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Everything posted by Waterflash

  1. I'm in marching band! I play flute! I can be a good player when I try, but I'm a bit lazy. I really like it. I feel like I can relax, unlike with anything else. I love music! La la la la...
  2. I don't believe those psychic people on TV. But I do believe people can have psychic abilities. I haven't really experienced that kind of thing, but something did happen one time. I was asleep and when my alarm clock went off, I sat up and turned it off and when I did I just said, out of the blue "My teacher's dad is dead." I was like WHOA... Why did I just say that... My dad heard me too. I went to school and told my friend Shelby about it and she said "Oh my god... I overheard the teachers next door talking and our teacher's dad died early this morning at about 7:30." I freaked because that was the time that I woke up. I'm not sure if that was just coincidence, or if that was something... Most people thought I was lying but my friends believed me.
  3. I've had so many strange dreams... They're so twisted and strange, I can't even describe a few of them... (NO they aren't like that) I just had one a few months ago that I actually made a story out of it. It's eight pages long. It's about my friends and I stealing a plane from the FBI and escaping to France. 4 of our teachers are on board. Two of them start dating and everything becomes a huge mess. I made a sequel too. Where the one psychaotic dude shows up. It's just really insane...
  4. I think I'm a horrible sister but I've never done anything that bad... We usually don't fight physically... Just insult each other until our mom screams at us to shut up because she's trying to think... I embarassed her this one time... I actually feel pretty bad about it too... I told some of her secrets to my friend... She cried for a long time... and then threw a rock at my head... I didn't feel that bad after that...
  5. My friend gave every one of her friends and herself an elemental nickname. Mines Waterflash and I have water powers. *wink* I use the name all the time now.
  6. Hm. I don't think I do... My sister says I sing in my sleep. My dad sleepwalks though. We know because he walked into our front room one night and ran into some wind chimes and yelled. My mom said "David?" and he said "What? Where am I?"
  7. My parents sort of like anime. My mom likes Tenchi. She thinks its sort of funny. I remember she said come watch the movie with us(meaning her and my sister) I was about to say no when she said OR ELSE so I said "EEP!" and watched the movie with her. It was funny though when my mom said close your eyes!!! I asked why and she said JUST DO IT. And I closed my eyes and my grandma walked in and screeched NAKED BODIES!!! It scared me and I stood up and tripped over a dog bone. Whoops. My dad wouldn't care less as to what I watch. And my grandpa likes anime!!! He kept watching InuYasha and Yu Yu Hakusho with me. I was a bit scared.
  8. The first time I saw anime??? It was when Kingdom Hearts came out. I was reading a game magazine and I saw something about Kingdom Hearts and thought it looked pretty cool. Then my sis just popped up behind me and kept saying come watch this with me. I said no. She said yes. It went on like that until I gave up and decided to watch it with her. It turns out the show was InuYasha and I've been an obsessed person ever since.
  9. I've never seen the show but I've read the manga. I think it's very funny!!! My fav character is Akane because of her strength and skills. I think it's sort of funny at the beginning when she goes I DESPISE MEN!!! Because thats sort of what I think when stuff like that happens. I sort of relate to her.
  10. Opening theme??? I like Freckles from Rurouni Kenshin, Change the World from InuYasha and Smiling Bomb from Yu Yu Hakusho. I memorized Smiling Bomb, I'm working on Change the world right now... Not that this has pretty much ANYTHING to do with this but my fav ending theme is Fukai Mori (I can sing the whole thing in japanese!!! I have no life...)
  11. Hmmmm... I'll have to check that out. The name sorta makes me want to watch it. The more weird a name sounds the more likely I want to watch it. I'll see what its about...
  12. My dad dont care none. (Nothing like proper english right???) My mom sometimes watches it with me. Even when my sister started watching anime (shes like 7) on adult swim and I told my parents that she probably shouldnt be watching that (i needed revenge) my mom said yea yea whatever. My dad was like oh let her watch it shes probably heard worse from your mom when shes angry. (Gawd thats scary...)
  13. Hmmmm... I dont have as many mangas as i do animes, but from what ive seen, the InuYasha manga has a few different things. ESPICIALLY that one special thing with Miroku and Sango (I dont know if I would be spoiling anything so if you dont know what I'm talking about PM me and I'll tell you. If anyone else has an opinion on this please tell me. I'm interested.
