Lone Bebop
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About Lone Bebop
- Birthday 06/17/1989
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I like Anime, Music, Fansubs and nice cup of Ramen i spend my days at school day in day out i'm late for many of my class's the reason being the schools some big. i love to find new animes and such my fav being Hellsing along with Naruto
Odd Jobs durring the summer and early fall, High School Freshman, High School Cross Country Team
Lone Bebop's Achievements

Otaku (3/6)
[COLOR=limegreen]"Why are you bringing up Atlantis Alexander?" "Because of the technology that they have left be hide" Hudrenda made a scowl when Alexander said that, he didn?t enjoy talking about the people of that island, Atlantis "According to this" Alexander said as he pulled out, a small stone tablet, and lay it down on the desk "Atlantis once held a power that it could level entire army?s in the blink of an eye. But it needed a large power supply, they were only able to use it once," "And you think you have found the a large enough power supply, to use? Well what is it then?" "Patience, My friend all will be know in good time. We will have to take it one step at a time, first I?ll need your help to recover the power," Alexander Said as he began to explain his plan [/COLOR]
[COLOR=limegreen]"You must not harm the waters and it's creatures in it. If you do I'll just cover this world in water and you and all the other living creatures that can't live in water (namely you humans) Will feel my wrath. Do we have a deal?" Alexander held out his hand and smiled "We do, the ocean and its creatures shall be left out of this little mess," "Alright then, now how do you plan on doing this, putrefaction?" "That" Said Alexander with a grin "That is the fun part," Alexander Then pulls out a map of the world?s oceans " Are you familiar with, Atlantis? Mr. Guardian of Water?" [/COLOR]
Whist stumbled threw the ruin streets in pain, he gun slung over his right shoulder. He held his left arm were he had been shot earlier by one of the Infected he was fighting who picked up one of his dead comrades guns and pull the trigger, the sudden loud noise it made sacred them off, but it left a bullet deep in his arm. He was breathing hard as he looked up and saw smoke rising from were a plane had went down at the airport, he wiped sweat from his forehead. "Well better late then never for a rescue party" Whist whispered, he stumbled forward, but collapsed in pain, he began to shake on the cold ground, he quickly went for his army pouch at his side, he pull out a small needle and jammed it into his arm and eject the contents into his body, he stop shaking a breathed deep as he felt a calm peace with in himself, and the pain lifted away from his left arm "God I hope those people have some medical supplies, i'm running low,? He said as he tiredly lifted himself up and made towards the airport again,
[COLOR=limegreen] "What's in it for you?" Hudrenda said. Alexander knew he had him in his hands now. "For me? i want to rid the world of pests the live on the planet, to be a guardian and make sure that the Earth never becomes like this again," "Wait, your saying that you want to" Hudrenda?s voice rang in Alexander's head " YES! that?s exactly what i mean, get rid of humans! They are the cause of this mess, Humans you use the planets resources! And kill it, get rid of them, the earth can live again surly you have thought of this!" Alexander yelled as Hudrenda stood and silence, thinking of what the man had just said,[/COLOR]
Name: Whist Anderson Nationality: American Rank: Lt. Age: 27 Height/Weight: 6'6 180lbs Prime Weapon: Custom M1 Grand: The M1 was originally the standard issue rifle for the US Military, but later was replaced with the lighter and generally better M14. For its time, the M1 was a good gun - it boasted a semi-automatic, eight-bullet clip firing method, with enough durability to survive the rigors of warfare. Whist's version of the gun has has most of the stock removed, giving it more of a pistol grip, and the barrel shortened considerably, for ease of use and better attunement to one-handed fire Melee Weapon: Dagger Description: Whist has short messy black hair with pale skin and has heavy bags under his eyes from not sleeping for days on end, and his eyes are blue. He were s olive green shirt with a army vest along with black pants and black combat boots, he wares black gloves that have the fingers cut off Personality: Most of the time he a super calm person whos is late, lazy, out of touch with the world, and paranoid about what happens nexts but when it comes to combat he shows what he is made of under neth he laid back persnoa, he is a master at marks men ship and can hit targets from a good wase away and a very good tactician and seems he doesnt give damn if he dies, his laid back persona comes from this, for the last year he has been secretly injecting pain killers into himself to help him calm down, but this has made him and his body dependent on the pain killers, if he doesnt get his daily 2 shots pain killers his body will shut down on him
