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Everything posted by shahi
Shakia glared at Koga. She then remembered the fighter she left while looking for Koga. She turned around and saw Jin jump through the trees. Koga and Duo sensed it to. " Uh guys we got a problem!" Kagome said as Jin comes in to clear view. " Well so you tried to run from me huh." Jin said with a cruel smile. " Ha! shows how smart you are I just didn't want to waste energy or time playing with a low life like you!" She said sounding kinda like Inuyasha. " Who are you!" Duo and Koga saiad at the same time. " Jin Naraku's creation." " Naraku!" Koga saids blood boiling with anger at the mention of his name. Shakia looks unmoved. " Hey, isn't that the guy who wants my head or what ever." " You, Inuyasha and many more but I have nothing to do with them at the moment." Jin pulls out a sword from no where and attacks the group."My olny task is to kill the ones that stand before me!"
Mya looked at her former wounds and then at Hentaro. She looked slightly up at him and smiled a little." Thank you" She said and then remembered Kilik. She turned around and realized he was okay and calmed down a bit. Then she turned to Veil. I guess I was wrong about her. That doesn't happen a lot she thought and then stood up. " Where's Sinaharo. Did he stay back to fight?" She said with a troubled look on her face. " Yes." Veil said with a sad tone. Mya started to recall her fight and felt a little stupid for being stabed with her own wepons. She also felt a little left in the dark about how this all happened. Mya reached in her bag and pulled out a silver mask with a little blood on it. " Hum,I must of got some blood on my bag." She said Rubing the blood off the mask. " What exactly are you planing Mya?" Hentaro asked knowing just as well what she was about to do. She looked into her bag and pulled out her chain. Some one must have put it back in the bag for me she thought noting that all her wepons were present. " I don't know exactly but...." She trailed off. She didn't know wether to fight or stay out of the way. She looked at Kilik who had found his Bo.
Mya caught Kilik needless to say he wasn't exactly the lightest person for her to catch."Kilik don't pass out on me now." She said noticing some strange men closing in on her. She knew she had no choice but to fight them off. She pulled out a long chain and swung it above her head." I have to fight no choice." She said as the men came closer. She managed to get Kilik out of the way and some place she thought was safe before she fought. Kilik please wake up she thought a little frightend because of the many men. She Threw the chain high in the air. All the men looked up. just as stupid as ever she thought. attacking with her swords. She managed to wound a few men before she herself was wounded. "D-Damn , I can't." She felt it getting harder to keep her vision from getting blurred. She looked down at the bloody stomach wound one of the men had made. It can be fixed but it's gonna be harder to fight this way she thought still fending off the men. She couldn't fight much longer sooner or later she would pass out as well. She reached for her posioned darts and tried to aimed at some of the men. All of a sudden another one appeared behind her took one of her darts and stabed her in the back with it. She stumbles a bit.Please don't let them find Kilik at least she thought as she fell to the cold ground. Her vison goes blank and she passes out saying." Damn this posion is stronger than I thought. (OOC: Stabed her with her own wepon I really need to stop abusing my character)
Shakia now very calm flexed her claws which was about all she could do at the time. Her eyes glowed a bright blue color." You stupid *****! I don't have to tell you anything!" She said her Ice wave attack hitting Barako. The ties disappeared as she hits the ground. Shakia rubs her arms. " I have no time for this. If you wanted to know what I was why didn't you just ask." She said picking up her swords. She looked at Barako who was frozen from the waist down." I have a wolf to hunt." She said in a hateful rage. " By the way if you must now I'm a half breed look it up." She said chasing after Koga. She suddenly stopped. Sensing somethings wrong. " She stands in a fighting positon. " Ku ku ku you are very strong huh." Jin appears out of no where." Yah whats it to you!" She said still mad about the previous fight. Meanwhile Kagome and Duo get to Barako. " Oh dear." Kagome saids seeing the sight of a half frozen priestess. Duo just rolls his eyes. Kagome looks up and senses evil around the area.
