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Everything posted by shahi

  1. I don't like Aqua ether that barbie song was stupid and slow
  2. The stapes commercial that just came on it was cute
  3. Back in the days when I was young I'm not a kid any more but some days I sit and think what the hell was I watching. Your not alone Wasabi I remember the theme song too. I can't choke down the fact that it still comes on. That sailor moon, the power rangers,I remember some thing about zorro,And lets not for get the dreaded Barney! all these songs were implanted in my head as childhood membories I'm sad to say. I really use to like captain plant though although he died alot. After a while he started to tick me off and the theme songs of all these shows started to annoy me. I guess it seems better when your a kid.
  4. Personally I like the milkshake song the video is stupid though and I love right thurr and I think chingy is fine as I don't know what( thats my baby right thurr). The one person I just can't stand that I forgot to mention is Ashantia. The ***** can't sing. Her songs are so easy to sing she never sings anything hard.Come on now Baby baby baby, how many times have we heard that and my new personal most hated song rain on me. I heard her sister can sing better than her and they sung together in a demo tape. The olny reson they picked ashantia over her sister was because males are attracted to her. I can't beilive so many people hate rap. I'd usally say stop hating or haters but I'm not gonna say that. Whats your opinion is your opinion it depends on what you like to listen to. Just as long as you don't dis me for liking it.
  5. Their gone how can this be. Mya thought as she walked threw the city. She had just found out her about her cousins death in a near by village. She moves threw the crowded city not noticeing adults giving her stares of disaprovel. She stops at a near by store to buy some food with the little money she had left. She picks up some friut and other food she needs for her long jorney." Ah," She looks in her bag for some money." Here is this enough." She said hoping she has what is needed to purchase something to eat." Just the right amount," the man said handing her a bag to put her Items in." So whats a young girl like you doing wandering the city, Its dangrous you know." " Yes sir I know but, I have to go to see my brother in the Auraski village." She lied. She knew from past experiance that if she had told an adult the truth they would ask questions which would have staled her even longer." Alright then, take care." the man said as Mya said her byes and walked away. She didn't want to lie to the old man but she was in a hurry. She finally got out of the village and on to a dirt road. " Soon I'll be there,I'll run outta money soon to." She said looking at the blue sky." The village is olny a little while away. I wonder what it looks like now." Mya said with her eyes set on making it to her birth place. She didn't mind the traveling she was use to it. But, her mind keep wandering back to the fact that her cousins were dead. She felt sad but she couldn't cry for some reson. " Don't think about that now," She told herself and kept walking." soon you'll get revenge after your training." Mya said looking to the future to help her deal with her recent loss of the olny family she had left.
  6. Hey The main caracter and evil caracter slots are still open Origanal caracters needed:Inuyasha Sango Shippo(not really needed) Kanna(takken) Kagura(takken) Sesshoumaru Kikyo(not really needed) Kaede Koga(takken) Kohaku Any other caracters needed would probably be villains( need someone to play Naraku's new son) gotta go bye
  7. shahi

    Cyborg 009

    I saw it its alright I was to sleepy to watch the marathon last night though. Its okay not my favorite but it passes time and one of the characters was from Bronx NY Now thats a big plus for me. ( Thats my home. . . well I can't say town so I'll say city) I was a little upset that they replaced my show with that when it first came on at 6:30. But, I watched it and it was okay and my other shows back on so I have nothing agianst it any more.
  8. Boy: Mommy I found out where my gold fish went!
  9. shahi

