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Everything posted by shahi

  1. Naraku laughed amused by her will to fight. He stood up and looked her and started to attack but sensed some thing wrong else where. " I don't have time for you right now he said disappearing in to the shadows. " Come back and fight me!" Sango yelled after him. He reappeared lets get this over with so I can leave can we." He said with a calm tone of voice. Sango could tell it wasn't him but another one of his dolls. " He can't fight me himself!" She though and prepared for battle. Naraku walked through the forest and stopped short of his home. He sensed that some one was in the area that was not wanted. He smiled and turned around. He didn't want to waste time with this fight there was some thing else bothering him. For some reason he couldn't sense Jin, Kagara, or any of the others in the area. " They must have failed me." He thought attacking the trees which the scent of humans and demons where. The Shakia fell to the ground. Naraku looked at Barako who was standing next to her and smiled. He noticed the others leaning next to the tree. " A priestess and half breed carrying the wounded. What Jin and Kagara didn't finish you off." " Shut up! Who are you!" Shakia said getting up. " Why don't you know your own executer. I am Naraku." The hairs on her neck rose as he talked.
  2. Mya and Kilik we're standing off to the side talking when Sinahiro came. Mya looked over at Sinahiro. Her guess was their 20 minutes were almost up." Anything you guys need to do better do it now you have five minutes" He said looking at the group. No one seemed to be moving much. frankly no one had anything else to do besides train for the day. "Alright, then I guess we'll start now." Every one looked alert and ready to start. But, no one was prepared for what was going to happen during training. darkness started to over take the sky as night came. The group went back to the training area where the poles where set up. This time there where burning torches set up around the area to provide light. " First well see what you need improvement in." Sinahiro looked at each student. " I will put you against each other to see how your abilities in combat are." Mya shifted nervously at his words. " Each one of you will fight two at a time. When I blow my whistle you will stop, understood." The others just nodded their heads in agreement.
  3. Mya ran down a long paved path leading to the school. The car broke down a while back. After a while of listening to her family fighting and her father saying" wait we'll get it started in a sec" She decided to walk to the school. She just didn't think it would be as far away as it was." I can't believe I'm late" She said to herself as she came towards the rather large building. She looked for a door bell and didn't see one so she knocked.
  4. (I had to change her name) Name: Mya Chase Code-Name: Fangs Age: 15 Class: Predators Personality:Shes a very happy person mostly. When shes unhappy she hides her emotions.Mya is a very quiet and shy person who doesn't talk much unless its needed. She tends to be very snippy with people if they irritate her. She mostly keeps to herself. She loves music and anything associated with art. Animal: Arctic fox Appearance:Mya is 5'4" She has white hair that turns brown in the summer,Fangs and Grey eyes that turn yellow at night, and her hands that are covered in white fur up to her elbow,The fur turns brown in the summer. She also has claws and a white fox like tail.Her ears are also slightly covered in fur, her feet are shaped human but the bottom of her feet have a paw like texture.Besides those few features she looks pretty much like a human.She wears blue jeans and light blue shirt. She has a silver Choker. Short Bio: Mya is the second oldest child in her family. Her older brother had small fox like features he hide form their parents and every one around him. Once he told her what had been happening to him warned her that it might happen to her to. She though he was lieing at first until he showed her his fangs which where starting to grow out at the time. Soon after that her brother went off to collage trusting her to keep his secret for as long as she could. About a year later she was baby sitting her little sister when she noticed she was getting silverish hairs. Then her parents walked in she told her parents she decided to dye her hair and got in trouble for it. After about a month passed it was obvious something was worng with her. She started getting fur on her arms and ears. When she walked out side at night people mistakened her for a big cat or dog.Then she started growing claws and fangs.Teachers and students at her school started to stare and back away every time she came in a class. Her Brother,Hearing about this while going through his own issues with his appearance. Remembered he had heared some thing about the school for on the news and told his father about it. Her parents researched it and about three weeks later signed her up for the school. Techniques:She has the ability to walk on Ice and stay in very cold conditions, she has a sharp bark she uses to warncertain people if dangers around. She uses her claws and fangs if she has to in combat. Mya is also very agile.
