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Everything posted by shahi

  1. I'm happy they won really but for the rest of the week I'm listening to power 98 they don't play the carolina rap constantly at least
  2. those were funny okay Heres my try: INUYASHA Inuyasha:Inuyasha here if your my brother press1 if your Kouga press 2 if your the tunder brothers press 3*kouga's on the other line he presses 2* STOP!F***KIN calling me! Kagome isn't here! stupid wolf! Kouga:HI I just what to confess my love to every girl I pick up off the street leave a message and your number*Guy on the other end hangs up real quick* Miroku:*trys to use sexy voice*Hey your a lucky lady you know that. I'm able to have YOU bare MY child at 5:30pm on saturdays leave a message and your number peace baby! *sesshemaru on the other end*Ho*e Sesshemaru:don't call me I'm killing someone Naroku:If I'm not here and you don't leave a message then I'm at your house killing you at this very moment*the guy on the other end*Hel-hello...this is the-the charlotte observer YU YU HAKUSHO yusuke:If I don't like you leave a message so I can make a note to kick your a** in the future teachers included Hiei:Hn. I don't care so don't leave a message I already KNOW what your about to say Kurama:can't...pickup...phone being attacked by rapid... fan girls no! no! don't cut my*sounds of screaming * Kuwabara:how does this work again? its christmas right? should I say Hey hey or ho ho?Oh I know HEY HO!*message ends**person on the other line looks disturbed*stupid.*hangs up* Jin:Touya! how do ya work this thang*hear lots of crashing and falling items*uh...opps Touya:The stupid windmaster almost broke the answering machine and just about everything else in this place if it wasn't for my honor I'd leave him to trip over himself all day. any way leave a message if you have any honor Chu:.........what a'm I doing? picking up the what?*runs out of time* Rinku: well chu's drunk right now if you want him but if you want me then I might be playing video games so don't bother me ka suzuki:I'm so beautiful...it's such a beautiful day so leave me a beautiful message if you don't you must positively die *light laghter**person on the other end* Okaaay shishiwakamaru: I'm more improtant than you so just don't leave a message or call back.no really. I'm not kidding KENSHIN karoe:Ken....shin,Ken...shin,is that you Ken...shin*ends* Kenshin:hi leave a message sorry can't talk.So...Whats this thing called again? Soto:It the devil talking through that machine! just like the camera and the train!I don't want ta speak to it!so if I leave a message who will get it?!huh, the devil thats who!
  3. I had to go for the Panthers in this game they arn't my favorite team but the way I see it the Eagles Talked to much stuff and now its the fourth courter Car14 Phi3 the games already over the Panthers won.(I wonder what there gonna say on the radio tomorrow) No disrespect to Eagle fans
  4. That song I'm like a bird I always fly away if that the song your talking about I agree
  5. Personally I love rap, r&B ,and hip hop I can't stand Britney Spears not even her doll can sing(My brother got it for me and we tortured it for a while my dog just loved that doll) I don't like the song change clothes and go they play it to much but I do like brush that dirt off your sholders(jay-z)I don't listen to pop much some songs are ok but I just can't get into it (hey as long as it has a good beat I like it . But, if it doesn't and the lyrics are lame to they need to come up with a new song)
  6. I think that its helped alot of young artist as well. At my school theirs a lot of talented people most of which look at Japanese anime. They use some of the art styles the see on tv.(or at least try to copy the styles)to improve their art work(plus its real fun to draw alot of the anime in stead of circles with eyes the power puff girls for example
  7. my school is known for having bad kids. last year in the 7th grade we had a fight and such every day but now were in 8th grade so the whole 8th grade is like we don't care any more were trying to get out of this hell hole. and the younger kids from different schools talk about us but we don't care this is our last year(no more evil teachers)
  8. not kuwabara do you really what to live with some on that stupid lets see kouga for the same resons and botan shes to hyper almost every one else is ok eccept for karou every five seconds Ken-shin, Ken-shin shut up! Kenshins to old for her any way (all though his still nice)
  9. I'm from the Bronx I moved about 2 years ago to North Caralina I miss New York but its ok down here to just a little to quite
  10. get rid of him kick his *** to the curb. Example at school this boy tried to feel on me I beat him down with a shoe(A very heavy shoe). If you don,t want to beat him down tell a teacher. he is not your friend if he's trying to take advantage of you
  12. shahi

    Sonic X

    It's ok my little sister looks at it. It's cute
  13. every time I see the falg I get mad its not the fact that people still hang it up that bothers me its what Ive been told it represents I don't know much about the history of the flag all I know is In the books I've read It represents salvery(tried hard not to offend any one)
  14. I belive its the govorment paying all this money for other countrys that might just want to be left alone yet they don't have the money they need to send every one in america to collage for free but I bet you all that money the repubilcan goverment is getting could go to collage funds. all these other problems in the world and all this money is olny going in to a war that could have been prevented
  15. no one I don't care its not like I'd have time to talk about it in school I mostly talk about it with some of the people hear
  16. shahi


    when I was little people use to tease me because I was light skined. I hate it when people do that I also don't like it when people tease people about there race the way I see it human is human. this week in school we learned about the native ameracans and when you think about it some people who called other people imagrients in the time when all those people were comeing to america are really imagrients them selfs sence they actual took the land from the native americans.Some times when you think about american history its really boodly and racists. thats why I can't watch certian things that are basiced on true stories because it makes me what to fight stuff like mississippi burning. the thing that makes me mad is no body can do any thing about it. some people in my school think the southern states are more racist than the northern know you know thats a straight up lie in New York where I use ta live it was just as racist as any other state the cops mainly.The way I see it every one is equal and theres no such thing as race I'm light brown,and every one around me are just shades of brown I olny wish it was that simple but science seems to think diffently(sorry if I said to much but I 've been holding that in for a long time I don't talk about it alot with people)
  17. I like rap hip hop and classical music but I like oid school rap a little better than the rap I hear today because it was a little less violent at least the songs I heard the olny rapper I don't like is 50 cent if yall say I'm hating I don't care but he said something stupid at the bet awards that made him sound ignorant
  18. don't hate the player hate the game-? Tell me whats it like to live in a constant haze of stupidity-Hiei
  19. I picked my name because in my tekken phase I drew a picture of this girl and named her shahimitu(as you can see I'm a youshimitu fan)then when I started looking at yu yu hakusho so I added her in to one of my fanfics as hiei's cousin then I started to look at Inuyasha and so on soon I shortend the name to shahi and liked the name so I used it
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