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Gohan Egret

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Everything posted by Gohan Egret

  1. [b]Saddam[/b]: "...I sincerely hope someone quickly realizes the Pope, apparently, has chucked that boulder that was once on him at [i]me[/i]...and that it is nearing my skull..."
  2. Hmm...I do not recollect exactly which came first, but it was probably either between Super Mario Bros., Duck Hunt, or Excitebike for the NES. The pure simplistic and addictive genius of these titles have truly lasted the test of time and allowed them to be recognized as some of the greats (at least for me). As for the first video game I [b]ever[/b] played...that is a tough one. More than likely, it was one of the games that Funcoland (for those who remember the store) used to hold on display all the time (i.e., TMNT fighting game, FF6, etc.) [b]or[/b] Pac-Man/Tetris.
  3. E3 2004 MGS3 Trailer Released: [CENTER][B][url=http://media.ps2.ign.com/media/536/536086/vids_1.html][COLOR=Green]E3 2004: Metal Gear Solid 3 Konami Demonstration[/COLOR][/url][/B][/CENTER] Pure. Goodness. I was completely blown away with this trailer. The quality that IGN provides is so-so, but the actual content is, for lack of a better word, bonkers. Yes, bonkers. Make sure to check out the in-game demo played by Mr. Kojima himself (a little humor thrown in for good measure, hehe).
  4. Conflict: Desert Storm was not [i]that[/i] bad of a game (even though it could stand to be better), but the co-op mostly made up for it. It was quite fun taking an AI to come clear out a room while my brother and his AI would cover us/take out a tank/snipe/etc. And who can forget those old school scrolling arcade fighter plane-shooters like Raystorm? Just boot up and blast away.
  5. I can honestly state that I like Season 1 over Season 2 currently (and yes, I have seen all 31 episodes). Season 1 was just so fresh and, more importantly, uncut. Many of Season 2's episodes, for some odd reason, are edited (cuss words bleeped out). The only reason I can come up with is that since RvB became so popular it had to become more "responsible" with its material. If that is true, I hardly agree with (basically because that was one of *the* main components of hilarity for me), but I do respect the decision. Other than that, yes, RvB does rock. I cannot wait for Episode 32!
  6. Gohan Egret

    Hip Hop

    According to Amazon.com, "The Rest is History" has no set release date, so...lol. The ironic part about the G-Unit situation is that even though Banks is lyrically better than 50 and Buck, that does not really mean much in terms of comparing Banks to other, more quality lyricists. Of course, out of that singular faction, he is the far better bars spitter. D-12 is not that bad...and "Purple Hills" was ok...but they suffer from 'N Sync syndrome - Eminem outshines each and every other member, whether it be through his own music or what he is doing in the media. To paraphrase Pac, all "eyes are on him." I believe 50 could have whipped Ja...but everyone and their grandma had to come back 50 up (Eminem, Busta, Timbaland, etc...). But to quote another rapper, Big Sty (who is a whiny baby, IMHO), "that 'Clap Back' track was manure." And it was. Ja Rule went from thug, to R&B vocalist, to actor, to thug. He lost a lot of credibility with that metamorphosis. :laugh: @ Young Gunz -- Dear God, I found the funniest review of their album on some random rap site. I doubt I can post the URL here (it contains cuss words and the like), so if you want it, give me a PM or IM. Here is a cuss-free sample (it is in conversational style): [quote]Katie: What do you think of Young Gunz? They're masculine, yet sensitive! One of them offers to be my mother, my father, my brother and my sister. As an orphan, this proposition is quite interesting.[/quote]
  7. I am normally not a big spender, but when I do decide to buy clothes/shoes/etc., I can spend quite a bit of cash. For example, right now I have on a beige $40 Nike sweater, $30 Polo blue jeans, and $165 (yes, 1-6-5) shoes [Air Jordan XIX - B-day present, hehe]. However, I rarely buy these items in excess or in a close time frame. My old shoes [Air Jordan XVII] were $120 and I bought those over 1.5 years ago or so (might have been less). Those have lasted me a long time and I have kept them in pretty good condition. The same goes for my clothes. As for my hair, I spend $5 to get the best haircut in the world. Up on the Northside, there is a place called "Betty's and Nick's" that is always filled to the brim with people because of their cheap prices and quality service. I always go with the same guy for my haircut and he does an excellent job. Of course, I actually pay $7 for my cut (5 + 2 for tip) but it is worth it (no hair wash, though. That costs +$3 more. :P).
  8. Gohan Egret

