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About ShinobiOfDeath

  • Birthday 10/18/1988

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  1. 1) i forgot.. but i guess ish for Relena?.. or else it's no point.. :P 2) obsessive girl.. relena wants total pacifism (dunno how to spell) and she wants total domination 3) saying that means she's sumwhat high ranking.. and shou.. ppl would respect her.. and follow her orderz and such that's only mai perspective... :D
  2. hmm.. u should see it soon.. ish cool.. and the anime style ish constant and good quality-ish.. i dunno.. but i luved it..
  3. that ish shou stereotypical.. gurlz are YGO duelists too.. that's just awkward for ppl to say that YGO ish for guyz..
  4. anyone seen it.. ?... or know about it? herez a poster.. [IMG]http://www.angelfire.com/dragon/falcus/Naruto_Poster.jpg[/IMG] hope u ppl like it..
  5. oh.. that ep.. i luv it.. u should see what happened.. ish not all that surprising but.. pretti cool.. :D... gamemaster: [spoiler] r u talking about the Ama Kakeru Ryu no Hirameki or the Kuzu Ryu Sen?.. b-cuz if ur talking about the Kuzu Ryu Sen.. then i think that's right.. but not the other one.. if u ppl saw it in the english version.. i dunno how they called it.. but yea.. [/spoiler]
  6. hope to hang around here often.. anyhow.. all i have to say ish that i like anime and RPGs.. :D
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