Mya felt the anger building up inside of her. She threw her dagger in to a near by tree. it cut deep in to the bark. She sat next to the tree. " Your to young." were have I heard that before." She said to herself as she slowly started to clam down. She said I didn't know her but at the same time she has no clue about me. I live to fight thats all I do. What more do I have? She thought as she looked at the light green leaves on the tree drop slowly to the ground. She gave a low sigh and closed her eyes letting her mind drift back to the past. " Sham, can I please go with you." a younger virson of Mya looks up at a 12 year old boy with hopeful eyes." Mya stay here your to young to go with me right now but we'll play as soon as I get back, okay." the young boy said with a sweet grin. " That was when I was real little." Mya said to her self recalling her past membories. " I remember." She drifts in to the past once more. To a late cold night where it all ended. " Mya." " Huh." Mya looked up at Sham who looked troubled. " I had a dream that I was dead." Sham said not really looking her in the eyes. Mya didn't know how to respond." If that ever happens you go back to the village where we were born." he paused to look at her." You should be okay there." he saids and she nodds in response." I should have stopped them then maybe they would be here right now. Sorry Sham. Kai... I couldn't help out when the time called for it." She said stood up and walked to the gate leading out of the town she didn't notice she still had Kilik's Bo. She walked for a while until she saw a figure moving in the shadows.Mya peered closely at the figure and then realized who it was.
Mya walked out side with wepons in hand as always. Her cousin told her to never leave her wepons unattented. She looked at Veil who looked frightend." Veil, whats wrong." she said slowly aproaching her. " Na-Nothing." She said and ran quickly in to the distance. Mya looked suspicously around the area and then noticed Kilik's Bo on the foor next to the wall." What's this Kilik's Bo." she said and went to look for Veil for the truth. She didn't think he would leave his wepon unattended like that. Now aware of some sort of betrayal Mya persued Veil with a vengance. She knew what ever was wrong had to do with her. She quickly cought up with the Veil." Veil!do you have any thing you want to tell me." She said with an unually cold voice." I... I" Veil studdered. Mya grew increasingly impaitant as the stall countinued." Where's Kilik." Mya said looking Veil straight in her eyes. She knew she was hiding something important. " How should I know!" Veil answered with an angry tone. Mya didn't buy her claims of aloofness. She pulls out her dagger. " Your lieing I can tell your eyes say it all." She said glaring at Veil with a hateful stare. (OOC: I hope this is okay I'm kinda pressed on time at the moment)
(OOC: I Under stand Inuyashagirl_15 I'm on punishment to I've been kicked off the computer all this week) Naraku looks at shard he had takken from Duo then at the group as they run after Shakia. He looks amused." They don't know what their getting in to." He saids to Kagara who sits in a tree." Kagara, you did give them my little message didn't you." " You should know of course I did." Kagara said in a low tone. " I should take care of them now." Naraku smiles holding a black glowing ball in his hand. " Time to play Jin." He said dropping the ball on the ground just below him. It formed in to a figure of a demon. He had long Blue hair and Souless black eyes he looked kinda like Inuyasha in features but was a bit bigger. "Take care of them eh." the young man said in a cold hartless voice." Do what you want with them Jin." Naraku said disappearing in to the shadows with Kagara behind him." Yes Naraku." Jin said smiling coldly as he followed the scent of his prey who had recently left.
Mya got up a little later than normal. She was alone in the room. She usally gets up at about 5 or 6 in the morning but today her wounds got the better of her. She sat up and picked up her Swords. " I come back here after so many years and it's destroyed in olny seconds." She cleans up a little and walks out side in to the warm sun light although her mood was not that happy the weather lightend her spirits. She looked around at the damage that had come because of the battle. " Mya your awake." Siro said as Mya walked torwards the group." Hey morning." She said gave a small smile and then looked at her feet. I wonder what time it is. No matter I know it's to late for me to be sleeping. She thought as the others were talking. She didn't feel like going in to conversation at that moment so she just listened to the others talk. While the others talked she wandered in her own thoughts about the fight.
I'm intrested all though I do hate that time period( because it was normal for people to call others the n word and not get the S**t punched out of them). I'd like to read what happens next it different from the storys I usally read here.