    Hip Hop

    [QUOTE=ReFlux][color=green][size=1] Also, one more thing, what record island/label does Jin belong too, if you know? [/color][/size][/QUOTE] According to this [url]http://www.mtv.com/news/yhif/jin/[/url] [QUOTE]Success has come quickly for Jin. A little over a year ago, the Asian-American rapper was freestyling in front of a New York record store. A heartbeat later, he won seven freestyle competitions in a row on BET's "106 & Park," which led to a deal with [B]Ruff Ryders Records[/B]. And Jin's triumph doesn't look to be short-lived.[/QUOTE] Anyone check out his "I Gotta Love" track with Kanye producing it? Not too bad. Sounds like a slight ripoff of "Overnight Celebrity", though...
  9. Gohan Egret

    Hip Hop

    Favorite Rappers: 1. Nas 2. 2Pac 3. Biggie 4. Jay-Z 5. Kanye West Honorable Mention: Royce Da 5'9" & Eminem DJ's: 1. DJ Pharris Thomas 2. Boolu Master 3. DJ KaySlay 4. DJ Phantom 5. Funkmaster Flex Producers: 1. Kanye West 2. 9th Wonder 3. DJ Premier 4. Dr. Dre 5. Eminem Labels: 1. Roc-A-Fella 2. Shady/Aftermath 3. Everything else :P Hottest Hop-Hop tracks currently: 1. "Get 'Em High" - Kanye West 2. "One Time 4 Your Mind" - Nas 3. "On the Real" - Nas 4. "Victory 2004" - P. Diddy & G-Unit 5. "Overnight Celebrity" - Twista
  10. Honestly, I never thought much of the past seasons. The fact that you pretty much have to watch every episode turned me off. But, I started from season 3, and I have to say that I am so hooked to the show now. I love how each character has their own flaws and secrets [spoiler]such as Gail (sp?) actually working for CTU all along and not the Salazar's, and Jack having a romantic thing with one of the Salazar's brothers' girlfriend (or is it wife? And I forget her name...)[/spoiler]. Of course, the plot twists are great, too. The biggest one thus far had to have been [spoiler]Jack's plan to obtain the virus by planning the jail break and 'turn' on the US Gov't and Gail's and the director of CTU's involvement.[/spoiler] There are a bunch of other 'mini-plot twists', but I will not give away ALL of the good secrets. ;)
  11. As a 3 year PC gamer, I have to completely disagree that PC's are lesser or inferior to console multiplayer. As you posted, it is an old piece (a year or so) so I am not sure if you are aware of the many voice communication advances that have surfaced in that time period. These are not plugs or anything, but "comms", as they are called, have truly come a long way from the days of Battlecom and Roger Wilco. TeamSpeak 2 RC2 is a functional, user-friendly comms program which has really good quality while keeping the bandwidth usage low. Ventrillo has a far superior voice quality, but it does suck more bandwidth. I will agree that the 4-way SSB and GoldenEye and StarFox 64 matches were some of the best I had ever had. 3 planes coming after you with the Bomb and dual lasers yet coming out on top with skill, precision, and a masterful ingenuity is fun. Extremely fun. But, I have just as much fun with online PC games. Well, I only play one game (MW4: Mercenaries), but the community of friends I have gained over a 3 year time span is the only reason I play anymore. There is no greater feeling that going into a random server and seeing, "Hiya, Gohan!" echo throughout the chat area. Also, from a technical standpoint, you will actually save more money by having a PC as your "console." Nowadays, you can build a top notch gaming rig for $800 or less that will last you at least five years. As an "extreme", yet feasible example, in that same five year period, 3 consoles would have been released at ~$300 a piece (more or less). So, about $900 spent on 3 consoles. Then, you have to buy a game for each console. $50 a game * 3 = $150. Now you are at $1,050 compared for the three PC titles for the same price for a total of $950. Spread this over another 5 year period, with miscellaneous upgrades to the PC compared to the 3 MORE consoles and titles for the home gaming systems. Please do not assume this as "bashing" of home systems. Ironically, I like my PS2 more than my current computer. It is just that there are more communities than CS out in PC land. The MW community may be a tad small when compared to CS, but we are strong and we do care for one another just as much as any of our offline friends.
  12. Metal Gear Solid 2: Substance (if not had) No matter what you think of it, the sheer brilliance and complexity of this title is pure magic. Do not be fooled by the "hater bandwagon" - this is a must have game, especially for the price (look around and it will be ~$20). Grand Theft Auto: Double Pack (if not had) $40 for GTA3 AND Vice City? Sweet Jesus, that is a deal. I do not really have to explain this game, do I? lol Devil May Cry 1 A little short, but still one of my personal favorites. Nice visuals, an interesting main character, and some of the fiercest moves from a fighter/adventure title. Final Fantasy X One of the PS2's biggest titles on the Greatest Hits list - wow. Plain wicked. Linear, yes, but well worth it. It is the title that hooked me onto RPG's. --- Those are just a small snippet of the enormous PS2 library. RPG's, sports, action, driving, etc. It is all there. :)
