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Everything posted by shahi
Name: Maria Walis Gender: female Age: 22 Occupation: Waitress sounds like fun
OOC: Sorry haven't posted in a while been on punishment. Sirus is dead now( he will be missed) so what do we do now make up our own evil people or some thing. IC: Mya looked at Sirus's lifeless body. " Is it over...he's dead." The Hokage nodded." He is dead.But it is not over there will be more evil to come." Mya looked down at Sirus's body. I wonder what made him this way she though and then turned to the others. " Veil still knocked out."She said looking at Hentaro." Yes, it will be a while before she gets up again." He responds and walks over to Sinahiro. " Thank you Hokage." Sinahiro took a light bow. The Hokage just nodded and smiled. " You should go back to the village and rest." he said disapearing in to the shadows.Sinahiro burried Sirus picked up Veil and the group walked back to the village. " Sinahiro is a good man to take the time to dig Sirus's grave even though he caused so much pain.Hey, Veil won't wake up all evil and like will she." Mya said quietly to Hentaro and Kilik. " I don't think so." Kilik said looking at Sinahiro." No she won't. She should be perfectly normal now." Hentaro said looking at Mya. " Good she started to worry me for a second." Mya looked at her sleeves. They were still bloody from earlier. I can't believe I started crying I didn't cry when my cousins died. But, I guess is different if your actually there when it happens. She thought as they continued walking.
Mya closed her eyes and went in to a short daze. "What the hell are you doing now." Rayne watched her out the corner of his eyes. She snaped out of it and seemed to be more timid than before." Nothing I just need to get some thing...Oh yah forget anything I said before this moment." She reached in to her bag and pulled out a small bottle." This is bad." She looked at the bottle." What?" Azumi asked seeing Mya looked destrubed by some thing. " I'm out of medication...I need it. I thought I had the bottle full when I left this morning."She looked in her bag again. " What are you addicted or some thing." Rayne said still a little mad about the ear thing. " No stupid!"She got a little attitude. "I have a split personality problem. It only happens when I get in bad situations. Thats probably why I only remeber half of what happened today.Hopefully it won't be to much of a problem "
I don't really think about that when I'm on the computer... hum, well anyway when I'm at school I'm pretty shy and mostly try to be nice to people. I know just about every one in my school and not many people have problems with me. When I get on the computer though its mostly when I'm in a bad mood so I probably some times come off as a B.I. if you know what I mean. But I mostly try to be nice to every one here too. I like to hang out with my boy friends (meaning in boy as a FRIEND) more than my girl friends mostly because they talk to much. I don't go out much I consider my self over protected by my mother.I'm basicly the person that every one knows but can't remeber her name...sad isn't it.
Mya turned her head to look at Radya." The names Mya nice to meet you." She said looking to see if any one had seen the burnned tree yet."No so far no one seems to have seen it yet." She said to her self jumping out the tree. Mya moved to one of the dead russian's Bags and pulls out a hand gun. " Can you even use that." Radya asked her while she puts the gun in her bag. " No, But I sure as hell can learn." She walks around looking at the other wepons. She came across a set of eygptian guns. " This looks familiar." She picks up the wepons and puts them in her bag as well. " So were on this place with out no means of escape." She said looking at a gun that was way to big for her to carry." Yes, thats pretty much it." Radya responeded and there was a long silence. " Nothing we can do now but fight I guess." She said to her self and then went back to her spot in the tree. She noticed some strange movement from far away and jumps out the tree. " I think some ones coming." She said very alert.
((OOC: sorry I'll add any oocs at the start of my rpg post)) Silents fell over the group. Mya looked at the sky while she walks.She took out on of the darts in her hand and looked at it. I remember when I use to live in that area.She thought trying to destract her self from the thought of a friend being missing. It was Mase and the twins Dre and Tre that were my first friends...that I actually remember. Mase and Sham were really close.Mase and Sham taught all of us how to make posion...the twins were better at it than me though. Her mind wanders in her own thoughts. She stumbled over a rock and tried to pretend it didn't happen. Sham's dead Mase is missing both gone at the same time. I have a feeling this all has some thing to do with the Roxoski clan. She looked down and moved on trying not to think about it anymore. " I should think plesant thoughts..." She wispered to herself as she continued to walk. " Mya you okay." Kilik said. Mya wasn't paying attention." Hum, oh ya I'm fine just thinking." She said trying to forget every thing she had just been thinking about. She put her dart away. " About what?" Hentaro said trying to distract himself from the silents." family,some friends...you know just stuff not all that important." She looked down for a second." You don't talk about them alot do you?" Hentaro said." "hum," Mya looked up. " Your family." "Sham and Kai my cousins their dead now...a little while ago. they rasied me since I was little when our parents died... and we left the Auraski village.its been like a trail of death since I was about 3 " She said and then didn't say much after that. Where have I heard those names before. Sinahiro thought listening to the converstation taking place behind him.