  5. Mya looked down from the pole. "Okay" She said getting ready to work her way down. Veil and Mya worked their ways down the poles. Mya fell half way down but was okay. " What do you want to do now?" Veil asked the others. " I'll be back." Mya said walking away. She Walked to a near by tree and rested there. Mya didn't feel like sleeping or anything like that she just sat still for a couple of minutes while the others talked. " I've never done anything like that pole climb before." She said to herself looking in the directions of the others. She felt a soft breeze go by. " Hum, I wonder what the rest of trainnings like if thats a worm- up?" She got up and rejoined the others. They still had 16 minutes left. " That was short." Veil smiled at her." I don't usally stay in one spot for a long time you know that." Mya responded.
  6. She hung up the phone. Mya looked around the room to check if anything was placed wrong or missing. She noticed a book on the bed that wasn't their before. Mya picked up the book and threw it out the window. She then made her way out of the room. She didn't plan on staying very long i she had to. She picked up all her stuff and left the hotel with her gun hidden. She noticed another man hurrying out the building as well. She walked out the hotel and when after the man who had went out in such a hurry. Mya had a bad feeling about him. After a bit of walking the man turned around.But, didn't seem to notice anything. Thats when she heard the blast from near by. " Don't these people know how to keep a low profile." She though going in to one of the near by building. She went to the roofdoor wich was armed by an alarm. After sniping a couple of wires she got to the roof very quickly. " Time for a little target pratice" She aimed at the man who was in shooting range and shot.
  7. Mya walks through the airport." I can't believe I'm late." She muttered as she got off the plane in to the sun. They had to walk out side to get to the main building. While the guide wasn't looking she slipped away from the group. She notices some people who looked as if they had come strait out the matrix and smiled. The people looked like they wanted to get away from the guide." Whats the point of coming if you never get pass the metal detector. After a bit of walking she found a small hotel and set up her stuff their for the time being. Which was basically her gun, some clothes and a laptop. Mya picked up her cell To call Shyquan. " Come on pick up.... Hello Shy. I'm Here" "Good, Be careful...there are others after him to" Shyquans voice was a low whisper over the phone." I know that in fact thats why I'm making you pay more than before. The last guy was to easy...This one will take a bit of work." "I-" "I'll call you back" She hung up the phone hearing a loud knock on the door. She edged close to the window with her gun. " Hum not that far a fall." She thought hearing a Knock again. She climbed out the window. "Manager Open the door!" The door swung open. A rather tall man walked in the room and looked around. He looked out the window." No one here, heh." He said walking back out the door and closing it. Mya jumped down from the window above her room. " That was way to close." She picked up her phone again." Shyquan what did you get me in to?" She thought waiting for him to pick up.
  8. OOC: Sorry its short " That's high." Kilik looked up."yeah." Veil agreed. Mya looked up at the poles. It's gonna take a little while to get up there. She thought and then realized she was staring. After a couple of minutes of disorganized pole climbing they finally got to the top of the poles. Hentaro was already at the top when the others got to their places. The others remembered he had gone through this trainning before. They waited for Sinahiro to Blow the wistle. They wanted to get the worm-up over with as soon as possiable and no one wanted to get caught off gard. Finally Sinahiro blew the wistle and trainning began.Mya barly made it to her first pole with out falling. " Trees is one thing but this..." She thought as the wistle blew to jump to the second pole.