  13. According to [url]http://ps2.ign.com/objects/552/552483.html?ui=gamefinder[/url] [QUOTE]December 2, 2003[/QUOTE] I have been rather impressed with the cel-shading technique applied to this game. Not having played the first one, I am sort of eagerly awaiting getting my hands on this one, then going back and purchasing DBZB1. All considered, I would love to see a DBGT: FB remake, but that is for a different thread. ;)
  14. [QUOTE] ...PSP is designed to rival Nintendo Co. Ltd's Game Boy handheld game player... [/QUOTE] Sony cannot really expect to go head-to-head with the GBA when it is already turning into an N-Gage. I do NOT want the PSP as a phone. I do NOT want the PSP as an MP3 player (I have 100+ blank CD-R's and a CD player for that). MP3/CD players are far too common to expect a purchase. The ONLY thing that could be interesting is the video player option. Most portable DVD players run $700+. If Sony could pull this off as a game/video player, especially with an option of connectivity to a TV or even through a DVD/VCR player into a TV, AND keep the price low, then that would rock. First and foremost, though, is the games. If Sony starts porting old PS1 games, then that is just lame. I sure hope there are some innovative titles on the launch date or else it will be another NEO*GEO Pocket - A prospect lost.
  15. Heh, that is true about the pressure sensitivity/analog thing, but it is still too early to tell either way. I also hope the design changes. I do like this one, but I would still like to see some more variations before Sony locks down on a production model. Has anyone else seen the PSP mock-up in EGM? It sure does look a lot like the GBASP...
  16. [url]http://pocket.ign.com/articles/457/457945p1.html[/url] [QUOTE] [b]PSP Concept System Sony reveals its current work-in-progress system design for its upcoming handheld.[/b] November 04, 2003 - At Sony's Corporate Strategy Meeting today, Mr. Ken Kutaragi today revealed the first concept images of its upcoming PlayStation Portable system. The meeting more focused on Sony's overall corporate strategy, so no details were revealed on the PSP itself beyond an image of what the current version of the hardware currenly looks like in concept form. The images of the PlayStation Portable concept appeared in the company's slideshow presentation today, indicating the ideas that Sony has for the handheld. The images of the PlayStation Portable concept appeared in the company's slideshow presentation today, indicating the ideas that Sony has for the handheld. Note the standard triangle, square, x, and o button configuration on the right, as well as the power and the multi-use eject/reset buttons on the lefthand side. [b]The control pad on the left is the most concerning, since the company previously mentioned analog control support.[/b] The system may simply utilize a pressure-sensitivity as the current PlayStation 2 controller uses. Just to reiterate: these are currently concept models, and may change in the year before the system's ready to ship at the end of 2004. -- Craig Harris [/QUOTE] I cannot find the official Sony report, but this works, too.
  17. Hmmm...something is wrong here. I thought it was confirmed by Sony that the PSP would have one analog joystick? Even if this is a conceptual design I would assume it would have to be in it somewhere. For what it is worth, though, I think it looks really cool. The back covering is slick and futuristic. Query - where would the UMD go? Would the back of the PSP open similar to a walkman (makes sense...sort of...)? Where the heck are the batteries? It better not be an N-Gage Part 2... Just some thoughts.
  18. I extremely am in doubt that the PSP will "require" headphones. For something that is sizing up to be technologically superior to the GBA/SP, it would be a rather huge shortcoming by Sony to not take advantage of its software power. Also, if anything, Sony wants to outperform the GBA/SP in the sound department considering that the GBA/SP sound quality is pretty impressive; thus, it is in Sony's best interest to take it to the next level.
  19. Just because swearing is imbedded into our society it does not automatically equate to everyone having "get used to it" or even apply themselves to it. Yes, my teachers have sworn. On numerous occassions. Some where general outburts for the sake of laughter (Coach Easley - Finanical Ed.), seriousness (Mr. Wood - AP History), or anger (Brother Kevin - Religion). Irregardless, swearing only affects me if it comes from someone who I least expect it. Example - my cousin's. One is 11. The other is 8. They swear quite horribly. I find it rather horrific that my uncle/Godfather and aunt/Godmother allow such a thing. But, my uncle swears like a maniac. No surprise where they learned it from... Do I swear? Yup. Is it "right"? No. Do I know my limits? Yup. Do others? Nope. Do people get pushed over the edge and banter? Yup. Thus is the way of life... o.O
  20. I thought it was a rather poor sequel to The Fast and the Furious. I was dissapointed that the last movie was not wrapped up (well there was the scene at the end of the movie after the credits...and when Paul Walker is talking with Tyrese on the bridge in 2...), that every character except one was replaced, and that the story was, well, weak and predicatable. The cars were wicked, though. I just wish Mistubishi would have not have overkilled their commercials by showing the opening race scene over and over...>_>
  21. Gohan Egret

