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Everything posted by shahi
[COLOR=SeaGreen][SIZE=2]He smirked, standing just outside the small apartment, staring up at the fifth floor. Busy people rushing by his transparent form in front of them?Honey I?m home.? They see nothing they hear nothing and deny what ever it is they feel . . . what useless creatures, drained of all value they once had . . . He ran his hands through his hair lightly and walked inside the building. His feet made no sound, his presence unnoticeable. This will be easy . . . His wings stayed untouched by the wind, He made his way up into the apartment effortlessly. Standing above the body whose spirit was on the brink of death, he was there to give her a push. Such fearful creatures these humans are . . . why does he love them. Death couldn?t understand it at all. Watching these creatures for more than six billion years made him develop a bitter hatred for them, Maybe that?s what made him so good at his job. Of course, an angel isn?t supposed to have such feelings of hate. Judgement day hun . . . He pressed his hand against her head, her eyes showing what little spirit she had left fighting long and hard, trying to tell her outer shell to try to stop what blood she had left from flowing out of her and onto the cherry wood stained carpets. Resistance is feudal that sounds familiar . . . crap..I?m never using that line again. He sighed, his hand glowing with a bright blue light that slowly drained the life out of her eyes. Her spirit departing from earth in the form of an almost white colored mist and all was calm and quiet. ?You can?t hide your hate from the lord.?A crackling voice spoke out of the corner of the room that death had just filled his presence with, like a light through the darkness. Death choked some in a sarcastically surprised tone of voice. ?Oh Gabriel . . . to what do I honor this . . . unexpected visit . ?Gabriel kept a warm hearted smile. ?You have been called back for now . . . the rest of the departures will be handed.? Will be handled. ?By whom? You?? he said slightly annoyed by the thought.?Why, of course not my old friend . . . ? the angel stood up his Curley hair falling in front of his face, a warm light glowed around him shining on everything in the room, the dead pale flesh of the cooling girl reflected the warm glow of the angel, death some times envied him but wouldn?t say it. ?You and some of the others have been replaced for a short period.? Death choked, for once, he really choked the only thought in his head being why? Gabriel just got up and made his way out of the building as quietly as he entered. Death sighed some.?What?s this about . . . ?Death glared at the ceiling as if it could melt through it. Then he too faded away into the unknown now in search of the reason he was set aside. Far away in a distance land,...wait sorry wrong story. Ageless stories about angels have drifted through out the centuries portraits drawn, people believing that they watch over them from the heavens above and of course that is true. As are the timeless stories of angels dropping from heaven onto earth as punishment for jealousy, hate, or anger. Of course they are upset but they can do nothing about it after all they are angels without grace almost as good as humans...almost. What happens when they rebel? Johnny smiled nervously looking up at the small group of actors that he had just presented his script to and noticed they were actually paying attention. Audience member: Angels gone wild! it rains brimstone fire and dead people! Author: um....no....anyway if your interested in a part in the play please let me know and show up at tryouts on the fifth! Thank you and good luck. In the mist of the busy hustle of city life , there?s still a art that?s been practiced for centuries...play writing! Johnny B. One of the least famous writes, has just gotten his big break..after writing a play involving angels that try to make their way back into Heaven after being banished for having human emotions. The origin of why he chose this one story to turn in, and why it was starting to gain so much attention is unknown but, the eerie feeling that some thing is wrong with the script that cannot be fixed by just editing alone is obvious to him. Yet pushing the idea aside that some things wrong he continues on with his plans hoping for fame and a little money on the side. But will his search for the perfect actors for the play some how cause the borders of earth and heaven to be crossed? Are the actors really acting or playing out a scene that they know to well about? Will he be able to stop before he gets in too deep? Who knows...[/SIZE] okay not that you've got a basic idea of what the rpgs about sign up: Name-(have fun with it make it normal or some thing that will make the other characters stare at yours blankly your choice) Age-(please keep the age limit from 16 - 30 ) Appearance- History- shattered angel or human-(the angels are the cause of the destruction of the world and the true creators of the play the humans are of course just people that happen to get stuck in their plan thinking their getting their moneys worth by taking an acting job) angels needed- angel of death angel of time angel of fate angel of darkness thank you for your time ^_^ [/COLOR]
