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Everything posted by shahi
She finally got to the villa after a long drive and a longer plane ride she yawned lightly, just then waking up from what seemed to be the longest nap she'd ever taking in her life. She could of sworn she was still asleep when she got out the car. She looked around and turned around watching the car speed off. She set her bags down and made her way to the lake slowly. Her hands were in her jacket pocket. Her jacket was a grey color she wore it around her waist. the jacket covered a small hole in the side of her jeans that she didn't bother to notice when she was getting dressed. She pulled her shirt down a bit which was just a plan white shirt and walked around a bit after a while she came to the lake and sat down by it. She looked over and saw some other people by a tree. Watching them for a bit she noticed one of the girls was wearing nothing and blinked slightly before shrugging it off and pulled out a set of head phones from out her pocket where she kept her small radio. She listened to it lightly searching through the different stations and then shut it off . ?My cd?s are in my other bag...I?ll get them later . . . ? she rolled up her pants legs a bit took off her shoes and put her feet in the water moved her feet back and forth and started to relax a bit. she watched some of the others near the lake for a second and then looked back at the water?a nice change of scenery....?
Name: kanya markus Age: 16 Gender: female Appearance:[URL=http://www.psycko-manga.com/gallery/babe/29-9.htm]kanya waiting for a friend[/URL] Personality: she seems like a quiet person at first but becomes a lot more talkative when she gets to know people. she's careful about what she said to people and how she treats people. When she gets mad about some thing she usually does some thing to control her temper. Hobbies: listening to music is some thing she does often she'll spend hours in her room just listing to music or reading. She often draws or cooks when she gets mad about some thing. Best Subject: english Personality Trait: talkative
She nodded and left the building to go to her car, which was practically older than she was. It didn?t start until a half an hour later she left the building. She sighed ?finally . . . ? she had just remembered she had to pick up her brother. Her mind on the mission assigned and other personal things she let her minds drift for a minute and slammed on the breaks at the light. She flew forward a bit stopped by the belt from heading face first into the steering wheel and then slammed back into the seat breathing heavily she looked at the building across the street from where the car was. Her brother was standing outside, he made his way across the street and got in the car. ?You okay?? She started watched the slow lightl turn green after a few minutes.?I?m fine . . . ? her brother seemed to have a morose attitude at the moment. He slunk down in his seat. She glanced at him out the corner of her eye and then back at the road. ?You might be staying over at your friend?s house again for the next week . . . ? he blinked and looked at her. ?Why?? ~*~ Marie?s~*~ At the office building the information had just gotten through, the man looked over the information Marie had gave him for the license plate number, ?hum, we might have a witness to the last assignment . . . ? he typed furiously, Looking directly at the screen. He smirked proud of what he accomplished. ?John . . . ? he looked at the information of the last victim of Trance and noticed he had a wife.?Hum, surprising, at such a young age . . . kids today.? He typed the woman?s name to look up information on her and then wrote it down just incase they had a little accident like earlier although it wasn?t likely at the office. He sent the name to trance along with the instructions to terminate her with less of a display this time. He didn?t bother to send the picture the name was all that was required.
Flickers of light crossed the sky it was still early in the morning, still dark outside. A warm cup of coffee sat on the table in front of him. He had his lab top opened on his desk, and his cat sitting next to it. The rings around his dark brown eyes showed how sleep deprived he had been after weeks of tracking people down. He took a sip of his cooling coffee and typed a few notes down before having a message pop up. The information trance had sent to Marie. ?Lets see no name no identification, a young male, working with R.A.G , he looked over the information and brought up the Marie system. He typed rapidly with a smirk on his weary face. ?Marie, search for license plate numbers.? he muttered as he typed in the number on the blue screen. Marie searched in a matter of seconds they would have another member of the Rebellious group that he so hated. His job would be a lot easier if he didn?t have to deal with the groups that fought against the government but what could he do? Besides the best he could to help. The way he saw it he was riding the world of a group of criminals. He waited for the next screen to load before he continued to type. He would send the information back to the sender shortly, He tapped his foot waiting for the window the load before his cat jumped up. Whatever the reason for its sudden burst of fear it wasted no time in bolting off the table knocking over the coffee in the process the man jumped back before the coffee spilled all over him and the lab top. ? Shit.? The man kicked the cat slightly out the way with his foot and wrote down the license plate number he was sent quickly before the lab top completely shut down. ?Well, won?t be working from home today . . . ? he sighed, cursing slightly under his breath as he headed out the door. He would just have to go and type it directly into the system computers. He walked to his car and drove off, Pulling into a large parking lot shortly after. He walked slowly to the building across the street.
