episode explains a lot more. then i just about flipped when Tsukasa's guardian shows up.*jumps up and down*. is his guardian offically destroyed now?i'm thinking it is, but i just want to confirm it. :) -
man i am definetely goin to see this movie. all that i have to say is that it is going to be one interesting moive. Freddy vs. Jason. man i don't know who the heck to go with. i can't make up my mind. i hope it's bloody and gory thats all i have to say.hehe!:devil: :naughty: :smirk:
Fav. character:i would have to say Sanosuke Sagara show:Rurouni Kenshin why?cause he has the determination not to give up when starts something and he has to finish it and he can be so funny, plus he doesn't pay for his food and he always puts it on his tab which must be really big considering he's done it a lot.lol. for what he does:he doesn't really have a job, but he usually tags along with Kenshin where ever he goes and helps people out if they are in trouble, from what i know. i have a lot more favorite's, but this is probably one that i like a lot more than my others.
i have something else to say.i think its starting to get stupid now cause since i have been watching Blue Gender lately Yugi just might as well make out with every god damn girl he comes across you know. it's starting to get really pathetic if you ask me. it just bugs the crap out of me and i am sorry that i sounded like was mad there for a minute that doesn't happen rarely.lol. and isn't Yugi kinda with Marleene or however you spell her name. or as a couple i should say?whatever. i'm not going to say anything else cause you ppl might not like it.hehe! jk. but you never know i might.
ya i agree with K.K.C. although i do like a lot of color. it's just that you used a little to much color in the second banner.the first one has the right amount of color used in it for example. great job with the matching banner and avatar.sweet! thats how i would describe your avatar and banners.
hey, its cool man. its funny to when you look at the expresion on his face.hehe!ya add some color to your picture it might bring out the picture a little more.lol.
man where i live there is like no one that watches anime except a couple of people i know otherwise everyone else are basically a bunch of losers cause they don't even know what it is in the first place. I only have 1 friend that actaully watches anime otherwise the rest are wanna be's or prep's.no affence to anyone.Me and my sisters watch anime and my sis's boyfreind does.Then my lil sis has a couple of friends that do and thats only like 2 right there.well, not including all of the kiddy anime though like Pokemon.well, whatever you know what i meen.
i'm stickin with knives from Trigun man. that guy is like crazy with all of the stuff that he did. yeah, his hair is cool.hehe!
man i would either have to be Sanosuke from Rurouni Kenshin cause he is super hot and i think his attacks are cool(fist fighting is really fun)lol or Sesshoumaru from Inuyasha cause it would be fun to pick fights with Inuyasha.hehe!:) Just for one day would be awesome.I would give anything to be one of them any day.
that is one awesome picture man. keep up the good work. its really cool.it's sweet. it's been a long time since i have seen a really good one man. luvin it.
Well you do got a point there, but Tsukasa would probably win if he still had his guardian with him otherwise i'm pretty sure that Crim would beat him.Tsukasa is basically a gonner when it comes to fights if you have been watchin the show lately, not unless he plans on making a come back or somethin. it might sound like i'm dissin him right now, but i'm not. i'm just stating the facts man. Crim would still win,but if he had his guardian that would be different.plus wouldn't it be cheating on Tsukasa's half if he still had the guardian and it attacked Crim? i don't think that would be a fare fight if it came to that if you ask me. that would be a disadvantage, but unfortunately Tsukasa doesn't have the guardian anymore so that explains itself. by the way what happened to the guardian anyways? did it disappear or somethin? oh well, thats not the point. but still you have a really good point there Tsukasa_hack.
hmmm.... this is a hard one i guess that i have to stick wit my man Crim, but then again i think Tsukasa could really put up an awful good, but exciting fight at the same time though if ya ask me. nevermind of course your not askin me. hehe!*bangs her head on the table*man what was i thinkin.i guess i wasn't, but back to business. Crim would definetly win cause he has had more expeiriance in "the world" than Tsukasa has had cause he knows a lot more and he has been in "the world" way longer than Tsukasa has anyways. I do like Tsukasa and all, but its just the fact that if you actually take time to think about it and go through the posibilities you could basically figure out the outcome of it all if you put some thought into it.lol. l8ta.
Cowboy Bebop is awesome man. There are like no words to describe it, never mind i guess there are. Great,off the hook, sweet,breath taking,exciting,*damn!*,cool, ummm...... well there's lots more, but i'm not goin to put them down cause there are way to many.hehe!l8ta.;)
Lupin the 3rd is hilarious. i get kicks out of that show.hehe! Lupin kinda acts like a little kid to some point though. i think thats what makes him so funny, plus the fact that he disguises himself so often that its funny how he can copy what that person acts like so well. haha!
I've heard bottom of the bottle and just yesterday my sis' was so obsessed with that song that she got the tabs for her bass guitar, and i am surprised that she isn't actually not that bad. lol. otherwise that song is sweet man.
I know it's a really stupid question, but i just asked to see what you ppl thought. *Will someone please throw me a line here!*
hmm if i had to be an anime i guess that i would probably have to be Sanosuke from Rurouni Kenshin or Crim from .Hack//Sign. and no i am not a guy, i am a gurl just to let ya know. They are just so cool. but otherwise for gurl i would definitely have to be Misao from Ruouni Kenshin cause i actually act a lot like in many ways. hehe!