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  1. I think it is because in Manga characters have either white or black hair. The artists got tired of making everybody have black hair, or wanted to portray blondes. Then the white hair stuck. If you think about it, you can only come up with SO many original ideas...
  2. I'd feed the bad people that made it go away to my pet tigers all day... With all the money I'd save I could afford a dozen or two of 'em. (Tigers, bad people grow on trees)
  3. Ahem, *spoiler* Vash is right because theoretically the spider could feast off the flies, mosquitoes, and other pests. So the spider and the butterfly live :D It wasn't a question of the spiders or butterflies dieing, it was a question of the humans or the plant-beings living. Knives wanted to save the plant-beings, and Vash ran around ignorantly...
  4. The mosquitoes are worse this year then before. I live in Minnesota, and we have legendary mosquitoes, Alaska and Us. This year is worse because they have been attacking in the heat of the day or at midnight, doesn't matter to them. *Need more bats*
  5. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by AzureWolf [/i] [B] I mean, obviously they only do this when the non-EZPass sections are long and crowded, but it's stupid to see two empty EZPass tolls blocked by some people who are trying to cut into the lane, only to stay at the front of the EZPass toll until someone lets them in. :nope:[/B][/QUOTE] People actually do that? Drivers are usually really bad, and selfish, so I can believe that.
  6. I have a problem with this simply because it is possible to prove a man is not a women, but who's to say you're not gay?
  7. One time when I was playing an RPG, the GM was really bad, so for fun I had my character (over time) convince the other players that I'm a paper donkey. Now I am, I guess.
  8. You might have stifled her, anybody up for extra innings?
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