    Siroshima Fire

    Name: Mya Age:14 Wepon: Twin swords Bio: Mya was born in the Auraski clan village but had to move away with her cousins after her parents were killed. The three traveled alot so she never had a stable home. Her cousins who she called Kai and Sham for short always took care of her. Sham trained her to use many differnt wepons . She liked to use daggers and twin swords the most. He trained her very well for some one who was olny three years older than her. Her other cousin Kai who was alot older than the two taught them to read, wirte, and any thing else that has to do with education.One day her two cousins went out of the town they lived in at the moment to do some bussiness. That town was attacked by the Roxoski clan while they were their.They were both killed in battle. Mya found this out when she went to search for them. She now wishes to destroy the Roxoski clan but first she has to go back to her birth place for some more training. She thinks if they were able to kill her cousins she doesn't stand a chance of killing the Roxoski clan with out some aditional trianing. Description: Sholder length brown braided hair with grey eyes and Light brown skin.Shes about 5'2" She wears a blue shirt with the sleeves rolled up a little and black pants with a leather dagger holders on her legs and a belt around her waist that holds aditional wepons. She some times wears a sliver mask that covers half her face during battles. Side:Auraski clan Secondary weapons:She uses her small size and speed to her advantage in battles. Throwing Knives, Daggers, posioned darts,A long chain she uses as a wepon and to help her get over walls and other structures if nessecary Class: Ninja
  10. I can't wait till the new episoides. I actually read them on the internet a while back. Yes werid I know a result of a very boring summer in which I read inuyasha and listin to the radio all summer long. Any way I read a lot of them they sound really good. Theres lots more Drama filled and funny episoides to come I don't think any one will be disapointed. All thought I didn't read all of them there was to manyto read.
  11. I get what your sayin though. It is stupid I bet they wouldn't feel that way if they were geting attacked by a cannibal. I like animals and all and Don't like to kill them (except for mice I hate mice) But people eating people its just not right. I was watching a show on that last night it was disturbing. People don't eat people well at least sain people don't eat people. Unless in some cases where people had to force them selfs to eat people or die according to the show I saw. The people in the PETA might be cannibals them selfs for all we know or out of their minds. Basicly its just nasty and should never be attempted.
  12. The next day Kie and Jono wandered around the city looking for some thing good to do so Kie can come back and not get eaten by a monster. That afternoon they ran in to the half breed wolf demon agian.Jinxy walked down the street with her head phones on. School was over finally. " I wonder what movies are out." she said as she walked pass a dvd store. She walks past clothing stores and marvels at some of the clothing on sale. " Hey isn't that the girl from last time." Kie said to Jono as they wandered the streets looking for people to help so Kie's spirit beast would come out good. " ya ." Jono said looking at Jinxy." Oh this looks nice," Jinxy said looking at a shirt in the store window.Then she noticed to price tag." please, not that nice." she saids and keeps walking down the street. She stops and looks up at Kie and Jono. " She senses us." Jono said as Jinxy looks in their direction and shakes her head a little." I guess she hasn't got her life back yet." She said smiles a little and then walks a little further. " Kie wait here, I'll be right back." Jono said looking at Kie who looks like shes not really paying attention."okay." Kie saids not paying much mind any way.Jono goes in to human form and approches Jinxy.
  13. Shakia closed her eyes and jumped down the well landing on her feet. Please let me be home she thought opening her eyes. Hope less she looked at Kagome and Duo from the bottom of the well." To bad I was hoping I could get through." She said to Kagome and Duo as she came back up out of the well. " I'm headed off then." Shakia said looking at Kagome. "Thanks for the help." " I'm sorry you couldn't get throught." Kagome said looking Disapointed. " Its okay no big I'll find a way out. Hey in the mean while I'll help you find this Inuyasha guy I've been hearing his name alot lately." Shakia saids with a smile. " Alright its better to travel with more than one person in this era any way." Kogome said happily. " so do you what to travel with us." Shakia said looking at Duo. Duo looked at Shakia then Kagome.
  14. Name: Shanti Charlotte Powers:telepathy, controls animals and some times humans weapons:Daggers, whip, swords (she collects swords) race:werewolf Age:17(210) height:5'2" weight:115 bio:Shanti was take in care of by her brothers for as long as she could remember after her parents died at a young age.She and her brothers were once very well respected artist. She liked to draw and paint and stuff. her twin brother Sean was a musican and her oldest brother Mase who was 19 made vaulable swords with nice designs on them. He always gave her one of his swords on her birthday because she thought they were pretty. One day they were attacked by a werewolf. They escaped with their lives. Soon after they changed in to werewolfs. Shanti and her brothers traveled for a while. Until they ran in to some of the kings men. They slaughtered her brothers who managed to get her to safe grounds before they died. Now Shanti wants the king dead.She carrys her brothers swords to honor them. her pesonality is very sweet. She loves music, art, and nature. But, she is also dangerous and violent at the same time. She easily gets angry.