Ren sighed some and opened her eyes staring at the ceiling. she had taken a nap, a long nap after a day of doing nothing really and not even attempting to go outside. She sat up and stared around the room for a little while."hey kitty..." she smiled lightly and ran her hand over the small black cats fur, it seemed to be still asleep. Ren sat up and walked around the room in a circle for a short time and then walked towards the door, she needed some fresh air or some thing. She had been inside to long today and hadn't even started on her plans for the room she was suppose to be hired to design. She still had plenty of time but there was so much she could have done this morning. She thought and stared at the door for a short while and then shook her head deciding not to think of it at the moment, besides, she made her best plans during the night. Ren walked outside and stretched out her arms yawning lazily before looking down the nearly empty hall, besides a few people exiting their room. "mmm...I want jello..." she walked back inside the room and grabbed her purse before tying her hair up. "I want some thing I haven't eaten in a while today...and jello sounds good.." She laughed lightly to herself and sighed frowning almost as soon as she stepped through the door."Meow . . . " she blinked and looked up at the few cats around the hallway, there were less than before. "hum.." she blinked and looked at one that seemed to be walking funny, she frowned. Ren picked up the cat and walked it back to her room closing the door, she would check it out after she got her jello. Exiting the building, she thought about what she had just done," put a cat that seemed to be sick or some thing in with a cat that?s fine, not exactly smart, the other cat could catch some thing." She sighed some and shoved her hands in her pockets making her way down the street.
She sat up abruptly and glanced around the hall way,it was almost ten."shit..." she looked down at the frightened cat now on the ground."sorry..." she muttered and ran her hand through her hair lightly stretching out her legs for a second. Ren stared down at her drawing and rolled her eyes. A black streak from the pencil went right through the middle of the picture."well ,that?s what a eraser is for...." she sighed and got up picking up her chair and sliding it inside before reaching for a small bottle on her table near the door. She closed the door behind her looking around. Ren was a bit off, but she wasn't a fool. She walked around her home making sure no one had got in while she took her untimely nap. Ren sighed lightly and threw up the can some before catching it in her other hand. "Pepper spray..rens best friend." she put the small spray can on the table and plopped down in a chair resting her head back a bit."hum...."she jumped slightly seeing her cat move and sighed a bit."you almost got hit..." she looked down at the cat who just meowed lightly and curled up by her feet.
"yes that?s exactly what happens...they scream when I feed them" she said sarcastically and shook her head some what."I was calling the cats to come and eat..." she said and sighed before looking down at the picture."I'm drawing the hallway." she looked down at the cat for a second and then started on the room across from hers. She crossed her legs lightly and looked up for a second. she was really into her drawing, most likely because their was nothing else to do. She hummed some what and then looked at him. Really she didn't talk to any one in the building besides the land lord when she was paying her bill. "what?s your name?"she asked still looking down at the paper. Ren broke the lead of the pencil and cursed lightly going inside to sharpen it before returning to her spot in front of the door.
she picked up her pencil and started to draw just that moment. Blinking some she looked at him."I was feeding the cats." she looked back down at the paper and then scratched her head. She watched one of the cats run out the room past his foot, a small back one. Ren smiled lightly and then scratched her head looking around the hall way for a second. She blinked not looking up."you almost ran into me today." she said, even though it was the other way around. Ren pulled her hair behind her ears some and continued to draw the hallway. She waited watching the cat disappear down the hall first.