  9. Name- Mya Willson Age- 25 Gender-female Weapon-sniper gun Who Hired You- Shyquan Willson( Mya's cousin)
  10. Jin watched with an amused look on his face not noticing Duo coming at him with his sword. He grabed Duo by the head and slamed him in to a tree Knocking him out." Kagrua are you struggling." He asked with a mellow look on his face."Shut up Jin! your bleeding!" She shouted back out of anger. Jin felt some thing run down his check." He...he cut me?" He said surprised and tilted his head. " Kanna... we're missing some people." Kanna looked around." Yes I noticed don't worry about it." " Ah yes right now we need to worry about her." Jin has passed by the battle and grabed Kagome by the colar." Hello girl time to die." He pulls out his sword and rasies it high above her head. ~meanwhile~ Shakia and Barako carry Miroku and Crystal through the forest. " Just a little farther." Barako said notcing Shakia stop. Her ears twich since the spell she was using wore off her demon form is now visable. " You hear that?" Shakia puts miroku down near a tree and flexes her claws. Barako senses another in the area and gets ready to battle as well. " This has got to be quick I have a bad feeling about this." Barako gets her wepons ready. " This Naraku guy seems to like to ambush people." Shakia attacks a near by tree and is thrown out of it. ~else where~ " Hum, Sango didn't think I'd see you here." Naraku steps out of the shadows with an evil smile on his face. " Naraku!" Sango said with anger in her voice. " Temper temper." Naraku responed almost tauntingly. Sango watched as his bee's surouned him. " I have a new game planned for you this time...you will not live to see tomarrow." Sango attacked him. He easily doged her attack.
  11. I was pissed too. I'm evil :devil: I know that I wanted to see ponyboy get jumped like in the book. Johnny cried to much though but my whole class loved the book now where reading Tex another one or the authors books. really good book. For a week me and some of my friends kept repeating "Lets Do it for Johnny Man!Johnny!" every time some thing darmatic happened in class. I noticed with S.E. Hinton's books some ones always smoking so far.
  12. I thought about it once when I was 12 I had just graduated and was looking for my dad who promised he'd be there and of course he wasn't. later I found out he didn't come because he was drunk the night before. Then again when we moved from New York and all the Dirt that my dad and that side of my family did came out. Then my relatives (my aunt mainly) came over and tried to lay a guilt trip on me she was asking me why I didn't call them. Now at this point I was really pissed off because I'm like why the hell didn't you call me its been two years and you all of a sudden know where I live.The bad part was my mother wasn't home and I was baby sitting so I had to call her so she could come home and curse out my aunt at that point I thought about suicide but then though it wasn't worth it. It might be just human nature for people to think those thoughs.Death is one thing no one knows about not that any one could tell what its like or any thing.
  13. [quote name='BlackDragoon][COLOR=Navy']i will, if you allow, play sess[/COLOR][/quote] of course you can play him :D maybe you should edit that post in to a sign up sheet though
  14. I come here to play rpg's and talk. SinceI don't talk a lot in school I look for other ways to express my self out of school. Then theirs the fact that most of my friends don't watch anime(their is a few that do) so I talk about that here.
  15. I'm afraid of fire now. I was heating up a pan yesterday to make pancakes while I mixed the batter .well after I was done I put butter in the pan and it caught on fire. But besides that I'm afraid of public speaking I'm a very shy person in school and hate to talk unless I know a person really well. Second to that would be my over active imagination.
  16. I'm a fighter. Name: Shakia Race: wolf demon age: 15 gender: female History:has two brothers and a sister they where separated a long time ago Appearance:She has sholder length brown hair with sliver streaks pulled back in a ponytail, grey eyes,two silver streaks on the side of her face, she wears black pants and a black shirt with a silver chocker and matching gloves. Bio:After a strange fight with some demons Shakia was separated from her family and found her way to a portal to the human world. After commiting some crimes she was taken to koenma who told her he would drop all charges against her if she would fight in the torment. She personally doesn't care if she wins shes just trying to get off punishment. personality: happy and a little bit crazy she attacks quickly and hates to wait for a fight. weapons: Twin swords, fire control, speed
  17. The girl keep pointing at Reyne. Mya looked at Rodya and Reyne. She didn't now what was going on but she didn't think it was good from the exprestions on their faces. She leands against the wall. " What she say?" She looked at the girl who was screaming like she was dieing or some thing.Every one looked at Reyne and Rodya who didn't responed. They were trying to figure out where she was from if she wasn't a student. Mya got tired of waiting for them to respond and glanced out the window. " If shes around the area that means her class is too." Syn said looking at the girl who was yet again trying to get out of Rodya's grip."hopefully not." Azumi said looking out the window.Mya walks pass the door and fells some thing pinch her leg. But thinks nothing of it. Probably a bug she saids walked to a near by corner. " Now, what are we gonna do about the girl?" Syn said looking at Radya. Who look like he was trying to think of an answer. Mean while the girl keep screaming and carrying on. Mya muttered some thing about the yelling and rolled her eyes.finally Reyne speaks." I guess we're gonna have to carry her with us for now." He said letting out a deep breath. Mya didn't care much about the girl the way she saw it they could do what they want with her. She looked at her leg.