~*Storyline*~ For years now the people of Bridge, a large city in the center of the continent known as Quatre have been controlled by the government. Keeping the people under control was easy with the use of fear of death. The government whould quietly killed off those who didn't side with their views and monitored everyday life with computer technology that was developed years ago. The newest development that now monitors the city is Marie. A computer that is programed to keep the people of the city and the government 'safe' at all cost. Many people have rebelled only to be silently shot down in the middle of the night by no other than Marie. The R.A.G was one of the many organizations to rebel, It had about 500 members. All of which were killed except for ten, five of them disabled. The remaining 5 wanted revenge and soon made a plan to rebel again. Using their own assassin it worked out fine until, one member slipped and the system Marie found out about the plan now a bloody war is about to break loose any moment. Marie will protect the government at all cost and the five remaining members are willing to protect the people and get their revenge. After recruiting new members of their group hoping R.A.G will rise again and be victorious. ~*~First post~*~ ?That will be ten dollars.? The clerk said bagging the books. ?This week it?s a two for one sale.?She said dully and handed the man the books after receiving the money. ? I can?t wait till my shift is over.? She thought before taking some money from the next customer and handing her a bag of books. A man wearing a black suit walks in rather slowly. He straitened his white tie and walked to the back of the store. His hair pulled back in a small ponytail shined a bit. She kept a close eye on him the whole time. He ran his hands over a few books and stopped, picking up the first book on the second shelf. It had a green cover . . . a technology book. One of the shortest you could find, it had about 300 pages. He walked slowly to the front counter and placed the book in front of the clerk. She examined it and looked at the back of the book looking for the bar code since it wasn?t on the outside. In the back of the book where a few lines on the computer system Marie. It didn?t go too deep into the program only a few pages. Just like every other book about Marie it bragged about how great the system was at protecting the city ? Can?t even read without being brain washed?she thought rolling her eyes. She quickly ringed the book up. ?That?ll be 15 dollars? she said before the man handed her the money sending her a pleasant smirk. ?Thanks.? Watching him walk out and resisting the urge to choke him to death. She noticed a silver ring on his right finger when he had handed her the book before. The ring had weird designs like a bar code or some thing. ?One of Marie?s men I?m guessing . . . ? She thought finishing off her shift. Her brother had called, told her he was staying at a friend?s house. She walked outside the store, camera?s followed her steps as she walked to the car and called her brother back. ?Hey? ?hey, you get my message.? ?Yeah...I?ll be a bit late picking you up okay.? ?Alright, later? ?laters ? she hung up the phone and sighed. She was never told about a meeting directly, they always told her little brother who had found some way to tell her without getting killed for conspiracy against Marie. They had their own little code. ?Well, a meeting at 9 . . . at the run down company building? She knew where the building was. It was just so old they had forgotten the name. On the outer part of the city. It was an old building run down after years of being abandoned. The building looked like ancient ruins inside. So bad Marie didn?t even put camera?s in it. She found a way to avoid camera?s by parking her car in the back and walking in through the back door. The dark building was covered with metal parts it was dark and dusty. She sighed and sat down on a metal table. ?Chantel...you made it..? She just nodded and watched the dark figure cross the floor whom she just called boss. She never found out his name or saw his face.
For years now the people of Bridge, a large city in the center of the continent known as Quatre have been controlled by the government. Keeping the people under control was easy with the use of fear of death. The government whould quietly killed off those who didn't side with their views and monitored everyday life with computer technology that was developed years ago. The newest development that now monitors the city is Marie. A computer that is programed to keep the people of the city and the government 'safe' at all cost. Many people have rebelled only to be silently shot down in the middle of the night by no other than Marie. The R.A.G was one of the many organizations to rebel, It had about 500 members. All of which were killed except for ten, five of them disabled. The remaining 5 wanted revenge and soon made a plan to rebel again. Using their own assassin it worked out fine until, one member slipped and the system Marie found out about the plan now a bloody war is about to break loose any moment. Marie will protect the government at all cost and the five remaining members are willing to protect the people and get their revenge. After recruiting new members of their group hoping R.A.G will rise again and be victorious. Honey & john- The top assassins of R.A.G, they work together and mainly target the top government officials. A married couple, they have been together for a couple of years. Honey, after finding out what her husband did trained for a year and asked him if she could help him. Since then they?ve worked together on every mission. John was reluctant to let her join him at first soon found her a reliable and easy to work with. He also found out that she could protect herself better than he thought. He still watched out and tried his best to keep her out of danger thought as a husband should.Theys two control most operations done by R.A.G Marie- the computer system created by Marie Duponte one of the main scientist in the development of the computer system that went missing recently. The computer system monitors peoples lives. It tracks phone calls, monitors