Ren got up and walked out in the hall way quietly before hearing screaming coming from one of the rooms. she stopped in front of the door for a second thinking how sound travels in the apartment so well. Ren looked around seeing the hallway empty and took a deep breath."Here! kitty kitty kitty kitty!" the loud annoying scream continued for only a few minutes before the hall was quiet again. Ren left her door open walking back to her room, with in seconds meowing was heard all through the hall way, cats were scattered around near the door. After feed the cats, whether they where hers or just some strays that started hanging around the building, she picked up a folding chair and sat in front of the front door with a pencil and some paper. Cracking her neck lightly before looking down the hall, hell, maybe some one will walk by and give her some thing to do...or some one to torment for the day. She leaned back some in the chair and yawned a bit.
Ren yawned and stared down at the ground making her way back home."I got the job, whooo...." she said in a sarcastic way. Really everything that could have gone wrong could have that day. She spilled coke on the person she was meeting, Her folded had a strange amount of cat draws in it that she accidently stuffed in with her designs. Despite her clumsy mistakes that day the person seemed to like her design for the room and hired her."Just don't mess up my house like you did my shirt . . . hum" she remembered what the man said and put her hands behind her head sighing some. "God.,That was embarrassing . . . " she muttered walking inside the building. She heard meowing down the hall and blinked some looking at the cats."Got the job . . . " she smiled lightly watching one brush against her leg affectionately and then walk over to the door and wait for her to open it. She opened the door to her room and then pulled her hair behind her ears some before closing the door and sitting down on the floor. she sighed some and reached up putting her folder on her desk before watching the cat walk towards the kitchen. She stretched out on the floor for a second staring at the clock. It took her a second to actually notice the time, it was 5:36pm or so.
"it's.." she looked at her watch and then back ahead of here."3:35...I still have like an hour and a half...' she muttered and started to power walk. She wasn't the type to run anywhere unless she had to. So she tried to get out at least an hour or two early when she had some place to be. She was a fast walker though, she rolled her eyes getting irritated and walked passed a few people taking their sweet time. She looked down at her folder while she walked, making sure she had all the papers and looked up before nearly walking into Erriku."watch it." she said automatically even though she was the one not paying attention. she continued to walk quickly, passing by Aiko and Dilian. She took the time to stare at Dilian's PJ's.'I'm not asking..' she thought to herself talking a deep breath before continuing to walk quickly, counting the steps in her head.
Muttering some thing, Ren walked down the hall an envelope in hand. She flicked her hands through it counting the amount of money she had inside it and sighed a bit.?just barely enough..? she thought and sighed in a releived way. She walked a bit faster picking up the black cat before standing by the door to the office. ?Come here Cain.? She scratched its ears lightly and the cat lightly purred. She put the cat down and basically placed the envelope with her name and room number on the desk, like she had been doing for the past few months. ?Moneys on the desk"She said quickly and walked back to her room seemingly a hurry. The cats ran around the hall some sitting by doors and others just laying around in the hall way lazily. She swung the door to her room open and slammed it closed after she was inside barely missing one of her cats that was still making it's way out the room. ?I?m late....? she muttered and gathered together a messy folder with papers scattered over the floor.She tripped over a book on her way out the door and looked up staring down the hall for a second before quickly starting to walk down the hall.