  15. Snowy watched from a tree while cleaning her wepons while listening to music on her head phones. All thought the city is old it still has the modern convenience. She looks torward the small river were her village resigned. She often did this when she wanted to be alone. She liked the solitude and didn't like to stay with the village. " Help! help!" a young boy screams as he runs from the direction of the great pyramids. Snowy looks up and noticed the boy's leg driping with blood. She stands up from her spot in the tree. " Some one is going on a rampage in the city many are dead and olny few are alive." the boy saids and passes out because of his wounds. Snowy jumps out of the tree and glances at the city." It seems another slayer is here. lets go." Snowy saids and looks at the city then at the warriors of her village. " the boy. Take care of his wounds." Snowy saids and the 12 fighters head to the pyramids. Snowy steped ahead of the group. they notice scattered body parts all over the streets. There standing before them is the one Snowy called the slayer. Drenched in blood. the smell of death surounded them as Snowy prepared to attack the murderer. He smiled and attacked her soilders. Snowy noticed he had wounded five of her soilders with a almost unpredictable attack. " Retreat." she said clamly. " but Sno-" one of the soilders started and then realized her word was not to be disobeyed. When all soilders were in a safer location Snowy took out her choosen wepons. two identical swords. The sands of the desert scatter as a great wind blows past. The slayer picks up his wepon a sword stained with the blood of his many victims." You can't defeat me ." he saids nastly as he attacked with great force." I will kill you." Snowy saids in a low voice while slashing at him with her swords. She misses and he stabs her in her leg. She lands gracefully on the ground in little pain from her wound. She destracts him by using her sword techniques again. This time when he went to stab her she quickly pulled out her daggers and slashed his throught. The red rivers flow was endless. The slayer fell to the ground in a pool of blood . Snowy landed on her unwounded leg. One of the soilders quickly ran to her side." Are you okay?" she said worried." I'm fine ," Snowy stood up." look for survivers. hopefully theres some people still alive. go." Snowy saids and looks at her wounded leg. It was driping blood down to her heal." this is gonna hurt me later." she said wraping it up with a bandage on of the soilders had just handed her. Snowy stood up examining her leg and then joined the rest of the soilders to search for survivers." every year this happens." She saids as she continues to search the streets of the desert city. ((OOC: I hope this is okay))
  16. hum. . . sounds intresting I was born June 10, 1989
  17. I use to drink coffee when I was little. My grandpa use to give me sips of his. lots of creme and sugar the best corner store coffee I ever had. I hate it with out cream and sugar. one time me and my brother asked my grandma if we could have some of her coffee but she drunk hers black. Anyway she said yes and seconds later we were both runing to the sink to spit it out. I laugh just thinking about it. I live with my mom now and she doesn't drink coffee she hates it so I don't get any ether (man that sucks)
  18. Shakia realizes Kagome was from her time also. " Hey do you Know this girl named Crystal." Kagome looks at Shakia." Yah she's my friend Inuyasha's sister." " Do you Know a way out of this place." shakia asked hopefully. " Yes." Kagome said now aware that the girl couldn't go back through the well like she could. " If you take me their I might consider giving you this fragment. That is if I can get back." Shakia said." Okay you've got your self a deal." Kagome said happy she didn't have to battle with the two." we'll I guess they just forgot about me." Duo saids alittle off to the side." You can come to if you'd like." Kagome saids looking at Duo while Shakia just smiled. She was hoping she would be home soon.
  19. Thank you but who are you? Jinxy asked very confused. " I'm Alex and you are." " Jinxy. why did you help me?" " I-" before Alex could answer a large group of kids started to appear. Jinxy noticed that and put her swords away." I got to go." Alex said and disappeared with Fang behind her. " Didn't see that coming." She said and walked in to the building to face students she hates and teachers she hates even more. First block math class. I wonder where that Ice tornado thing took Jason. He's probably in a tree some where she thought as she steped in to her first class.
  20. shahi it was the name of one of my favorite pictures I drew the full name was Shahimitsu ( tekken obsestion ) Then I started using the name in fanfics . it was the easiest name to remember.
  21. Jinxy doged the attack and pulled her swords out of her bag."Now Was that even necessary. I'm kinda about to go to school here." Jinxy said getting ready to attack. She jumped up and started to use one of her sword techniques and stabs him in the arm. He pushed the sword out of his arm and threw here back to the ground. She just missed the gate." I see your the origanal Jason." She said geting ready to attack agian . How was she able to wound me so easily. No matter I'll get rid of her. Jason thought as Jinxy got ready to send a wolf flame attack his way.
  22. Then Naraku dissapeared in to the shadows once more. When Duo woke up there was a young girl looking at him. " Knocked out cold." She said as he started to come to. " That girl must have beat him up." Duo quickly got up. " Who are you? What do you want?" " Well that was a greeting. I'm Shakia You seem to have got'in your butt kicked." She said not in a polite way. " I didn't," He stoped and thought about it. "I didn't get beat up by a girl!" He said a little iritated." Hey no reson to get all bent out of shape about it. So whats your name."Shakia said a little more cheerful. " I'm Duo," he said noticing the jewel fragment hanging from her neck." Where'd you get that." She looked at him and then the fragment." A demon I killed had it in his arm. they seem to be able to boost energy not alot thought cause the demon I faught was very weak even with it."
  23. ( Some times the boys have the bigger eyes in certaint animes). I love to draw the eyes I think the eyes make the picture. If the eyes arn't drawn to express the characters personality then the picture doesn't turn out as good. that why I almost always draw the eyes first. They express the characters personality depending on how their drawned. thats probably why their drawn so big their a large part of the picture.
  24. It was Naraku or at least on of his dolls. " let me take this off your hands." Naraku said holding up the Jewel fragment. " Give it back." Duo ordered. " Sorry You have no use for it any way," Naraku said with an evil laugh. " Think about it this way this is your punishment for stealing." Duo gets annoyed and trys to punch Naraku. He doges the punch quickly. " I guess you want to die." Naraku saids with an evil grin. " You want trouble I'll give you trouble." Duo saids preparing to attack.
  25. I'll play another evil character Name: Naraku Age:?probably in his 60's or 70's Gender: male Bio: Use to be a evil human. Kikyo took care of him when he was hurt and couldn't move. He liked kikyo but couldn't have her because she was with Inuyasha. So one day he gave his body up to a group of demons and Naraku was born. Naraku killed Kikyo and made her pin Inuyasha to a tree for 50 years. he also killed sangos family and put a curse on Miroku and his Family. Apperence: long Black hair with a spider on his back. he can change forms every now and then. Wepons/ attacks: He uses a wooden doll that can change in to his form and attack the people he dislikes. Good/Bad: Bad
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