what people watch on tv and even watches the streets and cars. There are very few places Marie doesn?t monitor. Reasons for fighting - With all the unknown murders and killings that have been going on in the city along with the removal of documents containing age long laws that now seem to be lost. The R.A.G have been planing to rebel for a while now. They held off for a little while, that is until Marie was created and cameras started appearing in homes, stores, on streets, and in alleys even. Many people who complained publicly about this would unexpectedly go ?missing? before they even got to say what they thought or all of sudden they?d change their minds and disappear. ~end~ okay,I the basic stroy line is Marie is a big computer that monitors the city, she's controled by the government. The objective of this rpg is to destroy Marie. sign up: Name- age-(16-50) gender- job-(what do you do) side-(Marie's or rag) bio- appearance-(picture or written description) characters available:Marie-the computer Honey-rag assassin(taken) John-another rag assassin the three remaining rag members three government assassins or other associates of marie My sign up: [COLOR=Navy]Name-Chantel Kole Age- 18 Gender- female Job- works at a bookstore in the center of Bridge, assassin Side- R.A.G Bio - having seen her father murdered at a young age by the government. She had always hated authority. She watched the news closely and made a note of all the unsolved or covered up killings since she was 14. When she was 17 her mother was put in a mental institution, after being on medication since her father was killed. Since then Chantel has been taking care of her little brother and their house hold while killing off government officials on the side. She not only wants to destroy Marie but find out why her father was killed off. Appearance- She has short reddish brown hair and a light bang that covers her grey eyes a bit. Her skin is a light brown color and she?s about 5'2". She always where?s a large dark jean jacket that?s a bit to big for her, dark jeans and a black shirt. She also wears a sliver choker and small silver earrings. She has a tattoo of a flower on her right shoulder that she barely shows anyone. The flower has the words ?I am death, fear me.? under it.[/COLOR]
Destine to die [rated r for language and violence ] [COLOR=Red]?I wanted to stop it . . . really.? He looked at his hands studying every curve of his fingers before speaking again. ?But . . . once I was in, I was in too deep . . . ? sun light seeped through the window shades and gave light to his brown eyes. He glanced at the window and then at the paper in the woman?s hand. ?I...I didn?t know it would come to this . . . that he would go as far as . . . to . . . ?pausing, he shifted nervously and moved away from the rays of light that shown on his face. He ran his hand threw his grey hair and then brought them down to his side. ?Can we stop now?? he looked at the paper and then down at the ground. The woman nodded ?we can stop whenever you want ? the lady had a light kind voice that made him trust her. A long silence followed her comment, he was thinking. He knew what had to be done. ?We were working on the experiment . . . a11? To the ground his eyes drifted once more. He didn?t want to deal with the guilt. So he didn?t dare look the woman in the eye ?A11 was a young man around his late teens when I last saw him....never did find out his name. He was the first we tried the A-DNA testing on . . . Well he was the first that survived.? ?He was put to sleep for at least two years after the experiment as well as others who we tried the same procedures on who lived through it. It was five people all together. All the rest died within a month.? The sounds of lead scratching the ruff loose leaf note pad filled the room. ?While they slept, we put them through rigorous testing. They were young just kids . . . I don?t even think they knew what was going on. The others and I were told that they were volunteers . . . but we knew better. It didn?t matter though all that mattered was that we had the people we needed to continue? The woman looked up over her glasses. ?And what exactly is this . . . A-DNA your talking about?? her voice was firm. ?It?s . . . a special animal DNA that was put into human bodies by ways unimaginable.?Memories flooded his mind ?But, on December . . . the 27th . . . he awoke . . . ? The silver eyes still haunted his thoughts. Glowing with hate, they stared upon him and him alone that day. His hair dripped down over his face. Glass and water were everywhere the floor had turned into a deep blue. ? A11 . . . he?s awake? he remembers how he was frozen to the floor not able to move. He could barely speak. Past foot steps echoed in his ears. Water splashed under the feet of the subject. The young man walked straight up to him and stared at him extending the wings that had been connected to his back. ?Mr. Brine are you all right.? The woman?s voice echoed in his head snapping him out of his daze. ? Oh, sorry about that? ?it?s quite all right. Mr. Brine do you wish to continue?? ?Ah, yes . . . a11 released the others by accident I think he started trying to break the machinery .The others were also asleep, five in all . . . I watched it all happen . . . I was terrified. Later after they all escaped, I found out that they were all just picked up off the street like we suspected. Well Miss do you have any thing to say about this? Well do you think I?m crazy too? ? The sounds of the lead hitting the paper ceased. Mr. Brine looked up at the woman. ?Thank you for this valuable information.?A cold look crossed the woman?s face. In her hand is a black gun, the last thing Mr. Brine would ever see. A muffled sound could be heard out side . Blood spattered across the room and spilled on the floor, a black glowing liquid shined across the wooden floor in the evening light. A heal stepped across the black puddle and the woman pulled out a phone. ?It?s done . . . the last witness.? She walked out the door slowly closing it behind her and walked out the building into the dim light of day transforming into night, the sky turning blue. ?Yes, I do believe the subjects are still alive . . . find them . . . I?ll see what I can do? the sounds of screams turned into silent whimpers in the wind. Someone had found the body.