[COLOR=Purple]Name: Ren Zachary Age: 23 Gender: female Nationality: Japanese / African American Appearance: short curly red hair that goes just a bit pass her chin and brown eyes although she wears green contacts since she can?t really see to well. She?s very toned and her skin is a light brownish color although she gets paler during the winter. She?s about 5 ft but doesn?t take the time anymore to measure herself. She often dresses in extremely colorful clothing or things with cats on them. Personality: She is not very quiet at the apartment in fact she?s rather loud and known for screaming at people who show up at her door. She?s kind of territorial and enjoys terrorizing whoever walks by her door step, of course she?s only like this at home. At work she?s strictly professional. She?s short tempered and at times snappy She has a strange obsession with cats. Occupation: interior designer Biography: Her grand mother kicked her and her cats out the house after she dyed her hair dark cherry red. It wasn?t the first time she?d been kicked out. Being send back and forth between her father in Maine and her mother in Virginia since she was 8 she really did have a pretty good child hood. Often running around and playing like a regular child should. It continued this way until she reached the age of 13 and started getting tired of the constant moving around. She started to act out and disrespect her parents, punishment wasn?t affecting her anymore. Finally after getting pushed to his limits her father recommended that she be sent to her grandmother for a while. Her mother, of course, said no but after she to got tired of the girl she decided to let her father send her to japan to live with her grandmother. She was good for a while just in pure shock of being sent away. She surrounded her self with drawings, books and cats. Then one rainy April day after she had acted up and managed to push her grandmother to the limits as well, she and her cats were kicked out of the house and left on their own. It only took her a week or two to find a newspaper with an ad about the building in it. After looking at the prices she decided that it would be a good start. She?s been there for the past six years and just hasn?t seem to get off her feet, always managing to just barely pay the rent, her younger cousin is suppose to be coming to live with her in a few months. Characters Interests: drawing things ,rain, reading and letting her cats run loose in the hall way Room number: no. 6[/COLOR]
[SIZE=1][COLOR=SeaGreen][I]?You?d [COLOR=SeaGreen]fight anything on two legs won?t you??the warmth of the soup he was drinking ran threw him like an electric current. ?Heh, I could stop...? ?If you wanted to...sure? Taking another sip of his drink and rolling his eyes at his brother he leaned back slightly. ?You have a problem.? ?No I don?t? ?yes you do.? mase got crossed with his brother and gave him a defensive look. ?See one small comment and you?re ready to jump.? He proved his point, mase hated it when he used him to prove his points, it irritated him not that much didn?t. [/I] His mind drifted between past and present while he stared up at the ceiling for a short time. It wasn?t until the ruffing sound of paper passed by him a couple of times that he snapped out of his daze and sat up in his seat. He looked a bit confused about what had just took place for a second and sat up in his seat as if nothing was wrong, thinking. ?Dazed out a bit . . . I guess? To mase he was staring at the ceiling for what seems like forever, surely enough time to recall a conversation that took place only a week or two ago. In reality it was only four minutes he had been sitting there, staring at the ceiling while his eyes started to nearly drift away although no one seemed to notice, the way he quickly came back to reality. He turned to his right seeing Sara read a note and then drifting his attention to the others in the room for a second.[/COLOR][/COLOR][/SIZE]
"I have an issue with anger....I store it up until I get to the point where I feel like hurting somebody..."he continued and sighed looking up. "I stabbed a classmate with a pencil....twice and got put out of school for it"he said and looked down."He was talking about my brother in class...and I got mad and kinda lost it....the teacher got scared and went to get security and before I knew it I had stabbed him with a pencil that I had just went to sharpen a bit earlier...." he frowned."before I got put out..I was always in and out of school or getting suspended for fights over little things that just annoyed me some times. Anything makes me tick..mostly people talking about my brother..." He closed his eyes."I use to live with my mom but she couldn't handle my brother or me always getting into shit and sent us to live with my older brother. He said I'm to aggressive.."Mase talked in slightly low tone he didn't like talking about himself."after I got put outta school...I had to go to trail for 'assault' and then some one had to examine me or some mess like that.. " he sounded irritated just talking about it."after that they sent me to another school...for a few months before I got to go back home. then my older brother informed me that I needed to get help for my 'issues' and send me here to get it..." he closed his eyes again. Mase left out a few details that he found irrelevant to anything.