00C: Long time not post, sorry for not showing up been swaped with school and some personal stuff but mesa back ___________________ [COLOR=limegreen] "Lore Tech" Hudrenda said as remember that name, he heard a few of the lab personal talk about while he was a sleep, suddenly there was a ding noise as Hudrenda turn and saw a Tall man with long Jet black and blue eyes, he wore black round sunglass and had pale skin he had on a all black suit with a white shirt underneath and a red tie and black dress shoes. He also had a rose pined to his shirt with cross cufflinks and had on a sliver cross necklace with black gloves that also have cross on them, " How nice to meet you, Mr. Guardian of Water," " Who are you?" " I'm Alexander Clearwater, i'm sure you have came to me for some reason, why dont you tell me inside, its for to cold up here for me, what do you say?" Alexander said as he walked over to Hudrenda[/COLOR] ________________ 0CC: Sorry bout that, i guess i re read the sign ups to quick
i'll say it right out, Gundam Wing Sucks! the reason i say this is becaues the characters are poorly made and have very unoringinal back storys which have all been done befor and then there were the Voice's, gack! And on top of that! The Character Zechs is a complte rip off of Char! from Gundam 0079! they even had the never to give Zechs the same style hemlt an a Zeon uniform! Hello if there in another universe how the hell did he get a Zeon uniform i ask you! My biggest Beef with Gundam Wing You Ask?? [SIZE=4][B]The GUNDAMS![/B] [/SIZE] They never ever take damge, there like damn imortal, i mean in the good old days of UC, the gundams were cool looking and took damage, alot and thats what made them good then there weapons are wayyyy to powerful i mean, come on a blaster gun that takes out whole armys in one shot? of a beam saber that cuts down a whole army in one swipe!, and the moves they did broke almost every law of phyics, I think that Gundam Wing is the worse Gundam show since SD Gundam came out! Thats right i said it!! [B]GUNDAM WING IS WORSE THAN SD GUNDAM[/B]
Ummm Millefan got my question so mine still stands, Answer: Big O fights 12 time in Season 1 Question: Name all FOUR Bigs, from Big O Use spoiler tags on the last one
Sorry, but thats the wrong answer, There are only 4 Big's,
Answer: If Memeory serves me right, i do belive its was the Earth card Question: From Big O [SPOILER]Name all 4 Bigs[/SPOILER] Use Spoiler Tags On the last one
umm people i think this guy who made the RPG, bailed on us i mean his last post was 2 months ago either that or he forgot about the RPG, and this is just and idea anyway
Well its been bout a day or 2 so i'll ask a new question Question: Who said this in Big O? " I'll show you my blood if you show me yours"
[COLOR=limegreen]Alexander sat in his office at the Headquaters of Lore Tech, Donkez had just given him the report that the Lab houseing the Water Guardian, was sinking, and that the one with the Fire Guardian had brust into flames "Look great king, apon ye Empire and watch it crumble in atonement for ye sins" Alexander said " Its a old saying when tradies like this happen, but i only see them as minor set backs, " " Yes Sir Mr.Clearwater" Donkez said " Worthless lap dog, they get worse each time i hire one, i need to find some one with a back bone next time" Alexander thought as his hand went for the Black Weather P38 in his shoulder holster, he stoped and figure he wait " Donkez get serch teams ready, i want the Guardian's brought back here to the main labs if those fools cant handle them" " But Mr. Clearwater, what if the same things happen here?" " Are you questioning me, you worthless lap daog!" Alexander yelled as he whiped his gun out and took aim " I"M SORRY MR. CLEARWATER DONT KILL ME!!!" " Spineless coward," He said as he shot Donkez dead, straight threw the heart " If you had said yes, you would stil be alive" Alexander said as he picked up his phone " Yes, Mary i will be holding interviews for a new asstant,"[/COLOR]
Answer: 3 Question: In Big O, what did Big Duo judge Alen as?
[COLOR=limegreen]I think that this new Zoids sieres could be alot better What are my reason for saying this?? well here they are 1. First the main character name is RD, this compelty mess me up cause every time i here it, i think i'm watching Big O, and i think that the show shouldn't have riped off that name. Also i dont think his voice matchs well with the character i probly would have given him Van's voice actor from Zoids CC 2. To me its seems to have no real story to it, unlike Zoids GF and Zoids Chaotic Centery, now they had style, character depth and alot better story to it. This Zoids saga looks like its going to be a mirror of Zoids New Centery Zero, tho i must say the idea of the fusing idea is good and well thought out, i hope to see what combonations they come out with 3. the use of a battle area for Zoid battles is good, but i miss to old open filed battles, those seemed to me any way to have alot more staroige involed in them, plus i miss the funny actions of the Judge's So over all, i would give Zoid Fuzors, a 7.5 out of 10, its good but not great, well thats what i think anyway[/COLOR]