[/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkRed]Story line: The government experiment to increase human strength started in the year 2002 unknown to the public of course. After a year of putting many people through a-DNA(animal-DNA) testing which most of them volunteers in their mid-20's died. They decided to try people of a younger generation for the experiment. Knowing that no parent in their right mind would let them do any type of DNA testing on their children they started to search orphanages and soon resorted to just picking up children off the streets. They knew no one would notice thousands of children where kidnaped every year. I didn?t matter how it affected the families or destroyed the kids futures it was for the improvement of science, right? Some thing went wrong with the experiment after two years. The first of the experiments was awakened. In an angered rage he quickly released the others in confinement and got out the build. Soon after each went their separate ways. None prepared for the danger that lyes ahead of them. Still getting use to the changes that have happened to their bodies during the two years they were experimented on they are not yet aware of the bounty placed on their heads by the same government that changed them. The year is 2005. The search begins now for the five experiments. (Okay I need five people to play the experiments and four to play assassins) [/COLOR] sign ups: Name- Age-[13-20] gender- a-DNA-[what type of animal DNA was placed in your characters body (only if your one of the experiments) ] Background- appearance-[can have some animal like features] personality- Assassin or experiment: Here? my sign up: Name-Jeremiah Koson a.k.a. Issac Age-16 gender- male a-DNA- hawk Background- He lived with his mother for most of his life. He never knew his father like many others he knew and didn?t really ever think about him unless someone brought it up. It was early in the morning when he was taken he was on his way home from school and had to be held in class late because of a minor incident with another student. It was a little later than usual when he started to walk home. He was pulled aside by someone into an alley soon after passing out because of circumstances he didn?t remember. After he was abducted, he was experimented on and then put in a long sleep. After two years he awakened and destroyed the lab and freed all the test subjects. appearance- His eyes are grey and his hair is a dull black. It falls just over his face. A small silver ring hangs out of the upper corner of his right ear. Lines of a sliver type streaked his light toned cheeks. He wears a black shirt slightly torn at the collar. His shirt covers up how well built he is for a person of his age. He also wears black semi-baggy pants that almost fully covers his black sneakers but still fit him properly. A silver collar is hooked around his neck. A pair of large black bird like wings are seemingly stitched onto his back. The wings are hidden by a large black jacket. personality- He?s a some what cold-hearted person. He hates to be around people and doesn?t like social places. He doesn?t have a very good personality although he can be sweet at times but it is very rare. He loves music and appreciates the people that help him out. He is very loyal to those that earn his trust but can seem very cold to those he doesn?t know. Assassin or experiment: experiment ~Any questions about the rpg pm me~
OOC: Hey, didn't Kinesha have a set of zombies too or are they the same zombies? Mya managed to get a few thank you's out while quickly trying to catch her breathe. Not that it mattered the stench made it almost impossible to breath. The battle raged on this time with a lot of help. But, no matter how many zombies they took out they just seemed to be coming back. They were hacking through zombies one after another but still they just seemed to be getting back up again."Crap, there?s gotta be a better way." Mya muttered and started to slash away at some more zombies and starting to get very tired. She accidently bumped in to Kilik while trying to avoid some more attacks."Sorry." She said quickly. Mya looked at Kilik out the corner of her eye he seem to be thinking of some thing. "Veil! Mya! do you see any fire around here?" Mya looked up from hacking one of the zombies "Fire that just might work" Veil said calling out to the shinobi. "Hey! find some fire!"
"Aww hell!" Jumping over the debris of fallen buildings Charnique ran as fast as she could. Some of the soliders set around the city to shoot every thing in sight had spotted her . Streams of bullets followed her steps. She ran pasted a near by building and saw a News helicopter still up there. Apparently some stations where still working or maybe it was the radio stations or some thing."do you people have any thing better to shot at?!" She thought seeing a giant ball of fire hit the ground in front of her. A fallen helicopter apparently. While trying to avoid the helicopter one of the snipers shot her in her arm."Crap!" She kept running this time headed for the roof where the bullets where coming from. She climbed up a fire escape on the back side of the building and pulled out her dagger. "Moron!" She said getting behind the man. He turned around only to see a blade quickly slash across his neck. Charnique watched the blood spill from his neck and his limp form fall to the ground, a pool of blood appearing under him. a strong wind appeared to be headed in her direction. "Helicopter" She quickly jumped on the helicopter witch looked like it came from the U.S. military. As soon as she jumped on the front window it started spraying bullets. "A minute to late" She placed her hands now glowing slightly blue firmly on the window and it turned Ice cold. The Propellers stopped moving the controls started to freeze. She jumped down and landed on another fire escape before the helicopter fell to the ground." Dammit." She looked at her arm covered in blood. "Its time to get out of here." She made her way back down the fire escape this time making sure she stayed out of view.
