The only ones I can think of is Sailor moon ive got the whole set but i think the anime needed to follow it a lil more theres more romance in the manga between Darien/Maramu(think thats right) and Usagi/Serena
and more death and I think cardcaptors followed the manga well to.^_~
Yeah I loved X it was really good, I couldent belive it when Kottotori died so brutaly I felt well sorry for Kamui The way they just killed everyone off was cool! ^_^
The one that got me into it all was DBZ saiyan saga my fave character is Goku (don't no why i said that about Goku just thought you'd like ta know ^_~)
Then I got well into Sailor Moon I wanna be Serena:cross: :rolleyes: .
It just sorta carried on from their now I have a massive anime/manga collection (no porn ones though)^_~
I think one choice for me would hafta be Pan it would be beyond cool to form energy beams and if i diddent like someone it would be Kame-Hame-Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!! right into the next dimension *giggels evily* :devil: My mate said I remind her of Pan (looks and attitude)One guy even called me pan when i had a bandana on
I think also Reyoko ive got the attitude down ^_^ :rolleyes: *gives innocent look*
GoKents Ive got a suggestion hes not got a beard but dose have really long white hair and blue eyes Yue from cardcaptors hope that helps
[COLOR=orangered][size=1]Don't double post.
O.k Im gonna introduce myself now, Hi pple I'm a nu b Call me Pan
Im obssesed with DBZ,GT ect. I love drawing and creating my own manga and im a nice person (oh how corny is that) anyway just sayin Hi. :)