[COLOR=DarkSlateGray]He watched the girl beside him stand up and then stared dully at her when she said her names and interest, being a bit on the sleepy side. Mase took off his hat before standing up."Hi...I'm Mase ...,"forgeting to give his last name, he shoved his hands in the pockets of his jacket and looked up."And my interests are music and . . . " he thought for a second and gave a typical answer that any teen his age would give with a slight shrug. "Sleeping . . . baseball and handball . . . "He fiddled with his glasses a bit in his pocket and looked down."Yeah . . . " he just sat back down feeling a bit awkward for some reason. It got a bit quiet after Mase sat down, he looked around at everyone else for a second before rasing his hand."Mainly I'm interesting in classical music and r&b . . . " his voice trailed off a bit and then he became quiet again. [/COLOR]
[COLOR=SeaGreen]Name: Mase Demain Age: 18 Gender: Male Description: He's 5'8 1/2',with light brown Eyes and brown hair that?s cut short. His head always seems to be covered with some type of cap or hat .He likes to dress flashy when he can but mostly sticks to a jean jacket, plan tee shirt, and black or blue jeans. He wears reading glasses but rarely uses them, mostly, he keeps them in one of the pockets of his jacket. Personality: Mase is mostly quiet, he rarely talks to people he doesn't know, and is very slow to admit he's wrong. he is very uncomfortable around crowds and almost always seemed to have just a slight annoyed tone in his light voice.[/COLOR]
[SIZE=2]I don?t use public bathrooms at school at least but if I?m at a restaurants or some thing I have no problem with it . . . unless I?m at McDonald . . . Once when I was really young me and my friend went to go to the bathroom, when we went to the door before we walked inside a man walked outside. We both stared for a second before checking if we were going into the right bathroom, which we were after that we pretty much just turned around and waited til we got home. But at school, I basically wait til I get home. The only reason I use to the stalls is if I have to stay after school or change for gym and use the one closest to the wall. Plus, last year people at my old school use to lock others in the bathroom so I tried to keep away from them.[/SIZE]
Name:[unknown] AKA: Lin Age:26 Gender: female Appearance: [URL=http://www.advancedanime.com/displayimage.php?pid=53181][COLOR=black]Lin[/COLOR][/URL] Personality: Perhaps devilish? Insane? Psychotic as many call her...Lin is well aware of her mental state and embraces it as a advantage. She enjoys her job and does it well, she feels no regret or remorse for those she kill. Lin thinks of them as simply a part of the life style that was chosen for her. Her thought pattern some times scattered and confused when dealing with certain emotions but extremely clear when it comes to her job. It?s almost like two different people when she fights. A scared girl plagued with insanity and the uncontrollable anger or the strict, cleaver assassin that has little remorse and won?t hesitate when it comes to reaching her goal and getting what she wants. Either way you don?t want to be in the way. Lin promised her self she?d never leave a witness. Biography:Biography: She sat there just shaking when she first found out..., When She was first diagnosed. ?Mentally unstable? No, your lying my child is fine? Not my child. . .? Her own mother denied her, denied her state refused to get her help. She even discarded the information when she was told. Lin laughed it off like it was nothing and continued on with her busy meaningless life. Always afraid that whatever she did would reflect on her mother her family...and God forbid her friends find out. It started off small little thoughts of insanity now and then that made her chuckle at the thought. It continued, the thoughts coming more frequently, the imagery in her head more graphic each time. Lin laughs now recalling her ?childhood? yet the things she?s done seem nothing like what a mere child would think up on their own. At fifteen she saw blood shed for the first time. She saw a man get killed swiftly and quickly almost without flaws except they left a witness. Lin saw the man fall, his black hair covered in the sticky red liquid that ran threw the cracks off the pavement. She saw the man that took his life walked off as if it was nothing, and was in awe. This was when Lin accepted the fact that she was truly with no doubt insane. In two years time she had already memorized thousands of torture devices from the different centuries, and some different weapons. She would spend