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Everything posted by *Aura*
Well, i guess you got a point there. Basically someone else that i know told me like the exact same thing you just told me, but you do got a point on who doesn't like doughnuts cause i have to admit that i do like doughnuts myself.lol.:)
Ok, can someone please tell me what the heck is up with Vash and eating doughnuts?Thats like his favorite food or something i think. Nevermind i take that back i don't know, but i have been thiking about it lately and i just can't figure it out. Whenever you see him with doughnuts he's always stuffing his face like they are like the best thing in the world or something. it's pretty funny though.hehe!:whoops:
well, they are both really kiddy though. Hamtaru is even a lot more kidish then Beyblade is. I haven't seen the second season yet so i couldn't say anything on that, but on the otherhand Beyblade is alright not the best thing though.If ya compare it to Hamtaro thats just sad cause Hamtaro is more along the lines of anybody could watch it, which makes it not even worth watching cause those types of show end up being really stupid to ppl that are older. l8ta.pz out.
kill everyone.haha! thats funny. if i had to be an anime i would have to either be Sanosuke from Rurouni Kenshin or Sesshoumaru from Inuyasha cause i like to fight and man they cool.damn!Plus hot i almost forgot to put that in. hehe!*bangs head on the wall*get a hold of your self. l8ta.before i get to caried away man.
That episode was cool man. i didn't expect that either. that was sweet. i just couldn't believe it. that was off the hook.
I've heard of it and i know the story about it otherwise thats pretty much it and i don't know anything about it, except the characters and stuff like that. Plus i've been gettin pictures off the internet so i have a really good idea of the characters.
well, then i must not pay that much close attention then, but i do try to understand some of the things that can be confusing at times, but how did you know that they were going to see Helba? thats what i don't get. did they say it in that episode or somethin? cause if so i didn't catch it.
oh sorry thats not what i meant,but anyways thanx cause i didn't even know that they were going to see Helba, plus it explains a lot. maybe thats why they did the poses instead. man you are smart. i need to use my head more often.
haha! that show is hilarious, but weird at the same time. i have never seen anything like it before. i asked my sis' what she thought bout it and she said it was interesting and i asked her if that all she had to say and she said ya, so i thought to myself didn't you find that at least one bit wierd or freaky?' siblings can be so stupid sometimes. but whatever.its pretty cool though. i have nothin better to do so i watch it and that last episode that on Adult Swim was tight. Is that his guitar or something? or is that Hatuko's?
umm, unfortunately it hasn't gotten that far yet. so no he hasn't beaten Shishio. i don't think that thats going to happen within the next few episodes either. so you haven't missed anything to exciting, except Sano beat Anji or whatever you call him and Kenshin beat Aoshi. otherwise your fine cause they didn't show Rurouni Kenshin yesterday anyways cause they had that Cartoon marthon thing on instead, but it will come on this upcoming saturday though.
hmm i guess for this the most disturbing anime i've ever seen is Reign. thats just wrong. whats up wit that show anyways. god that is realy stupid,freaky,wrong,not even right gay, lets put it this way its a lot worse that disturbing its a disgrace if ya ask me. *gets the shivers just thinkin bout it*.grose! I would have to say the FLCL is pretty wierd and freaky, but its also funny to at the same time though. ok. i'm goin to shut up now.*runs into a wall*l8ta.pz out. oh ya, and if ya have a problem wit what i said bout Reign you can personally take it up wit me or either pm me. sorry if i freaked ya out but i'm not kiddin.;)
ya, whats up wit that anyways? They didn't do any poses for the other ones or gates.whatever. at the time when i was watchin episode 23 or whatever "The Eve" i couldn't put my finger on it, for what you call poses, after the show was done i sat and thought about it for a while and i still couldn't figure out what you would call it. i must of had mind blank or somethin. I just kinda think they did it for as they probably think that somethin bigs goin to happen and they just did it cause it was the spur of the moment and it gave them confidence. they all were basically joining up in one big group to find the key of the twilight anyways weren't they. Besides if they were on there own they would probably would never figure out the thing wit the key of the twilight in the first place if they didn't join up. now that i think bout it they probably had to do it for that one gate or somethin like that. otherwise i wouldn't have a clue. those were just some of my ideas. but it was pretty cool man. it was off da hook. i thought it was pretty cool that they actually showed them going through the gate or whatever you want to call it. l8ta.
Yes!PARTY!!!!Man this is da bomb man. There are 2 more episodes. Dis is like awesome. Damn! I can't wait until they start showing the .hack//TASOGARE UDENWA NO DENKUTSU series. I don't fully understand it from what i have seen on the internet and stuff. *Falls over from getting so excited*. I totally can't wait until they start. Hey, by any chance do you know when they are goin to start? Plus it looks cool i got like a whole bunch of pictures and crap and like one of the whole episodes pictures from it. I also know it a short series, but at least its better than nothin. ehh.l8ta.hehe!pz out!