Two swords glow slightly from a building over looking the streets."So a war has begun in this city...and to think it was so peaceful before." Charnique rolled her eyes thinking about what she had learned earlier from a wounded goblin now dead thanks to her short temper. She watched the battle rage, having been told to report back to her teacher with what she learned if possible."I still don't see the purpose of this... what he said." though about what had happened only a hour earlier. ~flash back~ "Its so quiet." walking through the streets that night Charnique noticed the strange silence that hovered around. A couple of goblins would hurry across the street every now and then. but, other than that the barking of dogs there was almost complete silence, If you didn't count the sounds that humans made through out the night. Street lights light the side walk giving it a whitish appearance. The streets near her house were always crowded mainly with gangs of goblins. But, at that moment they where empty. She decided to head home. It was already late when she got through the door. Feeling that some thing wasn't right she crept to her room and slightly opened the door. Cautiously holding one of her daggers in her right hand. She swung open the door. Her eyes a blazing purple, a shade darker than her skin. Now a light fuzzy purple streaked with a shiny silverish white markings. She glanced around the hall and then to the room. Not bothering to turn on the light she stepped in to the room. A thick smell of blood lingered."Goblins where here....you must have slaughtered them." She muttered under her breathe. Because of the stench she though slaughtered was more appropriate than killed."Shakus...you must leave now....there?s a war going on tonight, its your choice stay hidden like these pathetic creatures or..." she knew the voice of her teacher well."or" She headed towards her closet." "pick up arms and fight." She pulled out two shiny black swords the color of blood shining in the light. "What is my reason for fighting? I will kill if I have a reason." She turned slightly to her teacher. "You are getting to...human like...fight to bring honor back to our clan." His words stuck with her."Human like...." She muttered headed to the window, earlier broken and jumped on to the fire escape." I don't act human" She turned slightly around." I do what I need to survive....and if that means not killing everything in sight. So be it" She said quickly taking her leave. She headed up to the buildings roof and quickly jumped the building making sure she was not spotted by a near by helicopter. ~end of flashback~ "What the hell did he mean....to human and who am I supose to bring honor to the clan died out a long time ago, the old man seems to be losing his mind" It didn't stay on her mind for long. She watched the stream of bullets and the werewolves fighting back ferociously. looking up she noticed some others like her watching what goes on below."where only few..." She thinks looking at a crumbling building."we should not be so isolated from our own kind." She sighed and realized the building she was standing on started to shake."****....run!" She shouted out to some of the others on the buildings out of instinct. She jumped the buildings collapsing catching a glimpse of some of her kind fall below. When the buildings stopped falling she decided it wouldn't be safe anywhere."the citiy is now a battle ground..." She though climbing down a half-broken fire escape and landing lightly on her feet. Smoke rose from the fallen buildings. Bodies could be seen scattered across the area.
"Time to go..." She walked out of the back of a corner store and noticed the bus pulling up across the street. She had been walking around and playing games in the back of stores all morning. Not all she wanted to do but, at least it was some thing. She walked out side noticing it was just now starting to heat up out side. She walked across the streets slightly littered with trash and headed to the bus stop."I really should just walk not like the bus is faster it just has ac unlike the freak?in schools."She quickly reached for some change and got on the bus. Sitting down in a seat at the back. She looked out the window and watched some school buses pass by."heading to P.S.103 probably." She muttered and sat back in her seat. She was half asleep when the bus stopped again. She heard the Bus doors squeak open and looked around with one eye. A boy about her age sat across from her and another guy she didn?t bother to look at sat in the seat behind her. She sat up waiting for the next shop. felling like she was being watched she turned slightly towards the boy who in return turned the other direction. "hey, little girl." Some one taped her on the shoulder. She glanced at the man behind her. She hated to be called "little girl". "What?" She said rolling her eyes with an attitude. "Aren?t you a little young to be riding the bus by yourself." She rolled her eyes and turned around "My age is none of your business." She turned around and noticed the boy was really about her age."really you look about 13 or 14 to me." He said just to irritate her. The bus driver stopped the bus and the doors creaked open. Charnique rolled her eyes and got up to get off at the next stop followed by the two boys."hey the elementary school is that way." He walked behind her the other boy walked off to the side. "**** off!" She said her temper getting the better of her. She walked in to the gates of the school. The boy that was messing with her kept on walking but the quiet one walked in the school too. He quickly said some thing to her about his friend being shallow or what ever. Charnique was to fired up to notice he even said anything. After she got to her class she calmed down. Thinking maybe she just was in a really bad mood that morning. ?I?m not that easily fired up usually.? She muttered and watched the door.
"What time is it?" Charnique said waking up in a slight daze. She had went to sleep early but, she didn't fall asleep until about 12:45am if she remembered correctly. It was around 4:14am she still had a little time before school. She got ready for school and turned on the tv."weather, government, murders." She flipped through the channels until she found the one she was looking for. She listened to it from the kitchen. "Today the weather will be very hot and sunny unlike yesterday." The meteorologist sounded so fake to her. He looked fake too. It seem strange to her that people reporting so much bad news could always look so happy. " Probably the same way I can act like I'm human but, I act more human than these people ." She said packing her lunch."A man was found dead in an alley this morning with hi-" Charnique cut off the tv as she reached for her bag." Some one dead what else is new?" She walked slowly out the door. She locked the door about three times before she finally headed out her gate and off to school. She walked alone this morning to her satisfaction she didn't want to here the giggling and screaming of her friends today. The sun wasn't even out yet. It was just a pale light that had followed over the city. The ground was still wet because of yesterday's rain and the smell of rain water still lingered in the air a little. She leaned by the metal gates at the entrance of the school. It was still early so she basically had a lot of time on her hands. "well, maybe I should roam the city before school starts." She started to walk further down the street " not like I'm gonna be late or anything." She walked down the street looking for some thing to do for the next couple of hours. She walked pass a couple of stores that she liked. Charnique decided to buy a soda from a near by machine and froze it slightly for her lunch."Hey." She walked faster noticing one of her friends was calling her. She really didn't want to talk to any one she knew at the time. "lost them." She said walking through a crowd. "I'll tell them I didn't hear them or what ever at school." She sighed and keep walking she still had a couple more hours left and she was planning to do some thing besides stand around all morning.