Mya puts down her hands and moves in a little closer. Mya turnned and looked at the burnning tree. She shakes her head and moves torwards the boys and the wepons." Their gonna come here faster now." She said adjusting her straps on her back pack. " Maybe you should get rid of that." Raskilnikov said." I would perfer to take it with me... not that it would make a differance after this." She said looking back at the burnning tree and then looks back at Rayne. She notices his ears and just stares for a second." What you looking at." Rayne said and then went back to examining the wepons. Mya just looked at Raskilnikov and then decided to forget it happened. " The teacher will die if we get out of this." She said angrily. Mya looks at the wepons in the other contestants bags. " Whoa and to think I olny brought a cd player." She climed in a tree. Hidden by the trees shade and watched for when other forces would come to attack them.
I've never been ganged up on before. It happened to some of my friends but not many people in my school have problems with me. Although I can't say the same for my self cause I have problems with a couple of people at my school that I just want to beat down. I guess it makes some people feel stronger to gang up on people. I see it as a sign of great weakness that and picking on people who you know don't really defend them selfs.
OOC: Sorry about that I just took off from where Box Hoy left off and got a little to far in to the story line. sorry, Now how do I explain this ... lets just say she was planning on going after Sirus any way for revenge on the roxoski clan. Basicly she was guessing if you want I could edit my post? I was baby sitting my sisters when I posted that so I was kinda destracted.
Mya runs as fast as she can to get away from the danger." Oh yes this the best school to go too. Your brother would want you to go here he said." She said to her self as she ran. She hide behind a tree and waited for the danger to pass. Mya hears some people talking in french. She could olny make out a little bit of what they were saying." We have to keep moving..well get the girl later" one man said. The rest of what they were saying was unkown to her. " I should have paid attention in french class." She thought to her self as the voices became distance." They must have left." She wispered to her self and she checked if the coast was clear to run. Not noticing three of the French had stayed behind. She got up slowly and kept moving now keeping low as to not be seened but it was to late they already found her. She runs as tears fill her eyes. One of the french contestants grabed her by her arm. She blacked out for a second and then kicked the boy in the stomach making him fall to the ground. When she came back to. She noticed that she was about to be captured again.She jumped over the boys crumbled body and headed deeper in to the trees. She came to a group of houses and noticed the dead men and then Rayne and Raskilnikov. " Uh, just run from the french." She said puting her arms up to show she wasn't an enemy.
[QUOTE=Angelus_Necare]The snow in central new york is appaling. I mean, it's just so damned cold, and the snow keeps comming down, and I have to shovel, and school's still open! Camden central schools really bite the big one, oh well. *gets off her soap box*[/QUOTE] I remember those days when I lived in NY so much snow you couldn't even walk okay no more membories. We don't have school today... I guess the schools are smarter than I thought. No body wants those Bus drivers that can't drive on the road today.I think they said its going to stop snowing Saturday or something like that.I have to baby sit but besides that and missing vacation time its not to bad.
Shyquan enters the village. Hes surprised by the large crowd. He walks quickly to the Temple not wanting to be noticed by the crowd at the moment. He heard of the things they had gone throuh and the hardships they had encontered because of the long battle with the Shogun clan. He felt bad for them. He knew alot about how the Shogun clan could go on killing springs with no regard for human life what so ever. He experienced it himself when his parents were killed.He watched some of the small children wander around care free happy because their village was to be saved. It remineded him of him and his sister when they were little so care free. But, after their parents died they lost that sense of child like innocense. " I got to do this for them and my family." Shy looked down at his feet and then looked at the other warriors around him. He stood against the side of the building waiting for further instructions. His hat pulled over his eyes a little. Showing he didn't really want to be seen or noticed by the crowd.