  18. Mya looked up. " yes." Mya got up before Kilik answered and said she'll be back and walked out the door. She didn't want to just leave like that but she had some thing important to do before she does anything else. She picked up some flowers off near by trees on her way there. She stopped at a half burnt down town. Destruction every where. Mya walks through the ruins to a long row of graves. She kneels down next to a grave with a sword sticking out of it. " Been a long time huh. just a couple of weeks ago you were training me." She feels a slight chill on her neck. " Well, I'm staying in the village like you said...for now at least." She laid some of the flowers on the grave and moved on to the next grave with a chain on top and said a prayer. She laid the flowers on it and headed back to the village. The chill she had on her neck seem to follow her on the way back. "Strange." she started to walk faster.
  19. Mya removed her foot and rested it on the branch. "It doesn't take much to wake you does it." Syn twitches a little and sits on the branch. " I'm a light sleeper... sorry bout that." "It's okay." Syn rest his head against the tree. " So you plan on coming down any time soon?" "later... maybe in a couple of minutes. I just have this thing about people." Syn glances at her. "Hum, and what?s that?" "I don't get along with others most of the time." She looks at Syn. " Didn't always use to be like this though. It's just the personality factor." Syn looks at her for once she seems to be happy and not as violent as before. Rodya walked out of the house smiling." well, I guess is time to get out of the tree." Mya said and jumped down and landed just a couple feet from Rodya.Then Syn jumps down. " Rodya... Azumi's in their with Rayne right." Mya asked " yah why." " No reason." She now has a grin on her face. " Hum, Mya smiles well what do you know." Syn said looking at her. " What? shut up." She said playfully and then when back to being quiet. They talked under the tree for a good five minutes and then decided to head back to the house.
  20. Mya watched the others leave in search of their missing friend. Like she was asked she stayed behind and waited for Sinahiro or any one else to show up. She circled the building at least three times checking if she heard something. She sat on the front of the steps getting restless. She watched the night turn to day with still no sign of Sinahiro. She went and laid her back against the temple door. ? There has to be an explanation for this mess.? She said to her self and rested her head against the door. She stood up and lend against a pillar. Her restless nature was sure to take over her stood but she decided to keep her ground as long as she could in case Sinahiro was around. She saw some one coming near the temple and looked up. It wasn't Sinahiro or any one she knew a matter of fact so she just watched people pass by the temple all day. She even suprised her self at how long she could stay at the door with no one else around. ?I wonder how the others are doing.? she said to her self and decided to circle the temple once more.
  21. Mya lingered behind for a second and felt some thing grab her leg. It was one of the Egyptian students.Half dead blood pouring from his body. " tr..traitor." He managed to get out and let go of her leg. " I have no alliance with you or any of these countries who put us in this compatition." She snapped back and caught up with the others leaving the student to die. Rodya and Syn picked up Rayne and the group made their way out of the tunnel. They stoped at a shady spot under a tree after checking for other students." Anyone have anything to clean off the wound." Rodya said looking at the group. Mya looked in her bag. " Uh I have some...bandages." " Bandages? So you just carry them around all day or what." Syn looked at Mya." Yes, actually... if you knew how my brother was you'd under stand why it became a habit." hands Azumi the bandages. Mya continued to look in her bag. " I don't think I have any thing else in there." " this will work" Azumi started to use some of the bandages to clean Reyne's wounds. Mya sat up in the tree and watched for other students. " Hum, no one around so far." Mya jumped down from the tree. " So what do we do now?" She looked at Radya," Well wait for him to wake up I guess." he was looking at Reyne's injuries. Mya sat her back against the tree and thought about what the student had said and dismissed it.
