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Everything posted by Krillen

  1. i did have shading but i accidentilly made it black and white cause i screwed up the coloring..........awww f**k it. i have better ones my scanner just isnt hooked up
  2. im not sure if they made a topic on this or not. but people might NOT want particular shows to air. now i know this is too gory and is a movie, but id like to see akira again, that was great, and if there gonna show dragonball after dragonball z, then why dont they just put on dbgt while there at it, its rediculous, well i just wanna give you guys somthin to talk about.
  3. somebody else was probably gonna right about it anyways, god i have no one on my buddy list, can you tell me how i can get more?
  4. u all need to stop fighting, its pokemon were trying to make fun of here, not eachother. King Cold:"i...want...nothing..but peace"lol
  5. when goku and vegeta are trapped inside buus body, they try to get out of his steam pipes when they close and goku yells out...... "****! you **** bastard" im serious thats what he says, but its the japanese version and there alowed to swear on tv. there r actually 3 episodes of the buu saga out right now, you can find them at target, but you better hurry encase your interested.
  6. yur right, i should have listed the thred, which pokemon would you like to kill?(as in plural)lol hey sayin god, whats this thing about force feeding krillin to pikachu so that he becomes dumb, i like krillin, after all he does get hooked up with 18. so we dont have to make fun of dbz characters in the process, i mean pokemon is just waiting to get made fun of. haha
  7. i appologize for this, i think that i am the dumbest, i made this thread and what i ment my dumb, i didnt mean intelligence, i ment the most useless, sry!:rolleyes:
  8. i cant believe you and me are the only ones answering to this.lol
  9. i find this funny, have you guys ever searched for dbz porn? well, dont cause its all guys and no girls, lol
  10. hey sorry if i offended you man, but most people who like dbz dont like pokemon, u get me?
  11. i Would use my distructo disc on that dumbass pikachu about 15 times, and then id take his guts and rub them in ash's face. hahahahhahahaha:p :eek:
  12. bulma Chi Chi Android 18 Videl pan( when she grows up)lol
  13. hey..... does anyone care about my pic...and you didnt answer my question! here ill put the pic up again
  14. 18 is sexy but i think i would have to go with bulma, shes a babalicious babe,shes hotter than my girl friend too, i have a pic of her. lol
  15. hey how do i get an icon, i just subscribed again and now i wanna be a serious member.and heres a drawing that i scanned. [email]eric_dark64@hotmail.com[/email]
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