Mya looked at Kilik after that comment and then disgarded it. " Hum..." She said walking away from the group." What type of Sh** is Sirus planning." She said to herself and then turned back to the others. " Lets go" She said in an harsh tone." We can't just sit around here we have to find Sirus once we find him we find Veil." She looks down and then walks out the door. " You can stay here if you wish but I'm leaving." " You think your the olny one who wants to go?" Hintaro said." No I don't! But I can't stay here. I can't help it. I know I responed to quickly and sometimes with out thinking but I have my resons." She disappeared with out waiting for an answer. " I should really think before I act though." She said running to a near by village where some old friends of hers lives. This is it. She runs through the crowds and in to a small building. " Tre,Dre!" She said in a panic. " Mya? Whats worng?" A boy comes out and looks a little worried." I need very storng poison.. Stornger than the darts I have here." " All right. But why? You don't usally use such a strong dose of poison in your darts." " I need it today and quick please Dre." She asked him quietly. He just nodds and walks up to the back. A couple of minutes later he comes out with a set of darts. here I put in a very storng poison.. be careful if you get hit with one of these it could kill you in a matter of minutes." He looked at her serious. " I under stand," She said running out the door." Thanks Dre I really needed this." She raced out of the small village and almost runs directly in to Kilik.She looked at Kilik,Hentaro,and Sinahiro. They soon continued their Jorney.
((OOC:HetepKa they haven't met up with Crystal and Miroku yet)) Shakia woke up with a spilting head ache. She saw every one getting up and realized what happened." Their still in the woods." She said not wanting to admit defeat." So what do we do now?" Kagome asked. " I don't know what you plan to do but I plan to follow him...If we don't get rid of him now he will be a problem in the future." She turned to leave. " I'll be back." " Not exactly the safest thing to do." Duo said walking up to her. She looked to the woods her eyes had anger in them." I know, I just don't care at the moment." She said jumping in the forest. " Anger clouds her judgement." Barako said picking up her wepons. After her incounter with Kanna she was left a little dizy." How long have we been pased out." Kouga asked.Duo responded " Don't know.We should go after Shakia who knows what trouble shes getting us in to now" Meanwhile,Shakia comes closer and closer to Jins scent." Jin!" Shakia said sending an Ice wave attack directly at his head.Jin doged it "Shakia your awake thats some thing I'm not use to." " Shut up!" Shakia said from where she stood in a tree.I'm still weak from last time she thought.Soon the others arrive on the spot." Miroku,Crystal!" Kagome said noticing him and Crystal who were also hurt." We must take care of this quickly Jin." Kanna said with a child like voice.
Name: Mya Gavil Age:17 Sex: female Nationality: Egyptian Eye Color:grey Hair color:brown Legal Guardian: brother Address:Kick :1223 silver ave buliding12 Apartment 3B Occupation: high school student Personal Information:Her brother was an assassin she doesn't know about that though. Her and her brother Mase were recently in a car accident. He was put in a comma while she was sent away to school. He taught her how to fight. he taught her many differnt fighting styes but the one she uses most is Capoeira and sometimes Hakke Ken. While She was at school on of the school teachers notice her fighting some students. He heard of the compatition and decided to enter her in it against her will. The government gave the teacher a big paycheck for entering her in the contest. She plans to kill the teacher after its over. Distinctive marks:tattoo of a tiger on her left sholder Personality: Shes sweet shy and cares about others feelings but when time to get to fighting her whole personality changes and she becomes very harsh.She has a spilt personality one side effect from the car accident.
I live in North Carolina we might have a snow day tomarrow. Its cold not as cold as New York but still pretty cold. I'd be very surpirsed if we actually get a snow day though. Our school system sucks. The whole freak'in state could be out of school because of snow and we would still be going to class.If it was raining fire we would still be going to school ( I guess shouldn't expect much from the school that run out of food during lunch though)
Kayna was listening to what was said but soon drifted off in to her own mind. "So he wants some one to fight the X-men, huh. I tried that peace thing they talk about once. I was for the x-mens ideas of peace. Look what I got for it put in a place where they experiment on mutants. Never again, never again." SHe thought but soon snaped back in to reality. She heard a lot of yelling coming from the crowd and then sudden silients. Kanya walked through the crowd studying the mutants around her. SHe came closer to the door with each step but she didn't care. Soon she ran in to the two mutants fighting. " Not much of a fight." She thought as the fight continued. Kanya smiled coldly as she continued moving closer to the circle that had formed around the two mutants. " Guess he took on more than he could handle." Her sliver eyes peered through the crowd. She walked out in to the big circle that the other mutants had formed around the fight.She took her head phones off. " I'll join you." she said emotinlessly." whats your reson for joining them your to wea-" Kanya shot one of the mutant a sharp glare and he grew quiet. " revenge." She shaid taking off her head phones. Kanya turned to Gravitron." Sure about this Kanya?" one of her friends she came with asked." Why wouldn't I be" She responed waiting for a response from Gravitron.
