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Everything posted by Karta

  1. I've got quite a few favorites! I'd have to say anything Clamp is at the top of my manga list (e.g. Wish, Card Captor Sakura, Magic Knights Rayearth) I have to admit though, if shounen-ai and the like bother you, Clamp may not be the way to go (There are enough hints to clearly show intended yaoi/yuri). Oh yeah, I wanted to add that I thought Shonen Jump is great! I love my romancey shojo manga, but it's nice to see a character get in an actual fight every once in awhile. (I can't help but treasure my one Shonen Jump. Naruto, One Piece, even Sand Land, I love them all!)
  2. Humor is my specialty! I'm not all that successful, but my Rurouni Kenshin comedy, "Could Sessha Be Pretty", is actually doing rather well. I just hope I don't mess up or do something stupid! I'd be really upset if I turned away some of my readers. . . Of course, what I really want to do is write a good drama/romance! Anything not in the comedy or angst genre! (I've tried again and again, but I'm just too outlandish and sappy. . .)
  3. Ah! No male may understand the thinking of women, so long as he is attracted to them! Simply explaining our intricate thoughts would bring great misfortune and cranial damage. BWHAHAHAHAHA!!! Well. . . Maybe not. Um, I know I think of all sorts of weird stuff. I also like to play out scenarios in my head! I don?t know if too many others do that. . . I guess I never asked. . . Hmmmm. . . You know I don?t think I helped very much! ^_^
  4. I suppose we are all just a bunch of atoms, but really I don't think that's so bad. The fact is that simply by being around other people we change into something different. That means that even if I AM made up of the same things as everyone else I'm still something unique. Which makes the individuality of humans even more amazing and wonderful. As for our freewill. . . I guess your right about that too. Everyone we ever meet somehow plays a very small part in each decision we make. I suppose that means that every person I know is writing this. Freaky, huh? However, I must disagree on the influence of a higher power. If your theory is correct then anything that HAS ever effected me was simply bunches of atoms. After all I?ve never met a god. Of course that could just be the atheist in me talking! Anyway, that's my perky obnoxious gibberish for the day! Thanks for the interesting thought, that will forever effect my personality, um, sort of. . . creepy. . .
  5. I remember waking up one time to find that my knee hurt REALLY bad. Normally I would shrug something like that off, but a while before that I had a knee surgery (Just to sort of straighten the knee out or something). I ended up staying home from school that day and watching La Bamba on TV with my sister. Anyway, my knee got better by the next morning so I just figured it was some nasty side effect or something. Lo and behold, a few months later I found out that one of the staples they put in my knee had moved out of place and was now positioned in the joint where one's knee bends. Ouch. Let?s see, well, the good news is I got one of the stupid little things out early and the surgery worked well otherwise. Bad news is said surgery leaves a REALLY big scar. FADE SCAR OF HATE! FAAADDDEEEE!
  6. I've never had Mono but girls at my school get it ALL the time from sharing drinks. That's partially why I never share a soda with anyone. (One of my sisters teammates from soccer got it too and I hear that it's pretty awful. She had to sit out a ton of games.)
  7. I knew a girl in elementary and middle school who I REALLY disliked. She kept trying to be my friend and wouldn't leave me alone. I had hoped that at one point SOMEONE else would befriend her so she would leave me alone. Guess what? It took me TEN YEARS to get rid of her! I've only been alive THIRTEEN years and I spent most of them try to loose this girl! I love high school ^_^. It is my savior. (Although I'm beginning to think I should have just told her to bug off instead of wasting all that time. Then again, there IS value in making someone happy, I guess)
  8. My aunt told me that when you get a fortune cookie, you should always add "in bed" on to the end. It's hilarious! Sick, but hilarious. ^_^
  9. Karta

    Invader Zim

    Yeah. Invader Zim used to be on Sundays after that scary Speed Racer remake. Or was it before? I forget! My sister taped a lot of episodes so I watch that instead. Oh yeah and the Hobo 13 episode is great! I feel bad for poor Invader Scooge though. . . (First Zim sends him to be slaughtered, then that general guy uses him as a bludgeoning weapon.)
  10. 1. My favorite toys were either my Barbies or those little toy dogs and cats. I loved to make up stories to play out. (For some reason I never really got into dressing up the dolls. ^_^) My cousins legos were a lot of fun too! 2. They were so exciting and fun! I think I liked books more, but toys were still up on my list of wonderful things. 3. Hmm, I don?t really have any more TOY toys, but I still kind of like legos. My older sister and I WERE playing around with some sample Hulk Hands in the toy aisle of Target but well. . . That kind of thing wasn?t around when I was little. Ooohhh, I?m good at video games now too, so I still like those! 4. Well I never really got certain toys imposed on me. Both of my cousins are boys and my sister was, and still is, such a tomboy it was almost frightening. I guess with influences like that I got to play with Barbies and enjoy Power Rangers. I watched Dragon Ball Z because of my boyish relatives too! As far as my opinion on stereotypes well. . . I think it?s really foolish to tell someone what they SHOULD act like. Hopefully most parents are smart enough to let their kids decide.
  11. I too am part of FF.net. I go by Karta (If you couldn't see that coming ^_^). I write lots of Yu-gi-oh but I've done some Gundam Wing, Rurouni Kenshin, and Final Fantasy 8. I am afraid I also suffer from a case of writer's block (I'm in a period of disgust too. After reading through a lot of my work, I realized that most of it isn't up to my nonexistent standards.)
  12. I wrote I GW fan fic, but I don't know if you would like it. It's a Romance/Humor yaoi between Heero and Duo. If you don't like that whole concept just look on fanfiction.net for one that is more to your liking. (If you DO want to read mine it's called 'Backshock to Boredom'. Just look it up under FF.net's search feature.)
  13. My family can be a lot of fun most of the time, but if any one of them makes ANOTHER comment/joke about my bra size I may just scream. (My sister has MINI chest and they don't bother HER!)
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