"Mya take the south I'll take the north." Kilik said and Mya was off. She checked around she sensed some thing was wrong. She didn't really know what it was but, it gave her the chills. After a lot of looking she turned around thinking that it must not be coming from that area. She stopped suddenly catching a strong smell of rotten flesh. She covered her face almost suffocated by the smell. A fly flew past her. "What the hell is that?!" She said deciding to turn around and get the others as soon as possible. The first one she found was Kilik. " Hey, I think there?s some thing coming from over there." She pointed behind her still covering her face. Apparently Kilik had smelled it to because he had his face covered. "We should go get the others." Mya said pulling a silver mask out that she hadn't used in a long time. " lets go then." KIlik said and they went off to get the others before what ever was coming got any closer.
Charnique sat in the park surrounded by a couple of her friends who seem to be in deep conversation. She herself wasn't really interested in what ever they were talking about chances are it was about a boy or some fight in school. " Humans talk to much." She thought to herself as one of her friends turned to her. " What do you think about it?" She snapped out of her thoughts. "About what?" She asked quickly " The new principal?" One girl said holding back a laugh because they were talking about it for 20 minutes. " Well, I don't know yet I kind of liked the old one he was nice. But I haven't met the new one." She said standing up to leave. "Hey, I have to get home so I'll see you guys later." She said and they exchanged good byes. She walked down the street ready to get home. She got to her front gate and opened the mail box. She noticed one letter from the school. "Not worth my time" she muttered as she opened the door and put the mail on a near by table. She headed to a small bed room and slowly walked in. "teacher..." She said quietly. Her eyes glowing a purple color as soon as she entered the room. " I'm here." An old man sat quietly in the corner. His hair was a pearly white color and his eyes where white as well. " So do you like it here now that you've been." The old man asks and turns to the girl with no emotion on his face. Charnique nods" I like it here...thank you for coming with me." She knew that he shouldn't have trained her or watched over her for that long. At the age of eight a child is left on their own. But, the old man watched over her for more than five years even after he stopped training her. He was like a father to her. She sighed and sat down on the bed. " how long do you think I can keep passing as human?" The old man chuckled a little and cracked a small smile."In this strange city, as long as you want." She smiled back knowing that this would be one of the last days she had with her teacher. He would pass soon and she would be left alone.
Name: Charnique Shakuas Age:17 Race: Icie(element controler) Race Information: An Icie is a cat like creature that can control climate or one or more elements. They usually keep to themselves, away from humans, and stay in rural areas although some do live in crowded cities and towns. Most Icie's are considered able to take care of themselves at the age of 8 or 9. They are known to have little patience, a wild nature, and short tempers. Description (Mundane): Charnique has light brown eyes and dark brown almost black hair with unnoticeable sliver streaks braided back into a ponytail that falls just below her shoulders. She's short for her age standing at a 5'4". Her skin is a light tan color and she has an almost child appearance and is often mistaken for a 15yr old. She often wears blue jeans and a light purple shirt with a blue jacket. She also wears a necklace with little charms on it. Description (True):In her true form her eye's are a dark purple color. Her hair turns a silverish white and silver slash like stripes appear on her stomach and arms. Her fangs and claws also become apparent. Occupation: A high school student Bizarre/Supernatural powers: She controls Ice and climate Weapons/Possessions: aries daggers, dark blade Background: As a child Charnique stayed with her parents until she was 8. She was sent away to train in the art of fighting with daggers and swords for 5yrs. Her teacher was a member of a once well known clan that had faded away from memory years ago. When she was 13 she took a more human form and started to try to blend in to the human way of life. She kept training and got better as she got older. Charnique also got better at making friends although she always felt like she was alone. She blended in to the human culture quite well by the time she was 15.Although her wild nature some times gets the better of her Misc. Information:
Mya watched the fight. But, being the thick headed and pondering person she is she still came up with thousands of other reasons for them not fighting on the poles. She kept it to herself though. After a couple of minutes of pondering she focused her attention back on the fight which was raging on. Both Veil and Hentaro looked determined. Their agility surprised Mya for a second. Veil and Hentaro were both talented fighters and nether where willing to lose. She watched them as they started to move faster. "This will be a close match" She though watching the fight continue. She started sweating a little just watching the fight. "The way their moving if they had fought on the poles they might have passed out." She studied their fighting styes for a second. Mya turned away from the fight and looked down. She didn't realize she had been holding Kilik's hand. She turned red and then looked at Kilik who didn't seem to notice yet. So she just stared at him for a second. Since he didn't seem to bothered by it she tried to watch the fight continue. She looked away from Kilik a little and turned to Sinahiro who was to focused on the fight to noticed Mya was Blushing. Sinahiro was focused on the others battle. He watched the fight like a hawk. He looked like he was noting every mistake made in battle. Mya was grateful for that. If they ever got in a battle she wanted to fight with as close to no mistakes as possible. She turned back to the fight which was still in progress.