Mya thinks about what was just said and a chile goes down her spine. She thinks its time for her to separate. She didn't like to show her fear." I ..I think I'll go train at the moment." Mya said separating from the group to a near by tree." I was planing on getting some more posion before all this happend but now I can't leave at the moment." Mya pulls out her twin swords and starts to pratice with them. She trys differnt flips and attacks with them and after a while sits down. This Siro is very powerful it would be just plain stupidity to try to even face him alone like I do in other battles. " this is unlike me why can't I consintrate." She said to her self while cleaning her wepons.She walks a little farther in to near by woods. Mya pulls out her chain and spins it above her head." lets see if I do better with this." The chain hooks on to a tree limb and she pulls her self up on it and continues to try that until she reaches the highest branch that she is able to stand on in the tree. She sits there for a moment. Why can't I do better than this I usally do she thinks to herself worried that she may be lacking in ablitiy more than she expected. She jumps down and wraps the chane around a low hanging branch to keep her from falling. Her feet lightly hit the ground as she heads back to the village. Mya stops hearing some one come near. She looked up at Hentaro and smiles a little." I'm sorry I thought you were some one else." She said looking down at her feet. " You were training?" hentaro asked. Mya just nods." yes, I... never mind" She stops and continues walking.
Shyquan sits in a crowded room with his hat covering his face listening to a couple of drunks talking. He stands up and walks slowly to the door." Hey! kid where ya going!" A man stood up and blocked Shy's path." I have some one to pick up." Shyquan said in a low voice." Alright then here's your pay." He toses Shyquan a couple off coins and moves out his way. Shyquan walked to a near by store where his sister was selling items of all sorts. " Shy... your ready to go yet." Shyquan noded as his sister packed up her stuff. " So, how long is your training going to be?" She asked with a light voice. Shy just looks up." I don't really know Shakia." " I keep telling you to let me go too but you would probably find some way to make me return here, huh?" Shyquan doesn't responed. They come up to a house Shyquan opens the door.He picks up a small bag with all the Items he needs for his journey. Shyquan goes in to a dark room and picks up a shiny sword and heads to find Shakia. Shakia picks up two swords and polishes them in a near by room." Take care of your self and Dark wolf too." Shakia said metioning his sword.Shyquan just smiles at her and heads out the door. He walks on an dark path olny lite by the light of the moon. " I think I should plan what I'm gonna do next." he saids to himself now in a louder voice. though I hate to admit it I want to protect my village. but I want revenge as well. He thought as he came closer and closer to the training grounds. (OOC: hope this is okay)
Origanal thoughts: Its a picture that I've seen many times before in church I've seen better. I don't like the color and I like pictures of " The last supper" better Thoughts now: I wonder want kind of mental state you have to be in to take the time to do something like that. Thats nasty and disrespectful in my opinon. It was okay before now its just gross. Who actually takes the time to do some thing like that. Honesty after I read what was in the jar I actually thought it was kinda demonic but that may just be my religous side talking. [QUOTE]Few more questions: Do you think this is art, regardless if it's beautiful or not and regardless what you know about the piece. Would you consider this art? Is it worth being in a museum? And should art take into the consideration of ethics? Or does it reach beyond ethics and morals? Taking what is unethical to many and making it into beauty.[/QUOTE] 1. I don't think its beautiful 2.No I don't consider this art 3.Its not worth being in a museum if I wanted to see pee I'd look in the toilet after my 3 year old sister goes in there and I'd probably be pissed if I saw it in a museum. 4. I don't consider it moral in fact it's hardly hygienic but I know some people do that type of stuff what they do is their business. Worst things have been done to people in this world. Who am I to judge whats moral and not moral for that reson I have no say on how moral this is.