hours each day either looking up new weapons or reading about them in the library. Lin?s Mother started to worry when she discovered how much research the girl of 17 was putting into weapons. She cleverly covered it up with the excuse that she was learning about the weapons and tortured devices of the different time periods. She added that she wanted to be a Social Studies teacher. ?Oh how cleaver you were Lin . . . to think you a teacher.?She thought years afterwards. As the years went by Lin went on to pick up on kick boxing leading a seemingly normal life in an abnormal twisted world as she saw it. Yet that was only the half of it, during her free time she would practice her fighting, She also seemed to develop a small taste for blood. She would push others she trained with to fight with her for hours until she could draw even the small amount of blood. She loved it being in control of herself, being able to inflict pain on others. Lin for some odd reason seemed to get a rush from it. Soon after she started to drift farther and farther away from her family. It wasn?t long before she was drawn into the life of an assassin. She practiced her assassination skills until she could actually get paid for her work. She was moving up in ranking, People were paying her large sums of money just for a simple kill. Finally at the age of 19 she discarded her name and took the name of Lin. The real Lin was dead, he was one of the first people she had killed. Til this day he still was the one that was the hardest to kill she loathed him. Yet, he was the only kill she actually respected after the fight, So she honored him in a twisted way by taking his name. Lin had only just barely turned twenty-four when she had the biggest crisis of her life, She had Left a witness. Lin had never left a witness until that day but when she saw a blurred figure on the news tell all he knew about the murder. She knew she had made a vital flaw. She could understand if it was still when she was young just starting out, when she just barely caught witnesses But she was twenty-four. She?d been in the business for more than seven years at that point she shouldn?t have made that mistake. Luckily her employer didn?t say anything about the report on the News. Faced with the fact that she made such a mindless mistake, Lin Quit. It wasn?t easily to do it but she avoided new jobs and fights, she still trained in kick boxing but besides that she tried her best to remain away from blood.For two years she kept away from blood, yet her mind was always on it. She always smiled at people when they said hello, but she was never really happy satisfied with falling back into the order of a life without killing. It was like an Addiction to blood if any such thing was possible. Lin was miserable for a long time going threw all types of strange emotions before she started taking jobs again. Her first job once back in business was swift and quick with no witnesses, Just how Lin liked it. Not to long after her second job, Lin was contacted by a woman with an offer to join her group of assassins. The twenty-six year old figured she had absolutely nothing to lose and joined without questions. Weapon: Black Cobra Sword Cane and a set of daggers Alliance: Black Vipers [/SIZE][/COLOR]
"you pictures are really good, I like the work on the shading I can't shade that well...I always mess up on it." kanya said cracking her knuckles out of habit, bending her fingers back a bit."your shadings not to bad just try to press on the pencil a little lighter." TJ looked at her and smiled some. She nodded."Thanks for the tip." She smiled back lightly and then brought the book to her side. Holding the pencil to the side of the book. She laughed lightly for no real reason at all and put on a slight grin."I'm going to go find some skittles or some thing that will probably give me a sugar high" He laughed slightly. Kanya stuck her free hand in her pocket and walked out the door."He seemed nice." She smiled some and removed her hand out her pocket. She opened the book to the very back and sighed a sigh of relief."Whew . . . " She turned to a page that was folded in half to section the book off. The page said 'dairy' in big bold letters."Stupid don't leave stuff like that lying around the house . . . " she hit her head lightly before walking to her room and tearing the pages out the back she folded them up and put them in one of her bag pockets." I'll get a separate book later . . . " she muttered reaching in another pocket of her bag. Pulling out a miniature bag of skittles, the last one in there she plopped down on the bed and rolled over on her stomach.
