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Everything posted by *Aura*

  1. i would have to say that my first anime that i saw would have to either be Sailor Moon or DBZ or Pokemon, but i'm pretty sure it was Sailor Moon though.Or maybe it was DBZ. oh, i don't know. I have a really bad memory sometimes so it's not like its that big of a deal though. the first time i saw it i was hooked on it for a while then i dropped and had interest in different anime's. so l8ta.Luv and pz.hehe!!!
  2. i can find it boring personally myself otherwise i find .Hack//SIGN pretty interesting.It the oposit for me cause i hate it when they always leave ya hangin.like with the last show they did that.you know i could just break the tv when they do that.errr.otherwise it has it's good shows and it boring shows to though, so basically it they do keep it full of suspence and stuff ya know.l8ta.luv and pz.
  3. man G Gundam is awesome. I watch it when ever i get the chance to but lately i've been missing them or either they have been reruns and stuff like that, but i also haven't seen all the episodes either, but i've seen most them though.
  4. I like the second season a lot cause i don't remember how long it has been since they showed the first season, but im thinkin at least a year or 2 or so or something like that. When I saw Big O for the first time i thought it was pretty good so i watched it and my sister said she didn't like so i told her to shuv it and shut up. I love the man it is like really good man. well, i also absolutely hate when they put to be continued cause they always leave ya hanging man then you have to wait until the next night when it comes on in the first place.errr. Oh well, im done talkin now. hehe!
  5. i've herd of some of them but not all of them and i think it alright but not the best out there either though
  6. the funniest one i think was when Miroku was touching Sango's butt when he was recovering from having the hole in his hand getting cut cause Sango was leaing over him or sitting by him(one or the other or something like that) and she asked if he was feeling better and he said he was and them she smacked him cause he was touching her butt. hehe!!! hilarious.
  7. oh man, i would have to definately have to Inuyasha and kagome from Inuyasha.Man that couple is like hilarious when Kagome gets mad at Inuyash plus all those moments when they have conected, you can tell that they both like each other. Its so obvious. Oh yeah, Kaoru and Kenshin also make a good match. They both are funny man, but my favorite one would have to be Kaoru and Kenshin though cause you can so tell that Kaoru likes Kenshin and he cares for he a lot and he like to protect her to, so that tells you something is up from the beginning. Hehe!!!
  8. I would have to say that my fav. Opening theme is Obsession from .Hack//SIGN and and my fav. Ending theme would have to be Heart of Sword from Rurouni Kenshin. I love those. oh yeah i also like the second ending theme to Inuyasha cause i like got it memorized. yay!!!:p :blowup:
  9. Iuyasha rules! I like love that show. I wouldn't miss for the world ya know. Cause right when they stopped showing it all of a sudden I like totally freaked out and I went after my sister that has her resorces and told me that it is going to come back on on Aug. 25 and i asked her if she was sure and she said that she was and i said if she wasn't someone is going down. ok a enough of that stuff. lol. :)
  10. I think the show is pretty cool if you ask me. I started watching it after my sister said something about it to me, so i thought what the heck and started watching it and now i am dead set on getting that ending theme, but the problem is that i can't find it. I know it Destiny or otherwise known as Gemini something, I forgot the second part to it but whatever. I watch it every night now. :)
  11. i would have to say Kenshin cause he is da bomb with a sword as most of you people out there already know if you watch the show or if you have herd about him before. He chooses not to kill anyone if possible, but if he really has to he will. With the moves and tecniques that he has learned he would be able to beat anyone. Kenshin all the way man! :p :excited: :blowup: :whoops:
  12. well, now that i think about it the first anime that i ever seen was probably either Sailor Moon or Pokemon otherwise i can't remember that well though. Oh well, im pretty sure that it was Sailor moon though.
  13. i'm sticken with my man Crim all the way with this one
  14. i think that she showed up in a couple of the episodes but i can not confirm which ones though. sorry.
  15. i remember that in one of the episodes that Mimiru asked how old he was and he said he was 47 years old so i thought you just might like to know that, but whatever. it just might come in handy though.
  16. im stickin with Crim man! Both Crim and Sora fought once, but they didn't finish it though. i think that Crim is a better fighter even though Sora looks like he could put up a good fight though.
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