Blue Gender it pretty cool if ya ask me, but right when i saw the first episode i thought it was kinda messed up and i was thinking what the heck. I just think its a little pathetic that whats his name or Yuji or somethin or other always trys to find or save people like him and they always end up dying, but as soon as i started watching the other episodes i actually think its pretty good now. It was hilarious when that one girl(the one wit the blonde short hair) slapped Joey and nocked some sence into him. Well, at least i think she did. hehe! I was also little bit surprised when Joey said that he wanted to do something instead of doin nothing and watchin ppl and his own kind bein killed. l8ta. thats pretty much it.
Anime (US/CAN) General thoughts and ratings for .hack//SIGN 23, "The Eve"
*Aura* replied to Shy's topic in Otaku Central
ok. i get it now that explains a lot, but i find it weird that you would put it as Crim captured Tsukasa. but whatever. i dosen't bother me any. I taped this episode anyways so i watched it again cause my lil' sis was being stupid again and askin all these stupid questions cause she doesn't necisarily watch all of the shows and i understood what ya said K.K.C. about Crim capturing him(or i would kinda consider it as he cornered him though). I ya and i know Tsukasa is a girl in real life but i call Tsukasa a he since he is one in the game so, please don't tell me if you were thinkin bout it. i mean it.jk.hehe!l8ta. and thanx.;) -
ya know this really bites man cause there wasn't even anything on last night either. Why did they do that in the first place? That Cartoon marathon thing was pretty stupid anyways and they were basically all re-runs man. Last night was like a total waste of my time. l8ta.
Anime (US/CAN) General thoughts and ratings for .hack//SIGN 23, "The Eve"
*Aura* replied to Shy's topic in Otaku Central
[b]10/10[/b] I can't take it anymore. I hate it when they keep leavin ya hangin like that. All i have to say it that you are like killin me man. I just want to like find out what happens and not be left hangin all the time. That was the best episode yet. Well, so far i should say. I understood everthing, but the part with Tsukasa sitting in that room with that other person. like whats up wit that anyways. Thats like the only thing that stiill puzzles me a bit. I can't wait until next week when the next episode comes on. Like exactly what am i suppose to do for a whole week with waiting to watch it again. oh man, this bites. oh well, i liked the part where Mimru got mad at Sora and they were kinda fighting. That was a pretty cool part. and at the end where they go through the gate that Helba put there. That was cool when ya got to see them goin or gettin transported through that gate. Hehe!!! I also like the song that they were playing towords the end to. i think thats pretty much it. l8ta. pz out. -
im definetly stick wit Heero Yui and Relena. Relena so blah. ya know what i mean. but i do like Heero though. and i do agree wit da ppl that said that Gundam Wing relationships suck. cause ya wanna know what they basically do.l8ta.
Personally myself, i would have to say that none of them are really except sora and mimiru, but i am goin with sora cause he does the weirdest things and its so funny and the way he talk to ppl sometimes or what he says to a person even.lol.l8ta.pz out.
i think that i am a lot like Sesshomaru cause most of the time i show no sign of feelings and if i want something i go after it and will get it if at all possible. I am also like Sanosuke cause thinks that he can do anything if he keeps on going at it and i do that to and if he wants to fight with someone he fights wit them and the same goes here for me.lol.but i also have a side to me where i can be nice and genlte kinda like Vash.lol. L8ta.pz.
i like Outlaw Star,but i haven't seen or watched it is like forever but i still remember stuff about it though.when they showed it on Cartoon Network i watched it sometimes and the other times that i couldn't i was goin somewhere the next day and i couldn't stay up that long or either my sister kicked me out of her room cause i didn't have a tv of my own then and i had to watch it on her. i could have kicked the ******* otu of her for doing it half of the time though cause she wanted to go to bed and i wanted to stay up and watch it.l8ta.pz.
Man Rurouni Kenshin is like my fav. show eva. But the thing is is that i almost missed Kenshin last week and i got so mad st myself cause i forgot and i kept reminding myself that dat to. They used to have it on weekdays, but then they had to put it for Saturdays. i hated when they did that.whateva. enough wit da mummble jummble. i g2g anyways.l8ta.
my parents don't care if i watch animes. its not like its bad or anything but ya know, they just really don't say anything about animes though.its not they really care about what i watch, but you know what i mean they do care about some things that i watch but animes aren't one of them so there is actually nothing to worry about on my behalf,but if my parents did disaprove of it that would be a whole nother story if ya know what i mean.I would be happy with them disaproving me of watching animes either, but whatever.l8ta.Luv and pz.
i would have to go with Knives cause if you didn't kill one of them they would both die eventually and if you kill one then you are alowing the other one to live which actually helps save one life instead of having them both die, but i really wanted to go with what Vash said though, i really did but knives is actually right on this one though.l8ta.luv and pz.
I got my mom hooked on watchin Rurouni Kenshin and Yu Yu Hakusho and i think its pretty funny cause right when she was watchin the news or something me and my sister would turn the channel to watch anime shows and my mom had no choice but to watch it with us and she kinda got hooked on those 2 shows.haha!!!l8ta.