[SIZE=2] OOC-.....ack sorry about the shortness.... IC-She walked in to her room and looked in her bag for some thingShe stood near the door and blinked some when tj turned to her"that was good..." "thanks...I was just passing some time." "cool,its a good hobby....fun..." "yeah..." She looked down slightly trying to remeber the reason she came in the room if not just being nosey. She blinked slightly forgeting what she had actually came in there for and just kind of stood there akwardly trying to remember. Blinking some what he watched her think for a few seconds and went back to writing and saying the words outloud under his breath. She sighed some what and walked out the door stopping a few inches from it and turning back around. She smiled a kind of light embarassed smile. he turned back to her."yes?" "have you seen a purple notebook anywhere?" he shook his head some. "alright thanks." she sighed lightly leaning back on the door some. She sneezed."excuse me....So do you like it here so far?" "its alright." she stuck her hands in her pocket and smiled lightly at him.[/SIZE]
Kanya walked in to the kitchen drowsily moving towards the bacon and then looked back and forth at aria and beth for a couple of minutes before she calculated that they were both naked. Swallowing the bacon she blinked a bit."What...the...hell?" She tilted her head slowly and got a quick pop to the hand before she reached out to get another piece of bacon while everyone was watching aria and beth, she just happen to be a couple of minutes late and aria turned around. A swift pop was heard and she yanked her hand back looking at aria."Don?t touch the bacon." she said slowly as if she had already had to say it to many times before. Not willing to get popped one more time she rubbed her hand lightly and sat down."um...did i miss some thing?" Scratching her head some and pulled a cup out the cabinet before getting a cup of water. She sat back down in her chair avoiding looking at people, for the main fact that lord knows who?s walking around naked today and she didn't feel like being surprised any more than she already was. She knew aria and maybe kim would possibly be walking around but, honestly she didn't expect beth to be. She stopped dwelling on it and finished off the water walking out the kitchen."heh, I'll eat some more later..." she would give anything for a rice crispy treat right about now. She promised herself that she'd look for some marshmallows and cereal later and make some.
Kanya couldn't get to sleep that night she laid in her bed with her head phones on thinking. She hummed the song she was listening to lightly and put the small book she was writing in on the floor next to the bed. She heard some thing and thought it might have been one of the others in the house and turned up the volume of her cd player a bit. she leaned back staring at the ceiling and started to drift to sleep before hearing a knock on the door. "who is it?" she said lightly jumping up. She pulled her headphones off letting them hang around her neck and walked to the door opening it slightly before walking out the room."what?s up?" She rubbed her eye lightly and cracked her neck some. "Did you hear some thing?" Kim asked. still able to hear the music from her head phones she shut it off. "yea..a bit earlier but i thought maybe it was just some one going to the bathroom or some thing..."kim shrugged lightly."We don't know where it came from were gonna wake the others and check it out. she saw aria and tj knocking on doors trying to get people up. She sighed lightly and started to try to get people up as well knocking on doors."We?ll find out what it is soon hopefully it?s nothing." She muttered lightly and kept trying to get people up.
OOC: sorry I know its been a while...... IC:she came out her room where she's been for the last couple of hours eating chocolate. having her head phones on and pulled them off when she heard people singging.She leaned over the couch and listened as beth finished. she stared at the mic and shrugged lightly since no one seemed to be going she walked over and picked it up asking if she could try. she looks through some of the cds and pulls out a john legend cd and puts it in. she took a deep a breath and started singing use to love u. Baby, It's me... Maybe I bore you No, No it's my fault cause I can't afford you Maybe baby Puffy, Jay Z Could all be better for you Cause all I could do was love you Baby when I used to love you There's nuttin that I wouldn't do I'd twist through the fire for you Anything you asked me to But I'm tired of living this lie It's getting harder to justify I realize that I just don't love you Not like I used to Holla Holla Holla Holla holla holla Maybe I should rob somebody So we could live like Whitney and Bobby It's probably my fault My bad, My loss You are the cause All I could do was love you she tried her best to stay on key. she knew the song word by word since it had been stuck in her head for the past couple of days. She was rather found of it. Baby when i used to love you There's nothing that I wouldn't do I'd twist through the fire for you Anything you asked me to But I'm tired of living this lie It's getting harder to justify I realize that I just don't love you Not like I used to Holla Holla Holla Holla holla holla Oh! I used to Love you Oh! But I don't Love you Oh! I used to used to love you You're gonna miss me now... after she was finished she sighed lightly and sat back down. on a sugar high she was hyper and a bit bouncey."wonder who's next.." she thought out loud lightly and tried to calm herself. She fidgeted a bit and sighed.
