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knight cloud

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Everything posted by knight cloud

  1. ya like i have a friend and she used to love dueling she was going into a tourney,but never did plus she has beaten every one she knows *thinks* well that might be because she uses all the rarest cards and stuff and im hard to beat too :)
  2. i think not being able to carry around backpack is stupid now that im in a different school that has two stories (without the basement) and i have to go from the basement all the way up to the top then back down to the mid floor *sigh* i wish i had my backpack to carry around instead of just the books and with the voilence thing people are still going to find ways to get there weapons in there anyway
  3. i still watch spongebob even my dad watches spongebob and sometime even my mom watches it i think its funny even though it might take a while to figure out the humor in it :) P.S and most of my friends watch it to
  4. all of my friends watch it exept for two of them i keep trying to get her to watch it, but they just dont care about anime :(
  5. its not my favorite group, but i can think of a lot af my friends who are obsessed with them ive heared alote worse than GC though :)
  6. inuyasha is one of my favorite anime i always stayed up late to watch it i got so mad when it was taken off:flaming: well at least its coming back with new shows:toothy:
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