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Everything posted by Dark_Storm

  1. O.K This is the post were I start to show off all of my art skills, and so on and so4th. Well here is one of my earlyer banners that I made for a mate of mine that he needed for a web page that he is making, and hes nick name is TMP, Well that what he's webpage says anyhow. Tell me what your think of it
  2. thanks but it is not as cool as your banner!
  3. i used pp7 and it is from beyblade, it is kai!
  4. Here is a banner that i have just made. The saying on their is what my mum's dad all ways said. His name was Tim Mark Prince, so I get TMP. So this is a banner for my dead grandfather. Tell me what you think of it. EDIT *Sorry it not mean to put here so could you put this post in art/design*
  5. Here is my lastest GFX that I have done Tell me what you think of it. It is for my Webmaster logo or for my sister on her page. If somebody made it smaller they can have it for an avi
  6. Looky looky at what I made. I made a cool Vash banner out of one of my drawings of vash that I have scaned up. So tell me what you think of it?
  7. I will try to make a deathscythe and duo one, what size do you want it?
  8. Just answer the poll and tell me what you fav punk band is
  9. This is a wall paper I have made a I have also used it on my computer at home and it is very cool. I hope somebody out there uses it for there computer. Also tell me what you think of it.
  10. you guys are so heavy thinkers but if ginyu could be really old and he knows about the super sayain legend could of been around then a he could of done body swap with one of the freist super sayians then, think about that?
  11. the image is not stretched it is the way the ring around it that makes it look like it!!
  12. That is so cool. Man I could never do something like that ever!!
  13. Here is a new banner I have made for a mate of mine for another board but if somebody here has that user name that can have it. I can also do a shadow and sonic banner too. Tell me what you think
  14. Somebody must get really board to do that kind of art work. I know let's call this line of art work "Puff Art"
  15. It did not all load up I can only see da top of it :(
  16. OMG. That is so.....so.... cute? Nar that's not the word I was after it might be this. Great job try doing a chibi versionof one of the Gundams *The Deathscythe I whisper coz it is my fav gundam* I give it a 9/10. Keep up the good work
  17. Here is an Chibi goku banner I made with an animated GIF I found on the net! tell me what you think? P.S Should I keep the banner I have at the moment?
  18. Talk about your dreams and no im not talking about dreams for the future Im talking about the ones you have when you sleep... Last night I dreamt of being a ninja...It was kinda weird though cuz I was at some hotel and I would break down doors in the hotel rooms run in and raid the place....It was really weird and ended with me trapt in a bathroom. I didn't really understand the dream but who does?
  19. nar they is not any .hack midis
  20. I know that this might be aloud :( but could some body sent me a .hack//SIGN midi so I can put it on my page! Thanks
  21. As Gavin looked out arcoss the sping he saw an old man with an Dragonite. This old man looked some what familiar like from his past. Gavin: Hay, you wait!! Gavin yelled out, but the old man up on the back of the Dragonite. Gavin: Hay, Was that my Grandfarther? Does he live here on this island? Is they any body that lives here? Gavin hoped back onto his bike and road down the road.
  22. Gavin ran off the boat onto new island. Gavin: My bike! I almost for got it. Gavin was just about to get his bike when a flying fire Pokemon came out of the sky and landed and wanted to fight his Pichu. Gavin: So is it a fight you want a fight is what you are going to get. But pokemon is it? I know I will get out my pokenav. Gavin turn it on. Gavin's Pokenav: Flamegon, The Flame Dragon Pokemon. This pokemon is usely found near hot water springs up in the hills, But it comes down to catch is dinner of baby pokemon, like pichu and other small pokemon. Gavin: HHMMM, A fire type aee, But Pichu can take care of this. Go Pichu. Use the Thunder Crash. A young girl called Kitty watched on as Gavin battled. Gavin: All right Pichu, Now use it agian. Now it is weak I can use a pokeball. Gavin through the pokeball but the Flamegon knocked it back to him. So gavin got out his last Greatball and through that. It hit the Flamegon. Gavin: My first pokemon! Well not my first but anyway first of many here on this island. The young girl came off the baot with Gavin's Bike. Kitty: You newaly forgot this. That was a great battle and you are the frist Trainer here to catch a new island pokemon. What was that move that your Pichu used? Gavin: Thunder Crash? That is a move that me and my.....Farther made. Gavin looked sad. Kitty: Why so glum all of a sudden? Gavin:My Farther is........Dead! Gavin hop onto his bike and rode fast. Over the closet hill. Kitty: But wait? Gavin just rode on hoping to battle Kenji. Gavin stoped near a hot water spring and let out his all of his pokemon. Gavin: That girl....Kitty it think her name was, was kinda of cute don't you think pichu? Pichu just went to sleep. Gavin looked up at the sky, Gavin: Dad I will become a Gym leader and make you happy coz that is what you wanted to become when you were a boy.
  23. that is pretty cool but for the gunner arm you needed better quaity pic
  24. I have to say that Joe Madureira is my fav artist. I love Battle Chasers. He is alot like me in some ways. I have started on my own manga at the age of 17 I call it "Dual Warriors". It is kinda a cross between .hack//SIGN, yi-gi-oh and dragonball.
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