Name:Kayna Tora aka Muzic Sex:Female Age:18 Group:Brotherhood Description: Long brown and white hair in a ponytail. silver eyes, fangs, and two black stripes on each of her arms.She wears a black shirt with a jean jacket and jean pants. She has silver necklace with a cross on it she always wears and a cd player she takes every where with her. Power:She has above normal strength and the instinces of a white tiger. Bio:She was Tourtured when her adoptive family found out she was a mutant. they ran millions of test on her and separated her from her older brother who was also a mutant. She went insane for a while and then regained her sanity. She doesn't get her name from her powers she gets her name from the cd player she takes around to keep her mind of all the stuff the scientist did to her.She joined the Brotherhood to get away from the scientist. She also wants pay back for them taking away her brother.
Shakia turns around and growls. She runs in to the forest at high speed with her sights set on who ever was watching them. A strong sent of wolf lingered in the air. She heard the faded voices of the three as they tried to catch up with her. She finally chaught up with the person. A wolf demon with long black hair in a ponytail.and what looked like fur pants." Who are you." she growled showing that she was not in a very good mood at the time. " No one you need to worry your self about right now hand over the shard." Koga said dead serious."no I have other uses for it why would I give it to you?" She said glaring at the demon.
What's your opinion on Valentine's day?
shahi replied to ChibiHorsewoman's topic in General Discussion
I use to like it when I was little and we got candy but now it just sucks the days olny purpose is to try to get a girl/boy friend before you go to the school dance if you have one. The dance at my school was lame last year lame dj and I didn't get to eat. I might get my hate of valentines day from my mother she doesn't like it eather but she does bring home lots of candy I wish I knew who it was from. -
20 dollars anything over that will have to be made out of soild gold.I have to buy makeup schoolsuppiles and other stuff I need at the moment. Hey money goes fast at bestbuys and Yah don't get that stuff on bootleg. I don't have a job ether.
My cousin got her belly button pierced once. It didn't work out. When I was little I got my ears pierced when I was little. the Gun thing got stuck in my ear so I'm not big on piercings. Most of my family members that got them said it didn't work out.
Mya awoke with a headache." Shit....What happened." She said not exactly looking at any one. " You were threw through three statues." Kilik said looking like he had a headache as well." I got thrown threw a wall so I've been told." He said looking at the girl " Yah now I remember that Guy," She sat up a little in pain." I haven't ever had a fight like that before." She said a little dizzy." I know the feeling. So you came to train to?" Kilik said looking at his bandaged wounds." Yes it's a good thing to or I would probably be dead by now." She laid back down in pain."Note to self make stronger poison for darts and use more than 2."" Don't beat your self up they worked for about three minutes." Kilik said sitting up." Yes three minutes," She rolled her eyes at her falts." I can't make the poison like my cousin could." She said now sitting up. Mya looked at her wounds and at her suroundings.Soon she started to get restless like she did often. That's when Siro, Veil and Hentaro walked in. Mya looked at them and then at the wall " hey how's the other Guy." She asked a little disapointed by her defeat." He'll be okay he just has miner injuries according to the Elders.
That's just about all I listen to I like Jin, BustaRymes,Kanye West, Jay-Z,Missy,Nelly,Ludacris,Outcast,the group formally known as B2K,112 theirs more but that would take to long to type. Has anyone heard that song Tipsy by J-Kwon I love the beat to that song.
