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Everything posted by Tog

  1. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Panda [/i] [B]Genjo Sanzo in Saiyuki. He is very confident and I find that very appealing. :D [/B][/QUOTE] Ooooh, Sanzo... But I'm more into Hakkai at this time (you know, for the next three minutes). And I like Aki-kun from Ayashi no Ceres. Actually, this list could on for pages, but for now I'll limit it to Hakkai and Aki. Mmmmyep...
  2. Heh.... Does anyone think it's really, really, really, really, really, really funny that Count D is voiced by Toshihiko Seki who also plays the voice of Legato from Trigun (he also does a whole bunch of other cool roles, such as Sanzo from Gensomaden Saiyuki) and Leon is voiced by Masaya Onosaka who also does the voice of Vash from Trigun!! Heh heh, I find that beyond amusing. Small world, isn't it?
  3. Wai~~! I just got into Saiyuki a few months and have been head-over-heels ever since. Are all the DVDs really out in America? Because the last DVD I rented was only the beginning of the second season, but there was a commercial on it that said the last DVDs were in America now! I don't know what to believe anymore!! Ohhhh, and the AVD Films website only mentioned the last one I saw! Waaah, I'm so confused. Anyway, on to more precise matters, I'm planning on doing a Sanzo costume for Fanime this year. I was thinking of making a Kanon costume, but without Hakkai no one would recognize me... So, that idea's out. But I am going to try the Sanzo costume. Anyone wanna help fill in the rest of party? (PS: I WILL hit you with my paper fan, Goku-Cosplayers and Gojyo-Cosplayers!)
  4. 1.) KA-GO-ME (Inuyasha). No debate. I hate her. I hate her so much. Grr. 2.) Vash (Trigun). Sure. I love him. But I couldn't afford the property damage. I don't think we have insurance. :sweat: 3.) Lirin (Saiyuki). As for hyper active anime girls, she takes the cake (of course, she'd probably have to fight Haruko (FLCL) and Excel (Excel Saga) for it). 4.) Any of the Mini Moni girls. They count. Well, they should. They have anime forms! And I really don't think they need any explaination. -_-
  5. In the anime, D's not nearly as cool and adorable as he is in the manga. He's just... creepy, but in more of a cheesy way. (However, Q-Chan is sooo cute!!) Although, they did portray Leon quite well. The stories in the anime are changed a bit too. Such as, the rabbits don't get out of the house, etc, etc. It makes me really sad... I was expecting much better. The animation just isn't very good. Siiiigh. I still cry about it at night.
  6. What do you guys think of this game? I've only seen really bad reviews for it. On the other hand, I've been playing it and truly enjoying it. I can't seen every many flaws to it. I believe that those who gave it bad reviews where expecting something more like the PC version and not something a bit closer to Harvest Moon (but HM is still better!!). So, what do you think?
  7. Has anyone else read/seen Pet Shop of Horrors? (author: Matsuri Akino; published in English by: Tokyopop; anime produced by: Urban Vision) No one I've asked so far has even heard of it. It's a really good series (ok, the anime was a bit dissapointing, but the manga's really good!). So, if you have seen it, please tell me what you think of it. Also, does anybody know where I could find the manga translations? I don't think I can wait for the 5th book to come out in English. I've already scratched through the first few layers of my skin waiting for the 4th one.
  8. I pretty much only listen to Japanese music. Don't bother asking why, though. Actually, I was listening to Gackt when I stumbled upon this topic (still am!). Anway, in no order, my favorite groups are: Malice Mizer, Moi Dix Mois, Eve of Destiny, BLOOD, Gackt (shudder), and Klaha (he's just so darn cute! "I wish I get a wing, can fly in the sky"). I was so dissapointed when I heard Schwarz Stein... they're just not as good as I had hoped. And for some reason Dir en Grey just didn't have that certain something I was hoping for. I guess I have high standards (even though I like Klaha's solo work...). Also, Do As Infinity is ok, I guess.
  9. Yeah, it would perhaps look better with a color background. And the text looks a tad bit blurry, or maybe it's the boarder around it... I'm not sure, it just looks a little off. What program did you use to make it?
  10. You might want to make it a bit darker, the grey just looks a bit choppy, I think. The shadows look really good as do the eyes. I think it could kick the butt of some of the work that was in it last time. Keep at it!
  11. I'm not a big LP fan (but I do know what they look like atleast) or anything but it's a really good picture! I think that only problem is that they look like they're slightly leaning... or did you mean to do that?I don't know, but the way you made the eyes makes them all look rather depressed or angry. What medium did you use? Oh, and did you use an actual logo for the corner? Or did you make it yourself? I wouldn't know either way.... 8/10
  12. Oi.... hair... I've been dying my hair since I was seven... I think that the worst job was the latest one... I had never, ever let my head be blonde for more than a few minutes between putting in neon greens, violent purples, and various shades of blue... well, for Halloween I decided that I would join the ranks of the Vash cosplay army. And so... I became... blonde! Well, that is to say, I tried to. Let me just tell you, it's real hard to go from raven to blonde in one night. By three times of bleaching my head in less than 12 hours, I had only succeeded to make my roots very, very blonde and my tips pretty blonde, but the rest of my head was red. Friggin' orangey-red! I'd say the hardest part was trying to get shoulder length hair to stand up... I gave up and tied it back. The next hair adventure should come soon enough, though. After I snap a few pictures of myself in my lovely Halloween costume, I'm going to try my very hardest to dye my locks grey and my bangs black. Hee hee! It should prove to be very fun! (The woman who I was buying all the grey dye from was very confused to as why anyone would go from a different color TO grey. She had heard of people dying their hair from grey to a differnt color, but never the other way around!)