  22. Mya let out a deep breath and then looked at the gun in her hand and then at the girls bloody body on the ground. She didn't see her coming at first she just came out of no where. " That could have been one of our classmates." Syn said calmly looking at Mya. She just shook her head." No this is an egyptian student." Mya had a personality change again." So I guess Egypts here as well." Auzumi looked at Mya." We should catch up with Reyne." Rodya said moving a head. Mya looked at the girls body. She notices she had been shot more than once. it seemed strange to her that she olny heard one shot fired. She dismissed the thought and moved on with the others. " So where do we find Reyne?" Mya put the gun away . " You not in a bad mood all of a sudden." Syn said sarcasticly. She just glared at him for a second." like hell I am, I just figured it would be best to dismiss it no reson in throwing a fit now. " Rodya comes up to a man hole with the top pulled off ." My guess is he's down there." They come closer to the hole.
  23. How could this happen? Mya thought looking back at Veil and Sinahiro. Kilik ran over to them and checked Veil's pulse. " We'll ask questions later Mya...Veil is still alive." Mya looked at Veil and then Sinahiro. " Sensei ... is he alive." Hentaro was worried . Mya checked to see if he was breathing. Her face lite up a little. " His still breathing." Kilik picked up Sinahiro and Mya and Hentaro picked up Veil. They took them in side for treatment and were told to wait out side until it was over. All was quiet no one dared to talk at a time like this." Your okay right Hentaro." Mya said in a low wisper. He just nodded and continued to keep to himself." how did this happen." Kilik said under his breath."Sirus." Hentaro finally spoke up. Kilik and Mya looked up in horror at the mention of the name. " Sirus...but didn't he die." Kilik said with a shocked look." He came back for revenge.... Sinahiro killed him." Mya felt a chill not knowing if it was the tempurture or just her she decided not to speak for once. Every thing got quiet again but unlike the calm quietness before this was a cold dead silence only brought by fear.
  24. (OOC: sorry I haven't posted here in a while any way we need a new Kagome. I've been on punishment...again. I've never been on punishment so much in my life) " Jin you will die!" Shakia charged at Jin. " you are quick to attack." Jin gracefully doges her attack." If you haven't noticed thats not really a good thing," Shakia attacked Jin again with a bit more force. Jin grabs her by her neck and throws her in to Koga who moves out of the way. " How much longer till she comes Kanna." Jin doges an attack by Duo. " Just a little longer...don't let them over power you." Jins looks at Kanna with a calm expression." Your kidding right?" Shakia lands on her feet and comes back to attack Jin but is stopped by Barako. " You are wounded." " AND" Shakia was starting to get frustrated. " We should try to help the wounded before battle." Shakia looked over at Miroku and Crystal." Right I almost forgot they were here. " Duo, Koga" Shakia picks up Miroku. " How long can you guys stall them." " Don't know but we're about to find out." Duo saids as he and Koga getting in a fighting stances. " Kagome!" Shakia calls her despite the chaos around them. " See if Crystals okay." Shakia said now trying not to be noticed by Jin and the others." we'll be back to help after we get them to safer grounds." Meanwhile_________________________________________________________ Kagura talks to Naraku while he is in his room drinking tea." Kagura the others need you go now." " Yes Naraku." Kagura said rolling her eyes at him as she left. " We must prepare for battles to come this is only the first step in getting all the shards...and killing Inuyasha. I will kill his body, soul, and spirit and leave him as Kikyo is now soulless ashes. he gives an evil laugh and continues to plan the groups deaths.
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