    Baby Boy

    On a side note, the remix with 50 Cent is far superior to the original (especially considering the beat is sampled heavily from "Real Rude Boys/Dem Not Ready" by Sean Paul and 50 Cent). But, yes, "Baby Boy" is on its way, at least for me, to "Overplayed-ville." Every station plays it now once an hour and is on the top 10 for all the stations. *Sighs* When will they stop murdering songs...?
  22. I went to and graduated from an all male, Catholic private high school. At first thought it may seem weird, but I really enjoyed it there. I had enough pressure with school (AP and Honors classes) to be worrying about girls. Personally, I would have nothing to worry about (yes, I like girls, but I know how to keep my priorties in order) but there are those idiots (and there were a lot) who just HAVE to prove themselves by fighting over girls and such. "She said that; he was looking at her; blah blah blah" Whatever... Also, it is SO much more fun when the teachers can curse to the high heavens, make obscene jokes, and just generally "being one of the guys" rather than having to watch themselves with females present. Yes, I do find myself, at times, feeling awkward *approaching* girls, but with a lot of group work in college occuring, I find myself being able to open up to anyone, regardless of gender. I am a very chatty person...^_^
  23. I think one of the biggest problems concerning school and sleep is due in part to the students themselves. If you would stop waiting to the last minute to do the homework/project and broke it up into smaller pieces over time, you would not have to stay up so late. The times I have stayed up late to do work (latest was 11 PM) was because of MY fault; not my school's; not my workload; not my _______ (insert whatever). I was lazy and slacked off until there was very little time until something was due. Advice - If you do not do this already - Turn off the TV, turn off the messengers, and close Internet Explorer (unless you are doing work that requires as such). Just sit and do the work. Get it done and over with. The faster it is completed the more time you will have to do _______ (insert whatever, again). If any of you get to take a Success Strategies course, this is something you learn - time management. Schedule out your time and stick to it. Once you get into that habit, you will quickly realize how much time you TRULY have left over to relax. And yes, as much as I realize how much an extra hour would rock, and how much I hated waking up at 6 to go to high school (just last year; in college, it is 6:30, hehe), I do NOT want to go when the traffic is overflowing as well as stay till 3:30 PM (and in college, it would be 5 PM).
  24. I would have to say graduation from grammar school, going to high school, graduating with Honors (1 out of about 30 out of 200+ graduating students), and being accepted/going to college. Typical? Yes. But I am only the second child of my generation (second to my brother, go figure, hehe) to attend college. One really personal one happened 8 years ago - learning to ride my bike with my brother as my teacher. No matter how hard my dad tried, he could not get me to take the training wheels off. Then, one day, my brother took me in the alley, took off the wheels, and told me to ride. He held onto me for a few steps then let go. I was ecstatic that I was doing it by myself. I felt kind of bad, though, that he got in trouble for doing that since my parents were not home at the time, and we were pretty young to be in the alley by ourselves (I was 10, he was 12/13). But, I still thank him to this day for helping me learn to ride. :)
  25. Wow, Drix D'Zanth, I feel bad that I do not use my Spanish as much as I should. :p I took 4 years of Honors Spanish in high school as well as (so I am told...) I knew and spoke Italian when I was younger. How the Italian happened, I really have no clue nor memories of it happening, but I will take my parents' word for it. My dad constantly tells me to speak in Spanish and I understand him (literally and figuratively); I can understand the programs on TV and the news; I can sort of speak it well, but I end up stuttering when I try (more of a "Crap, I am going to mess up" rather than a "Crap, I forgot how to say this"). But...*shrugs* I am an English-aholic. Maybe when I go to Mexico in 2005 for a long time (a month or more) I will become more in tune with my Spanish. :) [QUOTE]And I don't know ONE thing the Germans give us.[/QUOTE] You know those nice Volkswagen's and BMW's you see on the road? Yeah. German-engineered. :p Also, if I recall correctly, German is one of the premier business languages in the world, along with Japanese and English.
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