  13. It reminds me of my dog... if only we could get all those reckless teenagers fixed.... (Note-to-Self: Add to To-Do list)
  14. I guess holding hands is okay... maybe a quick hug or peck on the cheek... but really... do they need to grope at each other? Yuck! My school's so small that it has less than 100 people, and quite a few of them are... well... NC 17... There are a couple couchs that people sit on during breaks and, well, smart people don't sit on two of them because a few kids...ano...uh... they had... you know... And the girls' bathroom is very well tainted. So, generally, I'm against major PDA.
  15. Ahh... promises I can never keep.... 1. Grades, Tog, grades! If I do well in school this year I can go on to the 11th grade insted of the 9th. 2. Get in shape! ("I'm in shape... round's a shape, isn't it?") 3. Practice kendo and/or aiido. 4. Finish at least one of my stories. 5. Stop being so darn picky! (Tog's requirements for a boyfriend: Must be fictional (being crazy/homicidal is a plus)) ...You know... that's not that picky... it's only one thing... This one isn't mine, but I'm sure my friend would say that her biggest one is... "Find a gay best friend." She's been trying for a while now. Also, by the end of this year... I've got to get at least 50 posts on OB or else my computer is set to shock me half to death. Mmmyep.
  16. Ahh, they're very touching. I never knew you could be so deep, Shin! 'My Love' is probably my favorite. It's written so well! The structure was what made it so good, I think. Grr, I am filled with jealousy! (This has nothing to do with jelly!) Although, the line in 'Simple' "All through the night" made me start humming the ending theme to Outlaw Star...
  17. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Shinmaru [/i] [B]And I don't really get any special privileges or anything because I'm a mod...I'm subject to the same rules as anyone else o_O; [/B][/QUOTE] Yes, and you just enforce the rules, not make them, right? Shin: That's it, Shinmaru! I'm writing you up a ticket for swearing in your banner! Shin: Oh yeah?! Well, you can just shove that ticket up your -- Shin: Don't say that word! Shin: What? Or you'll write me up a ticket?!
  18. Hah! Ever since I was a few months ago I was thinking about whether or not it as shoujo ai or just strong friendship. I still have no answers. And yes, RoD is very good, although very quick. I think it would do well as, perhaps, a full series. Do you know if there's a manga? (I'm not talking about in English)
  19. In Aladdin, the part where he's on that terrece thing and being attacked be the tiger, he clearly but quietly says "Take off your clothes." Don't ask how I know this. (My friends have weird taste when it comes to movies and 15th birthday parties)
  20. It really is too bad that you don't have enough room for more !s and 1s... I could just see it.... "...is a lame ***1!!1!one!1" Otherwise it's very wonderful. Like a spammer just decided to scribble on your banner. ...You know, now that I think about it... that could happen... Be careful! Oh, and I guess you can't get in trouble for having a naughty word on it, you being a mod and all. Phhhtt... lucky bum...
  21. Ooh, the banners and avatars look very, very nice. I'm impressed. But have you ever noticed that so many FF males look like Gackt? Scaaa~ry. I don't think I'd want to play a game where I have to be around Mr. Scary Man all the time. (Granted... I really, really, really do want Bunjingai.)
  22. ....You're artwork is better than mine and I resent you for that.... No, just kidding. But it is really good (and better than mine). I remember hearing very, very little about Yanet once... The armor did look familiar to me. I was thinking Golden Sun, but since you mentioned Fire Emblem I completely see it now. (4 something am.... leave my nonsense making self and posts alone.) Oh! And there's one thing I didn't like about the David picture. The nose was too curvy. Yeah. Or my vision's blurry from lack of sleep. Either way... fix it. Or don't. Whatever.
  23. I really like the Ring and Sephriothic Chart ones. You've done so many. Wow. But those two are my favorites. Yes. I really think so. Aww... I can see that you're inproving with practice, how cute. (Sorry if this message makes no sense... look at the time I posted it. 4 something in the morning. I need sleep. Or at least coffee.)
  24. Sugoi! I like the... what's it called? Arrangement. Yeah. It's good. Keep it up, 'kay?
  25. I like your writing style in this one. It really shows what you can do as a writer. I'm not really crazy about the story itself, though. I guess it's because I know very little about the people on OB and less about skateboarding. The only thing a 900 looks like to me is a nine and some zeros after it. Yeeeah.
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