(OOC: HetepKa, stop saying your sorry your post are fine :) this is the first rpg I've ever made so I have no expectations of the post beside going with the story line which everyone has done so far.) "Kanna, I wasn't expecting you here little one." Jin smiled looking at his defeated opponents." Naraku wants you to take care of some other bothersome people." Kanna said in a small voice. " Just show me the way." Jin said walking near Shakia." I'm afraid I'll have to take my leave for now. I'll be able to kill you all later though." Jin said leaving with Kanna. Shakia half awake heard the last part off what he said but was to injured to responed." We will be after some one called Crystal and the ever reapearing Miroku." Kanna said in a chid like sarcastic voice." Kanna its not really like you to be sarcastic. isn't that Kagara's job." he smiled as they jumped through the trees." She is going to ask a certain Human hating demon to join us in gathering the jewel." " Well that should be intresting." Jin said as they came in front of Crystal and Miroku. " Crystal...run." Miroku said passing out. Jin smiled " Well, looks like some one already did most of the work for us, heh." Kanna stood in a near by tree.Naraku's bees apear behind the two.Jin looked at Crystal's ears and started laghing just to annoy her. " Another half breed this is priceless!" Jin stoped and smiled slightly. " taking care of you two should be easy."
From what I sense your master is getting his *** kicked Mya thought when hearing the mans comment." You will not interfear!" the man screeched as the rest attack the group. They tried their best to fight and stick together at the same time but eventually ended up spilting up. Mya pulled out some of her posion darts and started to fire them at her attackers but she soon ran out of darts and olny managed to hit a few men who passed out on the floor. Mya pulled out her chain and threw it at her oppenents legs it wrapped around and she managed to drag the man to the ground.That is until another man hit her from behind.She swung around and tried to stab him with her dagger but, missed. He pulled out his sword and gave a clear swing at her head. She stoped his attack by pulling out one of her Swords before the attack hit.The clashing sound invaded her ears. She quickly stuck the dagger in his chest before he killed her off. Mean while Kilik and Hentaro were in the middle of their own battles. Kilik and Hentaro took out a number off people.Slashing away at the attackers.They had each takken out their fair share of opponents. All three were tired form the weary battle. They fought until their was olny five opponents left. They stood in the same position as when they first started the fight. Each last one of them tired and tense." So, do you want to give up yet?" Kilik asked the enemys getting no response."Good I don't want to ether." Kilik said as they attacked. The battle ranged on as the two opposing forces attacked each other.
" Now for the rest of you." Jin said lifting his sword and getting ready to attack the group. " You will not touch them!" Shakia said her eyes glowing in a fit of rage. She pulled out her sword s and attacked in a fit off rage. Jin doged her attacks easliy. " Ha your to weak." he said with a sly smile on his face.Shakia slashes him with her sword while he talks. " less mouth more fighting!" She said flexing her claws now visable to the human eye. She notices the spell wearing off. " Well,well,well, looks like you can fight after all." " Shut up!" Duo said now joining the battle. They both attack Jin at the same time stabing him. He just looks up and smiles. "How can he still be standing?!" Kagome saids while getting her arrows ready. Jin takes note that Kagomes getting ready to fire and slams Shakia hard against a tree twice." You little..." She said passing out." Heh,You must die!" Duo said attacking Jin. Jin doged his attacks and grabed him by the neck. " You will die by my hands." He said as a sword came flying torwards his arm. He doges it and then Drops Duo on the cold ground seeing his new targets Barako and Kagome.
" Veil wait!" Kilik yelled after her but it was to late she was gone. Mya Started to get worried as well. Kilik came back inside and picked up his Bo "This doesn't seem right to leave them alone like that." He said about to leave to follow Veil. " It isn't right I've gone over it a couple of times in my head and came to the same conclusion each time." Mya stood up now wearing the mask she held in her hands some time ago. " I'm going to." Hentaro said standing up. Kilik looked at the two. " Even if I asked you to stay you wouldn't would you." he was not to sure they should come because of the danger." I'm not going to lie to you I'm not good at following directions when stuff like this happens." Mya said with little expresson. Hentaro just looked at Mya and then at Kilik. " In this situation I think it would be better if we also fought." he said to Kilik. " I can't stay here." Mya said moving near the door. " Mya, Do you still have posion darts left." Hentaro said looking like he's thinking of some thing. " Yah a couple why? Mya asked not under standing his resons for asking this. " Good we might need them. We need a plan this is not the type of person we can just rush in on." Hintaro said." Hentaro what are you planing?" Kilik said curious and in a hurried tone. What ever it is I hooe it works and quick. Mya thought waiting for Hentaro to continue.
Hetepka your in sorry it took me so long to post this (My bad) Any one want to play Inuyasha or Sesshoumaru?