[COLOR=Purple]After they got to walking, Kanya became a bit quiet.?Come on guys....we still got a way to go...? She heard Beth say and sighed lightly. ?All right then.....this is just like when I use to walk to school . . . well kinda...? she fell behind some and walked a little faster catching up again. ?just don?t think about it do what you always do....talk...or maybe not...? She said under her breath and looked at TJ she caught up to him some. "hey, having fun?" "eh, yea I guess...." he said quietly, he looking slightly surprised. she blinked lightly and smiled."it will get better, just a walk...I?m Kanya" "hi, nice to meet you.? She smiled lightly and sped up some getting use to the pace and talking to keep her mind off the long hike ahead of them. ?Nice to meet you too TJ right?" he had only stated his name a couple of minutes ago but because of her habit of selective listening she wanted to make sure she got it right."you must have just came earlier haven?t really seen you around much.? She still had a pleasant smile on her face to cover up the fact that she hated the whole idea of hiking anywhere. He nodded and went quiet. She blinked lightly and though, he must be shy I guess or I?m talking to much. She cracked her knuckles and stared ahead. she looked at her watch and blinked some."haven't been walking as long as it seems...."[/COLOR]
she muttered lightly thinking and figured she'd get her butt off the couch. she got up and stretched some muttering the song she was listening to lightly." time to get off my lazy...." she blinked light and watched Corey walk outside and turned around for a second thinking about what to do she made her way back to her room. "What to do what to do . . . I think I'm gonna go unpack....I guess" she muttered lightly before hearing a low grumbling noise and turning around. it seemed her stomach had other plans. Glad no one was there to hear her stomach, kanya turned right around and made her way to the kitchen. She didn?t know what she wanted to eat, maybe some thing light she thought for a second before going to the fridge. She reached over Connor who was looking in the fridge, she grabbed a jar of olives out the side door. She got a fork and took a few olives out the jar and reached back over him and put the olives away. ?My bad.? She muttered lightly and walked to where the table was. She nods lightly sitting at a near by table, Kanya glanced at some of the people in the kitchen she didn?t meet which was most of them. She looked at the few olives and shrugged lightly she had all the time in the world to eat. She figured she better eat light at least the first day.
She looked up from her radio and looked at Kim ?Kanya, nice to meet you? she said in a pleasant manner. ?Nice to meet you too.? ?So where you from?? She heard her ask. ?North Carolina . . . ? she said and blinked lightly?you?? Kanya shifted a bit . ?Texas..? The girl said lightly and there was a sort of silence for a second, seeing as neither person could think of anything to say. ?Well Kim, it was nice meeting you . . . ? she put on a friendly grin and tilted her head some. ?Hopefully we?ll be good friends . . . ? she said and got up feeling some thing bite her in her ankle probably a bug or some thing. She walked inside looking at her ankle for a second. She thought about the conversation she had with Kim ?Hum...I really should have said more....but I have a hard time talking to people when I?m just waking up I guess...? she thought and sat down messing with her radio. She would get to know kim later she was happy to at least have met some one seeing she slept half the day away. Although, she was still a bit taken by surprise by the girl being naked and all. "I should have talked a bit more..." she muttered and shrugged lightly. noded her head lighting to the music. She normal gave a not very talkative first impression but that would change later probably.
After getting inside, Kanya went to her room and slept for about a half an hour. she woke up on the floor where she had been sitting looking through some of her cd's she sighed lightly and rubbed her face a bit feeling the carpet imprint on her face."heh, typical of me to be sleeping....". she put her cd's that where spread all over the floor back in their case and walked out the room closed the door behind her. kanya stopped just outside of the door and turned walking back inside to get her shoes. "I can be so stupid some times I swear." She muttered and sighed lightly slipping her feet in her sneakers and walked back out the room. She put her hands behind her back and blinked slightly, she rubbed her face a bit again and made her way outside, she passed by a couple of rooms on her way, reading some of the name tags on the doors. She walked outside and sat by a near by tree. After a few minutes she got bored and pulled out her radio again.she walked back inside and sat a little bit away from Connor and put her head phones on. She looked down at the radio trying to find a radio station that would interest her while she was there.