Over the years many students have been reported missing from Jamie Anders High school. So many they closed it down for five years. The students say the disappearing students where ghost related. That angered spirits haunt every room of the school. But, most people don?t believe in the rumors and the school denied it. That?s why it was such a shock when they shut the school down. All the students where moved to different schools all over the county in 1999. Its reported that more than 20 students and at least 5 teachers have gone missing since the school opened in 1990. Not even half the students that went missing got reported on the news. Its said the school had a big cover up and that they paid off many people to keep the school running. They have little documented evidence that it was a ghost besides some student statements that no one believes. Only a few of the students that gave statements are still alive today. In one incident a students told his teacher that he had saw some thing coming down the halls after staying there after school for a project. ?I just laughed until I turned around and saw his face....he was very pale and he was shaking a lot I asked him what he saw and he just...muttered I don?t know over and over again. I expected him to be joking he was one of the clowns of my class. But, I never though...? The teacher later gave a statement to police after the student was found early one morning in the gym sitting in the basket ball hoop dead. The police files state that the cause of death was a heavy blow to the head. They found no finger prints or any evidents that linked any one to the murder. That was the last murder before the school was finally closed. All the teachers where moved to different schools as well as the students after that. Now after five years the school is reopening again. Many students where sent request to come to the high school and many new well educated teachers were hired. They even have a new principle. With some big Ideas for the school. The first open house of the school since 1999 has been organized. A coupe of students have been invited to the school and requested to come with out parent supervision. Of course this is an attempt for the school to regain its good name and destroy all rumors of ghost at the school. You are one of the few people who actually attend the open house. Wether your forced to or came of your own free will your there from six to seven...or so you though. Some thing happened and the teachers had to leave the room and didn?t return. You don?t know it but all the doors to the out side are shut and the school is empty besides you some other students and the missing teachers. Alright the main object of this rpg is to try to survive Jamie Anders High school , find out what keeps killing people and why and try to get out the school. You don?t have any weapons. You might find other students or teachers alive or dead during the rpg. There are six teachers in the school. You can?t kill off other characters especially if you?re a ghost you can only torture characters. Any questions pm me. sign ups: Name:[first and last please] Age:[14-17] Gender: Grade:[8th to 12th or last grade if your characters a spirit] Bio:[Bio must be at least a paragraph] Interest:[ what your character likes to do or use to like to do if you?re a spirit] Human or Spirit: Description: Personality: My sign up: Name: Shakia Chase Age: 14 Gender: Female Grade: 9th Bio: Shakia is the oldest in her family she lives with her aunt after an accident took the life of her parents. Her sister, brother and cousin also live with her. They just moved to the neighborhood. The only reason she?s even considering going to the school is because its close to her house. She Just went to the open house to see what options the school has. Human or Spirit: Human Description: she has brown shoulder lenght hair, grey eyes, and wears jeans and a blue shirt with a silver necklace. Personality: She?s mostly shy and keeps to herself. She Has a bad temper so she tends to stay away from people. But, she?s mostly a happy person. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Name: Markus Kindle Age: 15 Gender: male Grade: last grade was 9th Bio: he was killed in the drama room after a school dance. Before his sudden death he played baseball and loved music. He was very good at the piano and had a b average in school. Now he haunts the hall ways of the high school and the drama room. His main purpose is to try to stop people from going into certain rooms. Interest: use to like to play baseball Human or Spirit: Spirit Description: he had brown eyes and black hair. He mostly wore jeans and a orange shirt with a blue jacket. Personality: Happy and loud when he was alive. He was always playing and almost always happy. He starts to get violent when people come near the drama room and the gym.
OOC:I'll be willing to play an extra evil character IC: Mya when inside the room and took out her braids she had to braid her hair over so she stayed up for a couple more minutes. She started upbraiding her hair and thinking about the evens of the other day .She was excited about the training and anxious to get started. She hadn't been excited about anything for a long while. But, training was the one thing she could look forward to for tomorrow. She though about Kilik and blushed slightly to herself. Then she though about being able to fight and cracked a slight smile. After a couple of minutes she finished braiding and when t to sleep. The next morning the sun shown brightly in the sky. Every one was ready to train and at the battle area on time. Mya was stretching off to the corner by herself she was almost entirely focused on training. Hentaro, Veil and Kilik looked excited to. Maybe it was the weather or the training but every one seemed ready to battle. Sinahiro was standing next to one of the polls waiting to start the pole jumping again. " Alright now you know which poles you where at last time right? begin climbing." Every one got to the poles and training proceeded as usual.
Mya took out a pen and a piece of paper and started writing. She got about half way through the paper before she decided to tell the others her name. She wasn't big on introductions no one ever remembered her name any way. She was a quiet person. unless she actually addressed a person no one ever remembered her name from her experience. "Maybe it will be different at this school she thought and stood up. " Um.. yah." Some of the students turned around." I know its kinda late but my name is Fang." She said quietly and sat back down in her seat to start working again. "That was easy enough." She thought and started on her third paragraph. She thought about how to continue her paper. She had trouble not with the paper its self but on keeping focused on the paper. After she though about what to write she continued the paper. Which was mostly written about her home and her brother.