Bill:Jim you loss the bet! you don't have to pretend to be a statue any more
Name: Shyquan Shiriu Age:17 Sex: male Wepon:Darkwolf- a sword passed down to the males of their family through out generations the sister sword is the twin Light wolf passed down to most females in his family. Bio: Shyquan's parents died in a battle against the Shogun leaving him the owner of the Darkwolf. He was left alone to take care of his younger twin sister Shakia. Like his name his is a very shy person he doesn't talk a lot which leads people to think he is mute. Although Shyquan is very good natured his adoptive family was not. Him and his sister were treated very poorly while they stayed with them.They constantly tried to steal the swords given to the two. Shy finally dicided to take his sister and leave for their own protection. He soon came to the Unashi village witch provided protection for his family or so he thought. The day came when the Shogun attacked the village again. He was angered by the sudden attack and decided to pick up arms and fight back. There is also the fact that the Shogun killed his birth parents and all though he won't admit it to himself he wants payback. His sister also decided to fight back But was stoped by Shyquan. She will stays back to protect the village when they go to fight the Shogun. Although she knows that her and her brother are equal in fighting abilitys and strength. Description:He has long brown hair that he has braided back and covers with a hat. He wears A long black shirt covered by a jean jacket and Semi-Baggy jean pants. He carrys his sword on his back. He also has Light brown eye's. Side: Unashi side
(OOC: I have some things preventing me from posting to so its no problem.) " You picked the wrong day to mess with me." Shakia growled and Showed her claws." What do you want with the jewel shard!" Duo said turning to the young woman and then back to Kagome and Shakia." In fact what do any of you what with the Jewel shard!" Duo said glaring at all three of the girls. " Well I'm stuck in this time period. I went to a near by village and found out that the shards could get me out of here since they have so much power or at least thats what I heard about them." She said and then turned to the other Three." This is point less." " What's point less." Kagome asked confused." This situation. Look That girls attacks people she doesn't even know. Duo over here is stuck in the dark about... well, every thing-" " Watch it!" Duo interupted." ah sorry what else you can't find this Inuyasha guy you keep talking about and I'm stuck here." Shakia plops down on th floor and leans against the tree." There has to be some way to sort this mess out before we start shooting people." She saids glaring at the unknown woman." We have to move I have a bad felling were in danger." Kagome said as The woman lowers her arrow." I fell it to." Shakia said looking up at the sky and then back to the three." It could be Naraku." Kagome said in a serious tone. Duo and the girl looked serious to." Who is this Naraku? will some one please enlighten me." Shakia said a little fusterated.
I melted nachos cheese and crackers together once It was burned and I was very hungry.
(OOC: Sorry I haven't posted in a while I'm olny allowed on the computers on the weekends now.) Mya reached the gates of the village which were wide open. " What the hell?!" She stated as she saw the destruction that was taking place inside the village. She pulled out her twin swords knowing somthings wrong and moves towards Kilik and the other two. " What's going on." She asked on gard because she didn't know who the boys were." Some one's trying to take the Siroshima fire." Siro said." Which one." Mya said pulling out her poisoned darts. " That guy over there." Kilik saids pointing to Sirus." Who are you?" Hentaro asked." Mya nice to meet you. I came here to train." She picked up two darts and aimed at Sirus." My guess is the other ones are friends of yours right." She said firing the darts at Sirus. "I don't think this will have a big impack on him but it might slow him down a bit." she said as the darts hit him dead in the arm. The others just stared at her for a minute and then focused their attention back on the current battle." I hope what ever was in that dart works" Hentaro said glancing at Mya." They will. They always work one way or the other." Mya said picking up her twin swords. Sirus notices the two darts in his arm and look in Mya's direction.
You guys are all in I won't be here for a while though I'm olny allowed on the computer on weekends now Question: Outlaw if Miroku's about 18 and his older than Kouga who was what 16 the last time the Jewel shadered how is it that Koga's 23. Shouldn't he be like 17? Sorry if I'm nagging just wondering.
I saw the movie I loved it. Dude you got totaly served is not exactly how I would think of the title thought. I loved the dancing hated one of the actors though. the main caracters( omarion's) girl friend sounded so fake. Another plus was B2K was in it ( I love b2k) As you can guess the mall was packed when the movie came out. As said in my signature ya'll should really go see it . cause that movie was off the hook.
lets be realistic.Cultural eating habits arn't the same all over the world. Some poeple eat things we wouldn't even have thought of. All though I am destrubed by this site I think some of the animals they were talking about eating were indangered. (eagles, seals its just wrong)
Now! on Spike tv WHEN NUNS ATTACK.... Nun throwing snowball: That will teach you to take my free parking spot!You![censored for langage not allowed in church]