  14. I like so many parts but heres my favs: Inuyasha: "Sango, am I imagining it, or are you a bit tense?" Sango: (flames in the background) "It's your imagination." Inuyasha (rushing off): "Sango! Take care of Kagome!" Miroku (likewise): "Sango! Take care of Koharu!" Sango (thinking): "Is it just me, or am I not being treated as a woman?" Shippou: "Don't worry Sango, I think you're beautiful." Sango (resigned): "You don't have to treat me specially, Shippou." InuYasha(to Kagome): Feh. You are really hopeless. Well, It's none of my buisness. If you think you can handle this without me, go ahead and- Shippou: Hey. She's been gone a while. InuYasha: EH!? InuYasha: tend my wounds!?! You think I need you? Kagome: drop the attitude. You got HURT in that fight! Now come down! InuYasha: huh. Kagome: SIT! *kaede shows up with a group of children* Kagome *on InuYasha, trying to 'heal' him.*: Just take off your clothes! InuYasha: Beg me to! Kaede: children, close your eyes! Well, I see you two have gotten over your differences. Kagome: what!? InuYasha: AAArrrrGGGhhh! There's WAY more but I dont want to type that much!!! And sorry if i used any of em that someone said before me. These are all from the manga.
  15. Kikaider is pretty cool. I like it. Espicially the music. I like the ending theme and that song that Jiro plays on his guitar. It just scared me a bit at this one part. With that makeout scene. I was watching it with my little sis and she goes "Why is Mitsuko taking of Jiro's shirt??? Why is she sitting on top of him like that??? Why are they kissing???" I had NO clue what i was supposed to say to her... I was really scared
  16. I LOVE InuYasha!!! The show is my fav anime EVER!!! I hate the dubbing but that has absolutely nothing to do with this. The show is just so kawaii!!! I mean its like all in one. Romance, action, adventure!! I stayed up til one to watch it even though i CONSTANTLY yelled at the tv when the show ended because i wanted to see more!!! And whenever Kikyo would show up i would throw stuff at the tv (water bottles, books, popcorn, etc...) Hey but it comes naturally when your in a Kikyo Bashers Club!!!
  17. If that EVER happened I would cry... I would sob... then i would commit suicide (j/k!) Anime is all I care for... All i ever do is watch anime, write fanfics based on anime, read manga, and go on anime websites. That would be a SAD day... I would sit in the corner, curl up into a ball and rock back and forth day in and day out.
  18. Most people say I'm like Botan or Sango. Botan because most of the time I'm really sugar high, happy, bouncy, overly energetic, and perky. Sango because I get to beat up all the perverts at school that try and touch my butt. I made them feel pain... Kukukukukuku!!!
  19. Hmmm... I have quite a few favs. Inu/Kagome: They make such a kawaii couple!!! I mean you can sooooo tell that they belong together!!! Episode 13 is proof!!! Sango/Miroku: What better couple could you get??? I mean its so funny when Miroku gropes her and she hits him with her hiraikotsu. I mean theres so many moments with them. See episode 56 and 118. Kenshin/Kaoru: They're just sooooo kawaii together!! I mean you can tell that Kaoru loves him. Yusuke/Keiko: Keiko is always there for Yusuke. Yusuke really cares for her. See episode 4 and the Suzaku battle. Kurama/Botan: They care for each other... Botan only seems to be serious around him. Hmmmmm... I think thats it... *blink* *blink*
  20. Urk! I'd rather not see the preview because when I do, I'll be so excited about the next episode I won't be able to sleep. I have serious problems :) I hate it when they do stuff like that.
  21. I'm sorta picky soooo here BEST: Princess Mononoke (The voices were soooo cool!!!) .hack//sign (I dont know why...) Gunsmith Cats (I just liked the voices alot.) Yu Yu Hakusho (Everyones voice fits their personality. Espicially Hiei) WORST: InuYasha (I love the show but once i saw the subbed shows they were SO much better) CCS (Ugh... I just hate their voices) Tenchi (GAWD their voices are sooooo annoying)
  22. Dang... I think my first anime was either Yu Yu Hakusho or InuYasha. I only started watching anime about... well around the time when Kingdom hearts came out (dont ask...) My sis kept telling me watch this show its so cool. And i was like if you stop poking me fine. Then i became addicted to anime!!! (Sadly i have no life other than that now.)
  23. Urk! I hate Inu/Kikyo!!! Some people like them together but I think that Inu and Kagome should be together. Kikyo is just the past. (please kikyo fans... DONT KILL ME!!!!) I dont like Sesshoumaru/Kagome either. I dont know why... I just dont!!! And i like Karou/Kenshin!!! They make such a cute couple. But if i ever see a Megumi/Kenshin ill hurt myself!!! Oh and I think that all that yaoi and yuri stuff is pretty scary too. (no offense) I mean Kurama/Hiei??? EARTH TO PEOPLE THEY ARE JUST FRIENDS!!! (Sorry. Everyones entitled to their own opinion but thats just what i think.) If i think of anymore they WILL be said... just wait until my brain turns on... *waits for months* This might be awhile...
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