Never thought it would happen in your neighborhood.
shahi replied to slasher's topic in General Discussion
I've never gotten my house broke in to.But people in my moms friends neborhoods have. The thing was they like left their garages open all night and didn't think people would try to steal their cars or break in to their houses. For me that logic is really stupid. But for me haveing five or six locks on your door is normal(we don't have that many locks now). I remember when my grandmas car kept getting broke in to. They didn't take anything though. Maybe the radio once but thats about it.you'd think after four times it would stop. -
Mya went out side to find Sinahiro and ran directly in to Veil. " Sorry,Veil." " No problem." Veil smiled at her she smiled in response. Sinse Kilik was going to be okay she felt a little better. " Have you seen Sinahiro." " Yah, a couple of minutes ago why." "Beca...Never mind I'll find him." She went off She didn't want to stress Veil if she didn't have to. After all the cut could be nothing. She thought but just in case She thought she better find Sinahiro. She found him out side by the poles they trained at earlier with Hentaro. She walked over to him. " Hey Sinahiro." They looked at Mya." Whats wrong." Sinahiro asked her. My eyes must be red or some thing she thought " Nothing....I just wanted to ask you. You watched the fight did I touch Kilik." " No not that I remember." Sinahiro said. Hentaro shook his head no in response. " Thats what I thought, Kilik has a cut on his neck." Sinahiro apearntly didn't know the cut was there eather. " And I know I didn't do it...I know this is a little thing to ask you but, will you please check it out?" Sinahiro nodded and they walked to the room. Mya waited out side. She was okay but she was still a little worried. Mya had a bad feeling, She didn't really know what was going on but she didn't like it at all.
The boy walked in the room and looked kinda frightened by the silence. Suddenly every thing got back to normal and the students we're talking again. Hum, must of just been a really tall student. Mya though and turned to Scruff. " So did you know your classes yet?" "yah." Mya looked at him. " So what are you doing here?" " I just wanted to check out what the other students were like before class starts." Scruff looks out the door and notices students going to their classes. Mya nods her head."That makes sense." She looks at the door. " Their starting classes now. I'll see you later " Scruff hurries out the room."later" Mya stands by the door. I could of sworn I got a letter with my classes in it last week. She dug through her bag. Mya reached inside a back pocket and pulled out a letter. "This must be it." She closed her bag and read the small paper in the envelope. Mya stood by the door. That?s when another student walked in and notified the others that if they already know what classes they have they are to report to their classes. A couple of people left including Mya but, there was still a lot of people in the class. Mya walked up to a near by teacher heading to his class" Um, excuse me which direction is English." She adjusted the strap on her bag. " You have me for English. Its Just that way, Maybe you should put your stuff in your room first." He pointed the way to the Predators rooms and went to the class. After finding her room she threw her stuff on the bed and ran to the classroom. She still had a couple of minutes before the bell rang but she didn't what to be late twice in one day. She took a seat at the back of the class. It was still kinda empty because the teachers had just notified the students and wanted to give them time to find their classes.
Mya repeated the directions in her head to make sure she got it right. After a couple of minutes of searching she finally found the room. She walked in the room. It was filled with teens laughing and carrying on. The only different in her old school was looks. She didn?t think much of it . But, she did think it was nice to be around others such as herself for once. She noticed some other students walk in the room. Mya started walking around the room. The rest of the students where talking and seem to be getting along well. She droped some thing dropped out of her bag and turned around to pick it up and ran directly in to some one. ?Sorry, my fault.? She looked up at the guy standing in front of her. ?No problem.? She looked up at the guy and noticed he was covered in fur. ? I?m Scruff? She shook his hand. ? I?m Mya but most people call me Fangs.? She picked up what she droped and stood back up. Just then the door to the room opened one of the students walked in side the room. Mya guessed that it was a teacher from the way the room got all quiet but she wasn't really sure.
Mya was deeply disturbed by Kilik fainting but tried to keep it to herself. She had already gone through enough crying for the night. Mya was silent but the tears were still flowing. She was confused with mixed emotions. She knew her emotions had gotten a hold of her during the fight and didn't like it at all. She didn't like to cry especially in front of people. " Mya..." Veil started to say but Mya had already ran. Veil was about to run after her but Hentaro stopped her. She ran in to the forest where she had trained in the trees earlier. She didn't plan to leave for ever she just wanted to be alone. She stopped at a small tree with familiar knives markings in it. She leaned against the tree and sat down to reflect on what had happened. She went through the battle in her mind over and over again. After awhile she came to the conclusion that she had a break down although it was hard for her to admit it. She stood up and walked deeper in to the woods. " I hope Kiliks...alright." She though and then stopped. She climbed up the tallest tree she could find. " you'd think I'd be tired of climbing." She whispered to herself and then looked in to the near distance. She wasn't to far from the village but she wasn't to close either. Finally the tears stopped flowing down her face and she headed back to the village. She stopped again feeling a chill. One she felt before not because of cold but some thing else. " Some thing bad is gonna happen isn't it?" she looked up at the trees. She felt it was some kind of warning its been happening since she last visited her cousins graves. She felt the chill before her battle with Kilik to. She decided to make her way back as soon as possible.